
肥皂、洗涤产品批发在 Qoovee市场

USD 0.87/个/件/只 0.87
Мыло на основе сульфидной тамбуканской грязи, содержащей насыщенные и ненасыщенные жирные кислоты, фосфолипиды, каротиноиды, микроэлементы (йод, бром, бор, кальций, магний, калий, железо, сера), нормализует секрецию сальных желез, способствует очищению, сужению пор, выравниванию рельефа и тона кожи (в том числе в постакне период). Косметические свойства и действия масла ши: Масло дерева ши обладает превосходным смягчающим действием, и хорошо подходит для смазывания огрубевших участков тела (руки, локти, ноги, ступни и т.д.), и, конечно же, для ухода за излишне сухой, или огрубевшей по тем или иным причинам кожей лица. Особенно рекомендуется применение масла ши при не ровной, шероховатой, шелушащейся, сухой, истонченной, серой и тусклой коже, а также при коже, заметно страдающей от недостатка питания и увлажнения. Вот некоторые из преимуществ масла Ши: Отлично подходит для ежедневного увлажнения лица и тела. Смягчает и увлажняет сухую кожу головы и тела. Успокаивает незначительные высыпания, в том числе опрелости. Средство после загара. Успокаивает кожу, уменьшает шелушение. Предотвращает образование пигментных пятен и морщин. Помогает от растяжек и целлюлита. Увеличивает упругость и тонус кожи. Можно использовать, как масло для бриться, уменьшает разрежение кожи. Лечит порезы и ссадины. Смягчает и заживляет потрескавшуюся кожу. Смягчение мозолей на ногах, особенно при регулярном ношении обуви на каблуках. Предотвращение растяжек во время беременности. Заживление незначительных ожогов. Лечение мягкой и умеренной экземы. Защита кожи (особенно губ) от солнца и ветра. Придает кожи гладкость и бархатистость. Предотвращения и уменьшение рубцов и шрамов. Лечение угревой сыпи (особенно при использовании с мыла с черным тмином). Легко впитывается (некоммедогенно). Не закупоривает поры. Поддерживает естественную эластичность кожи. Придает блеск волосам. Кроме того масло ши для лица может применяться в качестве омолаживающего и тонизирующего средства при вялой, увядающей и дряблой коже, да и вообще при зрелой коже лица, на которой уже имеются морщины, и другие признаки старения. Это обуславливается его регенерирующими и восстанавливающими свойствами, а также способностью масла влиять на синтез коллагеновых волокон в коже, которые, как известно главным образом отвечают за ее упругость и эластичность. Масло ши помогает за довольно таки кратчайшие сроки разгладить неглубокие и мимические морщинки на лице, и заметно повысить тонус, упругость, и общую свежесть кожи.
USD 1.09/kg 1.09
Техническое моющее средство для обезжиривания металла перед покраской Технические моющие средства (ТМС) " Неолайт-204", предназначены для обезжиривания и промывки изделий и поверхностей из металлов, полимерных материалов, стекла от от остатков мазута, нефтепродуктов, индустриальных масел, СОЖ и других загрязнений в различных технологических процессах, в т.ч. перед окраской масляными, нитро- красками и эмалями, перед нанесением гальванических, полимерных и других покрытий, а также для мытья внешней поверхности вагонов ж\д транспорта машинным и ручным способами. ТМС представляют собой сбалансированную смесь поверхностно-активных веществ (ПАВ) и органического растворителя. Отсутствие в рецептуре высокощелочных компонентов и других едких веществ исключает вредное воздействие ТМС надетали из резины и пластических масс и окрашенные поверхности. Деэмульгирующие свойства ТМС ускоряют процесс отделения масло-жировых загрязнений, что позволяет использовать моющие растворы в многооборотном режиме без специальной регенерации. Замена порошкообразных щелочных средств (кальцинированная сода, тринатрийфосфат и т.п.) позволяет снизить температуру моющего раствора в 2-3 раза. По своей эффективности 2% водный раствор ТМС серии "Неолайт" сопоставим с тем же объемом органического растворителя, а порой и более эффективен. При этом стоимость данного раствора, составит 1,5 руб\кг, что значительно дешевле стоимости органических растворителей (ацетон, уайт-спирит, сольвент и т.п.). ТМС применяются при температуре рабочего раствораот +5 до +50 град.С, при этом максимальный моющий эффект достигается при температурах от +30 до +50 град. С. Не рекомендуется использование рабочих растворов с температурой выше +60 град.С. Оптимальные концентрации и параметры мойки (температура и время) подбираютсяиндивидуально в зависимости от степени, характера загрязнений и условий мойки ТМС и приготовленные рабочие растворы, относятся к малотоксичным (4 класса) химическим продуктам, взрыво- и пожаробезопасны. При работе с концентратом и рабочими растворами специальных мер безопасности не требуется.
USD 1.53/kg 1.53
Обезжиривание металлов перед покраской с одновременным созданием фосфатного слоя. Полное описание Преимущества Неолайт-306 Удаляет с металлических поверхностей масляные загрязнения, прокатную и кузнечную окалину, преобразует ржавчину в фосфатную пленку готовую для покраски. Защищает (обеспечивает антикоррозионную защиту) и протравливает металлические поверхности перед окраской. Между обработкой и окраской остается достаточно времени (препятствует окислению обработанных поверхностей). Шлифует металлические поверхности перед покраской без применения других химикатов и обеспечивает хорошее схватывание краски. Удаляет отложения ржавчины при увеличении времени растворения. Применение: Средство применяется для очистки стальных, чугунных, и других металлических поверхностей. Детали погружаются в раствор технического моющего средства с разбавлением водой от 1:2 до 1:10 на от 1-5 минут. Время обработки увеличивается при сильной загрязненности маслами, смазками и уменьшается при подогреве до 40-50 0С. Для удаления отложений ржавчины и окалины детали погружаются в раствор технического моющего средства с разбавлением водой 1:2 на 20-40 минут. Если детали нельзя погрузить в раствор, то обработку можно провести, нанеся раствор на деталь валиком, кистью, обтиранием или распылением. Детали промывают водой под струей или в емкости, а затем высушивают
USD 1.31/kg 1.31
Очистка поверхности теплообменного оборудования от железо-окисных и минеральных отложений. Средства серии " Неолайт-305 " предназначены для очистки, мытья кислотостойких поверхностей и удаления с них накипей различного химического состава, минеральных, известковых, грязе-солевых, белково-жировых отложений и загрязнений, а также следы ржавчины, цвета побежалости после сварки. Возможно использование средства для обезжиривания изделий из черных металлов с одновременным созданием защитного фосфатного слоя. «Неолайт-305» представляет собой сбалансированную композицию поверхностно-активного вещества и активной кислотной основы РН= 1,5-2,5. «Неолайт-305» применяется для обработки технологического оборудования, тары, емкостей, трубопроводов в различных отраслях промышленности «Неолайт-305» применяется при ручных, машинных и циркуляционных промывках. При необходимости применяется замачивание промываемых поверхностей в рабочем водном растворе. В случае особо сложных загрязнений возможно применение непосредственно концентрата “Неолайт-305 ”. Рекомендуемая температура рабочего раствора 10-60 град.
Дзержинск, Беларусь
Specify the price USD 0 0
Предназначено для обеззараживания тушек птицы. Технологическое средство, широко используется на птицефабриках, для антибактериальной обработки после убоя тушки птицы в ваннах охлаждения. Средство состоит из раствора перекиси водорода, уксусной и надуксусной кислоты. Средство представляет собой практически прозрачную жидкость с запахом уксуса. Средство легко смешивается с водой в любых соотношениях. В рекомендуемых к использованию концентрациях образует прозрачные растворы с концентрацией близкой к нейтральной.
Дзержинск, Беларусь
Specify the price USD 0 0
Дезинфицирующее средство широкого спектра действия. Средство для дезинфекции больших помещений на предприятиях пищевой промышленности. Применяется путём протирания всех поверхностей, начиная со столов, заканчивая всеми твердыми поверхностями рабочего оборудования. Концентрированный препарат относится к третьей группе опасных товаров. Раствор дезинфицирующего средства с водой, каким он и должен применяться на практике, не является опасным для здоровья.
Дзержинск, Беларусь
Specify the price USD 0 0
Дезинфицирующее средство от плесени. Разработано РУП “Институт мясо-молочной промышленности” совместно с НСАП НИИ ФХП БГУ (Республика Беларусь). Противоплесневое дезинфицирующее средство, длительного срока действия применяемое на предприятиях пищевой, молочной промышленности, складах, овощехранилищах, вентиляции, во влажных плохо проветриваемых помещениях для борьбы с плесенью, имеет пролонгированное (до 6 месяцев) действие. Во время использования не несет в себе опасности для окружающих. Главными составляющими средства является полигексамктиленгуанидин гитрохлорид (ПГМГ ГХ), алкилдиметилбензиламмоний хлорид (Катамин АБ) и карбоновые кислоты. Принцип действия основан на высокой биоцидной активностью средства в отношении микроорганизмов, дрожжеподобных и плесневых грибов, и способности ПГМГ ГХ покрывать поверхность тонкой прозрачной плёнкой, которая на длительное время препятствует образованию спор плесневых грибов. Средство экологически безопасно и не загрязняет окружающую среду, применяется исключительно в разбавленном виде.
Дзержинск, Беларусь
Specify the price USD 0 0
Концентрат для пола и поломоечных машин. Концентрат подходит для автоматической и ручной очистки любых бытовых и технических поверхностей. Способствует удалению органических загрязнений на предприятиях пищевой промышленности (пивобезалкогольной, ликероводочной, винодельческой, кондитерской, хлебной, мясо-, молоко- и рыбоперерабатывающей, масложировой, овощеконсервной). Вещество относится к умеренно опасному классу препаратов, поэтому следует придерживаться инструкции по применению моющего средства.
Дзержинск, Беларусь
Specify the price USD 0 0
Щелочное, беспенное, концентрированное моющие средство. Концентрат подходит для автоматической и ручной очистки любых бытовых и технических поверхностей. Способствует удалению органических загрязнений на предприятиях пищевой промышленности (пивобезалкогольной, ликероводочной, винодельческой, кондитерской, хлебной, мясо-, молоко- и рыбоперерабатывающей, масложировой, овощеконсервной). Вещество относится к умеренно опасному классу препаратов, поэтому следует придерживаться инструкции по применению моющего средства.
Дзержинск, Беларусь
Specify the price USD 0 0
Щелочное, пенное, концентрированное моющие средство. Концентрат универсального пенного моющего средства отлично подходит для устранения различного рода загрязнений. Широко используется в пищевом производстве, мойке помещений, оборудования, мойке автомобилей, в том числе перевозящих пищевые грузы. Средство помогает без особых усилий устранять даже самые сложные пятна от жира и других трудно выводимых загрязнений.
Дзержинск, Беларусь
Specify the price USD 0 0
Нейтральное, пенное, концентрированное моющие средство. Нейтральное пенное средство подходит для удаления биоорганических загрязнений. Широко используется в подготовке помещений, поверхностей, оборудования, инвентаря в промышленном производстве. Вещество относится к малоопасному классу моющих средств, поэтому не вызывает химических ожогов на коже человека.
Дзержинск, Беларусь
Specify the price USD 0 0
Кислотное, беспенное, концентрированное моющие средство. Моющее средство удаляет загрязнения различного характера и подходит для обработки оборудования, помещений, поверхностей любого типа. Смесь неорганических кислот позволяет работать без повреждения верхнего слоя или токсического взаимодействия веществ между собой.
Дзержинск, Беларусь
Specify the price USD 0 0
Кислотное, пенное, концентрированное моющие средство. Благодаря смеси неорганических кислот и пенной структуре, препарат позволяет удалять загрязнения различного характера с любых поверхностей. Подходит для подготовки инвентаря, оборудования, поверхностей и помещений к начальной стадии технологического процесса. Не оставляет токсической пленки после проведения мойки.
USD 0.54 - 1.09/个/件/只
Household cleaning products: for cleaning the house, for cleaning the bathroom, stoves, sewer pipes - made in Japan, South Korea Lion CJ Lion KAO Mitsuei Rocket Soap Daiichi < / strong> Other brands Request PRICE LIST < p style = "text-align: center;">
USD 0.54 - 1.09/个/件/只
Detergents for laundry: detergents, liquids, bleaches, conditioners, stain removers - made in Japan, South Korea Nissan Lion CJ Lion KAO Shabondama < p style = "text-align: center;"> Pigeon Other brands Request PRICE LIST
USD 0.54 - 1.09/个/件/只
Dishwashing detergents - made in Japan, Korea CJ Lion Lion Daiichi Kaneyo < p style = "text-align: center;"> Rocket Soap Mitsuei Other brands Request PRICE- SHEET
USD 0.65 - 32.59/kg
Car cosmetics, chemicals and equipment for car washes and services! We offer you everything you need to wash your car, remove stains from paintwork, dry cleaning and interior cleaning, polishing and long-term protection of your car. Our company is always in stock - a wide range of nano coatings for the body, glass, interior, external and internal plastic. They will help protect your car and keep its great appearance for many years. A wide range of equipment will allow us to solve the whole range of tasks facing a modern car wash complex, a detailing center and a car service. In addition, at your service: body cleaners, plastic cleaners, anti-icing agent for windows and locks, insect repellent, polishes, body waxes, rubber blackening agent, nano-washer and other types of chemicals for all types cars!
USD 1.09/个/件/只 1.09
Handmade double-sided scrub-soap with coffee aroma and natural coffee grounds. On the other side of the soap is the scrubbing side. An excellent product with a double soap effect.
USD 3.69/个/件/只 3.69
HYPOALLERGENIC NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, olive, coconut, apricot kernels, castor and jojoba oils, water, apricot kernel oil, chamomile essential oil, extracts St. John's wort, calendula and thyme. PROPERTIES: Natural soap "Hypoallergenic" has a pleasant chamomile aroma and forms a delicate foam. Gently cares for sensitive skin, providing a softening and soothing effect on it. Thanks to its active ingredients, the soap has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action, relieves irritation. FIELD OF APPLICATION: Care for children of any age, including newborns Moisturizing, keeping soft for a long time Healing of wounds, elimination of rashes and irritations on the delicate baby's skin. Cooling, tonic and vitaminizing effect RECOMMENDED: For daily bathing of children, care for sensitive skin. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: APRICOT SEED OIL is suitable for all skin types, including the delicate skin of babies. With its help, you can get rid of prickly heat, diaper rash and seborrheic dermatitis in newborns, accelerate the healing of wounds and abrasions. Apricot kernel oil is a good moisturizer and gives the skin an even, beautiful, and most importantly healthy color. It has a beneficial effect both on problem skin, eliminating inflammation, and on dry skin, perfectly softening it. OLIVE OIL remarkably nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Fatty acids, which make up most of the oil, envelop the skin with a thin film, gently caring for it. Vitamins A and D contained in the oil are involved in the renewal of the epidermis, carotene protects the skin from UV rays. ESSENTIAL OIL OF CHAMOMILE is useful for sensitive skin, it has a strong soothing effect. Chamomile oil eliminates the effects and manifestations of allergic reactions and dermatitis, helps in the treatment of urticaria, eczema, all skin infections, accompanied by flaking, redness and itching. EXTRACT STEALTHWAY exhibits powerful antioxidant properties due to the high content of bioflavonoids. The key advantages of this component are expressed in its anti-inflammatory, reparative and protective action. St. John's wort extract is also great for soothing the skin. Its anti-inflammatory effect is due to the fact that some of its phytocompounds inhibit the activity of inflammatory mediators - this makes it possible to use this component for desensitization and protection of sensitive and irritated skin, including after UV damage. HOW TO USE: Moisten skin. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 5.87/个/件/只 5.87
NATURAL JUNIOR SHOWER GEL AROMA: Sweet woody, resinous, tart, spicy, smoky balsamic, gin. COMPOSITION: < br> Distilled water, potassium salts of fatty acids of coconut, olive, castor oils, glycerin, grape seed oil, sea salt, sodium lactate, jojoba oil, juniper essential oil, allantoin, citric acid, juniper and fir extracts, geranium and bergamot essential oils , vitamin E, ground indigo root, pine extract, spirulina. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: GRAPE SEED OIL normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, exfoliates dead cells, eliminates inflammation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stabilizes cell membranes , reduces the number of wrinkles, minimizes the appearance of cellulite. JOJOBA OIL has a regenerating effect on skin cells, moisturizes it, helps to get rid of acne and blackheads and reduce skin greasiness. ESSENTIAL OIL JUNIOR And it promotes deep regeneration of epidermal cells, eliminates lethargy, flabbiness, uneven color and traces of fatigue, prevents the formation of scar tissue, eliminates stretch marks, heals ulcers and wounds, effectively fights cellulite. JUNIPER EXTRACT has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cleansing effect. HOW TO USE: Apply to damp body skin or a sponge, massage, rinse. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with running water. PACKAGING: 250 ± 5 ml. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 5.78/个/件/只 5.78
NATURAL HERBAL SHOWER GEL COMPOSITION: Distilled water, potassium salts of fatty acids of coconut, olive, castor oils, glycerin, sea salt, sodium lactate, macadamia oil, avocado oil, allantoin, hazelnut oil, citric acid, chamomile and clary sage essential oils, vitamin E, extracts of string, yarrow, nettle, sweet clover, wormwood, spirulina. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: The composition of AVOCADO OIL is as close as possible to the fats of human skin, which means that beneficial substances penetrate into the skin in the amount in which they are needed there. HAZELNUT OIL has a tightening effect, helps to reduce enlarged pores on the face, helps to eliminate acne, as well as to treat skin abscesses and abscesses. MACADAMIA OIL returns the skin to its former tone, firmness, elasticity, and moisture. ESSENTIAL OIL OF CHAMOMILE has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, tonic, analgesic and wound healing properties. ESSENTIAL OIL OF SALPHIA has antiseptic and wound healing properties. , bactericidal, anti-allergic action, restores skin cells. NETTLE EXTRACT normalizes lipid metabolism, has a tonic and antiseptic effect, improves skin respiration and metabolism in it. HOW TO USE: Apply to wet body skin or a sponge, massage, wash off. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with running water. PACKAGING: 250 ± 5 ml. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 4.34/个/件/只 4.34
NATURAL BERRY SHOWER GEL COMPOSITION: Distilled water, potassium salts of fatty acids of coconut, olive, castor oils, glycerin, madder root, grape seed oil, sea salt, sodium lactate , allantoin, sea buckthorn oil, citric acid, essential oils of orange and geranium, avocado oil, hazelnut oil, vitamin E, extracts of cloudberry, cranberry, lingonberry and dry strawberry. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: GRAPE SEED OIL normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, exfoliates keratinized cells, eliminates inflammation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stabilizes cell membranes, reduces the number of wrinkles, minimizes the appearance of cellulite. AVOCADO OIL in composition is as close as possible to the fats of human skin, and this means that beneficial substances penetrate into the skin in the amount in which they are needed there. SEA BUCKTHORN OIL helps to increase the tone, firmness and elasticity of flabby skin, helps to smooth out the existing shallow wrinkles on the face. It has a wonderful softening, moisturizing and nourishing effect, restores damaged skin. HAZELNUT OIL has a tightening effect, helps to reduce enlarged pores on the face, helps to eliminate acne, and also treats skin abscesses and abscesses. ORANGE ESSENTIAL OIL has a tonic effect, stimulates skin regeneration, moisturizes it and enhances blood circulation, cleanses and tightens pores, helps get rid of acne scars, stimulates lymph flow, reduces swelling and swelling. GERANIUM ESSENTIAL OIL is an excellent soothing agent, has a moisturizing and softening effect, smoothing, rejuvenating, regenerating and toning properties, has a beneficial effect on dry, rough, and flaky skin. LINGERBERRY EXTRACT has a disinfecting, antiseptic effect. br> CRANBERRY EXTRACT has an antibacterial, tonic, refreshing effect. > HOW TO USE: Apply to damp body skin or a sponge, massage, rinse. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with running water. PACKAGING: 200 ± 5 ml. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 4.7/个/件/只 4.7
NATURAL SHOWER GEL "JUNKER" AROMA: Sweet woody, resinous, tart, spicy, smoky balsamic, gin. COMPOSITION: Distilled water , potassium salts of fatty acids of coconut, olive, castor oils, glycerin, grape seed oil, sea salt, sodium lactate, jojoba oil, juniper essential oil, allantoin, citric acid, juniper and fir extracts, geranium and bergamot essential oils, vitamin E, ground indigo root, pine extract, spirulina. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: GRAPE SEED OIL normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, exfoliates keratinized cells, eliminates inflammation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stabilizes cell membranes, reduces the number of wrinkles , minimizes the appearance of cellulite. JOJOBA OIL has a regenerating effect on skin cells, moisturizes it, helps to get rid of acne and blackheads and reduce skin greasiness. JUNIPER ESSENTIAL OIL with promotes deep regeneration of epidermal cells, eliminates lethargy, flabbiness, uneven color and traces of fatigue, prevents the formation of scar tissue, eliminates stretch marks, heals ulcers and wounds, effectively fights cellulite. JUNIPER EXTRACT has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cleansing effect. HOW TO USE: Apply to damp body skin or a sponge, massage, rinse. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with running water. PACKAGING: 200 ± 5 ml. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 4.72/个/件/只 4.72
NATURAL CEDAR SHOWER GEL AROMA: Atlas: with balsamic scent, persistent, with woody notes COMPOSITION: Distilled water, potassium salts of fatty acids coconut, olive, castor oils, glycerin, sea salt, sodium lactate, shea butter (shea butter), macadamia oil, cedarwood essential oil, allantoin, almond oil, citric acid, cedarwood extract, pine essential oil, vitamin E, spirulina, essential oil fir, pine, juniper, fir extracts. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: SHEA BUTTER has a softening effect, nourishes, moisturizes, tones, smoothes shallow and mimic wrinkles on the face, and noticeably increases tone, elasticity and overall freshness of the skin, contributes to good protection from ultraviolet rays. ALMOND OIL significantly slows down the aging process of the skin, protects it from harmful ultraviolet radiation, promotes good skin hydration, helps to normalize the sebaceous glands, and prevent to promote enlargement of pores on the face. MACADAMIA OIL returns the skin to its former tone, firmness, elasticity, and moisture. CEDAR ESSENTIAL OIL rejuvenates the skin and increases its elasticity, protects the skin from the harmful effects of external factors, such as bad ecology, ultraviolet light and others. PINE ESSENTIAL OIL has a rejuvenating effect, regenerates the skin and improves protective functions of the epidermis. CEDAR EXTRACT has a disinfecting, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. HOW TO USE: Apply to damp body skin or a sponge, massage, rinse. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with running water. PACKAGING: 200 ± 5 ml. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 4.62/个/件/只 4.62
NATURAL HERBAL SHOWER GEL COMPOSITION: Distilled water, potassium salts of fatty acids of coconut, olive, castor oils, glycerin, sea salt, sodium lactate, macadamia oil, avocado oil, allantoin, hazelnut oil, citric acid, chamomile and clary sage essential oils, vitamin E, extracts of string, yarrow, nettle, sweet clover, wormwood, spirulina. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: The composition of AVOCADO OIL is as close as possible to the fats of human skin, which means that beneficial substances penetrate into the skin in the amount in which they are needed there. HAZELNUT OIL has a tightening effect, helps to reduce enlarged pores on the face, helps to eliminate acne, as well as to treat skin abscesses and abscesses. MACADAMIA OIL returns the skin to its former tone, firmness, elasticity, and moisture. ESSENTIAL OIL OF CHAMOMILE has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, tonic, analgesic and wound healing properties. ESSENTIAL OIL OF SALPHIA has antiseptic and wound healing properties. , bactericidal, anti-allergic action, restores skin cells. NETTLE EXTRACT normalizes lipid metabolism, has a tonic and antiseptic effect, improves skin respiration and metabolism in it. HOW TO USE: Apply to wet body skin or a sponge, massage, wash off. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with running water. PACKAGING: 200 ± 5 ml. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 2.68/个/件/只 2.68
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "CASTILLE" COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of olive and castor oils, water, olive oil, lavender essential oil. PROPERTIES: Very deeply moisturizes, cares for the skin. FIELD OF APPLICATION: Unrivaled moisturizing and caring properties Hypoallergenic, suitable even for children Gently removes cosmetics from face, hands and other skin areas RECOMMENDED: For daily body wash and face wash. This soap will be especially useful for dry or sensitive skin. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: OLIVE OIL - soothes and softens existing inflamed and irritated skin areas. Vitamin F contained in the oil protects the skin from water loss by restoring the natural lipid layer, resulting in a hydrated, soft and healthy skin. For dry skin, it is recommended to use it instead of a moisturizing and nourishing balm or as an addition to it. The oil smoothes fine wrinkles and restores its elasticity and firmness. The hypoallergenic property of olive oil allows people with sensitive skin to use it without fear. A large amount of vitamin E protects the skin from free radicals and delays the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamins A and D help to renew the skin, and carotene protects it from the sun's rays. ESSENTIAL OIL OF LAVENDER - has a strong antiseptic, bactericidal and regenerating effect. It has strong soothing and toning properties. HOW TO USE: Moisten the skin with water. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 2.44/个/件/只 2.44
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "WITH BLACK CLAY" COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, coconut, shea (shea) and castor oils, water, black clay, forest oil walnut, essential oils of cypress, geranium, orange. PROPERTIES: Soap with clay gives abundant foam, gently but effectively removes dirt. Cleans the skin and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. FIELD OF APPLICATION: Stimulating the burning of subcutaneous fat Restoring the functioning of the sebaceous glands Shrinking the pores Cleansing and nourishing the skin Soothing and moisturizing < br> RECOMMENDED: For daily body wash and face wash. Especially well suited for skin prone to oily, irritable skin. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: BLACK CLAY - due to its rich composition, it restores metabolic processes in cells and activates fat burning, gradually restoring the work of cells and sebaceous glands. Improves the color and condition of the skin, cleansing and nourishing, narrows the pores. HAZELNUT OIL - gives firmness, elasticity to the skin, regenerates it. Improves complexion in case of problems with blood vessels (close location to the epidermis, vascular mesh, stars). Cleanses the skin, tightens pores. Moisturizes and soothes the skin after sunbathing. Effectively helps in the fight against cellulite. JANBERRY ESSENTIAL OIL - helps to cleanse and narrow enlarged pores, and also serves as an excellent tonic, well refreshing, and eliminating excess sebum. Thanks to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties, juniper oil can help get rid of acne. It helps to restore the lost firmness and elasticity of the skin, eliminate tired and gray complexion, and generally visually rejuvenate the skin. It accelerates the blood circulation process, due to which the skin is well enriched with oxygen and receives nutrients and other necessary substances. Helps to remove harmful toxins and free radicals from the skin. ORANGE ESSENTIAL OIL - normalizes oiliness, makes the skin more elastic and smooth, helps fight wrinkles, relieves muscle tension. Also has a whitening effect, helps to lighten age spots. It removes toxins from the skin, softens rough skin, therefore it helps with calluses. HOW TO USE: Moisten the skin with water. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 3.07/个/件/只 3.07
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "SOAP-SCRUB" COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of coconut, olive, grape seed, shea (shea), castor, jojoba oils, water, grape seed oil, blue cosmetic clay, poppy seeds (seeds), essential oils of bergamot and cloves, aloe vera extract. PROPERTIES: Scrub soap gives abundant foam, gently but effectively removes dirt. Cleans, moisturizes, tones the skin, stimulates the metabolism in the upper layers of the skin. SCOPE: Softening and moisturizing the skin Cleansing the skin Improving metabolism and normalizing the sebaceous glands Bactericidal RECOMMENDED: For daily body wash and face wash. Good for oily skin. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: GRAPE SEED OIL - softens and moisturizes the skin, preventing it from flaking and drying out. Tones and refreshes the skin, increases its turgor, elasticity and firmness. Accelerates the regeneration process of the skin, improves the structure and relief of the skin, promotes effective exfoliation of keratinized cells of the epidermis. Promotes active granulation and epithelialization of damaged skin areas. Improves complexion, and also has a slight whitening effect on the skin, prevents the appearance of age spots. Restores the lipid balance of the skin. Stimulates metabolism and blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin, strengthens the subcutaneous capillaries, normalizes blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage in the subcutaneous fat layer, thereby preventing the formation of cellulite deposits and rosacea ("spider veins"). Prevents excessive oiliness of the skin, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands, helps to narrow the pores, soothes the skin, protecting it from irritation and inflammation. It has a powerful antioxidant effect. Prevents premature skin aging. Strengthens the barrier function of the skin. BLUE COSMETIC CLAY - has anti-inflammatory properties. Contains all the mineral salts and trace elements we need. Prevents the appearance of acne, effectively accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin. Cleans the skin of the face, improves its color. Smoothes expression lines. It makes the skin firmer and more elastic. Lightens freckles and age spots. MAC (SEEDS) - due to the round shape, give the soap a soft scrubbing effect. ALOE VERA EXTRACT - has a strong moisturizing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. Has a soothing effect on sensitive skin. Increases elasticity and revitalizes aging skin. Cleans and deodorizes problem and oily skin. Promotes the penetration of enzymes and moisture into the deep skin layers, thereby stimulating metabolic processes and promoting the renewal of skin cells. ESSENTIAL OIL OF BERGAMOT - helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, narrow and brighten pores. HOW TO USE : Moisten skin with water. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 2.52/个/件/只 2.52
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "SEA BUCKTHORN" COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, coconut, shea (shea), pumpkin and castor oils, water, sea buckthorn oil, pumpkin oil , essential oils of ylang-ylang, neroli and eucalyptus. PROPERTIES: Sea buckthorn soap gives abundant foam, gently but effectively removes dirt. Restores, nourishes and revitalizes the skin. FIELD OF APPLICATION: Regeneration of the skin, nutrition and its elasticity Restoration of the acid-base and lipid balance of the skin Healing and increasing the tone of the skin < br> RECOMMENDED: For daily body wash and face wash. Especially useful for damaged, dry, tired, sensitive skin. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: SEA BUCKTHORN OIL - promotes regeneration and fights premature aging of the skin. Increases elasticity and firmness of the skin, eliminates not deep mimic wrinkles. Promotes lightening of age spots and freckles, as well as general skin whitening. Nourishes and softens the skin, protecting it from moisture loss, drying out and flaking. Promotes the restoration of acid-base and lipid balance of the skin. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating acne and preventing skin inflammation. PUMPKIN OIL - has an effective regenerating, moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating effect. Helps maintain an optimal moisture balance of the skin, maintain sufficient tone, firmness, elasticity, health and youthfulness of the skin. Eliminates peeling of the skin of the face, softens it. It has a good anti-inflammatory, wound healing and regenerating effect. Increases the resistance of skin tissues to various kinds of infections, stimulates the growth of new cells, and has an excellent effect on blood vessels, thereby providing the skin with good nutrition and a healthy tone. ESSENTIAL OIL YLANG-YLANG - has a beneficial effect on all types of facial skin. With oily skin, it helps to prevent excessive production of sebum, and has a narrowing effect on enlarged pores. Helps to eliminate acne, which makes it very effective in the care of problem skin. When the skin is drier, it helps to moisturize and soften it, prevents premature aging, and makes the skin noticeably soft and smooth. For sensitive skin, this oil helps soothe inflamed areas, relieve itching, redness, flaking, and other signs of irritation. Helps to smooth out superficial wrinkles, improve skin tone, elasticity and firmness. It is able to even out the skin, fix the sunburn, and also eliminate skin irritation after exposure to ultraviolet rays. NEROLI ESSENTIAL OIL - promotes cell regeneration, elimination of rosacea and small vascular networks, soothes irritated skin. Eucalyptus ESSENTIAL OIL - dries up acne and various purulent manifestations on the skin surface. Neutralizes infection and inflammation in the deeper layers of the skin. It normalizes the secretion of subcutaneous fat, which narrows the pores, reduces acne, the skin looks more well-groomed, and its color improves. Perfectly copes with the healing of superficial skin lesions and can even act as a local analgesic. HOW TO USE: Moisten the skin with water. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 3.1/个/件/只 3.1
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "HERBS" COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, coconut, avocado, olive, wheat germ and castor oils, water, avocado oil, wheat germ oil, flowers chamomile and calendula, chamomile essential oil, extracts of string, yarrow, St. John's wort, nettle. PROPERTIES: Herbal soap gives abundant foam, gently but effectively removes dirt. Moisturizes and protects the skin. Promotes its recovery and healing. FIELD OF APPLICATION: High-quality skin moisturizing Nutrition, healing and strengthening of the skin Bactericidal action Improving blood circulation Constant use to accelerate the process of cell regeneration RECOMMENDED: For daily body wash and face wash. Especially good for daily care of delicate and sensitive skin. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: AVOCADO OIL - due to its high content of vitamin E and phytohormones, it is well absorbed and deeply penetrates the skin, actively moisturizing and protecting it from drying and peeling. Vitamins F, A, E and C enhance the local immunity of the skin and protect it from the adverse effects of external factors, and in particular from ultraviolet radiation. Actively stimulates oxygen metabolism and blood circulation in the skin. Due to the increased content of vitamins A and C, it stimulates the production of collagen by the body and accelerates the process of regeneration of skin cells. WHEAT GERM OIL - due to amino acids makes the skin of the face more elastic and smooth in a short time, practically free of wrinkles. Fatty acids improve the general condition of the skin: restore damaged tissues, strengthen cell membranes, which contributes to their additional protection from unwanted influences. Allantoin and vitamins E, A, D, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 ensure the normal functioning of the skin, make it strong and healthy, and slow down aging. Contains minerals vital for the skin such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, copper and sulfur. ESSENTIAL OIL OF CHAMOMILE - contains essential oils, mucus and resins, carotenoids, coumarins, organic acids, flavonoids, glycosides, phytosterol, triterpene alcohols, choline, as well as vitamins B1, B2 and carotene. Has a strong bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect, stimulates blood circulation. Intensively nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin, whitens, fights against pigmentation and smoothes wrinkles. EXTRACT OF ANIMAL - has an antibacterial, softening effect. Prevents the development of irritations and allergies. EXTRACT OF THE RANGE - has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, bactericidal action. EXTRACT OF THE THOUSAND - has anti-inflammatory, healing, tonic, bactericidal, anti-allergic effects. Restores skin cells. NETTLE EXTRACT - has a regenerating, healing, stimulating, anti-inflammatory, vitaminizing effect. It normalizes lipid metabolism, has a tonic and antiseptic effect, improves skin respiration and metabolism in it, improves blood circulation in the lower extremities. CHAMOMILE FLOWERS - have a mild scrubbing effect. APPLICATION: < br> Moisten skin with water. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 3.01/个/件/只 3.01
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "SEA" COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of coconut and castor oils, sea salt, water, avocado oil, indigo root, neroli and ylang-ylang essential oils, algae spirulina and kelp. PROPERTIES: Salt soap accelerates skin regeneration, enhances its elasticity, improves tone and at the same time moisturizes, nourishes and protects it. Suitable for all skin types. FIELD OF APPLICATION: Accelerating skin regeneration Normalizing the sebaceous glands Improving moisture retention in the skin Fighting the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, fighting cellulite Additional nutrition and increased skin tone RECOMMENDED: For washing the body and washing once a week for deep cleansing and regeneration. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: AVOCADO OIL - due to the high content of vitamin E and phytohormones, it is well absorbed and deeply penetrates the skin, actively moisturizing it and protecting it from drying out and peeling. Vitamins F, A, E and C enhance the local immunity of the skin and protect it from the adverse effects of external factors, and in particular from ultraviolet radiation. Actively stimulates oxygen metabolism and blood circulation in the skin. Due to the increased content of vitamins A and C, it stimulates the body's production of collagen and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. LAMINARIA - enhances metabolic processes in tissues. It has a lipolytic effect (breaks down fatty deposits). Has a vasoactive effect (dilates blood vessels). Nourishes the skin (algae is an additional source of proteins, lipoproteins, trace elements, vitamins). Stimulates the activity of fibroblasts (cells that provide skin tone); Has a relaxing effect (relaxes, reduces the effects of stress). Has a drainage effect (accelerates the elimination of excess fluids and toxins, strengthens the walls of blood vessels). SPIRULINA - a large amount of beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, as well as selenium, manganese, zinc and some other trace elements make spirulina a unique antioxidant ... A huge amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids penetrates into the thickness of the skin, which helps to increase the elasticity of the skin. It contains high concentrations of vitamin B12, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, trace elements (zinc, selenium) and gamma linolenic acid. Spirulina also contains phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids, which stimulate the immune system, reducing the risk of infectious, oncological and autoimmune diseases. SEA SALT - contains a natural complex of biologically active macroelements (Na, K, Mg, Ca), trace elements ( lithium, iron, copper, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, boron, etc.) in a balanced ratio, intercrystalline clay, microincluded gases. Activates the flow of blood to the skin and enhancing the division of cells in the epidermis and thereby accelerates the regeneration of damaged integuments. ESSENTIAL OIL YLANG-YLANG - has a beneficial effect on all types of facial skin. With oily skin, it helps prevent excess sebum production and has a narrowing effect on enlarged pores. It helps to eliminate acne, which makes it very effective in the care of problem skin. When the skin is drier, it helps to moisturize and soften it, prevents premature aging, and makes the skin noticeably soft and smooth. For sensitive skin, this oil helps soothe inflamed areas, relieve itching, redness, flaking, and other signs of irritation. Helps to smooth out superficial wrinkles, improve skin tone, elasticity and firmness. It is able to even out the skin, fix the tan, and also eliminate skin irritation after exposure to ultraviolet rays. HOW TO USE: Moisten the skin with water. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 3.85/个/件/只 3.85
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "ROSE" AROMA: Intense, deep, sweet, spicy-floral, persistent. COMPOSITION: sodium salts fatty acids of palm, shea (shea), olive, cocoa, coconut, almond and castor oils, water, almond oil, shea butter (shea butter), madder root infusion, silk proteins, essential oils of rose, palmarose, geranium and patchouli. < br> PROPERTIES: Pink soap gives abundant lather, gently but effectively removes dirt. It has antiseptic, soothing properties. Cleans, restores the skin and normalizes its work. FIELD OF APPLICATION: Moisturizing and softening the skin, preventing water loss Elimination of redness and irritation Repairing cracked skin Effective removal of decorative cosmetics with face and hands RECOMMENDED: For daily body washing and washing. Suitable for all skin types. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: ALMOND OIL - suitable for all skin types as a care product, especially recommended for sensitive, very dry and mature skin. An excellent moisturizer, the oil coats the skin with a thin protective layer, thereby preventing water loss, which allows the skin to remain supple and supple. Moisturizing the skin of the abdomen, thighs, breasts with almond oil from the first months of pregnancy will help to avoid stretch marks in the future. Oil is indispensable when losing weight, it is known that stretch marks appear not only with weight gain, but also with weight loss. It is better to moisturize the skin after a bath, in this case all the valuable components that help the skin to remain elastic are better absorbed into the skin. It can be safely used to care for delicate baby skin - it is a healthy alternative to chemical cosmetics, the oil effectively relieves redness and irritation in babies caused by the use of diapers. SHEA BUTTER (KARITE) - excellent for facial skin care ( improves color, improves texture, fights wrinkles). Repairs chapped skin. Has anti-inflammatory effect, helps with edema, sprains, rheumatism, joint pain. GERANIUM ESSENTIAL OIL - has a soothing effect on irritated, damaged sensitive skin. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the sebaceous glands, preventing inflammatory processes. Moisturizes and softens dry, rough, flaky skin. Renews epidermal cells. Reduces the production of sebum and normalizes the work of the sweat glands. Geranium essential oil is not recommended for women under six months of pregnancy, children under six years of age. ESSENTIAL OIL OF PALMOROSE - one of the best essential oils for permanent skin care, combining the properties of deep hydration, leveling the fat balance and stimulating internal renewal. Perfect for eliminating dermatitis, eczema, acne and problem skin care due to its antiseptic properties. With regular use, it smoothes wrinkles and eliminates skin laxity, stimulates the elimination of scars and helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Eliminates unpleasant odors and normalizes the functioning of the glands. PACHULI ESSENTIAL OIL - suitable exclusively for all skin types. Moisturizes and nourishes dry skin, tones and firms flaccid skin already prone to age-related changes. It is also able to cope with the negative manifestations of oily skin. It has regenerative properties, promotes active renewal of skin cells and even helps to eliminate shallow scars and wrinkles. Improves skin tone and elasticity. Promotes the normalization of the sebaceous glands and, accordingly, the reduction of subcutaneous fat. This, in turn, leads to cleansing and narrowing of pores, as well as less frequent acne breakouts. Actively promotes the healing of shallow wounds, eliminates infectious inflammation on the skin and reduces the likelihood of scarring. ESSENTIAL OIL OF ROSE - improves regeneration processes, improves skin tone, making it more taut and elastic, saturates it with a huge amount of nutrients and fights shallow wrinkles. Partially solves the problem of excessive pigmentation, making the complexion more even and healthy. It also improves blood circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis and can reduce the so-called "capillary network". It also has a beneficial effect on very dry skin. Provides nourishing properties, promotes deep hydration, softens the skin, making it smoother and preventing flaking. Has anti-inflammatory effect, helps to neutralize irritation of the skin and helps to maintain the normal condition of the skin. HOW TO USE: Moisten the skin with water. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 3.17/个/件/只 3.17
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "HONEY" COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of coconut, olive, avocado, almond and castor oils, water, almond milk, avocado oil, almond oil, propolis, honey , essential oils of orange and clove. PROPERTIES: Honey-propolis soap gives abundant foam, gently but effectively removes dirt. Nourishes the skin and protects it from dryness. FIELD OF APPLICATION: Anti-inflammatory Improving the nutrition and respiration of cells Restoration of elasticity and turgor of the skin Daily use to protect the skin from drying out, which is especially needed in hot seasons RECOMMENDED: For daily body washing and washing. Can be used by people with any skin type. Has bactericidal and healing properties. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: ALMOND MILK - has cleansing, softening and bleaching properties. HONEY - glucose, fructose, sucrose, proteins, organic acids, vitamins, salts of phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium, contained in honey, have an anti-inflammatory, astringent effect, improve the nutrition and respiration of cells. The presence of aluminum in honey determines its anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. Boron promotes proper cell division. Iron - for the normal functioning of tissues, cells and the body as a whole. Helps to restore and maintain the natural moisture level in the skin, which is especially necessary in the hot season. PROPOLIS - has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Softens, gives velvety, helps to restore elasticity and turgor of the skin. AVOCADO OIL - a source of moisture and oxygen. Oxygen penetrates deep into the skin, keeping the feeling of freshness and elasticity of the skin for a long time. Helps to significantly improve skin color, saturate all its cells with useful nutrients. Is a source of collagen and elastin production. Slows down the aging process and actively fights against already acquired wrinkles, defects and age spots. This is due to the content of active substances, which in their composition are akin to human sex hormones. Beneficial effect on the skin, regardless of its condition and type. And great for daily grooming. It will saturate dry skin with the necessary moisture and nutrients, oily skin will gently cleanse, eliminate rashes and acne, aging skin will help smooth fine wrinkles. Excellent for daily care of the area around the eyes, removing signs of fatigue and puffiness. It will also eliminate fine wrinkles and dullness. Provides a protective barrier, protecting our skin from negative solar radiation, wind and frost. ALMOND OIL - suitable for all skin types as a care product, especially recommended for sensitive, very dry and mature skin. As an excellent moisturizer, the oil covers the skin with a thin protective layer, thereby preventing water loss, which allows the skin to remain supple and firm. Moisturizing the skin of the abdomen, thighs, breasts with almond oil from the first months of pregnancy will help to avoid stretch marks in the future. Oil is indispensable when losing weight, it is known that stretch marks appear not only with weight gain, but also with weight loss. It is better to moisturize the skin after a bath, in this case all the valuable components that help the skin to remain elastic are absorbed into the skin better. Can be safely used to care for delicate baby skin - this is a healthy alternative to chemical cosmetics, the oil effectively removes redness and irritation in babies caused by the use of diapers. ORANGE ESSENTIAL OIL - normalizes the oily skin, reduces the depth of wrinkles, whitens the skin if necessary. Softens and nourishes the skin, removes toxins from the skin, regenerates, moisturizes the epidermis. Reduces swelling and fights cellulite. HOW TO USE: Moisten skin with water. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 2.95/个/件/只 2.95
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "COAL-DETOX" COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm coconut, sesame, olive, shea (shea) and castor oils, water, sesame oil, activated carbon, essential oils of sandalwood and rosewood. PROPERTIES: Natural soap "Coal-detox" gives abundant foam, has a pleasant, unobtrusive smell. The activated carbon in the soap has a high adsorbing effect, thoroughly cleanses the pores from impurities, removes old dead cells, relieves the skin of acne and rashes. SCOPE: Deep cleansing of oily skin, improving her condition, getting rid of the unpleasant greasy shine Eliminating blackheads and preventing their further formation Fighting age-related changes RECOMMENDED: For washing hands and washing oily skin. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: ACTIVATED CHARCOAL affects the work of the sebaceous glands, reducing the production of subcutaneous sebum, as a result of which sebaceous plugs do not form, which are the main cause of acne, blackheads and blackheads. Blocks foci of inflammation on the face in the form of acne and acne, even in adolescents, heals them, reduces the distribution area and is a prophylactic agent that can prevent their further appearance. Gives the skin a beautiful, even, healthy color. Deeply cleanses the pores from all kinds of impurities. SESAME OIL softens the drying effect of activated carbon, has a good nourishing, moisturizing properties, prevents dry skin, eliminates its flaking, prevents the appearance of the first signs of aging. Sesame oil contains vitamin E, which has a number of functions that help to rejuvenate the skin and protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. SHEA BUTTER is effective in the treatment and prevention of acne, scars, cracks and peeling of the skin, contact dermatitis and psoriasis, to relieve allergic skin irritations. Caristerols, which are part of the oil, have regenerative properties that can activate collagen synthesis. The properties of UV filters help to slow down skin aging. The fatty acids present in the oil have a protective effect on the skin, namely keep it from dehydration and drying out. ESSENTIAL OIL SANDALA has a strong antiseptic effect. This component is able to reduce itching and soothe inflamed skin, smooth fine expression lines, revitalize and rejuvenate the skin. Oil, toning, eliminates the blurred contour of the face and restores its elasticity. HOW TO USE: Moisten the skin. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. After washing, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with a cream. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at a temperature of +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. < br> PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 2.48/个/件/只 2.48
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "MINT" AROMA: Menthol with a fruity tint; dominant-invigorating, cold, fresh. COMPOSITION: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, coconut, almond, neem and castor oils, water, pumpkin oil, essential oils of mint, cedar and lemon, spirulina algae, dried mint leaves. PROPERTIES: Natural soap "Mint" gives abundant foam, has a bright and invigorating aroma. Perfectly refreshes, "awakens" the skin, erases traces of fatigue, inadequate sleep, stuffiness and hypoxia from the face. Reduces the skin's susceptibility to external factors. The soap has a cooling effect, leaving a feeling of vigor and unsurpassed freshness. FIELD OF APPLICATION: Moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating the skin Fight against age-related changes Bactericidal and wound healing effect Suitable for everyone skin types RECOMMENDED: For daily washing of hands and body. Suitable for washing face skin. This mint soap can be used for shampooing, people with short and medium hair. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: PUMPKIN OIL helps in the treatment of various diseases and traumatic skin lesions (such as acne rash, seborrhea, hyperkeratosis, diathesis, urticaria, dermatomycosis, eczema, herpes, psoriasis, burns, cuts, etc.) E, B vitamins, phytosterols, flavonoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, chlorophyll). ALMOND OIL is an excellent moisturizer, protects the skin from drying out, prevents possible flaking. Almond oil, with its fatty acids, works towards minimizing moisture loss in the skin, keeping cell membranes healthy and functioning properly. IT OIL perfectly regenerates the skin and helps restore its elasticity. Copper, contained in excess in this oil, participates in the formation of collagen and elastin. MINT ESSENTIAL OIL helps to normalize the production of sebum, and helps to narrow the pores on the face. Peppermint oil also gives a good refreshing and tonic effect for fading, lethargic, dull and tired facial skin. Helps maintain the moisture balance of the skin, thereby preventing its further aging and the formation of wrinkles. CEDAR ESSENTIAL OIL helps to nourish the skin and restore its natural moisture balance. Therefore, it is especially in need of thinned, dry, and dehydrated skin. And thanks to its wonderful emollient properties, cedar nut oil is one of the main remedies for emergency treatment of abundant peeling of the skin of the face, or its roughness. SPIRULINA saturates the skin with a wide range of amino acids, proteins, minerals, salts and vitamins. METHOD OF APPLICATION: Moisten the skin. Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 3.3/个/件/只 3.3
NATURAL HANDMADE SOAP "CEDAR" AROMA: Atlas: with a balsamic scent, persistent, with woody notes. COMPOSITION: Sodium salts of palm fatty acids, coconut, laurel, olive, castor, cedar and jojoba oils, water, cedar oil, jojoba oil, essential oils of cedar, fir, pine and juniper, pine and juniper extracts. PROPERTIES: Coniferous cedar soap gives abundant lather, gently but effectively removes dirt, washes well, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and healing properties, fresh scent of taiga forests, nourishes and repairs damaged skin with regular use. APPLICATION: Cleansing and moisturizing the skin, including the skin of the face Fighting inflammation (acne and pimples on all skin areas) Effective removal of decorative cosmetics from the skin of the face Antiseptic, toning effect Permanent use for acceleration pro healing process of various skin lesions RECOMMENDED: For daily body washing and washing. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR EFFECT: CEDAR OIL - restores the protective properties of the skin. Nourishes dry, thinned and aging skin. Protects against UV radiation. Due to the high level of vitamin E content, it slows down the aging process. Contains vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3), A and D, ensuring healthy skin, phosphatides, lecithin and many minerals necessary for us. LAVRA OIL - effectively cleanses oily skin from acne and acne, softens , refreshes and nourishes it. JOJOBA OIL - suitable for basic and specialized skin care of any type (especially good for the skin of the face, décolleté, neck), not only moisturizing and nourishing, but also restoring damaged skin, removing irritation, redness and inflammation, heals cracks, cuts, injuries and dermatitis. CEDAR ESSENTIAL OIL - has a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, tonic, immunomodulatory, antioxidant effect. Rejuvenates the skin, increases its elasticity. ESSENTIAL OIL OF JUNIOR - has a strong regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. ESSENTIAL OIL OF FIR - has an antiseptic, tonic, regenerating, absorbent and deodorant effect. < br> PINE ESSENTIAL OIL - has a nourishing, cleansing, smoothing, rejuvenating effect on the skin. Improves its elasticity. Strengthens the protective properties of the skin, increases its resistance to adverse external factors. Promotes wound healing. PINE EXTRACT - has a disinfectant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. JUNIPER EXTRACT - has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cleansing effect. HOW TO USE: Moisten skin with water ... Massage the soap until lather forms. Rinse off under running water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Natural soap, when used, should be stored at temperatures from +2 C to + 35 C in a dry and ventilated soap dish, preferably in a wooden one. PACKAGING: 90 ± 5 g. SHELF LIFE: 2 years
USD 12.78 - 15.98/个/件/只
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USD 6.48 - 8.1/个/件/只
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USD 3.47 - 4.34/个/件/只
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USD 1.0 - 1.25/个/件/只
ТЕХНИЧЕСКАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ:Очищает поверхность стекол, зеркал и стеклянных поверхностей. Увеличивает светопроходимость и общую чистоту стекол. Не оставляет пятен, разводов и плёнок.СПОСОБ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ:Небольшое количество средства распылить непосредственно на очищаемую поверхность, затем протереть мягкой тканью.УСЛОВИЯ ХРАНЕНИЯ:Средство хранить при температуре от -30 до +30 С. , избегать попадания солнечных лучей.Срок хранения 12 месяцев.СОСТАВ: Дименерализованная вода, специализированная смесь ПАВ, комплексообразователи.

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