دردشة مفتوحة

الآلات الغذائية والزراعية بالجملة على Qoovee

APS group
حدد السعر USD 0 0
قوالب الجبن الصلب: من 500 جرام إلى 15 كيلو جرام. القوالب المربعة للجبن الصلب: من ١.٥ الى ١٠ كيلوجرام. عمر الخدمة - حتى 20 عامًا مع العناية والاستخدام المناسبين. القوالب البلاستيكية المثقبة الدقيقة غير الملحومة لإنتاج الجبن الصلب مصنوعة من بلاستيك خاص بدرجة الطعام ، مما يمنحها خصائص فريدة: المرونة والقوة والكثافة. الزاوية الدقيقة للتثقيب الدقيق تتجنب تلف الرابطة الكيميائية للمادة والكسر اللاحق للقوالب. سوف يبرز الجبن النهائي لشكله الواضح ، وحوافه الناعمة ، وسطحه المغلق. يمكن صنع قوالب الجبن بألوان مختلفة. بالنسبة لأحجام الإنتاج الكبيرة ، تساعد الألوان المختلفة في التمييز بين دفعات مختلفة من الجبن.
APS group
حدد السعر USD 0 0
غسل قوالب الجبن سيوفر الماء والمنظفات أثناء التشغيل. يوفر نظافة النماذج وفقًا لـ SANPIN. عملية الغسيل: تمر القوالب بالتتابع عبر كل قسم من النفق ، حيث يتم غسلها بالماء ومحاليل المنظفات والمطهرات. يقوم المشغل بتثبيت القوالب أو الأغطية أو الحاويات الأخرى على الناقل الداخلي ويتلقى معدات نظيفة عند المخرج. تتكون آلة غسيل قوالب الجبن من 2 إلى 5 أقسام   جميع عناصر الماكينة مصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ والمواد المعتمدة للاستخدام في صناعة الأغذية والألبان. وضعان للغسيل: يدوي وأوتوماتيكي. يمكن تعديل الماكينة بأقسام إضافية أو يمكن تقليل عدد الأقسام.
APS group
حدد السعر USD 0 0
يتم استخدام المكبس الرأسي الهوائي لكبس جميع أنواع الجبن. مناسب للعمل مع القوالب الحديدية والبلاستيكية والقوالب المتعددة والكتل الأوروبية. يحافظ الضغط العمودي على ضغط موحد من خلال استخدام البطانات الفلورية البلاستيكية. يتم استبعاد التشوهات أثناء الضغط. بدأت الصحافة في العمل في أقسام. خيار إضافي هو ضبط الضغط الفردي في كل قسم. تسمح صينية جمع مصل اللبن بجمع مصل اللبن وإزالته والقضاء على التلوث الجرثومي الإضافي. يمكن أن يكون الضغط إما يدويًا أو بلوحة تحكم تلقائية. لوحة التحكم الأوتوماتيكية لها وضعان للتشغيل: -برنامج الضغط خطوة ، حيث يتم وصف العديد من أوضاع الضغط بالتتابع واحدة تلو الأخرى - الإدخال اليدوي لقيم الضغط ووقت الضغط بواسطة المشغل. نقوم بتصنيع مكبس بشكل فردي وفقًا لاحتياجات إنتاجك.
APS group
حدد السعر USD 0 0
صُممت قطاعة الجبن لتقطيع جبن يصل طوله إلى 50 سم. تحتوي الآلة على ثلاثة برامج للتقطيع: -عدد الحصص - أجزاء من الجبن ذات الوزن الثابت مع بقايا قطعة -تقطيع للوزن المتوسط قطاعة الجبن شبه الأوتوماتيكية لأجزاء الوزن الثابت. سهل الاستعمال و الصيانة. تم تصميم جميع أجزاء الماكينة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ والمواد المعتمدة للاستخدام في الصناعات الغذائية. مناسب للصناعات التي تبدأ في تقطيع وتعبئة الجبن حتى 3 أطنان من الجبن في كل وردية. تحديد: الإنتاجية 30 حصة بالدقيقة ارتفاع سطح العمل 1000 مم الأبعاد 2500 * 1500 * 1800 ملم. AiSi 304 هيكل من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ الهواء 6 بار توصيلة كهربائية 380 وات مكونات تعمل بالهواء المضغوط FESTO عناصر سلامة المرضى / Telemecfnigue محركات مؤازرة فيستو
APS group
حدد السعر USD 0 0
تم تصميم قطاعة الجبن لتقطيع الجبن إلى أجزاء ذات وزن ثابت. لديها ثلاثة برامج للتقطيع: - التقطيع إلى عدد معين من القطع ، والتقطيع إلى أجزاء ذات وزن ثابت مع آخر قطعة متبقية ؛ تقطيع متوسط الوزن. آلة التقطيع بالوزن الثابت تجعل من السهل دخول سلاسل البيع بالتجزئة الكبيرة. يتم قطع شرائح الجبن في النطاقات المحددة بواسطة GOST. يتم استخدام شفرة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ للتقطيع. يمكن إعادة تكوين الجهاز بسهولة من حجم جبن إلى آخر. يتم تشغيل آلة تقطيع الجبن ذات الوزن الثابت بسهولة بواسطة المشغل. تم تصميم الماكينة وفقًا لمعايير السلامة العالمية. تحديد: شاشة تعمل باللمس مقاس 5 بوصات الاتصال عن بعد بـ PLC للخدمة. مزودة بميزان الكتروني. ارتفاع منطقة العمل 1000 مم. الأبعاد 1500 * 900 * 1900 ملم. محمولة على عربة لسهولة الصيانة.
APS group
حدد السعر USD 0 0
صانع الجبن عبارة عن وعاء أسطواني مزدوج الجدران ، لتجنب تسخين الأسطح الخارجية إلى درجة حرارة خطيرة ، يوجد من الخارج طبقة من العزل الحراري مغطاة ببطانة. تتضمن مجموعة التوصيل مسطرة قياس قابلة للإزالة لتحديد حجم الحليب المصبوب. لضمان قواعد صحية وصحية لإنتاج الطعام وتقليل فقد الحرارة في البيئة ، فإن صانع الجبن لديه أغطية قابلة للإزالة. للتحكم في درجة حرارة المنتج والحامل الحراري في غلاف التبادل الحراري ، يتم تثبيت مستشعرات درجة الحرارة في الجزء الخلفي من صانع الجبن. يحتوي الحمام الداخلي على قاع مائل لتصريف المنتج تمامًا عند تثبيته بشكل صحيح. يتم التحكم عن طريق لوحة التحكم الموجودة بجوار صانع الجبن. من الممكن التوصيل بسلك معزول ذاتي الدعم. تحديد: الحجم 1100 لتر حجم العمل 1000 لتر أقصى درجة حرارة للتدفئة 72 درجة مئوية قطر فتحة الصرف 100 مم توصيلة كهربائية 380 فولت + 3 س + 0 التردد 50 هرتز الأبعاد 2500 * 2200 * 2500 مصنوع من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ AISI 321 و AISI 304.
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
ماء مالح - قائمة كبيرة من الخضار المتنوعة المحفوظة في ماء مالح (خليط من الماء والخل والتوابل) ، مثل الخيار والطماطم والكوسة والكوسا والفلفل الحلو والحار والثوم وكيزان الذرة والفطر والباذنجان. تقدم شركة BESTEK-Engineering توفير خطوط حديثة وعالية الأداء لإنتاج الخضروات المعلبة بمختلف التصاميم والتعديلات بأسعار الشركة المصنعة مع مجموعة كاملة من الخدمات. يتم اختيار كل خط تكنولوجي على حدة حسب: المواصفات الفنية ، المنطقة المتاحة ، مواصفات المنتج والأداء المطلوب.
USD 500.0/шт 500.0
قوالب قارئ الباركود مع كل من TPE الناعمة وجهاز الكمبيوتر الصلب الزائد مع إغلاق محيطي حاسم لتحقيق خطوط فاصلة واضحة.
USD 1000.0/шт 1000.0
آلة صنع الثلج هي لصنع مكعبات ثلج صغيرة ، بمجرد توصيلها بالماء والكهرباء ، فإنها ستصنع مكعبات ثلج بداخلها تلقائيًا ، ويمكنك إخراجها ووضعها في المشروبات.
USD 1000.0/шт 1000.0
تستخدم آلة الفركتوز لتوزيع الفركتوز ، عن طريق الضغط على الأزرار الموجودة على اللوحة ، يمكن الاستغناء عن الكمية الثابتة من الفركتوز بالتساوي في كل مرة ، مما يسهل التحكم في الحلاوة لمختلف العملاء.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
تم تصميمه خصيصًا للمعدات الميكانيكية الأوتوماتيكية لضبط السرعة وحماية وتوفير الطاقة ، ويمكن استخدامه على نطاق واسع في آلات تغليف المواد الغذائية ، وآلات النسيج ، وآلات النجارة ، وخطوط اللحام بإعادة التدفق ، والمراوح ، ومضخات المياه.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
رافعة شوكية إلى الأمام مدفوعة بالمقعد
حدد السعر USD 0 0
مناولة منتجات سلسلة الروبوت بدون طيار
حدد السعر USD 0 0
المعبئ البليت الذي يحركه المحطات
حدد السعر USD 0 0
مكدس البليت القابل للمشي
حدد السعر USD 0 0
بطارية رافعة شوكية ثقيلة متوازنة
حدد السعر USD 0 0
شاحنة رافعة شوكية ثقيلة ذات احتراق داخلي متوازنة شاحنة رافعة شوكية ثقيلة ذات بطارية متوازنة er مكدس منصة نقالة قابل للمشي رافعة شوكية أمامية مدفوعة بالمقعد truck شاحنة رافعة شوكية أمامية مدفوعة بمقعد منتجات سلسلة روبوت مناولة بدون طيار
Ozaday Agricultural Machinery
Istanbul, تركيا
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Tipping Bucket
Ozaday Agricultural Machinery
Istanbul, تركيا
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Electric Motor and Tail Shaft Driven Spiral
USD 54.49/шт 54.49
Smokehouse smoke generator for cold smoking of products Specifications: - The volume of the smoldering chamber is 5 liters. - Smoking time at full load 20 hours. The smoke generator is : - Pipe 115mm made of stainless steel (heat-resistant) - Reducing nipple 20x25x1 / 2. - Reducing nipple 20x25x3 / 4. - Transitional coupling BP 20x25x1 / 2. - Threaded locknut 1/2. - Condensate container. - Tube 10mm injector. - Cooling tube 25mm. - Cover / condensate drain 115mm. - Bottom cap (Sheet 1.5mm). - Adapter for tap quick connect. 1 / 2-3 / 4. Air blower adjustable : - Junction box 65x65x50mm. - Turbine fan 50x50x15 24V. - Voltage converter SX1308 2-28v / 5-28v 2A. - Variable resistor S16KN1-B 100K kOm. - Micro usb charging cable. - Quick hose connector. 1 / 2-5 / 8. - The cap is a stub for a resistor.  
USD 828.31/шт 828.31
Fastening of the axle bridge (bridge-frame) to the emergency tank is carried out by means of two magnetic blocks М250, similar to used in the "Console" unit. The magnetic blocks are hingedly held together to the housing, inside of which the carriage moves along the guides with the sealing unit, which includes a press-screw and a rubber element.The set of delivery includes two types of sealing element: a cone and a gasket with diameters of 20 mm. Replacing one sealing element with another takes no more than 3 seconds.A cone is used to seal round gaps and holes, and a flat gasket is used for cracks or a group of small fistulas. Due to the movements of the carriage relative to the body and the sealing unit relative to the carriage, the sealing element is supplied directly to the leakage.The "aiming" zone is a 50x50 mm square surface. The surface to which the magnetic grippers will be attached is must be cleaned from dirt and coating.Product technical characteristics:Type - Bridge-frame (axle bridge) unitPressing force of the magnetic blocks to the metal surface - Not less than 2 * 250 kgfDiameter of the sealed tank (pipeline) - Not less than 400 mmThe maximum diameter of the sealed gap - At a pressure of 60 atm - not less than 7 mmInstallation time, min - 1-2Required number of workers - 1-2Dimensions, mm - 347x111x151Weight, kg - 5.4Service life - At the very least 10 years.
USD 174.38/шт 174.38
Monoblock unit М180, intended to exclude emergency leaks at relatively low pressures in emergency tanks.Between the magnetic blocks placed screw with a rubber sealing gasket. By applying a screw, the sealing gasket can be moved up or down relative to the unit.The monoblock unit is placed on the damaged container so that the leak will be under the rubber gasket. By rotating the handle, the plate with a rubber gasket is pressed on the defective place until the leak eliminates.The monoblock unit is removed by rotating the same handle in the same direction.Product technical characteristics:Type – Monoblock unitPressing force of the magnetic blocks to the metal surface - Not less than 150 kgfDiameter of the sealed tank (pipeline) - Not less than 400 mmMaximum diameter of the sealed gap - At a pressure of 5 atm - not less than 10 mmInstallation time, min - 0.5Required amount of workers - 1Dimensions, mm - 90x41x90Weight, kg - 0.8Service life - At the very least 10 years.
USD 523.15/шт 523.15
The K250 console is a permanent magnet device with controlled forceof the gravity. In the "off" condition, the console develops a force of attraction equal to 15-18 kgf. The presence of this force simplifies the installation of the console on the object: the console can be simply "sticked" to the damaged object. The sealing unit is installed on a carriage, which makes it possible to bring the sealing element directly on the leak. The carriage provides the ability to move the sealing unit in the longitudinal direction by a stroke of 15 mm, in the transverse direction - 20 mm and tilt the sealing unit in the longitudinal in the range of angles from 90 to 45 degrees. The set of delivery includes two types of sealing element: a cone and a 20 mm gasket. Replacing one sealing element with another takes just few seconds. A cone made for sealing round holes, and a flat gasket made for cracks or a group of small fistulas. The console is installed near the leak. The surface to which the magnetic block will be attached must be cleaned from dirt and coating. By rotating the handle, the magnetic block is "turned on". The sealing element need to bring to the hole to seal and the leak is can be eliminated by rotating the screw. Product technical characteristics: Type – Console unit Pressing force of the magnetic blocks to the metal surface - Not less than 250 kgf Diameter of the sealed tank (pipeline) - Not less than 400 mm Maximum diameter of the sealed gap - At a pressure of 25 atm - not less than 10 mm The range of inclination of the sealing unit in the longitudinal plane - From 90 to 45 degrees Installation time, min - 1-2 Required amount of workers - 1-2 Dimensions, mm - 275х121х151 Weight, kg - 3.4 Service life – At the very least 10 years.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Full automatic Compound potato chips production line absorbs European and American technology and our company took many years to develop and research this line independently. The equipment uses potato powder as raw material, through mixing, pressing, forming, frying, and flavoring and finally you can produce high-grade delicious compound potato chips. Shanghai HG Food Machinery Co.,ltd is potato chips production line manufacturers
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
For precise cutting of fruit and root products, such as apples, tomatoes, carrots, onions, potatoes, kiwis, pears etc. in segments, sticks and figurines. The machine has the capability to cut the fruit into 2, 4, 6 pieces. Cutting capacity: 15 times per min, up to 900 times per hour. The strong inclined position of the blades guarantees perfect cutting. The blade block can be removed and replaced very easily by a range of various blade block. The machine offers a larger lifting height (up to 200 mm), therefore it's suitable for cutting big fruit & root products (up to Ø 120 mm) into various cutting shapes as quarters, sticks, segments, various figurine etc. This machine with single cylinder design and made of stainless steel which can easily be cleaned and maintained. This machine consists of 3 major components for a pneumatic cylinder, aligning rollers and a cutting section with knife block.   Feature: Several kind of cutting knives are available. Perfect cutting quality. Easy mounting / de-mounting of the cutting knives. Hygienic design. Simple operation. Durable & Long shelf life.   Specification: Dimension: L900 x W500 x H2100 mm
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
Pneumatically operated can opener is equipped with knife and guard ring locator for one standard size round can. Adjustable height for a single canned size. This fast and efficient can opener is ideal applications for small quantities of the most catering company. Please provide us with specific can size information when ordering.   Feature: Adjustable height for a single canned size. Interchangeable cutting Heads. Quick release heads for easy clean. Press the start switch to start operation. No metal chips. Fully enclosed blade. Stainless steel construction. 8-12 cans per minute.   Specification: Dimension: L355 x W 260 x H520 mm
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
with 6 work stations FoodTec has designed ergonomic trimming & sorting conveyor in direct connection to the Metal Detector or Air-sucking & Sealing Machine. Alternatively, a trimming conveyor with 3,6,8 work stations for 3, 6, 8 persons is available. (Alternative sizes are available.) The side of the conveyor has a fixed supports to be placed standard baskets for easy trimming & sorting, then put products into the box. Change the angle of the supports can be placed the weighing platform, the weight of each package or each box is the same after weighing.   Feature: Removable conveyor belt for easy clean. The speed of conveyor belt can be adjusted by frequency inverter. Suitable for positioning next to Metal Detector or Air-sucking & Sealing Machine. Movable on wheels. The material of contact parts are made of stainless steel.   Specification: Dimension: L4200 x W600 x H800 mm Power: 0.2HP
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
Triple Blade FoodTec has designed a rotary cabbage shredding machine that operates with three rotating blades for large quantities of shredding application. Perfectly suited for industrial cutting of large quantities of cabbage as well as roots, such as green pepper, carrot, cucumber etc. The operator feed the products continuously without pausing and the products can be cut evenly. The severed products are transported to the conveyor belt through the water flow strength, ready for the next stage process. The speed of the feeding rotary disk can be adjusted through the frequency converter depending on the products. The products are perfectly shredded to your desired thickness. Easily adjustable from 0.5 to 15mm shredding thickness. The advantages of this machine for shredding solution: high capacity, perfect shredding appearance, reduction of preparation time, production efficiency as well as the labour saving. All these features make it an ideal equipment for the food processing factory, central kitchens and catering companies, etc.   Feature: Perfect shredding appearance. The products can be cut evenly. Highest output and production efficiency. Continuous filling without pausing. Significant time and labour saving. High quality for durability and long-life cycle. Hygienic construction design.   Specification: Dimension: L1000 x W1000 x H1400 mm Power: 2HP
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
Vegetable grinder large crusher can be used to grind vegetables like garlic, ginger, potato, onion, tomato and chili etc. into paste or mash shape. The grinding size can be adjusted by changing the quantity of blades. The advantages of this machine: high efficient, energy-saving and wide applicable range.   Feature: High efficient and energy-saving. Hygienic construction design. The machine is easily removable for easy clean and maintenance. High quality for durability.   Specification: Dimension: L1000 x W400 x H1200 mm Power: 3HP
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
FoodTec Air Knife machine is a low pressure, high volume air delivery tool designed specifically to blow-off all surface water, moisture, liquids of the products. The products to be processed on the stainless steel conveyor where the surface water or moisture needs to be completely removed. FoodTec Air Knife machine exhausts high velocity air can be evenly controlled through the uniform slot design thereby supplying a powerful air flow across the entire surface of the products being processed. Blower-driven solutions that increase production efficiencies and save significant running costs. FoodTec Air Knife machine equipped with stainless steel conveyor suitable for use in the food industry for process drying, cooling and cleaning of conveyed products. Food Processing applications include: Drying fresh products, such as salads, tomatoes and potatoes prior to the final packaging stage. Removing all surface moisture from cut potato prior to frying. Drying of food cans and jars prior to labelling and packaging processes. Even spreading of oil over pizza and bread. Removing any excess batter or coating from fish and chicken pieces. The advantages of this machine: easy installation, low-energy consumption and cost-effective solution providing significant energy savings. It is perfectly suited for food processors and packagers demanding their production lines run faster, occupy less space, be cleaner, have more flexibility and operate more efficiently than ever before.   Feature: Air Knife machine was designed specifically to blow-off all surface water, moisture, liquids of the products. The products to be processed on the SUS conveyor where the surface water or moisture needs to be completely removed. Air Knife machine exhausts high velocity air can be evenly controlled through the uniform slot design thereby supplying a powerful air flow across the entire surface of the products being processed. FoodTec Air Knife machine equipped with stainless steel conveyor suitable for use in the food industry for process drying, cooling and cleaning of conveyed products. The strength of the air flow can be adjusted by the slot. Trays under the conveyor. Swivel lockable castors. Significant energy savings.   Specification: Dimension: L2000 × W700 × H1700 mm Power: 6HP
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
FoodTec automatic vegetable centrifuge is developed to process various kinds of vegetables. It's perfect ideal for drying of delicate salad leaves, standard lettuce varieties, prepared vegetables and delicate herbs. After the product has been washed, it is brought directly onto the infeed belt. The product to be dried is evenly conveyed to the centrifuge drum and the infeed belt ensures the minimal movement of the product. This infeed belt is also used as a buffering belt. The infeed belt moves forward evenly during the feeding period. On completion of the filling cycle, the drum accelerates to the pre-set optimal rotating speed to suit the specific product to be dried. Once the centrifuging cycle has been completed, the drum automatically slows down and rotate 180 degrees, the product is gently discharged onto the outfeed conveyor. The continuous production and centrifuging cycle without interruption and the infeed conveyor re-fills the drum. During the discharge period, the centrifuge drum turns very slowly and activates a high pressure air knife which cleans all residual particles of leaf out of the drum. The drum has a completely smooth inner surface, the unique construction of the centrifuge minimizes product damage because of the spacious drum dimension. The fully automatic centrifuging process is controlled by PLC or the wireless network to operate that has several pre-programmed operation cycles or set the pre-determined program the possibility. There are facilities for 30 operational product programmes in the PLC control panel. The cleverly designed, sturdy construction of the vegetable centrifuge  is easy to maintain. Because the machine can be used both in line as well as at an angle, the machine is applicable for nearly each situation, or can be adapted to a modified situation in the future.  The automatic vegetable centrifuge can be integrated optionally to connect the whole vegetable processing line or the packing system.   Feature: 1.         Applicable to leaf, root vegetables drying/dewatering. 2.         The product to be dried is evenly conveyed to the drum at the optimal rotating speed. 3.         The drum automatically slows down and rotate 180 degrees to gently discharge the product. 4.         High pressure air knife will be activated which cleans all residual particles of leaf out of the drum during the discharge period. 5.         The continuous production and centrifuging cycle without interruption. 6.         Fully automatic centrifuging process is controlled by PLC or the wireless network to operate. 7.         Significant saving of time, energy as well as labour.   Specification: Dimension: L6935 x W3380 x H2700 mm Power: 9HP
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
The tubular vortex system from FoodTec is perfectly suited for final treatment stage of leaf vegetables, salads and root products to achieve germ reduction, prolongate shelf life of fresh-cut product and improve the quality of product. The product gently enters into a piping system by flowing water without passing through a pump. Chemicals and sanitizing additives can be added at different stages of the product transportation. At the discharge, the product is rinsed with fresh water through nozzles placed on top of the exit conveyor belt. Length of the piping system can be adapted to dwell time according to individual customer requirements. Flexible contact and dwell time of the product is adjustable from 3 to 5 minutes. The tubular vortex system can be optimal integrated into the existing processing lines according to various installation layouts for customer specific conditions are possible thus reach the space-saving. Stainless steel screws connection can be easily disassembled for cleaning the piping system. To dose and control suitable additives for product treatment in the water cycle.   Feature: 1.         The product gently enters into a piping system by flowing water without passing through a pump. 2.         To achieve germ reduction, prolongate shelf life of fresh-cut product and improve the quality of product. 3.         Chemicals/sanitizing additives can be added at different stages. 4.         The product is rinsed with fresh water through nozzles at the discharge. 5.         Length of the piping system can be adapted to dwell time. 6.         Space-saving.   Specification: Dimension: L3750 x W1200 x H2000 mm Power: 7HP
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
( 4 peeling rollers) FoodTec roller peeler is suitable for peeling potatoes, carrots, taro, beetroots and other root vegetables. FoodTec peeler is equipped with 4 peeling rollers that are coated with carborundum type or soft brush type or mixed type. The peeling efficiency depending on the number of peeling rollers and the kind of carborundum. The peeling rollers are mounted side by side; the gap between two peeling rollers is minimized, the rollers position are mounted in gradual increments. The peeling rollers are provided with a quick and simple mounting/ de-mounting function. The peeling speed of the rollers can be controlled by frequency converter, ensuring an optimum peeling result and a high capacity. The peeler is equipped with top-water spraying function, the products are washed during peeling and the carborundum layer is cleaned. The desired peeling result can be adapted optimally to every type of product.   Feature: 1.         Applicable to root, tubers vegetables peeling. 2.         Equipped with 4 peeling rollers that are coated with carborundum type or soft brush type or mixed type. (Optional) 3.         Equipped with top-water spraying function for washing and cleaning. 4.         Quick mounting / de-mounting of the peeling rollers. 5.         Long shelf life of peeling rollers. 6.         Simple operation. 7.         Extremely durable, hard-wearing and reliable.   Specification: Dimension: L2180 x W600 x H980 mm Power: 1HP
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
( 2 washing tanks)                             It features fast washing cycle with a hygienic and safe washing function. FoodTec has designed a versatile washer, as it thoroughly washes not only leaf vegetables, such as spinach or salad, but also roots, such as carrots, potatoes etc. It also has the ability to wash fruit, fish, poultry and other foods. The washer is easy to operate and the washing cycle lasts only 3 -5 minutes. The tank will gradually lift up and pour out the products during the washing process. Continuous washing cycle and running without interruption. The tank will re-lift up and automatically pour out the products for a new washing run. The washing time is adjustable depending on the kind of product. The washer greatly saves labor, energy as well as low water consumption. The washer can be continuous running by PLC control, it can generate air bubble through the blower to achieve more efficient and gentle washing effect. Most important of all, it is hygienic and safe, as its effective washing to reduce the bacteria contents significantly. The washer can be customized for multple tanks. (Available with 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 washing tanks.) It is also very sturdy and durable due to its stainless steel construction. Optionally, the washer can be supplied with a automatic dosing system to control water concentration of the dosage for washing and sterilizing. It can use the cooling system to keep the water at constant temperature to prolongate shelf life of products.   Feature: 1.         It is a versatile washer with a hygienic, safe and fast washing function. 2.         The washing cycle with excellent results is completed in 5 minutes. 3.         The tank will re-lift up and automatically pour out the products for a new washing run. 4.         Continuous washing cycle and running without interruption. 5.         Air bubble system for more efficient washing. 6.         The washing time is adjustable depending on the kind of product. 7.         Great saving labors, energy as well as low water consumption. 8.         Options available with 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 washing tanks.   Specification: Dimension: L2070 x W1800 x H1670 mm Power: 6HP
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Seedling planter
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
Mainly Designed For Lake & Sea. Be Able To Be Used For Harvest. Resist Maximum to 6M Wave. Still Very Strong And Working Well During Typhoon. Having Good Feedback From The Biggest Tilapia Farm In The World And Other Governmental Projects.   Function: Marine cage farming system can be used in various water environments including lake, sea and river, etc. Suitable for intensive farming. Suitable for different species, such as Tilapia, Japanese Sea Bream, Goldlined Sea Bream, Cobia, Greater Amberjack, Blue-Banded Sea Perch, Spangled Emperor (Sand Snapper, Parrot-Fish), Snappers, Yellow-Wax Pampano, Orange-Spotted Grouper, Red Drum, Catfish, Striped bass, Bluegill sunfish, Crappie, Carp, etc.   Characteristic: "One-Piece Injection Molded" HDPE 80 Bracket, extremely sturdy. HDPE 80 Floating Pipe and HDPE 100 Handrail Pipe offer excellent ESCR (Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance) and resist deformation. High carbon component, strong UV resistance ensures sound durability, low maintenance and investment cost. Removable Handrail T Bar makes more easily assembling, simplified harvesting & efficient maintenance as well as resistant to corrosion. Heavy duty standing pole. Bear heavier net weight. All the "Round" and "Square" shape cages can be tailor-made.
USD 5000.0/шт 5000.0
Use: Meat skewers, ribs, chicken legs, chicken wings and pastry soup. Applicable to:Sightseeing areas, food courts, night markets. Easy for novices. Low investment with high return. Easy to start up your business. Provide seasoning recipe and skill training.   Specification: Length     680 mm Width      775 mm Height     730 mm Weight    73 KG Battery-consumption     300 W Voltage    110 V
USD 5000.0/шт 5000.0
This machine can keep automatic constant temperature and heat up through the heating pad under time switch without any touch. With fast speed of heating up, it can bake 24 burgers (12 pieces for upper layer and 12 pieces for lower layer). It is the best choice of the fast food industry.   24 pieces of toast or 24 burgers for one minute.
USD 5000.0/шт 5000.0
Material: Medium carbon steel Merits: Long-lasting insulation, gas-saving, not easy for corrosion, durable. It is best for breakfast, lunch, fish-frying, eggs and meat.   Specification: Length 500 mm, 600 mm, 900 mm Three kinds of specifications Width  550 mm Height 353 mm Material      Medium carbon steel
USD 5000.0/шт 5000.0
Features: Two Segments Can grill and keep insulation with two segments. For food courts, night markets and stores. Can grill sausage, fish, shell and meat.   Specification: Length     850 mm Width      500 mm Height     200 mm Battery-consumption     4800W Voltage    220V

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