Hyssop hydrolat
ISOP'S HYDROLATE COMPOSITION: Hyssop hydrolate is a product of steam-water distillation of medicinal hyssop inflorescences. Without alcohol and preservatives. It is possible to use flower water in meditations and performing spiritual practices to attract energy. Hyssop is one of the most ancient medicinal plants, it is widely used in folk medicine. Hydrolat, thanks to its essential oil, various useful substances, resins and acids, incl. ascorbic, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing effects. Fragrant water of hyssop is also appreciated in cosmetology. It effectively cares for the skin of the face and body, improves tone, normalizes the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands, and promotes the recovery of problem skin. It has a cooling, soothing, lymphatic drainage effect, therefore it is recommended to use it after traumatic procedures for the skin. Eliminates irritation, swelling, burning, stress reactions of the skin; effective for bacterial and autoimmune dermatitis, weeping eczema. Evens skin color. Used to strengthen hair, treat seborrhea and dandruff. Hyssop hydrolate has a pleasant, slightly sweet smell. Its warm, fragrant aroma, acting on the subconscious of a person, helps to gain self-control and the ability to think soberly. Soothes nerves, helps with anxiety, fatigue and nervous tension. COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR HAIR: - strengthens, promotes hair growth; - Recommended for seborrhea (dandruff). COSMETIC PROPERTIES FOR SKIN: - suitable for oily, combination and problem skin; - tones; - protects against the influence of aggressive environmental factors; - used for dermatitis, allergies; - recommended for eczema, psoriasis; - has a bactericidal effect; - effective for acne and acne; - heals wounds, cracks; - improves, evens out the complexion; - relieves irritation , inflammation, softens; - deodorizes. HEALING PROPERTIES: - strengthens the immune system; - pain reliever; - has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, heals wounds; - has antihistaminic properties; - mucolytic, expectorant; - anti-asthmatic; - antiviral; - diaphoretic; - carminative; - normalizes water balance in the body; - soothes the nervous system. METHODS OF USE IN COSMETOLOGY AND HAIR CARE: - Pure as a skin tonic. - Apply before using the cream or cosmetic oil, for the sake of preparing the skin and enhancing the effect of the product. - As an enriching component in masks, scrubs, gommages, foams, creams, tonics (add 3-5 drops). - Dilute clay masks and ubtan, to refresh and tighten the skin. - As compresses and applications on irritated areas, swelling and bruising. - Compresses for acne. Soak cotton pads (for use on problem areas) or a cloth (for use on the whole face) in the hydrolat, place on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes. - In the form of cosmetic ice to tighten the skin, narrow pores, reduce hypersecretion skin. - In the form of steam inhalations and hot compresses to cleanse the pores. - As a soothing and softening agent for the skin after shaving, depilation, sunbathing, as well as after traumatic procedures for the skin (deep cleaning, extraction of comedones, peels, dermabrasion). - To prepare deodorant and tonic foot baths (add 20-30 ml of scented water to warm water). - Baths with hyssop water have a toning effect on the skin and the whole body. - For the treatment of seborrhea and dandruff, moisten your hair well with hydrolat and after 10-15 minutes rinse with water. - To combat dandruff and excessive oily hair, spray hydrolat on dry scalp. - Add to hair masks, shampoos and balms a small amount hydrolat. - For massage of the scalp using scented water. METHODS OF USE FOR TREATMENT PURPOSES: - Compresses with hyssop water are used as a remedy for bruises, hematomas, hemorrhages. - Lotions from hyssop water relieve muscle pain and are used for bruises, cuts, skin dermatitis. - Hyssop inhalations are used for breathing exercises for asthmatic coughs, shortness of breath, smoker's cough. - An effective mouthwash for stomatitis and periodontal disease. - It is used as a strong deodorizing agent in the treatment and prevention of excessive sweating of feet and skin of the hands. - Relieves irritation from mosquito bites. SYNERGY Hyssop water can be perfectly combined with other hydrolates , thus a special synergistic effect is formed: - with rosemary water - to calm the nerves; - in combination with rosemary and mint - to refresh the skin; - with lavender hydrolate (10 ml each) - for compresses; - with sage - for deodorizing the skin; - in combination with a rose - fordry skin care; - cornflower - to even out skin tone; - in combination with chamomile water - as a base for micellar water. CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in epilepsy, pregnancy and breastfeeding , in children under 3 years of age. With caution in hypertension. WARNING - store in a dark place at temperatures below +17 C; - storage at room temperature significantly reduces shelf life of hydrolat; - when stored with an ambient temperature above +10 C, a slight formation of sediment is allowed; - use inside only on the recommendation of a physician! PACKAGING: 100 ml < br> SHELF LIFE: 1 year

Hyssop hydrolat - 23340

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