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Dried fruits in bulk on Qoovee

Ростов-на-Дону, Russia
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CRUNCHY "Вкусы мира" - ароматный и полезный микс подсушенных фруктов,ягод,орехов и семечек. Вас порадует их приятный легкий хруст - "crunch". Кранчи популярны в разных уголках мира и употребляются с любимыми фруктами или ягодами. Наслаждаться этим вкусным и полезным снэком можно бесконечно.
Ростов-на-Дону, Russia
Specify the price USD
CRUNCHY "Вкусы мира" - ароматный и полезный микс подсушенных фруктов,ягод,орехов и семечек. Вас порадует их приятный легкий хруст - "crunch". Кранчи популярны в разных уголках мира и употребляются с любимыми фруктами или ягодами. Наслаждаться этим вкусным и полезным снэком можно бесконечно.
Ростов-на-Дону, Russia
Specify the price USD
CRUNCHY "Вкусы мира" - ароматный и полезный микс подсушенных фруктов,ягод,орехов и семечек. Вас порадует их приятный легкий хруст - "crunch". Кранчи популярны в разных уголках мира и употребляются с любимыми фруктами или ягодами. Наслаждаться этим вкусным и полезным снэком можно бесконечно.
Ростов-на-Дону, Russia
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Сладкий картофель батат - легкий экзотический снэк из Перу, идеальный способ пополнить запас энергии в течение напряженного дня.
Ростов-на-Дону, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
Запеченные в легком сиропе плоды лотоса - один из самых распространенных десертов в Индии, Китае и Японии. По вкусу напоминает очень нежный лесной орех.
Ростов-на-Дону, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
Плоды каштана, запеченного в скорлупе, отличаются очень легким и нежным вкусом, а также комплексом полезных, диетических свойств.
Ростов-на-Дону, Russia
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Французские каштаны ценятся гурманами всего мира за утонченный сладкий вкус, легкий аромат и диетические свойства. Очищенные каштаны "Вкусы мира" - идеальный легкий перекус в течение дня.
Ростов-на-Дону, Russia
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Самый сочный, ароматный и нежный кокос растет в Таиланде. Он богат витаминами, микроэлементами и ценен свойством сохранять молодость кожи и красоту волос.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 0.39/pcs 0.39
Кардио микс 50гр. Состав: Изюм, курага, грецкий орех, арахис
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 0.45/pcs 0.45
Фито микс 50 гр. Состав: Чернослив, изюм, миндаль, кешью, тыквенные семечки
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 0.45/pcs 0.45
Энерго микс 50гр. Состав: Изюм, арахис, сушеный банан, миндаль, тыквенные семечки
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 0.45/pcs 0.45
Супер микс 50 гр. Состав: Курага, изюм, кешью, миндаль, тыквенные семечки, сушеный банан
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 0.17/pcs 0.17
Мини микс 35 гр., разработанный для бортпитания авиакомпании.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
USD 0.51/pcs 0.51
Пивной микс 50 гр. Состав: Арахис, миндаль, кешью, тыквенные семечки (соленые)
Ростов-на-Дону, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
USD 31.46/kg 31.46
USD 7.63/pcs 7.63
Pear 8 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. The pear was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft temperature 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique technology of vacuum drying, the pear has retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and beneficial properties. It is unnecessary to wash and sort the pear, the product is completely ready for use! Application: compote, jam, baking. You can learn about the beneficial properties of pears in our website.
USD 25.07/pcs 25.07
Lemon 9.8 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. Lemon was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft temperature 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique vacuum drying technology, lemon has retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and nutrients. Lemon is unnecessary to wash and sort, the product is completely ready for use! Application: tea, compote, jam, pastries. You can learn about the beneficial properties of apricot in our website.
USD 9.26/pcs 9.26
Plum 9.5 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. Plum was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft temperature 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique vacuum drying technology, the plum retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and beneficial properties. It is unnecessary to wash and sort the drain, the product is completely ready for use! Application: porridge, granola, pastries, jam, yogurt. You can learn about the beneficial properties of plums in our website.
USD 15.26/pcs 15.26
Apple 9.5 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. Crumbs 3-10 mm. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. The apple was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft a temperature of 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique technology of vacuum drying, the apple has retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and nutrients. It is unnecessary to wash and sort the apple; the product is completely ready for use! Application: snack (light snack), porridge, granola, pastries, jam, pastries, yogurt. You can learn about the beneficial properties of apples in our website.
USD 14.17/pcs 14.17
Apple 9.5 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. The apple was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft a temperature of 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique technology of vacuum drying, the apple has retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and nutrients. It is unnecessary to wash and sort the apple; the product is completely ready for use! Application: snack (light snack), porridge, granola, pastries, jam, pastries, yogurt. You can learn about the beneficial properties of apples in our website.
USD 25.07/pcs 25.07
Blackberry 8.5 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75% Expiration date: 2 years Blackberry was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft temperature 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique technology of vacuum drying, the blackberry has retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and beneficial properties. It is unnecessary to wash and sort the blackberry; the product is completely ready for use! Application: porridge, granola, tea, pastries, jam, culinary products, yogurt, milkshake. You can find out about the useful properties of edevics on our website.
USD 7.19/pcs 7.19
Rosehip 6 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. Rosehip was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft temperature 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique vacuum drying technology, rosehip retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and beneficial properties. Rosehip is unnecessary to wash and sort, the product is completely ready for use! Application: tea, decoction. You can find out about the beneficial properties of rose hips on our website.
USD 9.16/pcs 9.16
Cherry 8.5 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. Cherry was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. It is dried in vacuum at a soft temperature of 35-40 ° C, has not been subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique vacuum drying technology, cherries retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and nutrients. It is unnecessary to wash and sort the cherries; the product is completely ready for use! Application: tea, compote. You can find out about the beneficial properties of cherries on our website.
USD 15.26/pcs 15.26
Barberry 7 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. Barberry was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft temperature 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique vacuum drying technology, barberry has retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and nutrients. Barberry is unnecessary to wash and sort, the product is completely ready for use! Application: tea, pastries, jam. You can learn about the beneficial properties of barberry in our website.
USD 27.25/pcs 27.25
Raspberry / after drying / 1 kg. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75% Expiration date: 2 years Raspberry was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft temperature 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique technology of vacuum drying, raspberries retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and beneficial properties. It is unnecessary to wash and sort raspberries; the product is completely ready for use! Application: porridge, granola, tea, pastries, jam, culinary products, yogurt, milkshake. You can learn about the beneficial properties of raspberries on our website.
USD 20.71 - 25.07/pcs
No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75% Expiration date: 2 years Strawberries were grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft temperature 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique vacuum drying technology, strawberries retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and nutrients. It is unnecessary to wash and sort strawberries; the product is completely ready to eat! Application: snack (light snack), porridge, granola, tea, pastries, jam, culinary products, yogurt. You can learn about the beneficial properties of strawberries on our website.
USD 21.8/pcs 21.8
No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. Strawberries were grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. It is dried in vacuum at a soft temperature of 35-40 ° C, has not been subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique vacuum drying technology, strawberries retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and nutrients. It is unnecessary to wash and sort strawberries, the product is completely ready for use! Application: snack (light snack), porridge, granola, tea, pastries, jam, culinary products, yogurt. You can find out about the beneficial properties of strawberries on our website.
USD 990.0/pcs 990.0
Rosehip 6 kg. / after drying / 1 kg. Crumbs 3-10 mm. No colorants, no artificial additives, GMO free Storage conditions: at t ° up to +20 ° С and relative humidity no more than 75%. Shelf life: 2 years. Rosehip was grown in ecologically clean areas of Kyrgyzstan, Issyk - Kul region. Dried in a vacuum with a soft temperature 35-40 ° C, was not subjected to any chemical treatments. Thanks to the unique vacuum drying technology, rosehip retained a pronounced taste, color, aroma and beneficial properties. Rosehip is unnecessary to wash and sort, the product is completely ready for use! Application: tea, decoction. You can find out about the beneficial properties of rose hips on our website.

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