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Южная Корея
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We are manufacturers and distributors of hyaluronic acid dermal Fillers, botulinum toxin, numbing creams, skin boosters and care cosmetics. The company is called DKBIO Inc. We also cooperate with the aesthetic and plastic surgery clinic EG DONG AN, located in Seoul, South Korea. Our new product dermal filler HA DEMEI is manufactured using safe and qualified hyaluronic acid, approved by the US FDA and the European Medicines Quality Management (EDQM). DEMEI's advantages: High-quality raw material Minimized chemical cross-linking rate using BDDE Advanced residual BDDE cleaning process Uniform cross linked HA structure Soft viscoelastic gel texture for making natural volume Keep initial volume for long time by cohesivegel Improved skin integration that blends with surroundding skin tissue Smooth and uniform injection Low extrusion force compare to the other We have high quality products, law prices at the market and fast delivery.
各种类: 地址:
化妆品, 彩妆, 护肤化妆品, 天然化妆品, 药品, 儿童化妆品 Южная Корея, 901, 9F, Unjung-ro, Bundang gu, Seongnam si, Gyenggido, South Korea

再会! 我们的公司名为 DKBIO Inc.,总部位于首尔。 我们生产和供应美容医学产品(真皮填充剂、毒素、肉毒杆菌、插管、注射剂、利多卡因霜、精华液、换肤)和护肤化妆品。 我们与韩国(首尔)整形美容医学中心 EG DONG AN 合作,开发了基于高纯度透明质酸的 DEMEI 填充剂,它结合了单相和安全的特性。 DEMEI粘性凝胶的结构保持其原始形状并最大限度地减少压力下凝胶的迁移。 DEMEI 系列填充剂分为 3 种类型: 1) DEMEI #1 浅皱纹、嘴唇、眼睛周围 2) DEMEI #2 木偶纹、深层皱纹 3) DEMEI #3 额头、脸颊和下巴填充、法令纹、面部 我们还供应韩国制造商的其他品牌的填充物,品种齐全,价格低廉。
