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USD 2.63/шт 2.63
LAVENDER HYDROLATE - ROSMARINE COMPOSITION: Lavender-rosemary hydrolate is a product of steam-water distillation of mountain lavender and medicinal rosemary. No alcohol or preservatives. Perfect for any skin and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. Lavender-rosemary hydrolate is indispensable for the health and beauty of hair. It has a gentle soothing effect and is suitable for use with any skin problems: eczema, psoriasis, various dermatitis, urticaria, household and sunburn. The regenerating properties of this hydrolat help prevent the appearance of stretch marks and also slow down the aging of the skin. It is a powerful antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on skin prone to stress and time. Regular use of lavender-rosemary hydrolate for hair normalizes scalp liposecretion, reduces dandruff and itching, and hair grows stronger, healthier and more beautiful. < br> Hydrolat has a fresh floral herbaceous aroma with a characteristic hint of rosemary. Its pleasant aroma helps relieve irritability, stress, fits of anger, mental and physical stress; soothes and helps to restore healthy sleep. COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR HAIR: - strengthens, promotes hair growth; - gives shine to hair; - recommended for seborrhea (dandruff). - suitable for oily hair; COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR SKIN: - suitable for all skin types (dry , oily, normal, combined, sensitive); - has an anti-aging effect; - is an antioxidant that protects the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals and aggressive environmental factors; - tones; - tightens pores ; - moisturizes; - recommended for allergies, dermatitis; - recommended for eczema, psoriasis; - has a bactericidal effect; - recommended for acne; - helps with corns, coarse skin; - heals wounds, cracks; - has an anti-cellulite effect, gives elasticity to the skin; - improves, evens out the complexion; - removes irritation, inflammation, softens; - cleans; - deodorizes. HEALING PROPERTIES: - soothing, mild sedative; - is a strong antioxidant m (cleanses the body of damaging molecules - free radicals, the formation of which in large quantities causes many diseases); - relieves stress, tension and mental fatigue, helps with disturbances in circadian rhythms; - has bactericidal properties, promotes wound healing ; - relieves spasms; - effective for headaches, back pain, neck pain, joint pain; - helps with stomach problems; - has a diuretic and choleretic effect; - expectorant and mucolytic remedy; - used for lack of energy, hypotension, difficulties in memory and concentration; - helps with edema during PMS; - soothes muscle pain; - increases immunity; - activates and stimulates metabolism; - has a detoxifying effect (aimed at stopping the effects of toxic substances and their elimination from the body). WAYS OF USE IN COSMETOLOGY AND HAIR CARE: - In pure form as a skin tonic. - For to combat dandruff and excessive oily hair, spray hydrolat on dry scalp. - To dilute ubtan. - As an enriching component in face masks: mix hydrolat with yellow or green clay or powder mask. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes. - Compresses for acne. Soak cotton pads (for use on problem areas) or a cloth (for use on the whole face) in the hydrolat, place on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes. - In the form of cosmetic ice to tighten the skin, narrow pores, reduce hypersecretion skin. - For an even and quick tan: the hydrolat is evenly applied to the skin before sunbathing or visiting a solarium. - As a soothing and moisturizing agent for the skin after shaving or depilation, sunbathing. - In the form steam inhalations and hot compresses to cleanse pores. - As a soothing and emollient after traumatic procedures for the skin (deep cleansing, peeling). - To relieve the effects of sunburn, a composition of hydrolates of lavender, rosemary, rose and immortelle (in equal proportions). - To prepare deodorant and tonic foot baths (add 20-30 ml of fragrant water to warm water). - Spray for stretch marks: mix equal proportions of lavender and rose hydrolates Marina, and neroli, rub into problem areas with light pinch movements. - How a spray lotion can be used to soothe the skin after insect bites, relieve itching. - Like thermal water - to moisturize the skin when the air is dry. - In its pure form for removing cosmetics. - Baths with lavender-rosemary have a relaxing effect on the skin and the whole body. - With edema during PMS, they will also help inAnna with a small addition of hydrolat. - Can be added to the bath or used to cleanse the skin. - Scenting bed linen: spray the linen while ironing. - As a spray, scented water can be used on dry or damp hair . - To combat dandruff and excessive oily hair, spray hydrolat on dry scalp. - Add a small amount of hydrolate to hair masks, shampoos and balms. - To massage the scalp with lavender water. This improves the blood circulation of the hair follicles, helping them to enrich them with oxygen and nutrients - the hair begins to grow faster, stronger and healthier, dandruff disappears and the secretion of sebum is normalized. Massage to do daily, for 10-15 minutes. METHODS OF USE FOR TREATMENT PURPOSES: Recommended mainly for external use. - With irritability, fits of anger, relieving mental fatigue, if circadian rhythms are disturbed, you can take a soothing bath with lavender-rosemary water. - Spray in the room or directly onto bedclothes for better sleep. - Used to rinse cuts, scrapes and wounds. - Soothe muscle pains with dressings with lavender rosemary water, compresses and rubdowns. Gently stimulates blood circulation, promotes the elimination of uric and lactic acids from overworked muscles. - For spasms and PMS it can be used for compresses in combination with geranium, rose or clary sage on the lower abdomen and back. - Can be used as an antispasmodic remedies for mild migraines, with a tendency to increase pressure: spray hydrolat with a refreshing cloud on the skin of the face. - You can also relieve pain in joints (including arthritis, rheumatism, gout) with the help of compresses and rubdowns. - For joint and rheumatic pains, compresses with lavender water heated to 38-40 degrees will be effective. - Regular inhalation of the aroma helps to improve brain function and stimulate memory. - In gynecology with leucorrhoea, douching with heated lavender water is recommended twice a day , you can add 1 tablespoon of baking soda. - To relieve redness, itching, swelling from insect bites, lotions on the affected areas will help. SYNERGY Lavender-rosemary water can be perfectly combined with other hydrolates, thus forming a special synergistic effect: - with cornflower - washing wounds and cuts, compresses for bruises; - with a rose , clary sage - PMS, menstrual cramps (hot or cold compresses on the lower abdomen and back); - with chamomile - burns; - with rose water - to dilute clay masks. CONTRAINDICATIONS < br> Individual intolerance. WARNING - store in a dark place at temperatures below + 17C; - storage at room temperature significantly reduces the shelf life of hydrolat; - when stored at ambient temperature above +10? C a slight formation of sediment is allowed; - use inside only on the recommendation of a physician! PACKAGING: 100 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 2.6/шт 2.6
Wormwood Hydrolate COMPOSITION: Wormwood hydrolate is a product of steam-water distillation of lemon wormwood. Alcohol and preservatives free. Wormwood hydrolate is one of the most powerful antioxidants that is used for all skin types, but it is most effective for problem skin prone to oily. Also suitable for mature skin care, as it stimulates collagen synthesis. Recommended for diseases caused by pathogenic fungi, psoriasis, lichen, eczema. Relieves itching, treats acne and pustular skin diseases. It has a bactericidal effect, promotes the healing of burns and the restoration of skin tissues. Wormwood water is used to rinse the hair with oily scalp, while it regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, gives the hair shine and stimulates its growth. In addition, wormwood hydrolat it is used to strengthen and grow nails. Hydrolat has a specific smell of wormwood, tart and bitter. In aromatherapy, it is used to tone the body and revitalize vitality; the smell of wormwood hydrolat helps to calm down the nervous system, concentrate and concentrate. COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR HAIR: - strengthens, promotes hair growth; - gives shine; - suitable for oily hair; - recommended for seborrhea (dandruff). COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR SKIN: - suitable for any type of skin (dry, oily, normal, combination, sensitive ); - has an anti-aging effect (stimulates collagen synthesis); - is an antioxidant that protects the skin from the destructive effects of free radicals and aggressive environmental factors; - tones; - tightens pores; - refreshes; - has a bactericidal effect; - recommended for acne and acne; - heals wounds, cracks; - improves, evens out the complexion; - relieves irritation, inflammation , softens; - cleans; - has antifungal properties; - is a repellent. HEALING PROPERTIES: - disinfecting; - antifungal; - antibacterial ; - antiparasitic, antihelminthic agent; - strong antioxidant (cleanses the body of damaging molecules - free radicals, the formation of which in large quantities causes many diseases); - improves the functioning of the liver, stomach, gallbladder; - has a stimulating effect on the digestive system and circulatory system; - helps to cleanse the blood, lymph and liver, stimulates the secretion of bile. - relieves stiffness, pain, muscle tension caused by overexertion; - stimulates the uterus and regulates the menstrual cycle. WAYS OF USE IN COSMETOLOGY AND HAIR CARE: - Pure as a tonic for the skin of the face and body. - For application on the skin of the face, neck, décolleté before using a cream or cosmetic oil as additional moisturizing of the skin and strengthening the effect of the product. - In creams, lotions, tonics, especially in anti- age programs. - Spray for refreshing the skin in hot weather. - Lotion for removing makeup. - For diluting alginate masks. To dilute 2 teaspoons of alginate (on the face and neck), 4 teaspoons of hydrolate is required. - To dilute masks from herbal powders. 1 teaspoon requires 2 teaspoons of hydrolate. - As an enriching component in clay face masks. - Compresses for acne. Soak cotton pads (for use on problem areas) or a cloth (for use on the whole face) in the hydrolat, place on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes. - In the form of cosmetic ice to tighten the skin, narrow pores, reduce hypersecretion skin. - In the form of steam inhalations and hot compresses to cleanse the pores. - As a soothing and moisturizing agent for the skin after shaving or depilation. - As a soothing and toning agent after scrub, peeling and cleaning the skin. - For the preparation of tonic foot baths (add 20-30 ml of fragrant water to warm water). - Baths with wormwood water have a toning effect on the skin and the whole body. - As a spray, scented water can be use on dry or damp hair. - To combat dandruff and excessive oily hair, spray hydrolat on dry scalp. - Add a small amount of hydrolat to hair masks, shampoos and balms. - For massage scalp with ic the use of wormwood water. This improves the blood circulation of the hair follicles, helping them to enrich them with oxygen and nutrients - the hair begins to grow faster, stronger and healthier, dandruff disappears and the secretion of sebum is normalized. Massage to do daily, for 10-15 minutes. METHODS OF APPLICATION FOR TREATMENT PURPOSES: - Treatment of conjunctivitis. Method of application: pour hydrolat into a small flat container, lower your eye into water and blink several times ... Then turn your eye left and right. Make circular movements and movements from top to bottom. This contributes tobetter penetration of wormwood hydrolat on the mucous membrane of the eyeball. Be sure to change the fluid in the container you are using before rinsing your second eye. After the end of the procedure, rest for 5-10 minutes with your eyes closed. - Treatment of barley. Method of application: applications (cold compress) with wormwood hydrolat. Soak a cotton swab in hydrolat and apply to the site of the barley for 10 minutes. - Muscle pains are soothed by dressings with wormwood water, compresses and rubdowns. - In herpes ointments. SYNERGY Wormwood water can be combined with other hydrolates, and a special synergistic effect is formed: - black spruce, pine - pain and muscle tension caused by increased stress; - Roman chamomile - antiparasitic effect. CONTRAINDICATIONS - individual intolerance to wormwood; - pregnancy; - epilepsy. - Take with caution to people suffering from asthma and allergic reactions. WARNING - store in the dark place at temperatures below + 17C; - storage at room temperature significantly reduces the shelf life of hydrolat; - when stored with an ambient temperature above + 10C, slight sediment formation is allowed; - use inside only on the recommendation of a doctor- therapist! PACKAGE: 100 ml < br> SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 2.92/шт 2.92
Linden hydrolate COMPOSITION: Linden hydrolate is a product of steam-water distillation of linden inflorescences. No alcohol and preservatives. Contains vitamin C, carotenoids, phytoncides, essential oil, phytohormones and other substances useful for the skin. Suitable for dry, thin, normal skin. One of the best restorative and soothing products for mature, aging skin and skin prone to frequent stress. Fragrant water visibly reduces dark circles under the eyes. Linden hydrolat has healing properties that help to cope with itching, burning, redness and inflammation, even on sensitive and allergic skin. Evens the complexion and restores the natural beauty of the skin. Linden blossom water for hair is a soft and gentle remedy that nourishes the scalp, strengthens the hair, making it soft and shiny. Linden hydrolat has a summer honey scent. < br> The soothing properties of linden and the sweet smell of flower water will allow you to turn cosmetic care into a relaxation session. COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR HAIR: - strengthens, promotes hair growth; - nourishes; - gives shine to hair; - are recommended for dry seborrhea and itchy scalp. COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR SKIN: - suitable for dry, normal, combination, sensitive skin; - suitable for the skin around the eyes, reduces dark circles under the eyes; - has an anti-aging effect; - protects the skin from the effects of aggressive environmental factors; - recommended for eczema, psoriasis; - helps with corns, coarse skin; - heals wounds, cracks; - nourishes; - improves, evens out the complexion; - brightens the skin; - relieves irritation, inflammation, softens. HEALING PROPERTIES: - sedative; - anti-inflammatory; - diaphoretic; - anesthetic; - diuretic; - choleretic; - has mucolytic and expectorant effect; - helps relieve itching and irritation in the treatment of shingles, eczema and psoriasis. WAYS OF USE IN COSMETOLOGY AND HAIR CARE: - Pure as skin tonic. - As an enriching component in clay face masks. - pour 1 tablespoon of hydrolate into a cup, you can warm it up a little in a water bath, add a teaspoon of white or pink clay and mix thoroughly to obtain a consistency thick sour cream. Add 3-5 drops of frankincense essential oil. Apply on face and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. - In the form of lotions, reduces "bags" under the eyes and improves the appearance of the skin (apply for 10 minutes). - A mask gives a good moisturizing and nourishing effect. compress from linden hydrolat, aloe vera gel and linden honey. Mix hydrolat, honey and gel equally. Apply on face and décolleté for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. - As thermal water, moisturize dry face several times during the day from a spray bottle. - Linden hydrolat is ideal as a base for the aqueous phase in the preparation home cosmetics. - As a water base for soap making. - Apply to the skin as a soothing and moisturizing agent after sunbathing, shaving, cleansing the skin with a scrub, and in winter - after prolonged contact with frosty air. - For the treatment of sunburn, it is necessary to make compresses from a mixture of lime hydrolat and chamomile 1: 1. - In the form of cosmetic ice for skin tightening. - Baths with lime water have a relaxing effect on the skin and the whole body. - Scenting bed linen: spray the linen while ironing. - As a spray, scented water can be used on dry or damp hair. - Add a small amount of hydrolat to hair masks, shampoos and balms. - With dry seborrhea and itching of the scalp is recommended after each wash to apply linden hydrolat to the hair roots and gently massage the skin. action). - After sunstroke, compresses with linden hydrolate in combination with hydrolat of lavender or German chamomile will also be useful. - Lotions and instillations with linden hydrolate will help with redness of the eyes and conjunctivitis. - An effective remedy against shingles lichen - compresses with linden and nettle hydrolates, they will help relieve itching and irritation (for effectiveness, you can add rosemary essential oil and linden oil). - Compresses are also used to treat dry eczema and psoriasis (in combination with yarrow and witch hazel). - Inhalation helps to ease breathing, remove mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract and accelerate recovery. SYNERGY Linden hydrolat is also formed t ideal combination with any water for sensitive skin: chamomile, lavender, mint. CONTRAINDICATIONS Individual intolerance to essential oils. WARNING - store in a dark place at temperatures below + 17C; - storageat room temperature, significantly reduces the shelf life of the hydrolat; - when stored with an ambient temperature above + 10C, a slight formation of sediment is allowed; - use inside only on the recommendation of a therapist! PACKAGING: 100 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 2.48/шт 2.48
ISOP'S HYDROLATE COMPOSITION: Hyssop hydrolate is a product of steam-water distillation of medicinal hyssop inflorescences. Without alcohol and preservatives. It is possible to use flower water in meditations and performing spiritual practices to attract energy. Hyssop is one of the most ancient medicinal plants, it is widely used in folk medicine. Hydrolat, thanks to its essential oil, various useful substances, resins and acids, incl. ascorbic, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing effects. Fragrant water of hyssop is also appreciated in cosmetology. It effectively cares for the skin of the face and body, improves tone, normalizes the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands, and promotes the recovery of problem skin. It has a cooling, soothing, lymphatic drainage effect, therefore it is recommended to use it after traumatic procedures for the skin. Eliminates irritation, swelling, burning, stress reactions of the skin; effective for bacterial and autoimmune dermatitis, weeping eczema. Evens skin color. Used to strengthen hair, treat seborrhea and dandruff. Hyssop hydrolate has a pleasant, slightly sweet smell. Its warm, fragrant aroma, acting on the subconscious of a person, helps to gain self-control and the ability to think soberly. Soothes nerves, helps with anxiety, fatigue and nervous tension. COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR HAIR: - strengthens, promotes hair growth; - Recommended for seborrhea (dandruff). COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR SKIN: - suitable for oily, combination and problem skin; - tones; - protects against the influence of aggressive environmental factors; - used for dermatitis, allergies; - recommended for eczema, psoriasis; - has a bactericidal effect; - effective for acne and acne; - heals wounds, cracks; - improves, evens out the complexion; - relieves irritation , inflammation, softens; - deodorizes. HEALING PROPERTIES: - strengthens the immune system; - pain reliever; - has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, heals wounds; - has antihistaminic properties; - mucolytic, expectorant; - anti-asthmatic; - antiviral; - diaphoretic; - carminative; - normalizes water balance in the body; - soothes the nervous system. METHODS OF USE IN COSMETOLOGY AND HAIR CARE: - Pure as a skin tonic. - Apply before using the cream or cosmetic oil, for the sake of preparing the skin and enhancing the effect of the product. - As an enriching component in masks, scrubs, gommages, foams, creams, tonics (add 3-5 drops). - Dilute clay masks and ubtan, to refresh and tighten the skin. - As compresses and applications on irritated areas, swelling and bruising. - Compresses for acne. Soak cotton pads (for use on problem areas) or a cloth (for use on the whole face) in the hydrolat, place on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes. - In the form of cosmetic ice to tighten the skin, narrow pores, reduce hypersecretion skin. - In the form of steam inhalations and hot compresses to cleanse the pores. - As a soothing and softening agent for the skin after shaving, depilation, sunbathing, as well as after traumatic procedures for the skin (deep cleaning, extraction of comedones, peels, dermabrasion). - To prepare deodorant and tonic foot baths (add 20-30 ml of scented water to warm water). - Baths with hyssop water have a toning effect on the skin and the whole body. - For the treatment of seborrhea and dandruff, moisten your hair well with hydrolat and after 10-15 minutes rinse with water. - To combat dandruff and excessive oily hair, spray hydrolat on dry scalp. - Add to hair masks, shampoos and balms a small amount hydrolat. - For massage of the scalp using scented water. METHODS OF USE FOR TREATMENT PURPOSES: - Compresses with hyssop water are used as a remedy for bruises, hematomas, hemorrhages. - Lotions from hyssop water relieve muscle pain and are used for bruises, cuts, skin dermatitis. - Hyssop inhalations are used for breathing exercises for asthmatic coughs, shortness of breath, smoker's cough. - An effective mouthwash for stomatitis and periodontal disease. - It is used as a strong deodorizing agent in the treatment and prevention of excessive sweating of feet and skin of the hands. - Relieves irritation from mosquito bites. SYNERGY Hyssop water can be perfectly combined with other hydrolates , thus a special synergistic effect is formed: - with rosemary water - to calm the nerves; - in combination with rosemary and mint - to refresh the skin; - with lavender hydrolate (10 ml each) - for compresses; - with sage - for deodorizing the skin; - in combination with a rose - fordry skin care; - cornflower - to even out skin tone; - in combination with chamomile water - as a base for micellar water. CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in epilepsy, pregnancy and breastfeeding , in children under 3 years of age. With caution in hypertension. WARNING - store in a dark place at temperatures below +17 C; - storage at room temperature significantly reduces shelf life of hydrolat; - when stored with an ambient temperature above +10 C, a slight formation of sediment is allowed; - use inside only on the recommendation of a physician! PACKAGING: 100 ml < br> SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 2.6/шт 2.6
ROSMARINE HYDROLATE COMPOSITION: Rosemary hydrolate is a product of steam-water distillation of medicinal rosemary. Alcohol and preservatives free. Rosemary water is a wonderful natural toner that is suitable for all skin types, but it will be especially beneficial for oily skin. It is a powerful antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on skin prone to stress and time. Rosemary hydrolate is indispensable for the health and beauty of hair. Can be used in cosmetology in its pure form, and also as an auxiliary component for masks and baths. Hydrolat has a mild fresh aroma, herbaceous mint, with a characteristic hint of rosemary. COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR HAIR: - strengthens, promotes hair growth; - nourishes; - suitable for oily hair; - recommended for seborrhea (dandruff). COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR SKIN: - suitable for any type of skin (dry, oily, normal, combination, sensitive ); - has an anti-aging effect; - is an antioxidant that protects the skin from the destructive effects of free radicals and aggressive environmental factors; - tones; - tightens pores; - recommended for eczema , psoriasis; - has a bactericidal effect; - recommended for acne and acne; - heals wounds, cracks; - has an anti-cellulite effect, gives elasticity to the skin; - improves, smoothes complexion; - relieves irritation, inflammation, softens; - cleans; - deodorizes. HEALING PROPERTIES: - is a strong antioxidant (cleanses the body of damaging molecules - free radicals, the formation of which in large quantities causes many diseases); - expectorant and mucolytic medium dstvo; - used for lack of energy, hypotension, difficulties in memorizing and concentrating; - helps with edema during PMS; - soothes muscle pain; - relieves joint pain; - increases immunity; - activates and stimulates metabolism; - stimulates the liver, gallbladder and kidneys; - clears the digestive tract from mucus, improves liver function; - has a detoxifying effect (aimed at cessation of exposure to toxic substances and their excretion from the body); METHODS OF USE IN COSMETOLOGY AND HAIR CARE: - Pure as a skin tonic. - As an enriching component in face masks : Mix hydrolat with yellow or green clay or powder mask. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes. - Compresses for acne. Soak cotton pads (for use on problem areas) or a cloth (for use on the whole face) in the hydrolat, place on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes. - In the form of cosmetic ice to tighten the skin, narrow pores, reduce hypersecretion skin. - In the form of steam inhalations and hot compresses to cleanse the pores. - As a soothing and moisturizing agent for the skin after shaving or depilation. - For an even and fast tan: the hydrolat is evenly applied to the skin before taking sunbathing or visiting a solarium. - To prepare deodorizing and toning foot baths (add 20-30 ml of fragrant water to warm water). - Spray for stretch marks: mix in equal proportions hydrolates of rosemary, neroli and lavender, rub into problem areas with light pinch movements of your fingers. - As a basis for preparing anti-cellulite body wraps with black or blue clay (you should refrain from the tendency to form a vascular mesh on your legs!). Mix the clay and rosemary hydrolat to the consistency of sour cream, add 10-15 drops of rosemary essential oil to 100 grams of the mixture. Before applying the resulting mixture, take a hot shower, cleanse the body with soap and vigorously massage the problem areas with a hard washcloth. After applying the rosemary-clay mixture to the skin, wrap yourself in plastic (or special cosmetic) film, wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse the mixture in the shower and apply anti-cellulite oil. Course: 10-12 procedures carried out every other day. - Aromatization of bed linen: spray the linen while ironing. - Baths with rosemary have a tonic effect on the skin and the whole body. - For edema during PMS baths with a small addition of hydrolat will also help. - As a spray, scented water can be used on dry or damp hair. - To combat dandruff and excessive oily hair, spray hydrolat on dry scalp. - Add to hair masks, shampoos and balms a small amount of hydrolat. - To massage the scalp with rosemary water. This improves the blood circulation of the hair follicles, helping them to enrich them with oxygen and nutrients - the hair begins to grow faster, stronger and healthier, dandruff disappears and the secretion of sebum is normalized. Do the massage daily, for 10-15 minutes. METHODS OF USE FOR TREATMENT PURPOSES: - Dressings with rosemary water, compresses and rubdowns soothe muscle pain. Rosemary water gently stimulates blood circulation, helps to remove uric and lactic acids from overworked muscles. - You can also relieve joint pain (including arthritis, rheumatism, gout) with the help of compresses and rubdowns. - Inhalation helps to relieve breathing, remove mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract and speed up recovery. - Regular inhalation of the aroma of rosemary helps to improve brain function and stimulate memory. - As a preventive measure, rosemary hydrolate can be irrigated in rooms, especially during epidemic seasons and in cold weather year. - For the prevention of colds and moisturizing mucous membranes in the winter season, it is recommended to bury a few drops of rosemary in the nose. SYNERGY Rosemary water can be perfectly combined with other hydrolates, with a special synergistic effect ... Sage, chamomile, lemon balm, tea tree, mint are well suited for their properties and aromas. - with a tea tree - a mild mucolytic and expectorant effect; - with lavender in a ratio of 2: 1 is used in the treatment of acne and acne . CONTRAINDICATIONS Rosemary is not advised to use: - for people suffering from hypertension; - for pregnant women; - for high blood pressure; - for epilepsy; - with individual intolerance to rosemary oil. WARNING - store in a dark place at temperatures below +17 C; - storage at room temperature significantly reduces the shelf life of the hydrolat; - during storage with an ambient temperature above + 10C, a slight formation of sediment is allowed; - use inside only on the recommendation of a physician! PACKAGING: 100 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 2.44/шт 2.44
MELISSA HYDROLATE COMPOSITION: Melissa hydrolate is a product of steam-water distillation of lemon balm. Alcohol and preservatives free. Lemon balm hydrolat is a unique natural product that is suitable for all skin types. Its use contributes to the establishment of the correct lipid metabolism and improves skin tone, protects against aggressive environmental factors, and helps to maintain the skin in a healthy state. With regular use of hydrolat, the pores narrow and become cleaner, irritation and inflammation disappear, the complexion is evened out, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin takes on a well-groomed look. This scented water is rich in essential oil, which has many healing properties, incl. anti-inflammatory; antifungal and antibacterial. Lemon balm hydrolat has a delicate floral aroma with a slight lemon tint. Has a calming effect; useful for stress, anxiety, tantrums in children. COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR SKIN: - suitable for any type of skin (dry, oily, normal, combination), including sensitive and problematic; - has an anti-aging effect; - is an antioxidant that protects the skin from the destructive effects of free radicals and aggressive environmental factors; - tones; - tightens pores; - refreshes the skin; - recommended for eczema, psoriasis; - has a bactericidal effect; - recommended for acne and acne; - heals wounds, cracks; - has an anti-cellulite effect, gives elasticity to the skin; - improves , evens out the complexion; - brightens the skin; - relieves irritation, inflammation, softens; - cleanses; - deodorizes. HEALING PROPERTIES: - anti-inflammatory; - antifungal; - antibacterial; - choleretic effect; - softens spasms caused by colitis and intestinal spasms; - can have a laxative effect; - has a relaxing effect on tense muscles, - improves blood circulation; - relieves anxiety and tension; - treats some types of eczema; - softens PMS; - lowers blood pressure; - is a strong antioxidant (cleanses the body of damaging molecules - free radicals, the formation of which in large quantities causes many diseases). WAYS OF USE IN COSMETOLOGY AND HAIR CARE: - In pure form as a skin tonic. - As an enrichment component in face masks: mix hydrolat with clay or powder mask. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes. - Compresses for acne. Soak cotton pads (for use on problem areas) or a cloth (for use on the whole face) in the hydrolat, place on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes. - In the form of cosmetic ice to tighten the skin, narrow pores, reduce hypersecretion skin. - As a soothing agent for the skin after shaving or depilation. - As a refreshing body toner while sunbathing. - For preparing deodorant and toning foot baths (add 20- 30 ml of scented water). - As a refreshing and anti-fungal lotion for feet. - As a basis for preparing anti-cellulite body wraps with black or blue clay. Recommended to alternate with pine hydrolate. - Can be used as a deodorant, because lemon balm normalizes the work of sweat glands. METHODS OF USE FOR TREATMENT PURPOSES: - To increase the body's immunity and resistance to viral infections, a three-week intake of lemon balm water is recommended. - For colds on the lips (herpes), application will help undiluted lemon balm water (6-10 times a day) in combination with internal use (0.5 tsp). - As a prophylactic agent to prevent fungal diseases of the feet. - During pregnancy, lemon balm can used to treat morning sickness, digestive disorders, fluid retention and general improvement in body tone. SYNERGY Melissa water can be perfectly combined with other hydrolates, thus forming a special synergistic effect. - Peppermint - morning sickness during pregnancy. - Chamomile blue, yarrow - diaper dermatitis in babies. CONTRAINDICATIONS Individual intolerance. Care should be taken when ingested by persons suffering from hypotension (lemon balm can cause a decrease in blood pressure). WARNING - store in a dark place at temperatures below +17 C; - storage at room temperature significantly reduces the shelf life of the hydrolat; - when stored with an ambient temperature above +10? C, slight formation of sediment is allowed; - use inside only on recommendation doctor-therapist! PACKAGING: 100 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 2.47/шт 2.47
BURDOCK HYDROLATE COMPOSITION: Burdock hydrolate is a product of steam-water distillation of burdock roots. Without alcohol and preservatives. PROPERTIES: Burdock root hydrolat is suitable for the care of oily skin - relieves irritation, regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands, is an excellent antioxidant, accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin. Contains antifungal, antibacterial substances. Burdock root water is an indispensable product for all hair types. Stimulates the growth of the hair follicle, strengthens the hair shaft. Gives hair smoothness, shine and volume, is used to prevent baldness. HOW TO USE: - Tonic - apply hydrolat on a cotton swab (disk) and then wipe cleansed skin of the face and neck. - Care behind the hair - spray on the hair after shampooing. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at a temperature from 0 to +25 g., Avoid direct sunlight PACKAGING: 100 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 4.56/шт 4.56
NATURAL EYE CREAM COMPOSITION: Water, jojoba oil, avocado oil, shea butter (shea butter), emulsion wax, cetyl stearyl alcohol, rose essential oil, chamomile essential oil, linden extract, extract macleia, honeysuckle extract, vitamin E, raspberry ketone, walnut extract, sage extract, green tea extract, viburnum extract. ACTION: Softens, smoothes and protects the skin around the eyes. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: JOJOBA OIL increases the elasticity of the skin and smoothes wrinkles. AVOCADO OIL moisturizes, regenerates, restores the protective and immune barrier of the skin. SHEA TREE OIL has an excellent softening effect. LINDEN EXTRACT has a soothing and healing effect, eliminates puffiness of the eyelids. ESSENTIAL OIL OF CHAMOMILE relieves inflammation, protects against ultraviolet radiation. HOW TO USE : Apply the cream on the skin of the eyelids with gentle movements, remove the excess with a napkin. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at a temperature from +5 to + 25 g. PACKAGING: 20 ± 2 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 5.09/шт 5.09
NATURAL CREAM FOR OILY FACE SKIN COMPOSITION: Water, almond oil, apricot kernel oil, cumin oil, organic coconut oil, grape seed oil, emulsion wax, candelilla wax, cetylstearyl alcohol, lactate sodium, bergamot essential oil, rosewood essential oil, vitamin E, sodium citrate, macleia extract, honeysuckle extract, walnut extract, sage extract, green tea extract, viburnum extract, yarrow extract, burdock extract, strawberry extract, St. John's wort extract, extract coltsfoot, thyme extract, nettle extract, birch extract. ACTION: Takes care of oily skin, normalizes the sebaceous glands. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: ALMOND OIL slows down the aging of cells, eliminates inflammatory processes, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and prevents enlargement of pores. APRICOT AND GRAPE SEED OIL have anti-inflammatory, tonic, rejuvenating effect. Cumin oil has a resorbing and regenerating effect. COCONUT OIL protects, softens, smoothes the skin. THICK LEAVE EXTRACT has a healing, bactericidal, antiallergic effect. STRAWBERRY EXTRACT regulates the oiliness of the skin. STRAWBERRY EXTRACT cleanses, restores and strengthens the skin. NETTLE EXTRACT normalizes lipid metabolism, improves skin respiration. APPLICATION: Apply the cream on the face skin with gentle movements, remove the excess with a napkin. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at a temperature from +5 to + 25 g. PACKAGING: 50 ± 5 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 6.1/шт 6.1
NATURAL COLOR LEVELING CREAM COMPOSITION: Water, mango oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, emulsion wax, cetylstearyl alcohol, glycerin, sodium lactate, orange essential oil, neroli essential oil, lemon essential oil, D-panthenol, vitamin E, sodium citrate, macleia extract, honeysuckle extract, walnut extract, sage extract, green tea extract, viburnum extract, tortilla extract, lemon extract, ivy extract , mulberry extract, St. John's wort extract, coltsfoot extract, echinacea extract, birch bark extract, string extract. ACTION: Evens and improves complexion. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: MANGO OIL AND CASTOR OIL remove age spots, whiten and nourish the skin, promote the disappearance of small scars. AVOCADO OIL has a moisturizing, regenerating effect, restores protective and the immune barrier of the skin. JOJOBA OIL increases the elasticity of the skin and smoothes wrinkles. ORANGE ESSENTIAL OIL normalizes the sebaceous glands. Relieves muscle tension, has a whitening effect. Removes toxins and softens the skin. NEROLI ESSENTIAL OIL stimulates the growth of new cells. Eliminates small vascular pattern and rosacea. ANIMAL EXTRACT cleanses, restores and strengthens the skin. HOW TO USE: Apply the cream on the face skin with gentle movements, remove the excess with a napkin. < br> STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at temperatures from +5 to + 25 g. PACKAGING: 50 ± 5 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year
USD 5.26/шт 5.26
NATURAL NUTRITIONING FACE CREAM FOR DRY SKIN COMPOSITION: Water, avocado oil, walnut oil, almond oil, shea butter (shea butter), emulsion wax, cetylstearyl alcohol, glycerin, allantoin, D-panthenol, ylang-ylang essential oil, lavender essential oil, tea tree essential oil, vitamin E, macleia extract, honeysuckle extract, walnut extract, sage extract, green tea extract, viburnum extract, hop extract, kelp extract, cucumber extract , burdock extract, nettle extract. EFFECT: Nourishes dry skin and protects it from moisture loss. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: ALMOND OIL nourishes the skin, normalizes function sebaceous glands, gives the skin a healthy color. SHEA BUTTER softens the skin and protects it. AVOCADO OIL AND HOP EXTRACT increase elasticity, restore the barrier functions of the epidermis, and promote oxygenation. ESSENTIAL OILS OF LAVENDER AND YLANG-YLANGA eliminate allergic reactions. CUCUMBER EXTRACT has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. NETTLE EXTRACT normalizes lipid metabolism, has a tonic and antiseptic effect. HOW TO USE: Apply cream on the face skin with gentle movements, excess remove with a napkin. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at temperatures from +5 to + 25 g. PACKAGING: 50 ± 5 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year < / p>
USD 5.25/шт 5.25
NATURAL NIGHT MOISTURIZING FACE CREAM COMPOSITION: Water, shea butter (shea butter), hemp oil, babassu oil, macadamia oil, tamanu oil, evening primrose oil, emulsion wax , cetylstearyl alcohol, glycerin, allantoin, lavender essential oil, neroli essential oil, lactic acid, vitamin E, D-panthenol, macleia extract, honeysuckle extract, walnut extract, sage extract, green tea extract, viburnum extract, aloe vera extract , brewer's yeast extract, mountain ash extract, apple extract, echinacea extract, grape extract, burdock extract. EFFECT: Effectively, but gently moisturizes the skin of the face, restores it and protects it at night. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: PRIMULA OIL OF EVENINGS AND MACADAMIA OIL effectively moisturize and soften skin. TAMANU OIL has a regenerating effect, relieves irritation. BABASS OIL gives the skin a natural shine, makes it soft and silky. LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL eliminates allergic reactions, helps quick elimination of acne and acne. NEROLI ESSENTIAL OIL has a beneficial effect on tired, dry skin, revitalizes and smoothes wrinkles. ALOE VERA EXTRACT AND ECHINACEA EXTRACT have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. METHOD OF APPLICATION: Apply the cream on the face skin with gentle movements, remove excess with a napkin. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at a temperature from +5 to + 25 g. PACKAGING: 50 ± 5 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year
عن الشركة
الفئة: عنوان:
ملابس داخلية للبنين والبنات, تريكو الأطفال, القمصان والقمصان للنساء, سراويل الرجال والسراويل, الجمال والصحة, مستحضرات التجميل والعطور, مستحضرات التجميل للعناية بالبشرة, مستحضرات التجميل الطبيعية, حقائب وأحذية وإكسسوارات, صنادل الأطفال, حقيبة, حقائب العمل, منظفات الصابون روسيا, ул. Р. Ердякова, 25

مصنع الخياطة "لاسي" - شركة روسية للأطفال والكبار والسلع المنزلية في مدينة كيروف.

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أسبوعيًا ، نصدر عناصر جديدة ؛ شهريًا يتم تجديد الكتالوج بنماذج جديدة من 250 إلى 300.

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