Amitis Trading Company

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Pistachio is one of the most popular foods in the world. Iran is the largest exporter of pistachios in the world.Iranian pistachio dates back thousands of years(Four types of pistachios are produced in Iran: Akbari (Super Long), Fandoghi (Round), Ahmad Aghaei (long), Kale-Quchi (Jumbo) Fandoghi Pistachio Fandoghi is smaller in shape and appearance than other types of pistachios. They are slightly larger than hazelnuts. And because of the small size, they take more to become a kilogram; as a result, it is more economical and ranks the largest volume for export. Akbari Pistachio Akbari pistachio is a very elongated and large pistachio and is more elongated than Ahmad Aghaei type and is pricier among different types of pistachios. The hand-picked is well popular and pistachios are luxurious and majestic. Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio The best type of pistachio in terms of taste. They are more elongated and larger than Fandoghi pistachio and they are delicious. This type of pistachio is the most abundant type of pistachio due to its high-grade quality and is the most widely used type of pistachio around the world. Kale-Quchi Pistachio Kale-Quchi is a large and round pistachio and has its own special taste, and because it is large in size and the hand-picked are handsome, they have their own aficionados.Everything about Pistachios Growing pistachios is very valuable because it is considered to be among the most favorite foods for people all around the world. The interesting thing about pistachios is that eating too much of them would not cause illness and or threaten your health.The only significant point in growing pistachios is its long period of growth. When you start growing them you have to wait between five to eight years to get a good crop. But given the high value of pistachios and their export potential, it’s really worth the wait for a good product.
О компании
Категории: Адрес:
Орехи и ядра, Консалтинг и услуги Иран

Торговая компания Amitis была основана в 2007 году под коммерческим названием Maryam Goli Mihan Import Export Trading Company и смогла экспортировать значительное количество отечественной продукции в зарубежные страны, такие как Германия, Франция и арабские страны Персидского залива, за счет создания нового международного маркетинга. Amitis Naseri Trading со своим опытным и опытным персоналом готова предоставить различные коммерческие услуги, включая таможенное оформление, экспорт и импорт от известных иностранных компаний и международные перевозки. Самые удобные услуги по самой низкой цене Мы специализируемся на экспорте иранских фисташек и шафрана. Наша цель - представить Иран и особенно компанию Amitis Naseri как активную торговую компанию в области международной торговли. Мы хотим предлагать нашим клиентам лучшее качество наших продуктов, таких как фисташки и шафран, мы считаем, что честность - это величайшая заслуга, а ваше доверие к нам - лучший подарок. Мы считаем себя лучшими. Доверься нам.

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