OOO TD Ramtex-Trading

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OOO TD Ramtex-Trading
روسيا البيضاء
USD 1.0 - 10.0/шт
We offer high quality tin cans in accordance with strict international standards. Today we offer for sale welded and solid-drawn cans with varnishing and lithography, manufactured in accordance with the required standards. For the manufacture of food cans, EZhK tin with parameters agreed with buyers, modern varnishes (enamels) and paints are used. We will be glad to see your company among our partners.
OOO TD Ramtex-Trading
روسيا البيضاء
USD 1.5/шт 1.5
يخنة اللحم البقري المعلب ، الدرجة الأولى GOST 32125-2013 المكونات: لحم البقر ، دهن البقر ، البصل ، الملح ، الفلفل الأسود ، ورق الغار. الوصف: جزء الكتلة من اللحم حسب الوصفة - 97.5٪ مدة الصلاحية 4 سنوات القيمة الغذائية لـ 100 جرام من المنتج: بروتينات ، جم - 15.0 ، دهون ، جم - 17 ، قيمة طاقة 100 جرام من المنتج - 884 كيلو جول / 213 سعر حراري
OOO TD Ramtex-Trading
روسيا البيضاء
USD 1.0 - 2.0/шт
Whole condensed milk with sugar 8.5%
OOO TD Ramtex-Trading
روسيا البيضاء
USD 1.0 - 3.0
On an ongoing basis, we offer wagon and automobile deliveries - condensed milk with sugar 8.5% fat GOST (Glubokoe MKK) for industrial processing in bulk and in industrial packaging Bag in Box of 20 kg. GOST 31688-2012 Metal tin can 380 grams Ingredients : whole milk , skim milk , sugar . Nutritional value of 100g: fats - 8.5, proteins - 7.2g, carbohydrates - 7.2g.
OOO TD Ramtex-Trading
روسيا البيضاء
USD 1.0 - 5000.0
LLC "TD Ramtex-Trading" is the first importer of white food tin in the Republic of Belarus produced by the leading enterprises of Europe, Russia, China, Kazakhstan, etc. Since 2005, our company has been a leader in the market of the Republic of Belarus and the CIS in the sale of white food tin EZhK, present on the market with a share of over 80%. Today, in Belarus, our company   represents the interests of such largest world producers of tinplate as US Steel Ko s ice (Slovakia), Rasselstein GmbH (Germany), HBIS GROUP Serbia Iron & Steel (Serbia), OJSC Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant and others. We offer cooperation at the best prices. The presence of our own service center with the most modern equipment for cutting and cutting tinplate in the Republic of Belarus ensures prompt satisfaction of any needs of industrial enterprises.
OOO TD Ramtex-Trading
روسيا البيضاء
USD 1.0 - 10.0/шт
We offer at the lowest prices in the shortest possible time products made on modern equipment using imported tin Seaming caps TWIST-off Seaming caps SKO I-82 Easy-open lid Seamless can No. 2 Seamless can No. 3 Seamless can No. 3a Bank 3-piece welded No. 7 3x welded canister No. 7b Bank 3-piece welded No. 9 We also produce tin accessories for tubes (lid and bottom) with diameters from 55-120 mm at very competitive prices. The lid and bottom, as a rule, are lacquered in the color of gold or silver, or remain unpainted, which will significantly reduce the cost of components. Our company carefully monitors the quality, all products are manufactured on modern equipment using imported tin.
OOO TD Ramtex-Trading
روسيا البيضاء
USD 1.0 - 5.0/шт
Condensed milk with sugar 8.5% fat GOST (Glubokoye MKK) GOST 31688-2012 Metal tin can 380 grams Ingredients : whole milk , skim milk , sugar . Nutritional value of 100g: fats - 8.5, proteins - 7.2g, carbohydrates - 7.2g.  
عن الشركة
الفئة: عنوان:
اللحوم ومنتجات الألبان, زبدة, لحم, منتجات الألبان, منتجات البقالة, المواد الحافظة, الآلات الغذائية والزراعية, المعدات الصناعية, الآلات والمعدات الزراعية, كل شيء للمطبخ, كل شيء للمنزل والمكتب, المنتجات المنزلية, علم المعادن, المواد الخام والمعادن, Rolled metal, الصندوق, التعبئة والتغليف والحقائب والتسميات, التغليف والحاويات روسيا البيضاء, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Краснозвездная, 18Б-56

LLC "TD Ramtex-Trading" is the first importer of tinplate in the Republic of Belarus produced by leading enterprises in Europe, Russia, China, Kazakhstan, etc. Since 2005, our company has been a leader in the market of the Republic of Belarus and the CIS in the sale of tinplate EZhK. Also, we are actively developing and offering cooperation in the direction of wholesale supplies of canned meat and milk from leading Belarusian manufacturing plants: - Stewed beef (GOST, TU) in assortment; - Braised pork (GOST, TU) in assortment; - Canned meat and vegetable (porridge, etc.); - Condensed milk with sugar 8.5% fat (GOST, Glubokoe MKK), etc. Deliveries are made to all regions of Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries by road and rail. We will be glad to mutually beneficial cooperation.

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