TORETAIL EB UG (limited liability)

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肉类和奶制品, 冷冻产品, 饮料, 佐料和香料, 杂货食品, 种植业, 畜牧产品 Россия, Barbarossa str. 61 Gelnhausen 63571 Gelnhausen

Dear Manufacturers! TORETAIL E&B UG, located in Germany, is ready to act as your distributor and carry out a full range of work for you, from building a strategy for bringing your product to the German market to directly organizing the sale of your Products in various German distribution channels. Based on the results of 2019. The consumer goods market in Germany is one of the largest and most actively developing markets in the European Union. As part of the development of its own distribution in Germany, our company can offer organized sales of your products to a number of distribution channels, including national retail chains in Germany.
