

USD 20.0/个/件/只 20.0
Specify the price USD 0 0
山地环保蜂蜜。来自帕米尔山(Pamir Mountains)的蜂蜜,那里种植草药。
USD 6.0/kg 6.0
Производство меда с собственной семейной пасеки, добываем мед в горах Тянь-Шаня Кыргызской Республики. В пасеке около 150 пчелиных семей.
Specify the price USD
Различные сорта мёда, с документацией и нужным количеством. Варианты фасовки от вёдер по 20-30 кг, до готовой продукции в стеклянных банках, с нужной вам этикеткой.
USD 31.46/kg 31.46
USD 2.25/㎡ 2.25
*** When exporting, a wholesale price will be applied. Delivery is valid around the city. Online store: 联系供应商
USD 2.58/个/件/只 2.58
🍯We work in retail, wholesale, export / export to 23 countries of the world. Winners of over 34 International awards for beekeeping and product quality
USD 2.58/个/件/只 2.58
🍯We work in retail, wholesale, export / export to 23 countries of the world. Winners of over 34 International awards for beekeeping and product quality
USD 1.69/㎡ 1.69
Natural honey and purified propolis. Application: For diseases of the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis); with angina, flu, colds and lung diseases; with inflammation of the lower urinary tract and genitals in men; with hair loss; for the treatment of rectal fissures and hemorrhoids; with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
USD 4.49/个/件/只 4.49
🍯We work in retail, wholesale, export / export to 23 countries of the world. Winners of over 34 International awards for beekeeping and product quality

Qoovee——批发贸易平台。这里您可以找到任何领域的批发商品,包括商品蜂蜜。在Qoovee拥有您所需要的海量批发商品。这里您可以找到来自俄罗斯、乌克兰、比什凯克(吉尔吉斯斯坦)、白俄罗斯、中国及其他国的批发的蜂蜜,供您选择。 批发商品的种类实时更新并一直有效。批发商们期待您的购买与合作!
