دردشة مفتوحة

المعدات والآلات الأخرى بالجملة على Qoovee

Shijiazhuang Huatao Import And Export Trade Co.,Ltd
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
USD 5000.0 - 100000.0/шт
قالب أسطوانة فولاذي مقاوم للصدأ لآلة الورق ، بما في ذلك المغازل والشبكات والمكبرات والفواصل ، مع مكابح متباعدة بشكل متساوٍ على العمود الرئيسي ، مع رفوف سلكية مثبتة على المتحدث ، ومكبرات من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ مثبتة على فترات متساوية بين السماعات على العمود الرئيسي ، لتحل محل جزء من السماعة يتم تضمين حلقة الدعم المصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ في الطرف الخارجي لقضيب الدعم ، ويتم تثبيت الشبكة على طول الحافة الخارجية للحلقة الفولاذية الداعمة والتحدث ، ويتم لفها بإحكام بسلك فولاذي مقاوم للصدأ. قالب الأسطوانة لآلة الورق خفيف الوزن ومقاوم للتآكل ويقلل من استهلاك الطاقة. تقليل دورة صيانة المعدات. قالب الأسطوانة قطر المواصفات العادية: 1000 مم ، 1250 مم ، 1500 مم ، 1800 مم ، 2000 مم ، 2500 مم قالب الأسطوانة نطاق وجه العمل العادي: 1000 مم - 5000 مم ميزة قالب الأسطوانة غير القابل للصدأ: 1: السرعة العالية: كشف التوازن ، أكثر من 700 متر 2: يتم تقليل الوزن بمقدار 30٪ مقارنة بالأقفاص العادية ، مما يقلل من استهلاك الطاقة 3: تم قياس كل قطعة من القضبان بدقة لتجنب ظاهرة زيادة الوزن في القفص وتقليل قوة الاحتكاك للقفص على البطانية والشبكة تقلل من تكلفة التصنيع. تصميم على شكل حرف U لتقليل مقاومة الماء ، السطح أملس للغاية ؛ يمكن زيادة السرعة بمقدار 15-30 مترًا مقارنةً بأقفاص الحديد الزهر الشائعة دون التسبب في ظاهرة قطرة الماء 5: القوة أعلى من تلك الموجودة في القفص الشائع لعدة مرات ، ومقاومة الصدمات ، ومعدل صيانة القفص ينخفض ​​6 : خشونة سطح عالية ، زيادة مساحة المياه المفلترة ، زيادة الإنتاج ، تحسين جودة الورق 7: مقاومة الأحماض والقلويات ، الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ القياسي 304 8: سلامة قوية للغاية ، متينة.
Shijiazhuang Huatao Import And Export Trade Co.,Ltd
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
USD 1000000.0 - 5000000.0/шт
تستخدم في صناعة اللب والورق لكسر نفايات الورق والورق المبلل. هذا الجهاز مزود بـ PS Vokes rotor ، الذي يمكنه تعزيز الدورة الهيدروليكية وإزالة الألياف وأيضًا أداء الفصل المستمر مع استهلاك أقل للطاقة. ينحرف الجزء المتحرك عن مركز جسم الحوض ويكون هيكل جسم الحوض على شكل حرف D ، مما يجعل الاتصال بين اللب والدوار أسرع بتردد أعلى ، وبالتالي يمكن زيادة السعة بشرط عدم زيادة الطاقة والحجم. يقع القرص الدوار وقرص الاستخراج فوق المستوى السفلي لجسم الحوض ، وبالتالي ، يمكن أن تتشكل منطقة تدفق ضغط منخفض واحدة حول الدوار لتجميع الشوائب الثقيلة ، وبالتالي يمكن إطالة عمر خدمة الدوار ولوحة الاستخراج. المواصفات التقنية الرئيسية : النوع HT-25 HT-26 HT-27 HT-28 HT-29 HT-30 HT-31 HT-32 HT-33 HT-34 HT-35 HT-36 HT-37 الحجم: م 3 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80100130 الاتساق:٪ 3-5 السعة: طن / يوم 80-120 140-180 180-230 230-280270-320 300-370 350-400 400-450 480-550550- 630600-700750-850 950-1050 المحرك: كيلوواط 160185220280315355400450560630710900 1000
Shijiazhuang Huatao Import And Export Trade Co.,Ltd
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
USD 1000.0 - 10000.0/шт
مضخة طرد مركزي 1. دفاعة ثلاثية الشفرات مفتوحة بالكامل ، قناة تدفق كبيرة ، أداء قوي بدون انسداد. يتم استخدام البطانات المقاومة للاهتراء عند طرفي الشفط والتفريغ للمروحة لحماية غلاف تيار الدوامة. يسهل تصميم الغطاء الواقي الجديد الفك. تصميم هيكل جديد تمامًا ، أقوى وأكثر ملاءمة لتعديل اقتران. مضخة المروحة 1. حلقة الفم المقاومة للتآكل القابلة للاستبدال تحمي جسم المضخة من التآكل ، وتضمن أن السائل يتدفق بسلاسة إلى المكره لتحسين الكفاءة ؛ 2. شفرات المكره ذات الشفط المزدوج مقسمة شعاعيًا ومرتبة في اتجاهات متداخلة ومائلة ، والتي تتميز بخصائص الكفاءة العالية وهامش التجويف المنخفض ؛ 3. جسم المضخة مقسم أفقيًا للخدمة الشاقة. تقع حواف المدخل والمخرج في جسم المضخة السفلي. يمكن إجراء فحص وصيانة واستبدال أجزاء الدوار دون تفكيك نظام الأنابيب والمحرك.
حدد السعر USD
معلمات الماكينة: حامل النموذج - 2 ضغط / قوة إغلاق القالب - 600 كحد أقصى. الخلوص بين الطائرات - 210 امتداد أمامي بين الأعمدة - 343 ضغطًا / أبعاد قالب - 300x400 كحد أقصى. ضغط / ارتفاع القالب - 220 * 160 عدد الحاقنات - 2 قطر المسمار - 66 قدرة اللدنة - 45 حجم الحقن - 750 ضغط الحقن - 300 سرعة اللولب - -332 عزم دوران المسمار - 55 منطقة تسخين - 2 تسخين الحاقن - 6.9 محرك الحاقن - 22 محرك المعدات الإضافية - 5.5. الوزن: 3500 كجم المقاسات: 3175/1670/2670
حدد السعر USD 0 0
🔥 نصلح الأسعار حتى نهاية الشهر هناك خصم عند الاتصال من الموقع -7٪ نقدم خدمة ما بعد البيع 📌 نقوم بالتوصيل في جميع أنحاء روسيا ورابطة الدول المستقلة ➖➖➖➖ لا تضيع الوقت في البحث ، أنت لقد وجدونا بالفعل! ➖➖➖➖ لماذا نحن؟ ✅ الخبرة منذ عام 2011 ضمان من 12 شهرًا السلع حاصلة على شهادات الجودة ✅ الامتثال لإعلانات GOST R و ISO و TR CU يتم توفير الوثائق ✅ تُستخدم معداتنا في بناء السفن وبناء الطائرات و RosAtom ➖➖➖➖ ⚡ أنظمة الروبوت الذكية ( IRS)) هي أكبر مورد لمعدات اللحام والمواد الاستهلاكية. ⚡ نصمم ونطور ونركب أي أنظمة ومعدات روبوتية لمختلف مجالات الإنتاج الصناعي في الشركات في روسيا وبلدان رابطة الدول المستقلة. ⚡ موظفينا من المهندسين ذوي الدرجة العالية لديهم أكثر من 50 شخصًا. ⚡ نحن نوفر معدات عالية التقنية للإنتاج. ➖➖➖➖ 💙 حتى لا تفقد جهات الاتصال الخاصة بنا ، أضف الإعلان إلى مفضلاتك. ➖➖➖➖ ميزات المنتج 👉 قوة تحمل من 20 كجم إلى 4000 كجم ؛ 👉 الوزن من 30 جم إلى 2500 جم ؛ 👉 مادة المشبك: فولاذ مجلفن أو صلب أو غير قابل للصدأ. ➖➖➖➖ 📲 السؤال أسهل من التفكير. Call❗ ➖➖➖➖ أسماء المنتجات الأخرى: المشابك الميكانيكية ، المشابك المعيارية ، المشابك الهوائية ، المشابك الهيدروليكية
حدد السعر USD 0 0
🔥 نصلح الأسعار حتى نهاية الشهر هناك خصم عند الاتصال من الموقع -7٪ نقدم خدمة ما بعد البيع 📌 نقوم بالتوصيل في جميع أنحاء روسيا ورابطة الدول المستقلة ➖➖➖➖ لا تضيع الوقت في البحث ، أنت لقد وجدونا بالفعل! ➖➖➖➖ لماذا نحن؟ ✅ الخبرة منذ عام 2011 ضمان من 12 شهرًا السلع حاصلة على شهادات الجودة ✅ الامتثال لإعلانات GOST R و ISO و TR CU يتم توفير الوثائق ✅ تُستخدم معداتنا في بناء السفن وبناء الطائرات و RosAtom ➖➖➖➖ ⚡ أنظمة الروبوت الذكية ( IRS)) هي أكبر مورد لمعدات اللحام والمواد الاستهلاكية. ⚡ نصمم ونطور ونركب أي أنظمة ومعدات روبوتية لمختلف مجالات الإنتاج الصناعي في الشركات في روسيا وبلدان رابطة الدول المستقلة. ⚡ موظفينا من المهندسين ذوي الدرجة العالية لديهم أكثر من 50 شخصًا. ⚡ نحن نوفر معدات عالية التقنية للإنتاج. ➖➖➖➖ 💙 حتى لا تفقد جهات الاتصال الخاصة بنا ، أضف الإعلان إلى مفضلاتك. ➖➖➖➖ خصائص المنتج الأبعاد ، مم من 1000 × 1000 إلى 5000 × 2000 مم مادة الحديد الزهر الرمادي وحديد الدكتايل وفقًا لـ GOST نوع فتحات التثبيت على شكل حرف T 22H12 وفقًا لـ GOST 1574-91 فتحة الملعب ، مم 250 (خطوة فردية ممكن) 👉 أخاديد تثبيت النظام طولية وعرضية طريقة التثبيت التثبيت على المراسي المدمجة المثبتة في الأساس / الإطار المنزلق. من الأسهل طرح السؤال أكثر من التفكير. Call❗ ➖➖➖➖ أسماء المنتجات الأخرى: لوحة التركيب ، لوحة اللحام ، لوحة تثبيت من الحديد الزهر ، لوحة التركيب مع فتحات T ، لوحة تركيب من الحديد الزهر ، T-groove ، لوحة تركيب المنضدة ، لوحة تثبيت الزاوية مع فتحات T
حدد السعر USD 0 0
🔥 نصلح الأسعار حتى نهاية الشهر هناك خصم عند الاتصال من الموقع -7٪ نقدم خدمة ما بعد البيع 📌 نقوم بالتوصيل في جميع أنحاء روسيا ورابطة الدول المستقلة ➖➖➖➖ لا تضيع الوقت في البحث ، أنت لقد وجدونا بالفعل! ➖➖➖➖ لماذا نحن؟ ✅ الخبرة منذ عام 2011 ضمان من 12 شهرًا السلع حاصلة على شهادات الجودة ✅ الامتثال لإعلانات GOST R و ISO و TR CU يتم توفير الوثائق ✅ تُستخدم معداتنا في بناء السفن وبناء الطائرات و RosAtom ➖➖➖➖ ⚡ أنظمة الروبوت الذكية ( IRS)) هي أكبر مورد لمعدات اللحام والمواد الاستهلاكية. ⚡ نصمم ونطور ونركب أي أنظمة ومعدات روبوتية لمختلف مجالات الإنتاج الصناعي في الشركات في روسيا وبلدان رابطة الدول المستقلة. ⚡ موظفينا من المهندسين ذوي الدرجة العالية لديهم أكثر من 50 شخصًا. ⚡ نحن نوفر معدات عالية التقنية للإنتاج. ➖➖➖➖ 💙 حتى لا تفقد جهات الاتصال الخاصة بنا ، أضف الإعلان إلى مفضلاتك. ➖➖➖➖ ميزات المنتج 👉 أقصى قوة ضغط - 97 كيلو نيوتن منطقة العمل - 650 × 450 مم 👉 مصدر الطاقة - 380 فولت / 3 أطوار / 50 هرتز قوة المحرك 2.2 كيلو واط الأبعاد - 1580 × 1070 × 2140 مم 👉 الوزن - 1150 كلغ ➖➖➖➖ 📲 السؤال أسهل من التفكير. Call أسماء المنتجات الأخرى: مكبس هيدروليكي ، آلة هيدروليكية ، مكبس
حدد السعر USD 0 0
🔥 نصلح الأسعار حتى نهاية الشهر هناك خصم عند الاتصال من الموقع -7٪ نقدم خدمة ما بعد البيع 📌 نقوم بالتوصيل في جميع أنحاء روسيا ورابطة الدول المستقلة ➖➖➖➖ لا تضيع الوقت في البحث ، أنت لقد وجدونا بالفعل! ➖➖➖➖ لماذا نحن؟ ✅ الخبرة منذ عام 2011 ضمان من 12 شهرًا السلع حاصلة على شهادات الجودة ✅ الامتثال لإعلانات GOST R و ISO و TR CU يتم توفير الوثائق ✅ تُستخدم معداتنا في بناء السفن وبناء الطائرات و RosAtom ➖➖➖➖ ⚡ أنظمة الروبوت الذكية ( IRS)) هي أكبر مورد لمعدات اللحام والمواد الاستهلاكية. ⚡ نصمم ونطور ونركب أي أنظمة ومعدات روبوتية لمختلف مجالات الإنتاج الصناعي في الشركات في روسيا وبلدان رابطة الدول المستقلة. ⚡ موظفينا من المهندسين ذوي الدرجة العالية لديهم أكثر من 50 شخصًا. ⚡ نحن نوفر معدات عالية التقنية للإنتاج. ➖➖➖➖ 💙 حتى لا تفقد جهات الاتصال الخاصة بنا ، أضف الإعلان إلى مفضلاتك. ➖➖➖➖ خصائص المنتج 👉 نصنع أي نوع من نتوءات الكربيد: أسطواني ، كروي ، كروي ، بيضاوي ، كروي الشكل ، كروي بنهاية مدببة ، على شكل لهب ، مخروطي بزاوية 60 ومخروطي بزاوية 90 درجة ، مخروطي مع نهاية مدورة ، مخروطي مع نهاية مدببة ، مخروطي في شكل مخروط معكوس ، مخروطي ، قطعي ، بيضاوي الشكل ، كمثرى. 👉 أقطار النتوءات من 3.0 مم إلى 30 مم. تُباع شفرات الكربيد بكميات كبيرة من 50 قطعة من أي نوع. ➖➖➖➖ 📲 السؤال أسهل من التفكير. Call❗ ➖➖➖➖ أسماء المنتجات الأخرى: الأزيز ، برور الكربيد ، الأزيز ، نتوء الكربيد ، القاطع ، الشفرات المعدنية
USD 2179.78/шт 2179.78
🔥 نصلح الأسعار حتى نهاية الشهر هناك خصم عند الاتصال من الموقع -7٪ نقدم خدمة ما بعد البيع 📌 نقوم بالتوصيل في جميع أنحاء روسيا ورابطة الدول المستقلة ➖➖➖➖ لا تضيع الوقت في البحث ، أنت لقد وجدونا بالفعل! ➖➖➖➖ لماذا نحن؟ ✅ الخبرة منذ عام 2011 ضمان من 12 شهرًا السلع حاصلة على شهادات الجودة ✅ الامتثال لإعلانات GOST R و ISO و TR CU يتم توفير الوثائق ✅ تُستخدم معداتنا في بناء السفن وبناء الطائرات ، RosAtom ➖➖➖➖) هي أكبر مورد معدات اللحام والمواد الاستهلاكية. ⚡ نصمم ونطور ونركب أي أنظمة ومعدات روبوتية لمختلف مجالات الإنتاج الصناعي في الشركات في روسيا وبلدان رابطة الدول المستقلة. ⚡ موظفينا من المهندسين ذوي الدرجة العالية لديهم أكثر من 50 شخصًا. ⚡ نحن نوفر معدات عالية التقنية للإنتاج. ➖➖➖➖ 💙 حتى لا تفقد جهات الاتصال الخاصة بنا ، أضف الإعلان إلى مفضلاتك. ➖➖➖➖ خصائص المنتج 👉 طريقة اللحام: المكثف والقوس. 👉 مادة التثبيت: الفولاذ المطلي بالنحاس والفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ والألمنيوم والنحاس. 👉 زمن اللحام المتكثف 1-3 مللي ثانية. 👉 مصدر الطاقة 220 فولت و 380 فولت فئة الحماية IP21 ➖➖➖➖ أسهل في السؤال مما تتخيله. Call❗ ➖➖➖➖ أسماء المنتجات الأخرى: آلة لحام الألمنيوم ، آلة اللحام ، آلة اللحام ، اللحام ، اللحام ، اللحام المعدني ، لحام الألمنيوم ، اللحام المعدني ، آلة لحام الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ ، آلة لحام مسمار ، لحام مسمار ، لحام مسمار
حدد السعر USD 0 0
🔥 نصلح الأسعار حتى نهاية الشهر هناك خصم عند الاتصال من الموقع -7٪ نقدم خدمة ما بعد البيع 📌 نقوم بالتوصيل في جميع أنحاء روسيا ورابطة الدول المستقلة ➖➖➖➖ لا تضيع الوقت في البحث ، أنت لقد وجدونا بالفعل! ➖➖➖➖ لماذا نحن؟ ✅ الخبرة منذ عام 2011 ضمان من 12 شهرًا السلع حاصلة على شهادات الجودة ✅ الامتثال لإعلانات GOST R و ISO و TR CU يتم توفير الوثائق ✅ تُستخدم معداتنا في بناء السفن وبناء الطائرات و RosAtom ➖➖➖➖ ⚡ أنظمة الروبوت الذكية ( IRS)) هي أكبر مورد لمعدات اللحام والمواد الاستهلاكية. ⚡ نصمم ونطور ونركب أي أنظمة ومعدات روبوتية لمختلف مجالات الإنتاج الصناعي في الشركات في روسيا وبلدان رابطة الدول المستقلة. ⚡ موظفينا من المهندسين ذوي الدرجة العالية لديهم أكثر من 50 شخصًا. ⚡ نحن نوفر معدات عالية التقنية للإنتاج. ➖➖➖➖ 💙 حتى لا تفقد جهات الاتصال الخاصة بنا ، أضف الإعلان إلى مفضلاتك. ➖➖➖➖ خصائص المنتج 👉 مبيت علبة التروس النحاسية عالية القوة CW617N خيط مدخل. / خارج. وفقا للمعايير الروسية 👉 مدخل الضغط. 230 بار 👉 غشاء النيوبرين ، قطر 50 مم ختم المقعد تفلون (PTFE) 👉 مرشح برونزي ، 50 ميكرومتر نطاق درجة الحرارة من -25 درجة مئوية إلى +60 درجة مئوية 👉 مقاييس قطر 63 مم ، فئة الدقة 2.5 ، ISO 5171 👉 الوزن 1 ، 7 كجم طلاء ورنيش ألمنيوم من الأسهل أن تسأل أكثر من أن تفكر. Call❗ ➖➖➖➖ أسماء المنتجات الأخرى: مخفض الأكسجين ، مخفض الأكسجين ، مخفض البروبان ، مخفض البروبان ، مخفض البروبان ، مخفض ثاني أكسيد الكربون
USD 6629.79/шт 6629.79
🔥 نحدد الأسعار حتى نهاية الشهر يوجد خصم عند الاتصال من الموقع -7٪ نقدم خدمة ما بعد البيع 📌 نقدم خدماتنا في جميع أنحاء روسيا ورابطة الدول المستقلة ➖➖➖➖ لا تضيع الوقت في البحث ، أنت لقد وجدونا بالفعل! ➖➖➖➖ لماذا نحن؟ ✅ الخبرة منذ عام 2011 ضمان من 12 شهرًا السلع حاصلة على شهادات الجودة ✅ الامتثال لإعلانات GOST R و ISO و TR CU يتم توفير الوثائق ✅ تُستخدم معداتنا في بناء السفن وبناء الطائرات و RosAtom ➖➖➖➖ ⚡ أنظمة الروبوت الذكية ( IRS)) هي أكبر مورد لمعدات اللحام والمواد الاستهلاكية. ⚡ نصمم ونطور ونركب أي أنظمة ومعدات روبوتية لمختلف مجالات الإنتاج الصناعي في الشركات في روسيا وبلدان رابطة الدول المستقلة. ⚡ موظفينا من المهندسين ذوي الدرجة العالية لديهم أكثر من 50 شخصًا. ⚡ نحن نوفر معدات عالية التقنية للإنتاج. ➖➖➖➖ 💙 حتى لا تفقد جهات الاتصال الخاصة بنا ، أضف إعلانًا إلى مفضلاتك. ➖➖➖➖ ميزات المنتج 👉 هرمي 👉 مع وضع لفة الضغط اليدوي والهيدروليكي CNC وغير CNC غير متماثل 👉 مع 2 و 3 بكرات مدفوعة ميزات مميزة: 👉 إطار فولاذي هيكلي قوي FE 430B. 👉 تصميم سكة التوجيه مع نظام حماية انحراف لفة الضغط باستخدام Z-block (حاصل على براءة اختراع). 👉 لفات من سبائك الصلب 38NiCrMo4 عالية القوة ، ومعالجة حرارياً وأرضيتها لتحمل دقيق. 👉 التروس مصنوعة من سبائك الصلب 38NiCrMo4 الخاصة مع أسنان أرضية دقيقة. 👉 وضع العمل: عمودي وأفقي ➖➖➖➖ السؤال أسهل من التفكير. Call❗
Alfa Electronics Limited
Friedberg (Hessen), ألمانيا
USD 11000.0/шт 11000.0
حاوية التعدين Crypto Mining Farm BTC ETH LTC
Alfa Electronics Limited
Friedberg (Hessen), ألمانيا
USD 4000.0/шт 4000.0
2015 ياماها F75 75 حصان 4-Stroke 20 "محرك خارجي للقارب PTT شكل جميل
Alfa Electronics Limited
Friedberg (Hessen), ألمانيا
USD 330.34/шт 330.34
4 السكتة الدماغية محرك خارجي 3.5H
Alfa Electronics Limited
Friedberg (Hessen), ألمانيا
USD 4500.0/шт 4500.0
محرك ياماها 2014 بقوة 200 حصان 200 حصان بأربع شوط خارجي F200
LLC "East Butterfly"
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Neutral equipment from the manufacturer. Shortest delivery times. Quality stainless steel AISI304
USD 32.7/шт 32.7
Mobile fire extinguishing systems. The RAF-100P manual fire extinguisher extinguishes fires of classes A (subclass A2), B, C, E (solid combustible materials, liquids, gaseous substances and electrical equipment under a voltage of 40 kV). The extinguishing agent is 100% dielectric, does not harm the electrical parts of the equipment. Maintenance-free. Launch: grating Protected volume: 4 m3 Guaranteed service life: 10 years Dimensions (length, diameter): 210 x 35 mm Maximum weight: 0.185 kg Temperature range: from -50°C to +60°
USD 78.47/шт 78.47
Autonomous fire extinguishing installations. Autonomous system FR-150 (FR-150) Scope: Production and warehouses; Engine compartments of civil special equipment; Server and data centers; Electrical and cable compartments; Painting booths, and other premises of public and industrial buildings. Start: thermal, autonomously Protected volume: 6 m3 Guaranteed service life: 10 years Dimensions (length, diameter): 277 x 32 mm Maximum weight: 0.295 kg Temperature range: from -60 °C to +60 °C Fire extinguishing aerosol generator FR-150 is used when building automatic fire protection systems as an element that generates a fire extinguishing agent. Extinguishes fire classes A2, B, C, E (solid combustible materials, liquids, gaseous substances and electrical equipment under voltage up to 40 kV) in conditionally sealed rooms. Autonomous systems are launched autonomously using a thermal cord that reacts to a flame and starts a generator with a fire extinguishing aerosol. The extinguishing agent is 100% dielectric, does not harm the electrical parts of the equipment. Does not require maintenance Delivery set: fire-extinguishing aerosol generator, thermal cord with a sensitive element 50 cm long, fastening elements, product passport, warranty card, certificate.
USD 65.39/шт 65.39
Autonomous fire extinguishing installations. Autonomous system FR-100 (FR-100) Scope: Production and warehouses; Engine compartments of civil special equipment; Server and data centers; Electrical and cable compartments; Painting booths, and other premises of public and industrial buildings. Start: thermal, autonomously Protected volume: 4 m3 Guaranteed service life: 10 years Dimensions (length, diameter): 210 x 32 mm Maximum weight: 0.21 kg Temperature range: from -60 °C to +60 °C Fire extinguishing aerosol generator FR- 100 is used in the construction of automatic fire protection systems as an element that generates a fire extinguishing agent. Extinguishes fire classes A2, B, C, E (solid combustible materials, liquids, gaseous substances and electrical equipment under voltage up to 40 kV) in conditionally sealed rooms. Autonomous systems are launched autonomously using a thermal cord that reacts to a flame and starts a generator with a fire extinguishing aerosol. The extinguishing agent is 100% dielectric, does not harm the electrical parts of the equipment. Does not require maintenance Scope of delivery: fire extinguishing aerosol generator, thermal cord with a sensitive element 50 cm long, fastening elements, product passport, warranty card, certificate.
USD 56.67/шт 56.67
Autonomous fire extinguishing installations. Autonomous system FR-50 (FR-50) Scope of application: Production and warehouses; Engine compartments of civil special equipment; Server and data centers; Switchboard and cable compartments; Paint booths, and other premises of public and industrial buildings.   Launch: thermal, autonomous Protected volume: 2 m3 Guaranteed service life: 10 years Dimensions (length, diameter):  153 x 32 mm Maximum weight: 0.134 kg Temperature range: from -60 °C to +60 °C   The FR-50 fire extinguishing aerosol generator is used in the construction of automatic fire protection systems as an element that generates a fire extinguishing agent. Extinguishes fire classes A2, B, C, E (solid combustible materials, liquids, gaseous substances and electrical equipment under voltage up to 40 kV.) in conditionally sealed rooms. Autonomous systems are launched autonomously using a thermal cord that reacts to a flame and starts a generator with a fire extinguishing aerosol. The extinguishing agent is 100% dielectric, does not harm the electrical parts of the equipment. Maintenance free Scope of delivery: fire-extinguishing aerosol generator, thermal cord with a sensitive element 50 cm long, fastening elements, product passport, warranty card, certificate.
USD 47.96/шт 47.96
Autonomous fire extinguishing installations. Autonomous system FR-25 (FR-25) Scope of application: Production and warehouses; Engine compartments of civil special equipment; Server and data centers; Switchboard and cable compartments; Paint booths, and other premises of public and industrial buildings.   Launch: thermal, autonomous Protected volume: 1 m3 Guaranteed service life: 10 years Dimensions (length, diameter):  120 x 32 mm Maximum weight: 0.095 kg Temperature range: from -60 °C to +60 °C The FR-25 fire extinguishing aerosol generator is used in the construction of automatic fire protection systems as an element that generates a fire extinguishing agent. Extinguishes fire classes A2, B, C, E (solid combustible materials, liquids, gaseous substances and electrical equipment under voltage up to 40 kV.) in conditionally sealed rooms. Autonomous systems are launched autonomously using a thermal cord that reacts to a flame and starts a generator with a fire extinguishing aerosol. The extinguishing agent is 100% dielectric, does not harm the electrical parts of the equipment. Maintenance free Scope of delivery: fire-extinguishing aerosol generator, thermal cord with a sensitive element 50 cm long, fastening elements, product passport, warranty card, certificate.
USD 42.51/шт 42.51
Autonomous fire extinguishing installations. Autonomous system FR-10 (FR-10) Scope: Production and warehouses; Engine compartments of civil special equipment; Server and data centers; Electrical and cable compartments; Painting booths, and other premises of public and industrial buildings. Start: thermal, autonomously Protected volume: 0.4 m3 Guaranteed service life: 10 years Dimensions (length, diameter): 101 x 32 mm Maximum weight: 0.064 kg Temperature range: from -60 °C to +60 °C Fire extinguishing aerosol generator FR- 5 is used in the construction of automatic fire protection systems as an element that generates a fire extinguishing agent. Extinguishes fire classes A2, B, C, E (solid combustible materials, liquids, gaseous substances and electrical equipment under voltage up to 40 kV) in conditionally sealed rooms. Delivery set: fire-extinguishing aerosol generator, thermal cord with a sensitive element 50 cm long, fastening elements, product passport, warranty card, certificate.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Rebar straightening and cutting machine Characteristic Model LM 5/10 LM 6/12 LM 10/14 LM 8/14 Rebar Smooth and cold rolled corrugated rebar 5-10mm 6-12mm 10-14mm 8-14mm rebar) 5-8mm 6-10mm 10-12mm 8-14mm HRB400(hot rolled corrugated rebar) 5-8mm 6-10mm 10-12mm 8-14mm Correct length 1-12m Speed 70m/min 100m/min 130m/min Linearity ≤2mm /m Accuracy ≤±1mm Total power 18.5+4 Kw 22+4 Kw 30+4 Kw 37+4 Kw
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Stainless Ice Cream Maker Machine Pre Cooling Soft Serve Ice Cream Machine 36~40L H Condition of the goods: You will receive full transparency on the individual products, their condition, product prices and informative photos. The goods are in good condition and are visually inspected and classified in category A, B and C. Minimum purchase: Individual trucks will be made up for you. The price quoted is a truck average price, therefore the price will vary depending on your selection. Household goods: Consumer Electronics: Computer Appliances: Electric Electrical Cameras, Laptops, Mobile Phones, Drones, Graphics Cards, Motherboards, Video Games, Antminers, Dishwasher, freezer, cookers, fridge/freezer, oven, dryer, washing machine. Top Brands: Sony,Panasonic,Heir Thermocool,AEG, Bosch, Bauknecht, LG, Neff, Samsung, Siemens. Appointment: After making an appointment, you are welcome to visit our warehouse in Nuremberg at any time and convince yourself of our high quality. Contact: For further details, please send us your contact details as a message, or contact us by phone. We look forward to a successful cooperation.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Genuine CW-5000DG Industrial Water Chiller Cooling Water 80W 100W CO2 Engraving Cutting Machine Condition of the goods: You will receive full transparency on the individual products, their condition, product prices and informative photos. The goods are in good condition and are visually inspected and classified in category A, B and C. Minimum purchase: Individual trucks will be made up for you. The price quoted is a truck average price, therefore the price will vary depending on your selection. Household goods: Consumer Electronics: Computer Appliances: Electric Electrical Cameras, Laptops, Mobile Phones, Drones, Graphics Cards, Motherboards, Video Games, Antminers, Dishwasher, freezer, cookers, fridge/freezer, oven, dryer, washing machine. Top Brands: Sony,Panasonic,Heir Thermocool,AEG, Bosch, Bauknecht, LG, Neff, Samsung, Siemens. Appointment: After making an appointment, you are welcome to visit our warehouse in Nuremberg at any time and convince yourself of our high quality. Contact: For further details, please send us your contact details as a message, or contact us by phone. We look forward to a successful cooperation.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
9500 Watt Super Quiet Inverter Generator With CO SECURE Technology Condition of the goods: You will receive full transparency on the individual products, their condition, product prices and informative photos. The goods are in good condition and are visually inspected and classified in category A, B and C. Minimum purchase: Individual trucks will be made up for you. The price quoted is a truck average price, therefore the price will vary depending on your selection. Household goods: Consumer Electronics: Computer Appliances: Electric Electrical Cameras, Laptops, Mobile Phones, Drones, Graphics Cards, Motherboards, Video Games, Antminers, Dishwasher, freezer, cookers, fridge/freezer, oven, dryer, washing machine. Top Brands: Sony,Panasonic,Heir Thermocool,AEG, Bosch, Bauknecht, LG, Neff, Samsung, Siemens. Appointment: After making an appointment, you are welcome to visit our warehouse in Nuremberg at any time and convince yourself of our high quality. Contact: For further details, please send us your contact details as a message, or contact us by phone. We look forward to a successful cooperation.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Founded in 2016, CDI company mainly focus on providing the maintenance equipment, spare parts and technical service for global Steel, Cement, Oil&Gas;, Smelting&Refinery; and Power Plants. Main Products: Industrial Fan/Blower, Motor, Pump, Valve, Gear Reducer, Crusher, Screen, Feeder, Ball Mill, Conveyor Equipt, Rotary Kiln, Blasting Furnace and spare parts etc.
حدد السعر USD 0 0
Painting and drying chamber with a heat-ventilation unit with a capacity of up to 24,000 m³ of air per hour and an economical Riello diesel burner with a thermal capacity of up to 260,000 kcal/hour. The chamber fully meets the requirements prevailing on the market and allows servicing cars of any class. The delivery set includes a heat-ventilation unit with 1 supply and 1 exhaust centrifugal turbofan; - stainless steel heat exchanger; - three-leaf entrance gates 3000x2600 mm; - door for staff 800x2000 mm; - diesel burner; - metal base H=300 mm; - floors with 2 rows of slats or a fully slatted floor, load-bearing capacity 500 kg/wheel; - 2 entrance ramps 2000 mm long; - combined ceiling and side lighting with LED panels; - Remote Control; - a set of air filters. Specifications: Cabin dimensions, mm 6900х4000х2650 Dimensions, mm 7000х5306х3400 (external) Air exchange, m³/h 20000 (with differential 820 Pa) Heat output of the burner, kcal/h max. 260000 Max. Temperature during drying, °C max. 80 Fan drive motor power, kW 2x5.5 Max. Power consumption, kW 13 Lighting power, W 864 Power supply, V/Hz 3 f. X 380V/50Hz
USD 15102.0/шт 15102.0
Incorporated in the TABER V-5 Stiffness Tester is a bi-directional pendulum weighing system. Providing an accurate and responsive method for measuring small load increments, this system is a critical component for determining material stiffness or resiliency. Nine (9) distinct ranges permit testing of materials that are extremely lightweight and flexible (such as cellophane or thin metallic foils) to items that are very rigid (such as plastics).For test ranges 2 - 9, specimens are mounted on the Taber V-5 Stiffness Tester using a clamping system. Located on the pendulum, the lower faces of the specimen clamp jaws are exactly on the center of rotation. This ensures a constant test length and deflection angle for accurate and repeatable results. Both jaws of the specimen clamp are adjustable, so the test specimen can be positioned precisely in the center regardless of material thickness. Force is applied to the lower end of the specimen by a pair of rollers. The rollers, which are attached to a driving disc located directly behind the pendulum, push against the test specimen and deflect it from its vertical position. The pendulum applies increasing torque to the specimen as it deflects further from its original position. The test point reading occurs when the pendulum mark aligns with the appropriate driving disc mark (7 1/2° or 15°), which points to the stiffness reading on the dial point. The final reading will depend on the range in which the test is being conducted and what scaling factor to use. The instrument outputs the moment load applied to the test specimen in TABER Stiffness Units (g · cm).Note: The right hand roller includes a ratchet stop mechanism that greatly reduces the potential for inter-operator error caused by over or under-tightening. The travel on the right hand assembly automatically stops when the roller contacts the specimen.To allow the testing of materials with different stiffness properties, range weights can be applied to the pendulum. For extremely light weight materials, a compensator range weight is mounted to the top of the pendulum. Range weights of 500, 1000 and 2000 "Taber Units" are mounted to the bottom of the pendulum and required for stiffer materials. An optional range weight set of 3000 and 5000 Taber units is required for test ranges 7, 8 and 9.Range 1 is used with Taber's optional Sensitivity Range Attachment (also referred to as SR or High Sensitivity Attachment) to test extremely lightweight and flexible materials whose Taber Stiffness Unit value are between 0 - 1. Examples include cellophane, natural fibres and synthetic filaments, tissue paper, metallic foils, films, etc. The attachment includes two parts, the Driven Pins Holder which is secured between the clamp jaws, and the Driving Pins Holder which is mounted to the studs in place of the left and right hand rollers. Both parts include precision pins that are oriented horizontal to the face of the V-5 Stiffness Tester. A specimen 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" is mounted such that the second and fourth pins are above the specimen. As the driving disc rotates, the fourth pin of the Driving Pins Holder pushes down on the specimen while the first pin pushes up. As the sample is deflected, the Driven Pins Holder aligns the pendulum to the appropriate stiffness value. For Range 1, the specimen is only deflected to the right.Many customers have also utilized the Taber V-5 Stiffness Tester to evaluate wire and cable stiffness characteristics. The tester now incorporates a "v-notch" in the clamps to accommodate this testing. Suggested samples are 70mm long and 3mm - 8mm in diameter, and centered in the notch with care so as to not pinch or crimp the sample. For wire and cable samples less than 3mm diameter, it is recommended to secure the sample at a location in the flat region of the clamp. Samples with curvature may interfere with proper set-up and function of the Stiffness tester and should be avoided. In addition, test results obtained should be used for comparison only - that is, between lots, between materials, etc.
USD 10052.0/шт 10052.0
Incorporated in the TABER V-5 Stiffness Tester is a bi-directional pendulum weighing system. Providing an accurate and responsive method for measuring small load increments, this system is a critical component for determining material stiffness or resiliency. Nine (9) distinct ranges permit testing of materials that are extremely lightweight and flexible (such as cellophane or thin metallic foils) to items that are very rigid (such as plastics).For test ranges 2 - 9, specimens are mounted on the Taber V-5 Stiffness Tester using a clamping system. Located on the pendulum, the lower faces of the specimen clamp jaws are exactly on the center of rotation. This ensures a constant test length and deflection angle for accurate and repeatable results. Both jaws of the specimen clamp are adjustable, so the test specimen can be positioned precisely in the center regardless of material thickness. Force is applied to the lower end of the specimen by a pair of rollers. The rollers, which are attached to a driving disc located directly behind the pendulum, push against the test specimen and deflect it from its vertical position. The pendulum applies increasing torque to the specimen as it deflects further from its original position. The test point reading occurs when the pendulum mark aligns with the appropriate driving disc mark (7 1/2° or 15°), which points to the stiffness reading on the dial point. The final reading will depend on the range in which the test is being conducted and what scaling factor to use. The instrument outputs the moment load applied to the test specimen in TABER Stiffness Units (g · cm).Note: The right hand roller includes a ratchet stop mechanism that greatly reduces the potential for inter-operator error caused by over or under-tightening. The travel on the right hand assembly automatically stops when the roller contacts the specimen.To allow the testing of materials with different stiffness properties, range weights can be applied to the pendulum. For extremely light weight materials, a compensator range weight is mounted to the top of the pendulum. Range weights of 500, 1000 and 2000 "Taber Units" are mounted to the bottom of the pendulum and required for stiffer materials. An optional range weight set of 3000 and 5000 Taber units is required for test ranges 7, 8 and 9.Range 1 is used with Taber's optional Sensitivity Range Attachment (also referred to as SR or High Sensitivity Attachment) to test extremely lightweight and flexible materials whose Taber Stiffness Unit value are between 0 - 1. Examples include cellophane, natural fibres and synthetic filaments, tissue paper, metallic foils, films, etc. The attachment includes two parts, the Driven Pins Holder which is secured between the clamp jaws, and the Driving Pins Holder which is mounted to the studs in place of the left and right hand rollers. Both parts include precision pins that are oriented horizontal to the face of the V-5 Stiffness Tester. A specimen 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" is mounted such that the second and fourth pins are above the specimen. As the driving disc rotates, the fourth pin of the Driving Pins Holder pushes down on the specimen while the first pin pushes up. As the sample is deflected, the Driven Pins Holder aligns the pendulum to the appropriate stiffness value. For Range 1, the specimen is only deflected to the right.Many customers have also utilized the Taber V-5 Stiffness Tester to evaluate wire and cable stiffness characteristics. The tester now incorporates a "v-notch" in the clamps to accommodate this testing. Suggested samples are 70mm long and 3mm - 8mm in diameter, and centered in the notch with care so as to not pinch or crimp the sample. For wire and cable samples less than 3mm diameter, it is recommended to secure the sample at a location in the flat region of the clamp. Samples with curvature may interfere with proper set-up and function of the Stiffness tester and should be avoided. In addition, test results obtained should be used for comparison only - that is, between lots, between materials, etc.
USD 3476.0/шт 3476.0
The IQ150 is programmed to display clearly worded prompts which allows operators to not need instructional manuals.The IQ150 measures density and computes density difference, dot area, and dot gain. The densitometer simultaneously displays all the filters densities showing the major filter in large lettering. The IQ150 Densitometer, engineered with the latest in software technology, is so easy to use that an operator's manual isn't even needed! Yet, the affordable IQ150 fulfills your press and pre-press quality control needs with precision. It quickly and easily computes the main densitometric functions: density, density difference, dot area and dot gain. The IQ150 Densitometer has proven itself an indispensable workhorse for printers. No other portable densitometer available today can offer so much, so consistently, at so reasonable a price. Available functions: Density, Density Difference, Dot Area and Dot Gain. Simultaneous display of all filter densities: Shows the major filter value in large characters; the three minor values are shown smaller. Plainly worded, self-guiding prompts: Simple directions appear on the display; no complicated operating instructions or training manuals to study. Large, high-contrast display area: Easy-to-read display can be viewed from virtually any angle. Murray-Davies and Yule-Nielsen dot area calculations: Switch between equations at the touch of a button. Convenient one-hand operation: All densitometric functions are quickly and easily accessed through one button. Automatic turnoff: Saves battery by shutting off after 90 seconds of non-use. Several thousand readings per battery charge: Also runs from the A.C. adapter/charger. RS-232 output port: Use with a printer for reports, or a computer for analysis or data storage. Selectable manual or automatic transfer. Easy software calibration: Eliminates trial-and-error screwdriver adjustments. Available in French or Spanish: Displays all user prompts in the selected language.
USD 5095.0/шт 5095.0
The TBX1000C insures consistent process control in the manufacturing of films, laminates, and substrates. It measures density and density difference of either color or black and white substrates. Single-Step measurement of Color, UV, or IR Transmission Optical DensityThe TBX1000C(tm) Color Transmission Densitometer insures consistent process control in the manufacture of films, laminates, and substrates. The TBX1000C, with Status A (Status M on request), measures density and density difference of either color or black & white substrate with a great degree of accuracy and precision. Status A is used for reading positives, such as transparencies and prints. Status M for reading negatives. The unit has the capability of reading up to three color filters, plus visual. Custom filter set, including for measuring infrared and ultraviolet, can be used. The different filters are easily selected by rotating the knob at the end of the probe. The unit has both an absolute mode and a relative mode, which can be used for comparing the measured values to a previously stored value for consistent process control. Transmission Densitometer/Opacity Meter measures and calculates percent opacity, percent transmission, and transmission optical density. There is no more need to figure the percentages manually. The unit has been designed for user convenience and error-free measurement. The data can be uploaded to a spreadsheet via the USB port using an optional data transfer program (p/n A2128). Measures density and density difference Use for color or black & white substrates Soft key menu operation 7.5 inch throat to measure large samples Accurate repeatable readings Software Calibration Switchable LED table lamps Takes RGB readings using Status A filter set Status M and custom filters upon request Easy selectable filters USB port Data capture program available.
USD 4497.0/шт 4497.0
This table top densitometer displays transmission percent opacity and optical density. Single-Step measurement of %Opacity, %Transmission, and Transmission Optical Density The Tobias TBX2000™ Transmission Densitometer/Opacity Meter measures and calculates percent opacity, percent transmission, and transmission optical density. The unit has been designed for user convenience and error-free measurement. There is no more need to figure the percentages manually. The data can be uploaded to a spreadsheet via the USB port using an optional data transfer program (p/n A2128). To meet special requirements an optional filter carrier may be used allowing supplementary filters to isolate a portion of the spectrum that may be of interest.The TBX2000 has been designed for user convenience and error-free measurement. Table illumination facilitates film placement and the entire operation requires only one hand, leaving the other free for note taking or sample repositioning.Plastic materials are easily read where both the percent opacity and the percentage of light that is not transmitted through the material can be displayed. The unit can also display the density values when required. The unit has both an absolute mode and a relative mode, which can be used for comparing the measured values to a previously stored value for consistent process control. Soft key menu operation 7 inch throat to measure large samples Readings are very repeatable with a large degree of accuracy Calculates opacity and transmission percentage values automatically Can display the density values. USB port standard Software calibration Optional band pass filter Switchable LED table lamps Cost effective and affordable quality control system
USD 4623.0/шт 4623.0
These table top densitometers display transmission density and density difference. The TBX1500 also calculates positive and negative dot areas. Single-Step measurement of Transmission Optical Density and Optical Dot Area The Tobias TBX1000™ and TBX1500™ Transmission Densitometers measures transmission optical density. The TBX1500 also calculates positive and negative dot area. The unite have been designed for user convenience and error-free measurement. The data can be uploaded to a spreadsheet via the USB port using an optional data transfer program (p/n A2128). To meet special requirements an optional filter carrier may be used allowing supplementary filters to isolate a portion of the spectrum that may be of interest. The TBX1000 and TBX1500 have been designed for user convenience and error-free measurement. Table illumination facilitates film placement and the entire operation requires only one hand, leaving the other free for note taking or sample repositioning. The unit has both an absolute mode and a relative mode, which can be used for comparing the measured values to a previously stored value for consistent process control. B&W transmission densities Calculates positive and negative dot area (TBX1500) Soft key menu operation 7 inch throat to measure large samples Readings are very repeatable with a large degree of accuracy USB port standard Software calibration Optional band pass filter Switchable LED table lamps Cost effective and affordable quality control system
USD 10000.0 - 50000.0/шт
The 400-liter copper jug is used to mix spirits, including gin or whiskey. It can be burned with steam, gas, electricity or wood. Easy-to-use CIP cleaning system and automatic stop control. The perfect starting scale for a new spirits business. Technical parameter Pear-shaped helmet with thermometer and inspection glass Copper pot-Ø 900 mm; 3-4 mm strong, Filling capacity 400 liters Approximately 500 liters of full capacity Inlet Ø 400 mm Side-mounted dedicated distillation tower Outlet Ø 200 mm with ball valve 4″ Newly constructed plate to improve the quality of aroma The water bath is completely made of stainless steel and insulated Special-shaped helmet: stainless steel flange connection, no visible screws or washers inside and outside, with sight glass and thermometer. Indirect heating: a steam bath covered with stainless steel and insulated. Copper super aromatics (special distillation tower) 450 mm Ø with 3 bubble caps Blister: a new structure that increases the turbulent movement of the copper surface and the liquid The liquid level of the distillation pan can be adjusted freely-the alcohol content and aroma of the distilled mash can be flexibly adjusted. Include a pre-condenser (fractionator) in the column head Inspection mirror: 4 125mm Ø observation windows for each blister and saccharification reflux Stainless steel condenser: V4A material, diameter 220mm, height 1500mm, automatic cooling with thermostatic regulating valve Safety features: overflow, vacuum circuit breaker, pressure gauge, automatic exhaust, steam trap and dirt filter. Alcohol tube, distilled water, water outlet device of water outlet: completely made of stainless steel. Heating method: steam or electricity Contact us The special attention we give in the final quality inspection of each work is also a guarantee of unparalleled reliability and robustness. If you have any needs or questions, please contact us.
USD 30000.0 - 60000.0/шт
Copper and stainless steel stills More copper does not mean better spirits.Perhaps you have heard that the more copper, the better the product, or when trying to make a great product, you may have heard that the less the better. The fact is, all this is a matter of opinion! To be honest, copper is still very suitable for distillation. Copper is a very common material and has many advantages in the steam path. However, if you are cost conscious, there are many options in how to mix copper and stainless steel to keep your budget tight. In other words, you still don't have to choose between copper and stainless steel. The main benefits of copper appear in the vapor path Generally speaking, copper will remove the highly volatile sulfur compounds in alcohol vapor in a high temperature environment, so it is very advantageous to use copper in the vapor path. But copper is not needed in the liquid circuit, because the lower temperature cannot neutralize the harmful substances in the copper, and the alcohol will eventually corrode the copper. Using copper where high temperature flows and reducing copper where low temperature liquid flows is one way to reduce the initial cost. If you want to add copper for aesthetics, you can use a copper-top kettle, or add a copper helmet and tee on the stainless steel kettle. These copper components remain in the high-temperature steam path and remove sulfur fumes during the distillation process. The contact time between alcohol and copper is prolonged by reducing the distillation speed, so as to provide sufficient time for the contact between alcohol and copper. For example, if there is only one copper reflux tower in your system, you can use an on/off valve to reduce the operating speed and allow the alcohol to contact the copper for a longer time.
USD 60000.0 - 80000.0/шт
The distiller is an independent device designed to meet and exceed the needs of start-up distilleries, or as an advanced test distiller for whiskey, gin, fruit brandy, rum and spirits in mature distilleries. Additional vodka pillars can be used to produce vodka. The composition of 1000L distillation equipment distiller Capacity 1000L, explosion-proof stirring motor, all glass manhole Helmet copper whiskey helmet Pillar Copper A total of 16 pieces Copper condensation column, shell and tube type The support base is made of stainless steel, and the water tank and finished tank are used as the support base. Distilling pot: inner full copper pot, outer steam jacket insulation layer, outer fish scale polished, full glass manhole view, stirring with agitator on the top. Column board: Foamed copper board, with valve operation on the side, CIP ball inserted into each board for cleaning, and CIP pipe and valve operation on the back. Bottom collection tank: The water tank collects condensate and cleans it with CIP. The alcohol tank is collected directly from the parrot, and the bottom is connected to a water pump. Blister: Composed of blister, drain pipe, bubble board, copper screw, bubble tee (we have stainless steel 304 and copper optional) Control panel: The material of the control box is stainless steel 304 or plastic optional; Applicable voltage: 208/220/240V single-phase 60Hz, adjustable heating temperature module. Application It can ensure that you get the functions of distilled whiskey, brandy, gin and vodka. More distillation systems can be customized 200L distillation equipment 300L distillation equipment 800L distillation equipment 1000L distillation equipment 1500L distillation equipment 2000L distillation equipment Contact us A wide range of models can meet the various requirements of each market and ensure that you can always find a solution that suits you. If you want to know more detailed information about our equipment, please contact us.
USD 10000.0 - 50000.0/шт
As one of the most popular spirits. This stainless steel and copper still is needed to make vodka, brandy and gin. Whether you are a master or just learning how to make moonshine wine, you can't go wrong with this alcohol distiller. Product specifications Capacity: 100L (copper sleeve) Aperture: 150mm Heating method: electric heating or steam heating (according to customer needs) Whiskey helmet: diameter 300mm (bronze) Tower: 4-inch copper distillation tower (4 copper bubble plates) 3 inch condensation tower (304 stainless steel) Optional parts: three clamps, valves, manholes, sight glasses, legs, ferrules, thermometers, wheels, pressure gauges, stirrers, etc. Why do i need copper Copper provides an essential chemical reaction, especially at lower standards. When alcohol is in vapor form, it can remove sulfides. Copper has the ability to react with many sulfides, such as sulfides or mercaptans, which are usually present in the fermented mash, making them insoluble and removing them from high-concentration alcohol vapors. As this chemical reaction proceeds in the distiller, the bright copper surface becomes very dark in color. In order to continue effective removal, the distiller needs to be cleaned regularly to remove these black deposits. Contact us A wide range of models can meet the various requirements of each market and ensure that you can always find a solution that suits you. If you want to know more detailed information about our equipment, please contact us.
USD 80000.0 - 100000.0/шт
Distillation is a thermodynamic separation process. It uses the different boiling points of the components in the mixed liquid or liquid-solid system to evaporate the low-boiling components, and then condense and separate all the components. There are two types of unit operations: evaporation and condensation. Union of unit operations. What happens during distillation When you distill a mixture of two liquids (for simplicity, we keep it as two liquids)) heat the mixture to evaporate one of them. You can then capture the evaporated components in another part of the device (condenser). In other words, you can use the difference in boiling point to separate them from each other. However, you will almost never be completely separated like that easily. Usually, you need several steps, and even so, you cannot separate them completely (this is the case with water and alcohol). A mixture of alcohol and water Alcohol (ethanol) and water. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit), while the boiling point of alcohol is only around 100 degrees Celsius. 78 degrees Celsius (172 degrees Fahrenheit). Because alcohol has a lower boiling point, it evaporates more easily. Therefore, Raoult’s law tells you that the gas above the mixture contains a higher percentage of alcohol than the liquid mixture. In the distillation process, we use this phenomenon to separate our two liquids. Heating alcohol and water During the distillation process, you heat the liquid mixture (water + alcohol). As a result, part of the liquid will evaporate. This gas is a mixture of two components, but will contain more of the component with the lowest boiling point (in our case alcohol). This gas then moves to another area, the condenser. This area is colder, so the gas returns to the liquid. This new liquid now contains more alcohol than the original liquid. This is the simplest one-step distillation process. Contact us We can customize product specifications according to your requirements. If you have any needs or questions, please contact us.

يساعدك موقع Qoovee الرسمي على إبرام صفقات مربحة ، والعثور على مورد ومصنع لتنمية عملك. في قسم "قاعدة الموردين" يمكنك أن تجد كل ما تحتاجه لنفسك: المعدات والآلات الأخرى من روسيا وقيرغيزستان وكازاخستان وتركيا وأوكرانيا ودول أخرى يتم تحديث فئات المنتجات باستمرار وتبقى ذات صلة. يهتم موردو الجملة بمشتريات الجملة والشراكات وهم على استعداد للتعاون المفيد

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