
商店和超市用品批发在 Qoovee市场

USD 90.46/个/件/只 90.46
具有可变透明度功能的背投膜 - 粘贴在任何玻璃表面上,以便在几分之一秒内通过遥控器调整玻璃的透明度:从哑光/灰色到透明。 智能薄膜的应用范围: - 百叶窗和窗帘的高科技模拟物, - 将智能薄膜表面用于广告屏幕、视频展示(外墙、展示), - 用作场所分区、隔断(办公室和房屋)。 - 任何外墙、阳台等的玻璃。 M2 的价格。 (剪切或与联系人组剪切)。 批发商优惠!!!
USD 5667.42/个/件/只 5667.42
Smart Film Proektsia (Projection) 具有从灰色到透明的可变透明度功能,是一种特殊的聚合物液晶薄膜,它可以粘贴在任何玻璃表面,以便在几分之一秒内通过遥控器调整玻璃的透明度:从哑光到透明,从灰色到透明。只需按一下按钮 - 玻璃就可以隐藏情况以防窥探或变得透明。智能着色膜 PDLC 是一种创新的解决方案,具有广泛的应用:汽车着色、百叶窗和窗帘的替代品、机密房间(谈判室、娱乐区、试衣间)、办公室/房间隔断、外墙玻璃。背投膜,除了改变玻璃透明度的功能外,还可以作为视频投影的表面 - 对主要功能的一个很好的奖励!图像似乎“悬在空中”。观看者不会阻挡来自投影仪的光束。通常观众看不到投影图像的来源,投影仪隐藏在屏幕后面。与遥控器控制的显示器相比,获得无缝且足够大的图像。低电压对人类绝对安全。经济功耗 5 W/m2。特性: 1. 总厚度 - 0.35 毫米 2. 卷宽 - 150 厘米,长度 - 75 米 3. 功耗 - 5 W / m2 4. 在电压下工作 - 48 V 5. 紫外线防护 - 99% 6. 透光率透明模式 - 82% 7. 哑光模式下的透光率 - 6% 8. 温度范围 - 从 -40 到 + 70 9. 使用寿命 - 10 年。
USD 4904.49/个/件/只 4904.49
Smart Film Proektsia (Projection) 具有从哑光到透明的可变透明度功能,是一种特殊的聚合物液晶薄膜,它可以粘贴在任何玻璃表面,以便在几分之一秒内通过遥控器调整玻璃的透明度:从哑光到透明,从灰色到透明。只需按一下按钮 - 玻璃就可以隐藏情况以防窥探或变得透明。智能着色膜 PDLC 是一种创新的解决方案,具有广泛的应用:汽车着色、百叶窗和窗帘的替代品、机密房间(谈判室、娱乐区、试衣间)、办公室/房间隔断、外墙玻璃。背投膜,除了改变玻璃透明度的功能外,还可以作为视频投影的表面 - 对主要功能的一个很好的奖励!图像似乎“悬在空中”。观看者不会阻挡来自投影仪的光束。通常观众看不到投影图像的来源,投影仪隐藏在屏幕后面。与遥控器控制的显示器相比,获得无缝且足够大的图像。低电压对人类绝对安全。经济功耗 5 W/m2。特性: 1. 总厚度 - 0.35 毫米 2. 卷宽 - 150 厘米,长度 - 75 米 3. 功耗 - 5 W / m2 4. 在电压下工作 - 48 V 5. 紫外线防护 - 99% 6. 透光率透明模式 - 82% 7. 哑光模式下的透光率 - 6% 8. 温度范围 - 从 -40 到 + 70 9. 使用寿命 - 10 年。
USD 2.94 - 4.96/个/件/只
杀虫剂“PROXIDER”是一种干粉喷雾剂 - 由马卤石(惰性氧化硅)专门制备的地面粉尘。 PROXIDER - 一组来自俄罗斯原料的粉末硅杀虫生态制剂。在家庭用地、兽医学和农业、酒店、疗养院、寄宿公寓中对抗非飞行昆虫(蟑螂、臭虫、蚂蚁、跳蚤等)的有效方法。开始与蟑螂作斗争的基础是剥夺它们的食物区:彻底清洁餐桌,饭后立即洗碗,每天清空垃圾桶,清洁厨房地板。生产和进食,厨房下的空间家具、食物垃圾储存区、厕所中的水管、通风管道、建筑物结构元件的任何开口。在这些位置,有必要处理家具下方、水槽下方、供水管道与粉末所在的空隙和难以到达的空间。 ,肯定会落在药物的路径上,例如在垃圾桶周围。PROXIDER MAXI 还含有硼酸(昆虫的肠毒),这会显着加速昆虫种群的死亡。
USD 1.63/个/件/只 1.63
3 adet içerir. Ahşap şamdanlar. Şamdan her durum için bir hediye olarak idealdir: Yeni Yıl / Doğum Günü / Noel / Yeni Eve taşınma / İsim günü / Düğün vb. Daire / Yatak Odası / Oda / Ofis / Banyoyu dekore etmek için de kullanılabilir. Şamdanlar romantik bir atmosfer yaratmaya yardımcı olacaktır. 3,8-3,9 cm kollu herhangi bir çay mumu uygundur.Kendinize / akrabalarınıza / arkadaşlarınıza verin. Doğal ahşaptan yapılmış yüksek kaliteli el yapımı ürün. Kullanım seçenekleri: Mumluk / Mumluk / Masa mumluk / Raf mumluk / Ev hediyesi / Dekorasyon / Anne hediyesi / Büyükanne için / Doğum günü hediyesi / İç dekorasyon / Yeni Yıl hediyesi.
USD 1.63/个/件/只 1.63
包括 3 件。木烛台。烛台非常适合作为任何场合的礼物:新年/生日/圣诞节/乔迁之喜/命名日/婚礼等。它也可以用来装饰公寓/卧室/房间/办公室/浴室。烛台将有助于营造浪漫氛围。任何3.8-3.9厘米袖子的茶烛都合适,送给自己/亲人/朋友。由天然木材制成的高品质手工制品。使用选项:烛台 / 烛台 / 桌烛台 / 搁板烛台 / 家居礼物 / 装饰 / 送给妈妈 / 送给祖母 / 生日礼物 / 室内装饰 / 新年礼物。
USD 1.08/个/件/只 1.08
包括 3 件。木烛台。烛台非常适合作为任何场合的礼物:新年/生日/圣诞节/乔迁之喜/命名日/婚礼等。它也可以用来装饰公寓/卧室/房间/办公室/浴室。烛台将有助于营造浪漫氛围。任何3.8-3.9厘米袖子的茶烛都合适,送给自己/亲人/朋友。由天然木材制成的高品质手工制品。使用选项:烛台 / 烛台 / 桌上烛台 / 搁板烛台 / 家居礼物 / 装饰 / 送给妈妈 / 祖母 / 生日礼物 / 室内装饰 / 新年礼物。
USD 1.63/个/件/只 1.63
包括 3 件。木烛台。烛台非常适合作为任何场合的礼物:新年/生日/圣诞节/乔迁之喜/命名日/婚礼等。它也可以用来装饰公寓/卧室/房间/办公室/浴室。烛台将有助于营造浪漫氛围。任何3.8-3.9厘米袖子的茶烛都合适,送给自己/亲人/朋友。由天然木材制成的高品质手工制品。使用选项:烛台 / 烛台 / 桌上烛台 / 搁板烛台 / 家居礼物 / 装饰 / 送给妈妈 / 祖母 / 生日礼物 / 室内装饰 / 新年礼物。
USD 1.63/个/件/只 1.63
包括 3 件。木烛台。烛台非常适合作为任何场合的礼物:新年/生日/圣诞节/乔迁之喜/命名日/婚礼等。它也可以用来装饰公寓/卧室/房间/办公室/浴室。烛台将有助于营造浪漫氛围。任何3.8-3.9厘米袖子的茶烛都合适,送给自己/亲人/朋友。由天然木材制成的高品质手工制品。使用选项:烛台 / 烛台 / 桌上烛台 / 搁板烛台 / 家居礼物 / 装饰 / 送给妈妈 / 祖母 / 生日礼物 / 室内装饰 / 新年礼物。
Specify the price USD 0 0
Turbo Air TOM-75LB-N 75 5-8 卧式开放式空气冷却器 w (2) 水平,115v 货物状况:您将获得关于各个产品、它们的状况、产品价格和信息照片的完全透明度。货物状况良好,目视检查,分类为A、B、C类。最低购买量:将为您补货。报价是卡车的平均价格,因此价格会根据您的选择而有所不同。家居用品:消费类电子产品:电脑电器:电动电子相机、笔记本电脑、手机、无人机、显卡、主板、视频游戏、蚂蚁矿机、洗碗机、冰柜、炊具、冰箱/冰柜、烤箱、烘干机、洗衣机。顶级品牌:Sony、Panasonic、Heir Thermocool、AEG、Bosch、Bauknecht、LG、Neff、Samsung、Siemens。预约:预约后,欢迎您随时参观我们在纽伦堡的仓库,让您相信我们的高品质。联系方式:如需了解更多详情,请将您的联系方式以短信形式发送给我们,或通过电话联系我们。我们期待合作成功。
Specify the price USD 0 0
商店、酒店和仓库或您的任何业务的设备。 酒店推车、女佣推车、可折叠和多功能推车、不锈钢和 MDF 推车、客人行李推车、餐厅和食堂服务员推车、专业清洁推车、洗衣收集推车、洗衣推车等等。
Planet cm
USD 15.8/个/件/只 15.8
类型:壁挂式 尺寸:80 x 48 厘米 支架材料:PVC 塑料(3 毫米) 口袋材料:透明塑料(0.3 毫米) 口袋格式:A4 口袋数量:4 重量:1.4 公斤 包括:反馈和建议书,贸易规则,消费者保护与示例应用程序 拥有 3 个口袋文件的个人企业家的买方角是理想的经济型企业解决方案。 建议的选项有方便的口袋放置所有必要的小册子,关于个体企业家的信息。
Planet cm
USD 18.53/个/件/只 18.53
材料:塑料、亚克力尺寸:230 x 320 毫米制作人:俄罗斯墙演示系统 10 个红色 A4 框架可以让您在小房间内放置大量信息时显着节省空间。 无论光线如何,镜框的抗反射涂层都能提供舒适的阅读材料。
Planet cm
USD 0.92/个/件/只 0.92
尺寸:210 x 300 毫米材质:透明塑料 0.7 毫米生产商:俄罗斯包装:塑料保护膜 请注意:支架以 50 件一盒出售。 A4 立式支架 - 多功能 POS 设计。 它可用于销售区域的水平表面、咖啡馆和餐馆的桌子、接待处、银行和酒店。 抗冲击透明塑料将有助于不引人注意地传达广告信息,以有利的方式呈现,并鼓励买家进行交易。
Planet cm
USD 49.04/个/件/只 49.04
类型:户外材料:金属柱子高x宽:130 x 60 cm图片显示了布局的变体,在制作过程中会有一张图片和您的广告。 130 x 60 cm 小尺寸的两侧街柱与广告横幅和妊娠纹相比,其成本低、安装简单易行、小巧便携,可让您快速改变位置,并且经久耐用耐用的材料。 - 所购买的广告媒体的快速回报的保证。
Planet cm
USD 18.31/个/件/只 18.31
类型:壁挂式 尺寸:70 x 80 厘米 支架材料:PVC 塑料(3 毫米) 口袋材料:透明塑料(0.3 毫米) 口袋格式:A4 口袋数量:6 重量:2.1 公斤 带 6 个 A4 口袋的信息支架 - 一个展示对每个人的专注的设计。六个口袋的存在可以让员工、客户了解工作条件、合作、谈论假期或分享其他重要信息。带有 6 个口袋的支架用于办公室、工业生产、零售场所和公共餐饮场所。
Planet cm
USD 2.59/个/件/只 2.59
类型:桌面材料:透明塑料尺寸:210 x 297 毫米厚度:1 毫米格式:A4 制造商:俄罗斯包装:聚乙烯薄膜 最少 10 件! Menuholder A4 是一种通用的广告结构。 它可用于销售室、接待处、银行和酒店的水平表面,以及咖啡馆和餐馆的桌子上。 由于时尚的设计,您将能够不引人注意地传达广告材料,以有利的方式呈现它并鼓励买家进行交易。
Planet cm
USD 0.41/个/件/只 0.41
类型:桌面尺寸:WxH 149 x 210 毫米厚度:0.7 毫米材质:透明塑料制造商:俄罗斯包装:聚乙烯薄膜 注意! 价格持有人以 50 件一盒的形式出售。 要在销售点专注于产品,您需要用醒目的价格标签突出显示它。 A5 立式价格夹可以轻松放置在展示柜、展台或大厅的架子上,可以帮助实现这一点。 小巧轻便,不占空间,超长的使用寿命肯定会让业主满意。
Мир Картин
Ростов-на-Дону, Россия
USD 7.63/个/件/只 7.63
Картина от производителя "Мир Картин" - Самый Крупный Производитель картин в России, Европе. Модульная Картина Размер 140х80см Материал - Шелковая Ткань Каталог более 2000 тысяч видов, на любой вкус и цвет подробнее на сайте Не выгорает, и влаги не боится.
Мир Картин
Ростов-на-Дону, Россия
USD 10.9/个/件/只 10.9
Картина от производителя "Мир Картин" - Самый Крупный Производитель картин в России, Европе. Модульная Картина Размер 140х80см Материал - Шелковая Ткань Каталог более 2000 тысяч видов, на любой вкус и цвет подробнее на сайте Не выгорает, и влаги не боится.
Ташкент, Узбекистан
Specify the price USD 0 0
Компания - производитель в Ташкенте принимает заказы на доставку крем-сливок для украшения тортов в таре (ведёрко) весом 1кг. Стоимость – 17000сум (2018 год). При заказе 12кг и более, имеется бесплатная доставка по Ташкенту. После взбивания объём крема увеличивается в 4 раза. В крем-сливки можно добавлять каймак, сгущённое молоко, пищевые красители. Можно использовать крем-сливки как добавку для заварного крема, шоколадного крема, в качестве прослойки для бисквитов, а также для приготовления мусса, самбука. Крем не трескается и длительное время сохраняет заданную форму.
Москва, Россия
USD 32.89/个/件/只 32.89
Аэратор для вина "Magic Decanter Deluxe" — это изящное приспособление с подставкой под бокал, которое предназначено для насыщения вина кислородом и раскрытия его букета в процессе розлива. Устройство также комплектуется фирменным держателем, позволяющим разливать вино одной рукой. Аэрация напитка происходит за считанные секунды естественным путем (непосредственно во время прохождения через аэратор), без затрат электроэнергии, использования нагнетателей. Стильный аэратор является еще и отличным декоративным элементом. Преимущества аэратора для вина "Magic Decanter Deluxe": Естественный процесс насыщения напитка кислородом. Модель "Magic Decanter Deluxe" отличается от многих аналогов тем, что позволяет выполнять аэрацию вина самым простым, незатратным и, что особенно важно, натуральным способом — без использования электроэнергии, нагнетателей и т.п. Конструкция устройства обеспечивает моментальное насыщение напитка кислородом, давление которого вытесняет из вина излишки таниновых и спиртовых паров. Быстрота аэрации. Как правило, декантеры тратят на насыщение вина кислородом не меньше 30 минут (а зачастую на это и вовсе нужны долгие часы). В отличие от них, предлагаемый аэратор решает данную задачу с гораздо более высокой скоростью, позволяя пользователю попробовать вино буквально сразу после откупоривания бутылки. 2 способа использования: с держателем и без него. Существует два варианта насыщения вина кислородом с помощью "Magic Decanter Deluxe": с использованием комплектного держателя с подставкой либо удерживая аэратор в руках (как обычную воронку). Первый способ требует от пользователя немного времени на подготовку, однако имеет ряд достоинств: позволяет разливать вино одной рукой, защищает стол, скатерть или пол от пятен (даже если вино случайно прольется, оно попадет на подставку). Преимущество второго способа заключается в экономии времени. Устойчивая конструкция. Аэратор, установленный на держателе с широкой подставкой, обладает особой "монументальностью". Устройство не раскачивается и надежно стоит на поверхности стола на протяжении всей процедуры аэрации. Технические характеристики: материал изготовления аэратора — пластик; подставка — есть; держатель — есть; съемное сито — есть; высота бокала — не более 26 см; размеры (в сборе) — 410х165 мм; вес (в сборе) — 1480 г. Комплект поставки: аэратор "Magic Decanter Deluxe" со съемным ситом; подставка; держатель; чехол для хранения аэратора; инструкция по эксплуатации. Гарантия: 12 месяцев.
Тоо тмц
Specify the price USD 0 0
I am a supplier, I have almost everything.
USD 0.2 - 3.89/个/件/只
Our business card holders are very popular among buyers from catalogs for offices, such as Komus, Office Planet, etc. A wide range of business card holders (from 28 to 320 business cards), cover colors (8 colors) and cover materials (PVC or leatherette, under the fabric, colored). They are attracted by high-quality dense files that come with business card holders. The files are dense and therefore have a long service life, and if they are replaced or supplemented, the files can also be bought from us. On any business card holder, we can offer personalization with a logo or a commemorative inscription, which will be a pleasant gift for corporate clients. The DPS company offers you a large selection of business card holders and their personalization of its own production.
USD 0.66 - 1.12/个/件/只
Notebooks with a ring mechanism and a block in a cage. Different colors, PVC cover, thick cardboard inside. The cover of this notebook will last a long time, just remember to change the block! You can purchase separately covers for notebooks, without blocks.
USD 0.04/个/件/只 0.04
The special design of the cursor does not allow the window to jump off the tape holder. Each cursor is equipped with an elastic band with hooks already on. There are several holes on the belt, this allows you to adjust the width of the belt. There are three types of cursors for each type of block (mini, midi, maxi). Cursors in four window colors, available from stock. We can also make quarterly calendars to order.
USD 4.27 - 1388.95/个/件/只
Store racks
USD 19.68 - 513.59/个/件/只
Chipboard counters
USD 50.84 - 596.63/个/件/只
The company "TOB.RU" LLC is glad to welcome you among its customers
USD 163.27 - 457.75/个/件/只
We sell materials for easy installation of advertising, which have unique properties and have recently gained great popularity among well-known trade brands. NOVAfilm ferrofilm is used in conjunction with a magnetic base. The magnetic base is applied to any smooth surface where frequent ad changes are expected. Next, magnetic base magnetised NOVAfilm ferrofilm with printing. It is possible to change the look of the store in seconds with the help of NOVAfilm ferrofilm. You can apply up to five coats of ads about sales and promotions directly on the current design, which undoubtedly attracts the eyes of buyers! NOVAlight silicone film on micro-suction cups - no glue (!) , is an alternative to self-adhesive films. It is used to decorate smooth surfaces where temporary placement of advertising is required, for example - showcases, elevators, columns, etc. The film adheres perfectly to the surface (Warranty - a year!), And subsequently can be easily removed from the surface, leaving no traces and dirt, leaving the surface perfect ... It is used for advertising design of any format: from small stickers to thousands of square meters. Technological features of the materials allow you to: Assembly / disassembly in seconds Re-registration of hundreds of stores in an extremely short time Eliminate damage to property / showcases / columns / elevators, etc. Save budget / time / effort < wbr> lia / nerves Simplify the logistics / algorithm for changing advertising graphics / control and setting tasks for changing advertising
USD 33.13 - 91.55/个/件/只
Upholstered office chairs of superior comfort are offered by Techservice LLC CHAIRS for office, home Techservice LLC offers high-comfort soft office chairs. On our website you can buy office chairs wholesale and retail at the best prices. We manufacture office chairs and armchairs using the latest technologies. Order furniture via the Internet, and you will receive a 5% discount (only for St. Petersburg). We offer chairs in a wide range of different colors and designs. When making furniture, we take into account all the wishes of the client, you can independently choose the color of the upholstery and painting. Modern equipment makes it possible to manufacture office chairs in any quantity in a short time. Any office furniture, armchairs from Techservice LLC has all the necessary certificates.
USD 10.03 - 118.47/个/件/只
Medical furniture manufactured by Techservice LLC has all the necessary certificates Medical furniture is one of the main areas of production activity of our factory. Medical furniture from the manufacturer Techservice LLC is inexpensive, of high quality and has all the necessary certificates. Production is located in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), there is a branch in Moscow and representative offices in Nizhny Novgorod and Rostov-on-Don. Production of medical furniture in our company in the following directions: - medical couches (examination, for massage) - folding and stationary massage tables - stands for droppers, stands for infusion - chairs, stools and laboratory chairs on a screw support and on a gas lift - functional medical beds, bedside tables and side tables - medical screens, tool tables - tables and chairs, sofas and benches for visitors Medical furniture can be made in different colors, in accordance with the wishes of the customer. We can also produce custom furniture, according to the customer's sketches. Medical furniture (beds, tables, couches, etc.) is purchased for installation in hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions. In view of the peculiarities of the operation of medical furniture (the product is constantly used by people with partial or complete dysfunction), there are certain nuances in its production: the furniture is made of high-strength hypoallergenic materials that guarantee the safety of the patient and a long service life of the furniture. When designing medical furniture, our main task is to guarantee comfort for the patient: functional beds, bedside tables, headrests for beds and other medical furniture provide the patient with maximum comfort with a minimum of effort due to their reliable movable structures. When ordering medical furniture in our company, you, first of all, have the opportunity to purchase everything you need in one place, as well as get exclusive conditions for cooperation. For trading organizations, online stores, for owners of retail space, we are ready to provide significant discounts on the medical furniture we produce. We also provide additional discounts for exhibition samples, all necessary photographs, technical descriptions, samples of materials and provide consulting support.
USD 49.04 - 84.14/个/件/只
For better information perception and additional savings when purchasing, we have combined some tables and chairs into dining groups (or dining groups ). We sell Dining Groups at an additional discount, in certain color combinations. You can also buy separately tables and chairs in other colors, no additional discount is available. Dining group production ( dining sets ) we go in several directions: - dining groups for cafes - furniture for cafes, bars and restaurants - folding groups ( folding furniture sets ) - folding chairs and tables < br> For trading organizations, online stores, for owners of retail space, we are ready to provide significant discounts on the dining sets we produce. We also provide additional discounts on exhibition samples, all necessary photographs, technical descriptions, sample materials and provide consulting support.
USD 2.34 - 24.74/个/件/只
For lovers of outdoor activities At the dacha, on the beach, on a fishing trip or on a picnic, you want to relax with maximum comfort. Folding chairs is one of the activities of the company "Zont". You can buy folding chairs in bulk at very attractive prices. The collection of folding chairs produced by our company is constantly supplemented and updated in accordance with the demands of the modern Russian consumer. Our folding chairs are of high quality, both materials and finished products. Tourism in Russia is very popular. The firm "Umbrella" produces many convenient and useful goods that will make such a vacation as comfortable as possible, therefore, an aluminum folding chair is an indispensable accessory for recreation in nature, fishing, picnics and even hunting, etc. With our furniture, some of your everyday problems will be solved, and you can simply enjoy a good rest in nature.
USD 65.28 - 359.55/个/件/只
Tents for street trade - convenient and inexpensive equipment Possibilities of using structures Equipment for selling goods outdoors sites have a number of advantages, such as compactness, mobility and ease of assembly and disassembly. Currently, the most popular for organizing commerce on the streets of the city are stalls for street trading. You can get acquainted with the range of such commercial equipment manufactured by the "Umbrella" company directly on the website. To the main possibilities of using outdoor commercial stalls when organizing a business, you can include: permanent or seasonal trade in markets and fairs; implementation of various offsite trade; conducting promotional outdoor events; when holding various mass celebrations, for example, Shrovetide, city day, etc .; sometimes stalls for street trading are used as protective awnings for expensive equipment, for example, when organizing performances by artists in open areas; in the summer season around many restaurants and cafes tents or gazebos are installed for those clients who prefer to dine or dine outdoors. We can say that shopping tents are the simplest, most convenient and an inexpensive way to quickly organize a trading place in almost any conditions. Therefore, they are of interest to all entrepreneurs associated with street or market trade. Our company was founded in 1952, and in addition to the main products produces a wide range of street frame and tent trade equipment and is currently the leading manufacturer . Available technologies make it possible to produce almost the entire range of outdoor frame-tent equipment, namely: trade pavilions of any standard size, tents, cafes, modules for the sale of melons and gourds, as well as awning umbrellas, round and square, with a dome size of up to five meters. Frames for street trade equipment are made of steel square pipes from 20x20mm to 50x50 mm, depending on the size of the product, followed by painting with Finnish powder enamel. The stability of the quality of the manufactured metal frames for the specified equipment allows the company to increase the warranty period of their service up to three years. In the production of street trade equipment, only imported fabric is used in a wide range of colors, which guarantees stable water resistance. The company also manufactures, at the request of the customer, any outdoor non-standard trade equipment. Available technologies allow printing on the entire surface of the fabric cover. We guarantee the highest quality, low prices for our range, according to compared with other firms producing similar equipment. Your business success is our common success. Tent assembly procedure: 1. Assemble the frame according to the diagram attached to the product 2. Throw a fabric cover over the assembled tent frame 3. Pass three pipes through the holes in the front of the cover and then into the pockets of the visor. 4. Evenly distributing the covering over the roof of the tent, lower the side walls and fix them on the tent frame. Packing: the length of the frame of the commercial tent in the packed form does not exceed 2.15m. (for Mod. 206 all modifications). The fabric cover is packed separately from the frame in a fabric bag. The framework assembly diagram is attached.
USD 5.34 - 10.35/个/件/只
Fabric 100% polyester with water-repellent impregnation; steel rods, nickel-plated; needle length - 54 cm; plastic handle. Printed polyester fabric 100% with water-repellent impregnation; lightweight frame, steel rods, nickel plated; frame spokes combined using titanium alloys and high-strength polymeric materials; anti-wind system; needle length - 58 cm; assorted pens.
USD 0.01 - 3.49/个/件/只
Features Medium-duty shelving racks are designed for manual handling of goods. Used in warehouses and industrial premises, sales areas. Withstand loads from 200 to 800 kg per shelf, depending on the type of selected beams. The frame is welded, the connection of the beam to the frame is hook-on. > A wide range of rack elements allows the most efficient use of the warehouse or store. It is possible to use chipboard, chipboard, MDF, plywood, etc. shelves in the rack. Step permutation of the shelf level - 50 mm. The elements of the rack are painted with polymer powder paint. The standard color is light gray, RAL 7035 shagreen. Can be painted in others colors according to the RAL catalog: 5017 blue, 3020 red, 1018 yellow, 6024 green extra charge.
USD 50.97 - 69.99/个/件/只
Showcases and counters of the "LETO" series are an economical option for commercial furniture and are perfect for completing stores in the middle price segment. Features Versatility. Suitable for the widest range of goods. Economical Lightness and elegance of design, thanks to the use of glass and lighting Choice of chipboard color. Possibility of a mirror back wall. Possibility of completing with LED lamps. Including locks and adjustable supports. Showcases Summer are suitable for: tableware cups and awards souvenirs accessories costume jewelry cosmetics medicines alcoholic products

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