

USD 17150.0/个/件/只 17150.0
哈苏Flextight X5规格电影类型 35mm,中画幅,4x5“ 反射(打印)扫描到A4尺寸最大胶片扫描面积达100 x 245mm 扫描质量扫描感应器线性CCD(3 x 8000像素) 光学分辨率 8000 dpi(35毫米胶片) 3200 dpi(中画幅胶片) 2040 dpi(4x5英寸胶片和反射型) 硬件解析度高达6300 dpi 插值分辨率没有颜色深度 48位RGB 动态范围 4.9 聚焦系统自动对焦性能预览速度 未由制造商指定 扫描速度 300MB /分钟 35mm:1.55分钟 60mm:1.10分钟 4英寸x 5英寸:1.23分钟批量扫描是(最多可拍摄六张图像,具体取决于胶片格式和使用的支架) 可选的批次进纸器(最多60帧)或幻灯片进纸器(最多50张幻灯片) 自动化自动帧检测 FlexTouch除尘连接性电脑介面火线系统和软件要求 Windows 2000和XP; Mac OS X + 屏幕分辨率为800 x 600像素,具有真彩色(24位) 鼠标或其他定点设备火线接口物理光源冷阴极灯电源要求 100-240V AC,50-60Hz 尺寸(宽x高x深) 15.4 x 25.6 x 9.1英寸(390 x 650 x 230毫米) 重量 55磅(20.5公斤) 包装信息包裹重量 59.5磅包装盒尺寸(长x宽x高) 31.0 x 20.0 x 17.0“
USD 809.0/个/件/只 809.0
Spectra Nova JA 256/80 AAA Printhead For printers: Agfa Anapurna 100 / Kornit Avalanche / Anapurna L / Anapurna X / Anapurna XL, HP 5300, HP Scitex XP2100, NUR Expedio 3200, Dilli Neo Deluxe UVD-2506-W / Neo Deluxe UVD-3206 / Neo Plus UVP-1606-W / Neo Plus UVP-2506-W, DGI Polajet PS-2504 / Polajet PS-3206D / Polajet PS-320, Wit-color Ultra1000-NOVA-5208, WIT-COLOR Ultra1000-NOVA-3308, DGI PS-3204D, Flora LJ 320SE, Flora HJII3200/5000SE, YISHAN PS-3204S, YISHAN POLAJET PS-3204DX, YISHAN YS5008-EE, Vutek Ultravu3360, Teckwin Teckpro S3200. Remarks: original Description: • The Nova JA 256/80 AAA is a compact inkjet jetting assembly designed specifically for applications using solvent, UV-curable or aqueous ink formulations at resolutions up to 450 dpi. • Four electrically independent piezoelectric slices, each with 64 addressable channels, are combined to provide a total of 256 jets. The nozzles are arranged in a single line, at a 0.011 inch distance between nozzles. Features: • 75 picoliter calibrated drop size; • Resolutions up to 450 dpi; • 256 individually addressable, inline nozzles; • Supports solvent, UV-curable and aqueous inks; • Orientation independentDesigned for long service life; • Operation up to 90ºC [194ºF]; • Dual ported for ease of flushing; • Optional temperature control. Buy Spectra Nova JA 256/80 AAA Printhead from harisefendi.com. The best online electronics store. Get the special price.
USD 1250.0/个/件/只 1250.0
MIMAKI CJV300-150 Printhead-M015372 To be used with: CJV150-107 / CJV150-107BS / CJV150-130 / CJV150-130BS / CJV150-160 / CJV150-160BS / CJV150-75 / CJV150-75BS / CJV300-130 / CJV300-130BS / CJV300-160 / CJV300-160BS / JV150-130 / JV150-130BS / JV150-160 / JV150-160BS / JV300-130 / JV300-130A / JV300-130BS / JV300-160 / JV300-160A / JV300-160BS Remarks: Original Part No.: M015372 / M015307 Buy MIMAKI CJV300-150 Printhead-M015372 at harisefendi.com, with competitive prices and have warranty. Harisefendi provide a 100% money back guarantee. visit us at harisefendi.com
USD 752.0/个/件/只 752.0
EPSON Printhead FA12000 / FA12060 / FA12081 To be used with: EPSON SC-B7080 / SC-F6080 / SC-F7080 / SC-B6080 / SC-F7180 / SC-F6070 / SC-F7070 / SC-F6000 Remarks: Original Buy EPSON Printhead FA12000 / FA12060 / FA12081 at harisefendi with cheap price, best quality guaranted

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