Tver industrial and repair group of companies, Tver

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We offer to repair electronic faulty equipment. Component repair of industrial electronics is a way to ensure the constant operability of equipment and free up additional funds for the modernization of production!
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We offer to repair electronic faulty equipment. Component repair of industrial electronics is a way to ensure the constant operability of equipment and free up additional funds for the modernization of production!
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We offer to repair electronic faulty equipment. Component repair of industrial electronics is a way to ensure the constant operability of equipment and free up additional funds for the modernization of production!
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We offer to repair electronic faulty equipment. Component repair of industrial electronics is a way to ensure the constant operability of equipment and free up additional funds for the modernization of production!
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We offer to repair electronic faulty equipment. Component repair of industrial electronics is a way to ensure the constant operability of equipment and free up additional funds for the modernization of production!
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We offer to repair electronic faulty equipment. Component repair of industrial electronics is a way to ensure the constant operability of equipment and free up additional funds for the modernization of production!
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We offer to repair electronic faulty equipment. Component repair of industrial electronics is a way to ensure the constant operability of equipment and free up additional funds for the modernization of production!
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We offer & nbsp; repair electronic faulty equipment. Component repair of industrial electronics & mdash; this is a way to ensure the constant operability of the equipment and free up additional funds for the modernization of production! & nbsp;
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Diagnostics of failures, repair of industrial electronics Diagnostics of controller errors. Any errors and problems associated with the incorrect operation of industrial controllers and operator panels arise, oddly enough, either with completely old equipment or not working for a long time (the internal power battery has run out), or with a power failure and interruption of the algorithm cycle. Repair of modules, control units, controllers (PL.C) Repair of operator control panels (HMI), industrial monitors. Industrial computer repair (IPC). Repair of voltage stabilizers. Repair of industrial UPS (UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply). Repair of industrial blowers. Repair of frequency converters (inverters). Repair of servomotors (servomotors). Repair of sensors: encoders (incremental, absolute), resolvers. Repair of servo converters (servo drives, servo amplifiers). Repair of soft starters (soft starters). Repair of industrial electronic boards (printed circuit boards, etc.). Repair of components of CNC machine tools (CPU). Repair of industrial power supplies.
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Diagnostics of failures, repair of industrial electronics Diagnostics of controller errors. Any errors and problems associated with the incorrect operation of industrial controllers and operator panels arise, oddly enough, either with completely old equipment or not working for a long time (the internal power battery has run out), or with a power failure and interruption of the algorithm cycle. Repair of modules, control units, controllers (PL.C) Repair of operator control panels (HMI), industrial monitors. Industrial computer repair (IPC). Repair of voltage stabilizers. Repair of industrial UPS (UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply). Repair of industrial blowers. Repair of frequency converters (inverters). Repair of servomotors (servomotors). Repair of sensors: encoders (incremental, absolute), resolvers. Repair of servo converters (servo drives, servo amplifiers). Repair of soft starters (soft starters). Repair of industrial electronic boards (printed circuit boards, etc.). Repair of components of CNC machine tools (CPU). Repair of industrial power supplies.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Diagnostics of failures, repair of industrial electronics. Diagnostics of controller errors. Any errors and problems associated with the incorrect operation of industrial controllers and operator panels arise, oddly enough, either with completely old equipment or not working for a long time (the internal power battery has run out), or with a power failure and interruption of the algorithm cycle. Repair of modules, control units, controllers (PL.C) Repair of operator control panels (HMI), industrial monitors. Industrial computer repair (IPC). Repair of voltage stabilizers. Repair of industrial UPS (UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply). Repair of industrial blowers. Repair of frequency converters (inverters). Repair of servomotors (servomotors). Repair of sensors: encoders (incremental, absolute), resolvers. Repair of servo converters (servo drives, servo amplifiers). Repair of soft starters (soft starters). Repair of industrial electronic boards (printed circuit boards, etc.). Repair of components of CNC machine tools (CPU). Repair of industrial power supplies.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Diagnostics of failures, repair of industrial electronics. Diagnostics of controller errors. Any errors and problems associated with the incorrect operation of industrial controllers and operator panels arise, oddly enough, either with completely old equipment or not working for a long time (the internal power battery has run out), or with a power failure and interruption of the algorithm cycle. Repair of modules, control units, controllers (PL.C) Repair of operator control panels (HMI), industrial monitors. Industrial computer repair (IPC). Repair of voltage stabilizers. Repair of industrial UPS (UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply). Repair of industrial blowers. Repair of frequency converters (inverters). Repair of servomotors (servomotors). Repair of sensors: encoders (incremental, absolute), resolvers. Repair of servo converters (servo drives, servo amplifiers). Repair of soft starters (soft starters). Repair of industrial electronic boards (printed circuit boards, etc.). Repair of components of CNC machine tools (CPU). Repair of industrial power supplies.
各种类: 地址:
工控机及配件, 消费性电子产品, 家庭安全系统, 吹风机, 自动化、软件, 诊断和工业安全, 石油、天然气泵和压缩机, 工业设备零件, 仓库和处理设备, 工业设备, 通用设备, 其它设备, 自动化和软件, 能源及能源技术设备, 工业设备与元件, 工业仪器, 机械零件, 焊接设备, 机床设备及元件, 农业电子测量设备, 自动农业管理系统, 灌溉和排水设备, 零件、配件和备用件, 零部件, 钢筋, 建筑砖块, 制热设备及配件, 通风设施, 供水和污水处理, 水暖设施, 电气外壳, 维修、现代化、改造, 电器设备和零件, 电子元器件和电容器, 发电机/发生器, 电源, 低压电气设备, 变压器, 电子和多媒体游戏 Россия, Тверь, у.Трёхсвятская, 1-1

K型的台式泵。KM,KML,LM型的整体泵。双边入口的泵,例如D,SE,TsN。潜孔泵,如ETsV。 Ns型Ks冷凝水泵。化学泵,其流动部分由X,XM,XE,XO,AH,AXO,AXE,AHP,AHPE,TsG铸铁,钛,橡胶,碳和不锈钢制成。 GNOM,ANS,TsMK和TsMF等污水的排水泵。粪便泵,SM,SD,SDV型。齿轮油泵和Ш,НМШ,А13В三螺杆泵。 VK,VKS,ASVN,ASCL型涡街泵(包括汽油)。 ND型不锈钢计量泵。中枢神经系统,中枢神经系统的多级泵。砂泵,如P,PK,PR,GraA T,K,U
2.2 kW以上的工业异步电动机

离心风机VT 14-46。径向风扇ВР9-55,ВР80-75,ВР132-30。轴流风扇VO 06-300,VO 14-320,VO 25-188。屋顶风扇VKRm,VKRSm,VKRVm。尘埃ВР140-40。磨球迷VM。排烟机VD,D,VDN,DN。 KSK加热器-热水器。空气加热器-KPSK蒸汽加热器。电空气加热器-电加热器。单位加热AO。旋风。



在特维尔地区提供用于工业和家庭用途的天然气设备。我们提供柜式(ШУУРГ)气体流量计量单位,块式(БУУРГ)气体流量计量结,机架上气体流量计量单位(УУРГ),我们提供测量系统。橱柜执行中的气体控制点(GRPSh,GSGO),砌块执行中的气体控制点(ПГБ,ГРПБ),框架上的气体控制装置(GRU)。移动式锅炉厂(TKU),块式锅炉厂(BKU),屋顶锅炉厂。液化天然气的锅炉设备,容量为50 kW至20 MW的柴油。供应气压调节器,阀门,安全截止阀(KPZ,PKN),安全释放阀(KPS,PSK),气体过滤器(FG)


在特维尔地区供应锅炉和锅炉辅助设备:容量为0.5-50吨/小时的蒸汽锅炉,系列DKVr,KE,DE,E,DSE,MZK,KP。容量为0.1-100 Gcal / h的热水锅炉,系列KEV,DEV,KV,KVA,KVR,KVm,KSVA,KVGM。该系列的可移动块模块化锅炉设备; MKU,TKU,BMVKU,UKM,PKN(在蒸汽和热水模式下)。电极蒸汽锅炉系列KEP,KEV。 ANU反规模工厂。水处理设备(过滤器,热交换器,除氧器,水处理厂)。燃气设备(煤气龙头,热截止阀,燃气表,GRPSh,仪表)。石油和天然气设备(燃油处理装置,机油加热器,火炬系统,油处理厂)。省煤器和生铁(ECB,BVES)。牵伸机VDN,DN,VT,VR,VO,VGD,19TsS-63、30TsS-85,抽水设备(TsNSG,D,K,KM,NMSh)。火室,火炉设备(ТШПМ,ТЛПХ,ТЧЗМ,ТЧ,ТКСМОД,НТКС)及其备件。燃烧器(通用汽车,GMG,RMG,GG,Weishauupt,Riello)。锅炉设备(破碎机,抓斗,燃料给料器,除灰器,电池旋风分离器,空气收集器,除渣线,蒸气冷却器)。带式输送机(固定式UKLS,滚动KLK,碎石KLShch,仓库KLP,螺杆RZ-BKSh,RZ-DKV,带刮板的刮板机,带式给料机,桶链和带式提升机,刮板输送机TS-40)。衬里材料,燃烧器石头,异型板,异型砖。锅炉的能源备件(锅炉的管道系统-DE,КЕ,ДКВр,КВГМ,ПТВМ)。截止阀,动力阀(阀门,闸阀,阀门,安全阀)。锅炉自动化,仪表自动化,控制单元。清洁锅炉管道的装置,清洁烟尘,夹带,冲击波发生器,超声波防垢装置的加热表面的装置。有效利用蒸汽和冷凝水的设备(带有气动和电动执行器的控制阀,蒸汽和压缩空气分离器)。

桅杆变电站KTPM 25-250 kVA。信息亭单变压器变电站KTPN 100-1000 kVA。两台变压器亭变电站2KTPN 100-1000 kVA。支柱式变电站STP在一个上,在两个上支持1.25-250 kVA。变电站2KTP室内安装2KTP(VT)250-2500 kVA-10(6)/ 0,4U3。变电站KTPNu,2KTPNu绝缘三明治100-1000 kVA。
