دردشة مفتوحة

التغليف والحاويات بالجملة على Qoovee

حدد السعر USD 0 0
موزع صابون سائل
حدد السعر USD 0 0
بخاخ الزناد 28/410 ، 28/415
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
سلة روطان بأي حجم
USD 0.11 - 0.53/шт
مجموعة من الأكياس غير اللامعة المحكم Zip lock مع شريط تمرير يؤدي وظيفة الإغلاق المحكم للأشياء بقفل. تم تصميم المتزلجون لتخزين الأشياء والملابس والأحذية وما إلى ذلك. لا غنى عن تعبئة الحقائب ذات السوستة لتعبئة الأشياء لرحلة ، ومستشفى الولادة ، والأحذية البديلة ، ومستحضرات التجميل ، وسراويل السباحة المبللة وملابس السباحة. مزايا الأكياس المضغوطة بقفل واضحة: تغلق العبوة بإحكام ، وتحمي المحتويات من الرطوبة والأوساخ والغبار والروائح الكريهة. سهلة لفتح وإغلاق. يمكن فتح وإغلاق الباقة لعدد غير محدود من المرات. مفيد ليس فقط عند السفر ، ولكن أيضًا في المنزل. ستة أحجام من اختيارك 20x30 سم - 10 قطع. = 125 روبل. (مجموعة من 10 قطع) 27 × 35 سم - 10 قطع. = 168 روبل. (مجموعة من 10 قطع) 45x60 سم - 10 قطع. = 390 روبل. (مجموعة من 10 قطع) 50 × 70 سم - 10 قطع. = 490 روبل. (مجموعة من 10 قطع)
Uluqi Plastics
USD 2.46/кг 2.46
أكياس التي شيرت هي خيار تغليف اقتصادي وعملي. من أشهر أنواع الأكياس البلاستيكية ، وتتميز بالقوة العالية ومقاومة التآكل. يتيح لنا توفر المعدات التكنولوجية إنتاج هذه المنتجات بأحجام وتعديلات وكثافة مختلفة. مزاياه الرئيسية هي المتانة والسعر المنخفض. تعتبر حزمة التي شيرت التي تحمل شعارًا مساعدًا لا غنى عنه في المتاجر والصيدليات ومحلات السوبر ماركت ومحلات السوبر ماركت. يتحمل حمولة كبيرة إلى حد ما (حتى 30 كجم) بسبب التصميم الناجح ووجود الطيات. شعار ملون مشرق - يساهم في الإعلان الفعال للمشترين المحتملين الذين يعرفون عنك بفضل هذا الإعلان الموجود على العبوة. تكاليف منخفضة - يعد وضع معلومات عن الشركة على العبوة أمرًا مربحًا ، خاصة عند طلب الحزم وتطبيق الشعار في نفس الوقت. يوفر الإعلان على العبوة تدفقًا إضافيًا للعملاء ، مما يزيد بشكل كبير من أرباح الشركة. يتحدث الشعار عن جدية العمل ، وزيادة مكانته ، والاستعداد للتعاون والوفاء بالالتزامات تجاه العملاء.
USD 1400.0 - 1700.0
مرحباً عزيزي! نقدم انتباهكم إلى مادة البولي بروبيلين والبولي إيثيلين والصمام وإدخال الأكياس والأكمام ذات الجودة العالية ، وإنتاج آلات شركة LOHIA ، والحد الأدنى للطلب هو 20 طنًا. عرض أكياس من 50 سم إلى 100 سم بكثافة من 45 جم إلى 85 جم.
İstanbul İli, تركيا
USD 0.1/шт 0.1
كوب ورقي مزدوج الجدران. أكواب ورقية للحيوانات الأليفة ، أكواب بلاستيكية ، عبوات مطبوعة ، مناديل ورقية ، مناديل مبللة ، عبوات سكر.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
دلو 10 لتر 12 لتر 15 لتر
Capalbo’s Gift Baskets
Clifton, الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
USD 60.0/шт 60.0
سلة هدايا بحر الجليل كوشير
YP Taranenko V.V
Севастополь, روسيا
USD 20.0 - 38.0/шт
سأقدم بالجملة من 50 قطعة من صناديق الكرتون. الحجم: 200x175x175mm خاصية: كرتون مموج من طبقتين ، صناديق التجميع الذاتي مكشوفة ، 20 قطعة لكل عبوة
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
تشير MAP TRAY (عبوة الغلاف الجوي المعدلة) ، كما يوحي الاسم ، إلى التقنية التي تتحكم بشكل مصطنع في نسبة الغازات (الأكسجين وثاني أكسيد الكربون والنيتروجين وما إلى ذلك) في العبوة لإطالة العمر الافتراضي. صواني MAP الخاصة بنا مصنوعة من مادة البولي بروبيلين ذات الحاجز العالي التي يمكن أن تساعد في إطالة العمر الافتراضي. مختومة بإحكام بغشاء غطاء الحاجز ، الإخراج النهائي عبارة عن عبوة محكمة الغلق. توفر تركيبة فيلم الحاجز الصلب / الغطاء المصمت وحدة حاجز قائمة بذاتها. في نظام مغلق ، يتم تغيير نسبة الغازات المحيطة إلى تلك التي يمكن أن تقلل التنفس وتقليل استهلاك الطعام. ومع ذلك ، لتقييد تنفس الخلايا وتأخير عملية التمثيل الغذائي ، اجعل الخلايا نائمة بدلاً من الموت. وكلما غادرت الخلايا الغلاف الجوي المعدل ، فإنها ستستأنف معدل الأيض الطبيعي دون مزيد من الآثار الجانبية. بالطبع ، كل هذا على أساس درجة الحرارة المنخفضة. تتطلب المكونات المختلفة (اللحوم / الدواجن / الفاكهة) نسبًا مختلفة من الغازات المحيطة.اللحوم (لحوم البقر والضأن ولحم الخنزير) - توصي بتحلل هوائي مرتفع (60-80٪ أكسجين و 20-40٪ ثاني أكسيد الكربون) لتحلل اللحوم الحمراء و نسبة ثاني أكسيد الكربون لتثبيط نمو البكتيريا.
USD 1350.0/шт 1350.0
Good afternoon We offer you polyethylene / polypropylene bags, rolls and threads from manufacturers. We can prepare bags of various types, sizes and capacities. It is also possible to manufacture colored bags. And we also export our products to different countries.
USD 0.16 - 0.44/шт
The use of protective cardboard corners provides protection for the edges and corners of finished products during storage and transportation, which reduces the chance of damage by several times, reducing financial losses. Cardboard protective corners can be reused. The equipment used allows the production of protective cardboard corners of the following sizes: - Shelf width: 1) Equal-shelf corners: - From 30x30 mm to 100x100 mm 2) Unequal corners: - From 25x35 mm to 85x110 mm; - Shelf thickness: from 2 mm to 10 mm; - Corner length: from 50 mm to ∞
USD 3.0 - 4.0/шт
Perforated plastic box, stackable, insertable. Dimensions 600x400x200mm Weight 1.7 kg
AP Import
USD 0.07 - 0.09/шт
Green polypropylene bag for construction needs. Size: 55x95 cm Upper: thermal cut Bottom: double fold and one stitching Material: recycled polypropylene Carrying capacity: up to 50 kg Manufacturer: China Permanent availability in a warehouse in Moscow at least 1,000,000 pieces. The construction waste bag is made of durable polypropylene resistant to mechanical stress and chemicals. One package contains 100 bags measuring 55x95 cm. Advantages - Resistance to moisture, tearing, wear, chemical inertness. - Ability to support weight up to 50 kg. - Possibility of multiple use. - Good breathability thanks to special weaving.
USD 2.0/шт 2.0
E110720 TRANSPARENT FOOD GRADE PLASTIC FOOD MEAT TRAYS Specification:267*170*20(mm) Material:PP Suggested weight:32g VSP TRAYS are used in conjunction with a skin lidding film where the film follows the contours of the product via vacuuming to create a 3D presentation. A major advantage of this format compared to MAP is that it provides for an extended shelf life (particularly for red meat) over and above MAP.
Planet cm
USD 8.05/шт 8.05
Type: desktopSize HxWxD: 200 x 200 x 150 mmMaterial: shockproof transparent plasticThickness: 2mmManufacturer: RussiaPackaging: yesAdditional: slot format 130 x 5mm The design of the voting box is made taking into account maximum safety for the contents, and the material itself is characterized by anti-vandal properties. The transparency of the material will attract those wishing to participate in your campaign and charity. The tabletop ballot box is made of high-strength plastic, has a convenient slot of 130 × 5 mm. The box is locked with a lock, two keys included.
Altai St. Petersburg
СПБ, روسيا
USD 0.7/шт 0.7
Capacity, 3L canister with lid.
USD 1000.0 - 1300.0
We are engaged in the production and sale of high quality polypropylene bags made of raw material. Name: Polypropylene bag Sizes: 55 * 105 cm, 48 * 95 cm, 45 * 80 cm and other sizes on request Capacity: 20kg to 60kg Color: White with / without stripes Purpose: for building materials, cereals, vegetables, grains, sugar, etc. The price is approved at the time of order Design to be discussed (stripes in the middle, on the sides, etc.)
حدد السعر USD 0 0
The printed baklava box doubles the value of your products and is the cheapest advertisement you can make. Remember, it is the packaging that sells a product.
USD 3.0/кг 3.0
Perforated gelatin Dimensions: 70x120, 70x100, 65x90
حدد السعر USD 0 0
حدد السعر USD 0 0
We make products from high density polyethylene: - shopping bag with loop handles corrugated "Orlovskaya" (patent) - LDPE garbage bags (our label, client's private label) -sleeve and half-sleeve
USD 0.07 - 0.14/шт
وزن الكيس الواحد 70-80 جرامًا وزن لفة واحدة كجم طول وعرض الكيس 55 سم - 105 سم كثافة النسيج 38 × 38 خيوطًا لكل 10 سم لفة كيس بولي إيثيلين (1 طن) 1210 دولارًا كيس بولي إيثيلين 70 جم (قطعة واحدة) 0.085 دولارًا لفة كيس بولي بروبيلين ( 1 طن) 2200 دولار كيس بولي بروبلين 70 غرام (قطعة واحدة) 0.165 دولار
IE "Tasin Halka"
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Our factory produces several types of single-deck plastic pallets of different sizes and capacities.
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.01 - 0.02/шт
Polymer cap is designed for sealing containers with a 38 mm Bericap neck standard. The cap provides excellent sealing and gas retention function (up to 8 bar). Height -14.6 mm Diameter - 40.9 mm Opening control - Tear-off ring Neck standard - 38 mm Bericap Material - HDPE (Low Pressure Polyethylene) Weight 2.6 - 2.8 g Packing: 3600 pcs / box
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.01 - 0.02/шт
Polymer cap is designed to seal containers with a 28 mm BPF or PCO 1810 neck standard. The cap provides excellent tightness and gas retention function (up to 8 bar). Height - 19.6 mm Diameter - 30.2 mm Opening control - Tear-off ring Neck standard - 28 mm BPF Material - HDPE (Low Pressure Polyethylene) Weight 2.5 - 2.6 g Packing - 5000 pcs / box
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.07 - 0.09/шт
The bottle is rectangular in shape, the left side has an arched shape that gives it an unusual look and helps to hold it comfortably in the hand. On the front and back sides there is a place for labeling. The optimal weight is 42 grams. The necks can be of 2 types: BPF 28mm and DIN 28mm. The main difference is that the DIN 28mm neck has a much smaller protruding ring around the neck.This gives the bottle a smoother look and allows flip-tops, triggers, pumps to be completed without losing the appearance of the strongly protruding ring as on the BPF 28mm. Vials are completed with 28mm BPF caps with a tear-off ring for tamper evident, flip-tops, triggers, aluminum caps. Material - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Raw materials - Primary / secondary (on request) Weight - 41/32 grams (on request) Width - 47 mm Length - 80 mm Height - 195 mm Neck - 28 mm (BPF ) · Packing - 150 pieces per pack · Color: Transparent, dark brown
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.05 - 0.08/шт
The bottle is rectangular in shape, the left side has an arched shape that gives it an unusual look and helps to hold it comfortably in the hand. On the front and back sides there is a place for labeling. The optimum weight is 32 grams. The necks can be of 2 types: BPF 28mm and DIN 28mm. The main difference is that the DIN 28mm neck has a much smaller protruding ring around the neck.This gives the bottle a smoother look and allows flip-tops, triggers, pumps to be completed without losing the appearance of the strongly protruding ring as on the BPF 28mm. Vials are completed with 28mm BPF caps with a tear-off ring for tamper evident, flip-tops, triggers, aluminum caps. Material - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Raw materials - Primary / secondary (on request) Weight - 32/23 grams (on request) Width - 40 mm Length - 65 mm Height - 170 mm Neck - 28 mm (BPF) Packing - 200 pieces per packColor: Transparent, dark brown
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.05 - 0.08/шт
A vial of elongated cylindrical shape (an example of non-standard shapes). Due to the non-standard ratio of diameter to length, the bottle looks very high, this will make it possible to distinguish the product on the counter from the general row. The optimum weight is 32 grams. The necks can be of 2 types: BPF 28mm and DIN 28mm. The main difference is that the DIN 28mm neck has a much smaller protruding ring around the neck.This gives the bottle a smoother look and allows flip-tops, triggers, pumps to be completed without losing the appearance of the strongly protruding ring as on the BPF 28mm. Vials are completed with 28mm BPF caps with a tear-off ring for tamper evident, flip-tops, triggers, aluminum caps. Material - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Raw materials - Primary / secondary (on request) Weight - 32/23 grams (on request) Diameter - 50 mm Height - 230 mm Neck - 28 mm (BPF) Packing - 200 pieces packaged · Color: Transparent, dark brown
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.05 - 0.08/шт
The bottle is cylindrical. It is mainly used for cosmetic products. The necks can be of 2 types: BPF 28mm and DIN 28mm. The main difference is that the DIN 28mm neck has a much smaller protruding ring around the neck.This gives the bottle a smoother look and allows flip-tops, triggers, pumps to be completed without losing the appearance of the strongly protruding ring as on the BPF 28mm. The optimal bottle weight is 32 grams. With this weight, the bottle is firm to the touch and less susceptible to mechanical damage. Vials are completed with 28mm BPF caps with a tear-off ring for tamper evident, flip-tops, triggers, aluminum caps. Material - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Raw material - Primary / secondary (on request) Weight - 23/32 grams (on request) Diameter - 56 mm Height - 190 mm Neck - 28 mm (BPF) Packing - 200 pieces per packageColor: Transparent, dark brown
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.07 - 0.09/шт
PET bottles are intended for filling food products, therefore they are made only from primary materials. Bottle neck - BPF 28mm or PCO 1810 BPF 28mm - old European standard. Suitable for most cranes of the "PEGAS" brand PCO 1810 - A more modern standard that differs from its predecessor in the height of the neck (less by 1 mm) and weight (less by 1-2 grams). One-piece caps (caps) handle both PCO and BPF sealing and gas retention. · Material - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) · Raw materials - Primary · Weight - 32 grams · Diameter - 89.6 mm · Height - 318 mm · Neck - 28 mm (BPF / PCO1810) · Packing - 60 pieces per pack · Color: Transparent, dark brown, blue
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.05 - 0.08/шт
PET bottles are intended for filling food products, therefore they are made only from primary materials. Bottle neck - BPF 28mm or PCO 1810 BPF 28mm - old European standard. Suitable for most cranes of the "PEGAS" brand PCO 1810 - A more modern standard that differs from its predecessor in the height of the neck (less by 1 mm) and weight (less by 1-2 grams). One-piece caps (caps) handle both PCO and BPF sealing and gas retention. · Material - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) · Raw materials - Primary · Weight - 23 grams · Diameter - 78 mm · Height - 280 mm · Neck - 28 mm (BPF / PCO1810) · Packing - 70 pieces per pack · Color: Transparent, dark brown, blue
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.04 - 0.07/шт
Bank of cylindrical shape with "shoulders". The neck of the can is the European standard 38mm BERICAP with a three-way thread. The optimal weight for this model is 16 grams, with this weight the can will be dense and pleasant to the touch, and the thicker the wall of the container, the less the likelihood of mechanical damage during transportation. The increase in weight can lead to uneven distribution of the material over the entire area of ​​the bottle. · Material - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) · Raw materials - Primary · Weight - 13/16 grams · Diameter - 52 mm · Height - 95 mm · Neck - 38 mm (Bericap) · Packing - 400 pieces per pack · Color: Transparent, white < / p>
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.04 - 0.07/шт
Bank of cylindrical shape with "shoulders". The neck of the can is the European standard 38mm BERICAP with a three-way thread. The optimal weight for this model is 16 grams, with this weight the can will be dense and pleasant to the touch, and the thicker the wall of the container, the less the likelihood of mechanical damage during transportation. The increase in weight can lead to uneven distribution of the material over the entire area of ​​the bottle. · Material - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) · Raw materials - Primary · Weight - 13/16 grams · Diameter - 52 mm · Height - 95 mm · Neck - 38 mm (Bericap) · Packing - 400 pieces per pack · Color: Transparent, white
Голицыно, روسيا
USD 0.04 - 0.07/шт
The jar has a regular cylindrical shape. The mouth of the can is the European standard 38mm BERICAP (cosmetic) with a three-way thread. Correctly selected weight allows you to make the jar dense to the touch throughout its entire area, which is important for the brand image. The optimum weight for this form is 11 grams. The lid ensures complete tightness of the container. The cans are completed with standard one-piece 38mm BERICAP lids with a tear-off ring for tamper evident; cans can also be completed with adhesive inserts (membranes). • Material - Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) • Raw materials - Primary • Weight - 11 grams • Diameter - 40mm • Height - 70mm • Neck - 38mm (Bericap) • Packing - 500 pieces per pack • Color: Transparent, dark brown, light brown
Komupak LLC
USD 0.84 - 2.94/шт
The design of the wrap-around box has 12 fold points, forming 4 valves: 2 external and 2 internal. The assembly of the box is provided by overlapping tabs (locks). Swing boxes are convenient for packing and transporting rectangular goods when you need to open the box without moving the product from the bottom, providing full access to the top position. Scope of packaging: glass, doors, windows and much more. Employees and specialists of the sales department of Komupak LLC will help you choose the size, the number of additional shock-absorbing elements (cardboard sheets, additional fasteners and valve interlocks) depending on the technical characteristics of the product, the characteristics of transportation and storage conditions. For example, the price of a swing box (wrap-around type) with 2 valves 1500x600x150 in size is 220 rubles. We produce in small quantities. Some sizes are in stock.
Komupak LLC
USD 0.16 - 1.17/шт
Vegetable, confectionery, self-assembled with a solid bottom. The tray is an open-type corrugated cardboard box with a water-repellent component. The advantages of such packaging include: 1. Safety: unlike plastic, it does not emit harmful substances into packaged food: cardboard `` breathes '', extending the shelf life. 2. Cushioning: softens shocks, ensures the safety of goods during packing and transportation (which is especially important to ensure the integrity of the product). 3. Packaging and transportation costs are significantly less than those of a wooden box. The tray is self-assembly by design. The sides of the tray are high enough to withstand heavy loading and stacking. For confectionery, the trays are supplemented with transparent windows that allow you to display the product without taking it out of the package. For example, the price of a self-assembled corrugated tray with dimensions 350x280x45 is 15 rubles. We produce in small quantities. Some sizes are in stock.
Komupak LLC
USD 0.25 - 1.17/шт
Archival boxes and cardboard folders are standardized for storing documents in A3 and A4 format. The box is produced in the `` cover-bottom '' modification: non-opening solid bottom, convenient openings in the side walls for placement on racks, carrying inside office premises. Corrugated cardboard is convenient for applying inscriptions and logos, so it will not be difficult to find the one you need in a large number of archive boxes. For example, the price of an archive box for storing A4 documents with a size of 310x250x70 is 23 rubles. We produce in small quantities. Some sizes are in stock.

يساعدك موقع Qoovee الرسمي على إبرام صفقات مربحة ، والعثور على مورد ومصنع لتنمية عملك. في قسم "قاعدة الموردين" يمكنك أن تجد كل ما تحتاجه لنفسك: التغليف والحاويات من روسيا وقيرغيزستان وكازاخستان وتركيا وأوكرانيا ودول أخرى يتم تحديث فئات المنتجات باستمرار وتبقى ذات صلة. يهتم موردو الجملة بمشتريات الجملة والشراكات وهم على استعداد للتعاون المفيد

اكتب لنا ، نحن متصلون بالإنترنت!