دردشة مفتوحة

منتجات العناية الشخصية بالجملة على Qoovee

USD 9.0/шт 9.0
جل فعال لفتح المسام بالزيوت النباتية لحرق الزيوت كريم شد الجسم مجموعة من 3
MND Tech
كوريا الجنوبية
USD 2.5 - 8.0/шт
الحد الأدنى للطلب من حاوية 20 قدم. قد يتم تخفيض السعر حسب الحجم. عند الطلب ، يمكننا توفير حفاضات من الشركات المصنعة الأخرى.
Breath body
USD 3.49/шт 3.49
لطيفة جدا وذات نوعية جيدة ...
A&D shop
Алматы, كازاخستان
حدد السعر USD 0 0
خيط قابل للتحلل الطول: 1.2 سم - 2.0 سم الرائحة: نعناع ، ليمون ، خوخ ، صبار ، زنجبيل ، قرنفل الاستعمال: للبالغين والأطفال الطول الإجمالي: 7.3 - 8.2 سم المقبض: PS ، ABS ، PP ، PLA ، بوليسترين عالي التأثير الوظيفة: تنظيف الأسنان العبوة: صندوق أسطواني ، كيس ورقي المواد: أسطوانة UHMWPE ، نايلون ، PTFE
حدد السعر USD 0 0
شامبو ضد تساقط الشعر Luwische Anti-Hair Loss يقوي الشعر ، ويعيد الطاقة والحيوية ، ويمنح شعوراً بالانتعاش. الشامبو يزيل الأوساخ والروائح بلطف. تحتوي التركيبة على مكونات مختارة بعناية ، بسبب توقف فقدان المصابيح. يتلقى الشعر التغذية اللازمة ، ويتعافى على مستوى عميق. تتوقف هشاشة الشعر وقسمه دون الإفراط في التجفيف. يتم تحفيز فروة الرأس بلطف ، مما يؤدي إلى عودة ظهور البصيلات. ونتيجة لذلك ، فإن تجعيد الشعر ينبض بالحياة ويكتسب القوة الداخلية والحجم الطبيعي. المكونات: Serenoa repens - يحتوي مستخلص المنشار بالميتو على مثبطات طبيعية لإنزيم 5-alpha reductase. إن حصار هذا الإنزيم يمنع تحول هرمون التستوستيرون إلى ديهدروتستوستيرون ، حيث تؤدي الكميات الزائدة منه إلى انقراض وظيفة بصيلات الشعر. Procapil هو ببتيد مبتكر يمنع شيخوخة بصيلات الشعر ، ويساعد في مكافحة تساقط الشعر المبكر ويستهدف الأسباب الرئيسية لتساقط الشعر: انخفاض الدورة الدموية الدقيقة في فروة الرأس ، وضمور البصيلات الناجم عن ثنائي هيدروتستوستيرون وشيخوخة البصيلات. Trichogen - الذي يحارب إنزيم 5-alpha redactase المسؤول عن تساقط الشعر. كما أنه يشبع بصيلات الشعر بالأكسجين ويحارب ضمور البصيلات وينشط نمو الشعر. الجينسنغ - ينشط الدورة الدموية ، لذلك "تستيقظ" بصيلات الشعر غير النشطة ويحسن عمل بصيلات الشعر النشطة. كاميليا سينينسيس - يحسن لمعان الشعر وقوته. المستخلص مفيد أيضًا كعلاج المثلية في علاج تساقط الشعر. بروفيتامين ب 5 - يعيد بنية الشعر التالفة وينعم سطحه ويغذي ويقوي الجذور. يمتصه الشعر أفضل من الفيتامينات الأخرى. يحمي من الآثار الضارة للرطوبة والرياح. يخترق البانثينول جذع الشعرة ، ويغلفها بغشاء مرن من الداخل والخارج. هذا يزيد من مرونة ومرونة الشعر ويمنحه لمعاناً. يمكن للبانثينول أن يثخن شعر الجسم بنسبة تصل إلى 10٪. يعزز نمو الشعر. للرجال والنساء
حدد السعر USD 0 0
رغوة تقشير وتنقية LUWISCHE تنظف البشرة بلطف وتزيل بقايا المكياج. لها تأثير تقشير خفيف. يوحد لون البشرة. يحسن عمليات التمثيل الغذائي في الجلد. يعيد نضارة وإشراق البشرة. حمض الساليسيليك - يحارب الرؤوس السوداء والرؤوس السوداء والكوميدونات بشكل فعال: يعزز تضييق المسام المتضخمة ، ويساعد على طرد تراكمات الدهون والخلايا الميتة في الطبقة القرنية منها ، وله تأثير مضاد للالتهابات ، ويوحد لون البشرة وسطحها بسبب عمل التقشير. . Niacinamide - يزيد من تخليق سيراميد الدهون المسؤول عن سلامة الحاجز الدهني. يصبح الجلد أقوى ويزول الجفاف والضيق والتقشير. يُعرف البروفيتامين ب 5 أيضًا باسم حمض البانتوثنيك أو بانتوثينات الكالسيوم. يقوم بدور نشط في علاج مختلف مشاكل الجلد الجلدية. الكافيين - يوسع الأوعية الدموية لتحسين تدفق الدم. يمنح هذا البشرة طاقة كبيرة ، ويزيل البهتان ، بحيث تصبح البشرة موحدة ، ويختفي الشحوب. نوع البشرة: للبشرة الدهنية والمختلطة
حدد السعر USD 0 0
رغوة إكسفوليديرم المنقية 200 مل
IP Vergun A.N.
USD 9.02 - 32.47/шт
Replaceable cassette vest fusion is the next technology - 5 shaving blades, which replaced the Mach3 and Mach3 Turbo line. With the Fusion Series, the blades are even closer together to help reduce pressure for the best shaving experience. Unlike the Mach3 line, it has 5 more advanced blades, instead of 3.
Днепропетровск, أوكرانيا
USD 2.0/шт 2.0
Moisturizes the cuticle Smells insanely good Big choice 🌹-Rose 🍏-Green Apple 🍊-Orange 🍒-Cherry 🍉-Watermelon 🍓-strawberry 🍍-Pineapple 🌸-Vanilla
Днепропетровск, أوكرانيا
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
Verbena scent Does not contain parabens and preservatives. Dermatologically tested. Neutral pH. Ecological. 🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏
USD 7.0/шт 7.0
TOILET PAPER WHOLESALE (three-layer): Biodegradable toilet paper meets all environmental standards and has certificates. 25% more sheets per roll and softer, highly absorbent paper. High quality compared to leading brands at discounted prices. SAMPLE: sample can be sent by fast delivery (1 day) PAYMENT: payment is possible by bank transfer and cash, as well as companies that work with VAT and with the conclusion of an agreement. BRANDING: possible CHARACTERISTICS: 3 layers 10 rolls per pack 31 meters long packing size 80*50*20 weight 1.5kg.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
sebamed products all sebamed products contain high quality active ingredients that cleanse and nourish the skin without destroying the natural acid mantle protection more than 120 scientific studies have confirmed the high effectiveness of its very good compatibility of all sebamed products with the skin and confirmed their competence in the care of sensitive and problematic skin
19LAB Professional
СПБ, روسيا
USD 3.83/шт 3.83
19LabCosmetics Classic Beard Oil is a real find for men who love to wear a beard and mustache. With this oil, you will forget everything you used before! Beard oil provides care for the beard and facial skin, is easily absorbed into the hair and does not leave traces of the presence of oil. The combination of specially selected components of beard oil strengthens hair follicles, increases elasticity, nourishes and stimulates hair growth, restores their natural shine. Beard oil softens and nourishes dry skin, has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, regulates sebaceous glands and improves skin color. The main component is sweet almond oil, a natural supplier of moisturizing and micronutrients. It can affect the health of hair and even protect against hair loss due to its magnesium content. Among the additional components are macadamia oil, jojoba. prickly argan, grape seeds, wheat germ and soybeans. 19Lab Beard Oil is suitable for all hair and skin types. After the first application, your beard will become soft and shiny, and with regular care - thick and manageable. The product has a masculine charming aroma with tart notes that will make you feel irresistible. Application ritual: Step 1. Shake the oil before use. Allow a small sediment in the oil. Step 2. Rub a few drops of oil in the palms and between the fingers. Step 3. Apply the oil evenly on the skin of the face and beard in the direction of hair growth. Avoid contact with the eyes. Step 4. If necessary, use a brush to comb the beard. Ingredients (INCI): Soy (soy) glycine oil, sweet almond oil, macadamia seed oil, jojoba seed oil), argan prickly seed oil, grape seed oil, wheat germ oil, tocopherol acetate, tocopherol, beta-sitosterol, squalene, fragrance . Volume: 50 ml. Shelf life: 24 months
19LAB Professional
СПБ, روسيا
USD 6.3/шт 6.3
Description: Penetrating deep into the scalp, the active components of the serum nourish the hair roots, stop not only the process of hair loss, but also improve their condition, stimulate active growth. Already after 1-2 applications, the result will be noticeable, hair loss will be significantly reduced! The moisturizing complex in the composition helps to repair the damaged cuticle, significantly increasing the strength, elasticity and density of the hair. Key properties: - reduces hair loss, - restores hair density, - strengthens and moisturizes hair roots. Ingredients: Aqua, Niacinamide, Caffeine, Hippophae rhamnoides Extract, Cinnamomum Cassia Extract, Amaranthus Caudatus Seed Extract, Tilia Cordata Flower Extract, Sambucus Nigra Extract, Aesculus Hippocastanum Extract, Lecithin, Lactic Acid, Dehydroacetic Acid, Benzoic Acid, Biotin. Application ritual: On a clean scalp, apply 2-3 drops of serum to each pre-parted hair parting, massage with gentle circular movements. Do not rinse. For the course, it is recommended to use 1 time per day. Volume: 100 ml. Shelf life: 24 months
19LAB Professional
СПБ, روسيا
USD 4.31/шт 4.31
The conditioner is designed for all types of oily hair and provides balanced nutrition and hydration to the hair, enhances its volume and elasticity. The lightweight texture of the conditioner nourishes and hydrates hair without weighing it down. The hair product does not contain silicones and parabens and regulates oiliness, gives shine and natural elasticity. The conditioner is suitable for both women and men! Rosemary extract strengthens hair and regulates its fat content - shine and natural elasticity appear. White nettle, burdock and ivy reduce the risk of dandruff. Ingredients: Water, glycerin, cetearyl alcohol, perfume, guar gum, provitamin B5, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, rosemary extract, ivy extract, garlic extract, chamomile extract, arnica extract, burdock extract, pine extract, nasturtium extract, biosaccharide gum- 1, white nettle extract, cocoate glyceret-2 from coconut oil, low molecular weight rice proteins, high molecular weight wheat proteins Application ritual: Gently massage the conditioner into wet and pre-washed hair along the entire length, retreating from the roots by 5 cm. Leave the conditioner on the hair 10 - 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Volume: 250 ml. Shelf life: 24 months.
19LAB Professional
СПБ, روسيا
USD 4.28/шт 4.28
The conditioner strengthens the hair, nourishes and deeply moisturizes it. The hair product does not contain silicones and parabens - the hair becomes obedient after the first application: it is less electrified and easier to comb. The conditioner is suitable for both women and men. Rice proteins protect against breakage and prevent split ends. Oils of ylang-ylang and macadamia maintain the necessary level of moisture in the hair - protect and help strengthen the hair. Shelf life 24 months Active ingredients: Macadamia oil, low molecular weight rice proteins, chamomile extract, ylang-ylang essential oil, jasmine extract, rose extract, orris root extract, echinacea extract, provitamin B5, high molecular weight wheat proteins. Ingredients: water, glycerin, cetearyl alcohol, perfume, guar gum, provitamin B5, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, echinacea extract, macadamia oil, chamomile extract, jasmine extract, ylang ylang essential oil, rose extract, biosaccharide gum-1, extract iris roots, cocoate glyceret-2 from coconut oil, low molecular weight rice proteins, high molecular weight wheat proteins Application ritual: Apply the conditioner to wet and pre-washed hair with light massaging movements along the entire length, retreating from the roots by 5 cm. Leave the conditioner on the hair for 10 - 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Volume: 250 ml. Shelf life: 24 months
California,, الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
USD 800.0800.0
Caluanie Muelear Oxidize for sale. Product: Caluanie Muelear Oxidize (Crude Caluanie 99% is formed from Muelear oxidize) Caluanie (Oxidative Partarisation Thermostat, Heavy Water): Package available: 5L and Bulk from 20L, 50L, 100L or as per customer's request.
USD 0.53/шт 0.53
Antibacterial dishwashing detergent "TODAY" concentrated composition of the product copes with any contamination. Just one drop creates a rich lather that can clean dishes flawlessly, effectively removing grease in both hot and cold water. Carefully affects the skin of the hands. It is completely washed off with water, leaving no marks on the dishes.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Spray drying, used in the production of fruit powder, allows you to achieve not only the preservation of the natural chemical composition with a complete list of all active ingredients, but also to convey the entire aroma and color. All this makes the use of natural powdered fruits more popular and in demand on the market of cosmetic raw materials of the a la “natural” category. Another indisputable advantage of this product is the absence of any impurities, preservatives and flavors. In addition, natural powders from fruits and plants can also be excellent dyes.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Surfactants give all cleansing and washing products for the body (shampoos, gels, etc.) a stable property of cleaning the skin from dirt, give stability to cosmetics, and do not have the ability to decompose into an aqueous fatty phase.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
They are safe and have excellent characteristics. They are made from high quality components and are economically used, so you will have enough of them for more than one batch of soap. It is worth noting the fact that such products perfectly retain their fragrance in any soap.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
For everyone, you can choose the fragrant water that will have the necessary effect. To achieve the desired effect, it is very important that you use these extracts to moisturize your skin every day. Today, there are many types of hydrosols of various plants. And each when used affects the skin in its own way. In our company you will find a large catalog in which you can choose flower water for any skin type. The most popular orange, cornflower, jasmine, green tea, calendula and many others are always in stock.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
It is used for the manufacture of protective emollient creams: for the body and face, cleansing cosmetics, sunscreens, products and creams for nails and hands, lipsticks, balms. Wax is endowed with the magical properties of nature, which perfectly nourish, soften, relieve the inflammatory process. It has an active property to heal wounds, burns, relieves inflammation, restores the skin.
Cihan Group
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
Super absorbent diapers for adults.
Cihan Group
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
Super absorbent panty diapers for those with incontinence who lead an active lifestyle.
Бишкек, قرغيزستان
USD 5.06 - 5.78/шт
Conditioners in the Ollin Care range in a volume of 1000 ml: 🔴 Maintains shine and prevents the color of dyed hair from washing out. It has a moisturizing effect, makes hair soft and easy to comb. How to use: Apply to previously shampooed hair. Spread over the entire length and leave for 2-3 minutes. Rinse.🟢 Conditioner restores hair and effectively smoothes its surface. Makes hair soft and shiny, nourishes and moisturizes. How to use: Apply to pre-shampooed and towel-dried hair. Leave for 2-3 minutes. Rinse.🔵 Dual action formula maximizes moisture for dry, porous and dehydrated hair. Restores and saturates them with nutrients. Facilitates the process of combing, smoothes the cuticular layer. Doesn't weigh hair down. Reduces the effect of static electricity. How to use: Apply to previously shampooed hair. Distribute over the entire length and leave for 2-3 minutes, rinse.⛎ Conditioner for daily use for hair. Ideal for all hair types for daily use. The combination of D-Panthenol, nalidone and glycerin softens, moisturizes and nourishes the hair, making it elastic and strong. Prevents hair breakage and has an antistatic effect, facilitates combing. Regular use will make hair soft and manageable. How to use: Apply to pre-shampooed hair, carefully spread over the entire length. Leave for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with water.
Бишкек, قرغيزستان
USD 4.96 - 7.49/шт
Shampoos in the Ollin assortment in the Care series in volumes of 1000 ml. A gentle shampoo that maintains shine and prevents fading of color-treated hair. Shampoo formula helps to restore hair and gives them strength. How to use: apply to hair, hold for 1-2 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.🟢 Revitalizing shampoo is suitable for daily use. Effectively affects porous, damaged, lightened and bleached hair. Moisturizes hair and makes it soft and shiny. How to use: apply to hair, hold for 1-2 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary. Shampoo gently cleanses, moisturizes and nourishes dry hair. Ideal for long, chemically-curled, naturally frizzy, porous and bleached hair. How to use: apply a small amount of shampoo to wet hair, lather, hold for 1-2 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary. 🟣 Shampoo with climbazole gently and thoroughly cleanses the scalp of dandruff and prevents its re-formation. Has antibacterial action. How to use: apply to hair, lather, hold for 1-2 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary. 🟠 Gently cleanses the hair and scalp, strengthening the internal structure of the hair. Promotes volume from roots to ends. Gives hair elasticity, providing additional shine, restores strength and volume to dull and lifeless hair. How to use: apply a small amount of shampoo to the hair, lather, hold for 1-2 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.⛎ Shampoo for daily use for hair and body. pH neutral shampoo is ideal for daily skin and hair care. An all-in-one beauty product that gently cleanses without causing dryness. D-Panthenol fills the hair with moisture and protects it from external influences. Derivatives of coconut oil maintain the hydrobalance on the surface of the skin. Regular use will make the hair soft and manageable, and the skin - smooth and velvety. HOW TO USE: lather and distribute with massaging movements over the hair and body. Repeat application again. Leave 1-2 minutes. Rinse with water.⛔ Shampoo provides maximum care for hair prone to falling out. Makes hair dense and shiny, and also facilitates combing. How to use: apply a small amount of shampoo to wet hair, lather, hold for 1-2 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.
Бишкек, قرغيزستان
USD 3.54 - 4.61/шт
A unique multifunctional product will replace as many as 15 hair care products. Light cream spray has amazing properties: it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes hair, facilitates combing, repairs damage, has thermal protection and protects the color of dyed hair, enhancing their brightness. This indispensable product thickens the hair, increases its elasticity and restores natural volume and unsurpassed shine and strength to the hair. Just one tool will make your hair truly perfect! How to use: apply to washed and towel-dried hair in the required amount (depending on their length, condition and porosity). Distribute the product with a comb along the entire length, including the tips. Without rinsing, start styling your hair.
USD 0.8/шт 0.8
OPTICLEAN - WET WIPES for optics and gadget screens - Effectively removes fingerprints and grease stains. - Leaves no marks or scratches - Has an antibacterial effect. - Large and comfortable size - 14 cm x 11.5 cm
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Epsom salt - it is impossible to replace any other bath salt (sea, Himalayan). This is because it has completely different properties. Compound. Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulfate, that's the main difference! MAX. Cleaning 99.9% ⠀ Epsom salt has drainage properties. That is, it removes excess fluid from the body along with toxins, thereby unloading your body from unnecessary debris. And add on the anti-cellulite effect, the orange peel is smoothed out with regular use. Epsom salt does not dry out the skin. The skin is saturated with magnesium, becomes soft and silky. And if the skin has allergic rashes or atopic dermatitis - Epsom salt will gently heal the wounds and relieve itching and you will feel the long-awaited relief! This salt is subject to a comprehensive recovery of the body. Due to magnesium, muscles and joints are strengthened, blood pressure returns to normal❤, nerves are restored, migraines and insomnia go away. ⠀ If you add Epsom salt to hair care cosmetics, they will become voluminous and strong! ⠀ Baths with salt can be taken even by babies!
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Magnesium milk. Own development (certified) Deeply moisturizes, nourishes, saturates the body with MAGNESIUM!!!
حدد السعر USD 0 0
magnesium oil is ideal, magnesium chloride 98%. Because we all know that magnesium is practically not absorbed through the digestive tract, and the best option is through the skin! ⠀ If you have difficulties with your hair, they fall out, break and so on. The oil accelerates and stimulates hair growth. ⠀ If you suffer from migraines, apply oil to the whiskey and the attacks will go away ⠀ If your pressure jumps, oil, how an experienced "conductor" normalizes it ⠀ The oil will calm the nervous system, increase stress resistance, and give a restful sleep. Relieves irritation in skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema ⠀ Helps to quickly get rid of pain in the joints and muscles after training and not only Magnesium oil is a multifunctional remedy for almost all occasions! ⠀It is very easy to apply Principle: spray ➡ rub ➡ wait ➡ rinse/wipe.
LLC "KoFa"
USD 2.0/шт 2.0
Goggles (partially insulating) - modern, lightweight, universal, made of polycarbonate with a panoramic protective glass. Designed to protect the eyes from the front, top and sides from mechanical impacts, abrasive, UV radiation, direct splashes, splashes of biological fluids . Protective glass is resistant to chemicals, acid and alkali solutions, disinfectants. Features: • Enhanced panoramic view • Light weight • Double-sided anti-fog, abrasion and scratch resistant coating • 100% UV protection • Increased frontal, side and top protection, can be worn with corrective glasses • Compatible with many types of PPE WHEN WHOLESALE ORDER - VOLUME DISCOUNT!!!
LLC "KoFa"
USD 4.0/шт 4.0
Goggles \ mask - insulating - these are modern, versatile, comfortable and convenient goggles with a high degree of protective properties, with a panoramic protective glass made of polycarbonate. Designed to protect the eyes from the front, top, bottom and sides from mechanical impacts, abrasive, UV radiation, splashes and drops of biological fluids, sprays, protection against splashes and sparks of molten metal. Protective glass is resistant to chemicals, acid and alkali solutions, UV radiation, disinfectants. Features: • Increased panoramic view and 360° protection • Double-sided anti-fog and abrasion protection • 100% UV protection • Increased protection from all sides • Can be worn with glasses, including corrective glasses • Soft PVC body with a wide band obturation provides a comfortable, soft fit to the user's face, reduces pressure on the face and fatigue of the worker • Protection against splashes, splashes of molten metal and sparks • adjustable wide headband securely and comfortably fixes glasses on the user's head • Compatible with many types of PPE • Analogs: 3H11 Panorama super (PC) (ROSOMZ) art. 21130, UVEX Ultravision FOR BULK ORDER - VOLUME DISCOUNT!
USD 7.9 - 15.8/шт
RC - 1450 rubles; Small wholesale from 20,000 - price 1160 rubles; WHOLESALE from 45,000 rubles - 725 rubles. Ingredients: cosmetic vegetable oil, apricot oil, rosehip oil, peach essential oil, vitamin E, perfume composition. Action: Universal massage oil "Peach" perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin cells; accelerates cellular regeneration, preventing earlier aging Application: For classical, therapeutic, cupping and restorative massage, as a moisturizing and nourishing agent after a shower, hot baths, SPA procedures in sanatoriums, salons and at home.
USD 7.9 - 15.8/шт
RC - 1450 rubles; Small wholesale from 20,000 - price 1160 rubles; WHOLESALE from 45,000 rubles - 725 rubles. Ingredients: cosmetic vegetable oil, apricot oil, rosehip oil, peach essential oil, vitamin E, perfume composition. Action: Universal massage oil "Peach" perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin cells; accelerates cellular regeneration, preventing earlier aging Application: For classical, therapeutic, cupping and restorative massage, as a moisturizing and nourishing agent after a shower, hot baths, SPA procedures in sanatoriums, salons and at home.
Москва, روسيا
USD 590.0/шт 590.0
Hypoallergenic agent based on colloidal silver for the prevention of the occurrence and development of bedsores NANOSILVER.PRO Natural cosmetic product with a bactericidal effect based on colloidal silver for problematic skin care (pressure sores, psoriasis, burns). Not a drug! Bottle - 150 ml. PURPOSE: Effective for all forms of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, bedsores. It has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and healing effect Accelerates the processes of cell regeneration Complex restoration of the skin structure Relieves irritation and redness of the skin Disinfects the skin Moisturizes the skin and restores its comfort Long-term prolonged protection COMPOSITION: Colloidal silver (Argnium colloidal) Deionized water 100% natural composition! APPLICATION: Spray the required amount on the treated skin surface at least 5-8 times a day. DO NOT RINSE. Spray on dressings to moisturize. In the future, apply the remedy as needed. STORAGE CONDITIONS: store in a place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature of +8 to +25; Nanosilver has anti-inflammatory activity. Studies have shown that nanosilver enhances the action of enzymes that play an important role in anti-inflammatory and regenerative processes, suppresses the expression of necrosis factor (tissue death) and causes the death of inflammatory cells. Nanosilver affects cytokines involved in tissue healing. Thus, nanosilver contributes not only to the rapid healing of burns and wounds, but also to the reduction of scars after wounds.
Москва, روسيا
USD 1150.0/шт 1150.0
Adult diapers Dailee Super Large (third) 3 (100-150CM) Size large 3 Waist circumference 100-150cm Absorption - 8 drops out of 9. DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Dailee Super Large (third) Standard Daily Adult Diapers 30 pieces .with an average level of absorbency. The breathable top layer, elastic Velcro fasteners, double absorbent layer with antibacterial absorbent provide additional comfort when using the Dailee adult diaper. Main characteristics: Type of diapers: for inactive people with severe and severe incontinence Diaper size Large (third) Size in the belt up to 100-150 cm Quantity 30 (pieces) Breathable top layer Hypoallergenic
Altair LLC
USD 0.11/шт 0.11
Disposable diapers in packs. Pack of 30
USD 6.0/шт 6.0
Breast-feeding is the natural process by which a baby acquires nutrition and protects your baby from bacteria and viruses. How can you make breast feeding a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby? How to use, Gel used in Senso breast Pads is non-toxic and can withhold cold / hot effect for enough duration. You may use Senso Breast Pads warm or cool as many times a day as needed. But make sure to clean them thoroughly after each use. For Cold Therapy: - Simply place in Normal fridge (not in deep fridge) for one hour before use and place in nursing bra for 10 to 20 minutes. Enjoy the cooling sensation. It helps to relieve from mild breast pain and nipple discomfort. For Hot Therapy: - Simply place in a bowl of warm water for up to 7-8 minutes and pat dry with a clean paper towel and place gently over the most tender and painful areas for 10 to 15 minutes. It helps to relax and ease the milk flow and enhancing the breast feeding success. When should I use Senso Breast Pads?

يساعدك موقع Qoovee الرسمي على إبرام صفقات مربحة ، والعثور على مورد ومصنع لتنمية عملك. في قسم "قاعدة الموردين" يمكنك أن تجد كل ما تحتاجه لنفسك: منتجات العناية الشخصية من روسيا وقيرغيزستان وكازاخستان وتركيا وأوكرانيا ودول أخرى يتم تحديث فئات المنتجات باستمرار وتبقى ذات صلة. يهتم موردو الجملة بمشتريات الجملة والشراكات وهم على استعداد للتعاون المفيد

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