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USD 8.28 - 9.81/kg
描述PHMG盐酸盐具有广泛的抗菌作用,能够消灭对人体有害的细菌,包括结核分枝杆菌,军团菌病,大肠杆菌,葡萄球菌,链球菌,沙门氏菌等。杀死病毒,包括肠和肠胃外肝炎病毒,HIV,小儿麻痹症,流感,疱疹等。消除霉菌,酵母菌,类酵母菌真菌以及念珠菌病,皮肤癣菌。具有3天至8个月的杀菌作用。它是阳离子絮凝剂和凝结剂;具有除臭作用;杀菌剂低变应原的;低毒防爆和防火;经济;没有气味。应用领域作为生产消毒剂的物质;作为释放防霉产品的基础;在医疗和兽医消毒中;用于食品工业中的消毒;用于净水和消毒;用于表面消毒;制造杀菌涂料等。 PHMG-盐酸盐用于儿童和教育机构,医院,运输,清洁公司的场所的消毒,以及各种行业中消毒剂的有效成分:在农业中在石化行业;在食品行业;畜牧业建设中;在油漆材料的生产中
USD 2.72/个/件/只 2.72
目的: 设计用于破坏和防止在矿物材料(石头,混凝土,石膏,石膏,瓷砖,石膏,石膏板等)和木材(胶合板,纤维板,刨花板等)上形成霉菌,真菌,苔藓,地衣。 )。建议用于处理建筑物,围墙,高湿度房间(地下室,地窖,厨房,浴室,温室)的外墙和地下室。可以将其作为杀生物添加剂添加到未改性的灰泥,砌筑砂浆,腻子中,而无需混合水。该工具可完美清洁墙壁,砖砌,天花板,面板间接缝的表面。具有持久的作用。好处:长达15年的长期保护;有效地保护免受生物损害和昆虫侵害;环保,不含溶剂;不会损坏或弄脏处理过的表面。作为杀菌添加剂,而不是与水混合。应用方式:该产品必须用水稀释。前一层干燥后,用刷子,辊子涂抹抗菌剂,喷涂2-3次。当处理已经受影响的表面时,请使用防腐剂,在24小时后清洁表面并重复处理。当处理直接暴露于水的矿物表面时,干燥后用防水的GKZH-11或防水涂料和清漆覆盖。平均消耗量100-150克/平方米米在矿物地面上和200-300 gr./sq。米为木头。在砂浆混合物中用作杀生物添加剂时,请少量测试其相容性。水性涂料:在20升涂料中加入250毫升涂料,并充分混合。灰泥添加剂: 250毫升的产品足以溶解10升的水。将水泥浆或灰泥混合在所得溶液上。灌浆:每5千克干物质向混合水中添加50毫升。墙纸胶的添加剂:每1升水向胶水混合液中添加约25-30毫升活性剂,然后根据说明制备胶水。注意事项:工作时,对皮肤,眼睛和呼吸器官使用防护设备(橡胶手套,工作服,眼镜,呼吸器)。如果接触到皮肤,粘膜,眼睛,请立即用大量流水冲洗10-15分钟。如有必要,寻求医疗救助。危险:可能对皮肤有刺激性。储存和运输:在+ 5°C至+ 40°C的温度下,与食物分开存放在密封的原始容器中,并在阴凉通风的室内运输和存放,儿童和动物请勿接触。避免加热和阳光直射。该组合物在短期冷冻后保持其性质。根据SanPin处理保质期: 36个月
USD 2.83/个/件/只 2.83
目的: 防霉剂用于处理具有吸收能力的木材,混凝土,砖块和其他表面,以防止和破坏住宅场所和高湿度场所(浴室,地下室)中的微生物(霉菌,真菌,藻类,蓝色)。 ,地窖,温床等)。建议添加到粉笔,水泥砂浆以及水性涂料中。可以将其作为杀生物添加剂添加到未改性的灰泥,砌筑砂浆,腻子中,而无需混合水。该工具可完美清洁墙壁,砖砌,天花板,面板间接缝的表面。具有持久的作用。好处:长期保护;预防微生物(霉菌,真菌)优异的附着力良好的耐候性加工简单不会脱落允许用水溶性涂料涂布。应用方式:每上一层干燥后,用刷子,辊子涂抹产品2-3次。当处理已经受影响的表面时,请使用该试剂,在24小时后清洁表面并重复处理。当处理直接暴露于水的矿物表面时,干燥后用防水的GKZH-11或防水涂料和清漆覆盖。平均消耗量100-150克/平方米米在矿物地面上和200-300 gr./sq。米为木头。在砂浆混合物中用作杀生物添加剂时,请少量测试其相容性。水性涂料:在20升涂料中加入250毫升涂料,并充分混合。灰泥添加剂: 250毫升的产品足以溶解10升的水。将水泥浆或灰泥混合在所得溶液上。灌浆:每5千克干物质向混合水中添加50毫升。墙纸胶的添加剂:每1升水向胶水混合液中添加约25-30毫升活性剂,然后根据说明制备胶水。注意事项:工作时,对皮肤,眼睛和呼吸器官使用防护设备(橡胶手套,工作服,眼镜,呼吸器)。如果接触到皮肤,粘膜,眼睛,请立即用大量流水冲洗10-15分钟。如有必要,寻求医疗救助。危险:可能对皮肤有刺激性。储存和运输:在+ 5°C至+ 40°C的温度下,与食物分开存放在密封的原始容器中,并在阴凉通风的室内运输和存放,儿童和动物请勿接触。避免加热和阳光直射。该组合物在短期冷冻后保持其性质。根据SanPin处理保质期: 36个月组成:活性靶标杀菌成分的水溶液根据TU 20.20.14-004-24851300-2019制造
USD 3.05/个/件/只 3.05
Purpose: Designed for long-term protection of wood from mold, blue stain, wood-destroying and wood-coloring fungi, decay and wood-boring insects in conditions of moderate exposure to atmospheric precipitation and condensate moisture, as well as inside residential, public and agricultural premises. The term of protection in the absence of direct washout or subject to additional protection with film-forming paints and varnishes is up to 25 years. In case of intense exposure to adverse factors, periodic re-treatment is recommended. Scope: It is used in the processing of new and previously treated with antiseptics wooden planed, sawn or log elements and structures, such as: walls, cladding, facades, terraces, cattle corrals, rigid roof elements, joists, rafters, fences, windows, doors, decorative parts, pallets, etc. Benefits: long-term protection up to 25 years; effectively protects against biological damage and insects; environmentally friendly, does not contain solvents; can serve as an independent coating, or as an antiseptic impregnation for painting; does not damage or stain the treated surfaces. Surface Preparation: Clean wood from dirt, dust, old paintwork, etc. If the wood surface is blue or moldy, it is recommended to first remove it with wood bleach. Application Instructions: Carry out works at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° С. Stir the antiseptic before use. Apply with a brush, roller, spray in 2-3 doses at intervals of 20-30 minutes, ensuring the required total consumption. The treated wood must be dried for at least 24 hours, protected from water and precipitation. The maximum protection period is obtained when processed by immersion, soaking or autoclaving. Soaking or impregnation in an autoclave is carried out until the specified flow rate is reached. Do not handle frozen wood! It is recommended to periodically check the integrity of the treated surface, if mechanical damage is found, re-treat it. Consumption: for planed wood - 200-400 g / m²; for sawn wood - 250-500 g / m², depending on the surface quality. Precautions: When working, use protective equipment for skin, eyes and respiratory organs (rubber gloves, overalls, glasses, respirator). In case of contact with skin, mucous membranes, eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of running water for 10-15 minutes. Seek medical attention if necessary. Danger: Possible irritant effect on the skin. Storage and transportation: Transport and store at temperatures from + 5 ° C to + 40 ° C, in a hermetically sealed original container, separately from food, in a cool ventilated room, out of the reach of children and animals. Avoid heating and direct sunlight. The composition retains its properties after short-term freezing. Dispose of in accordance with SanPin Shelf life: 24 months Composition: an aqueous solution of active target antiseptic components
USD 4.14 - 4.9/个/件/只
Description: Ready-to-use skin antiseptic in the form of a transparent gel. Ingredients: Water, PGMG-Hydrochloride, HR, functional additives for softening the skin, perfume. Alcohol free. Package Contents: (Canister ) Antimicrobial Activity: Possesses antimicrobial effect against gram and gram + bacteria (including mycobacterium tuberculosis), viruses (including hepatitis viruses, HIV, Coxsackie, poliomyelitis, influenza, herpes), fungi of the genus Candida and dermatophytes. Purpose: For hygienic treatment of hands and other skin integuments for the population in everyday life. Method of Application: Apply to the skin at least 2 ml of the product and rub until dry for at least 15 seconds. Do not rinse. Expiration date: 36 months if stored properly in unopened manufacturer's packaging. Storage: Store closed at temperatures from -20 to +30 ° С; separate from medications; in places inaccessible to children; in warehouses that provide protection from the environment; away from heating appliances, open flames and direct sunlight.
USD 1.22 - 1.63/个/件/只
描述:透明凝胶形式的即用型皮肤防腐剂。 成分:水,PGMG盐酸,HR,软化皮肤的功能性添加剂,香水。无酒精。 包装内容:( 按饮水机) 抗菌活性:对革兰氏菌和革兰氏阳性菌(包括结核分枝杆菌),病毒(包括肝炎病毒,HIV,柯萨奇,小儿麻痹症,流感,疱疹),假丝酵母属真菌和皮肤癣菌具有抗菌作用。 目的:在日常生活中对人群的手和其他皮肤外皮进行卫生处理。 使用方法:将至少2 ml的产品涂抹在皮肤上,并擦至干燥至少15秒钟。不要漂洗。 保质期: 如果未开封的制造商包装妥善存放,则为36个月。 储存:未开封储存于-20至+30°C的温度下;与药物分开;在儿童无法到达的地方;提供保护环境的仓库中;远离加热设备,明火和阳光直射。
USD 14.32 - 16.18/个/件/只
描述:透明凝胶形式的即用型皮肤防腐剂。 成分:异丙醇不少于70%,PGMG盐酸,CHAS,增稠剂,食用染料,三乙醇胺,软化皮肤的功能性添加剂,香水。 包装内容:(罐) 抗菌活性:对革兰氏菌和革兰氏阳性菌(包括结核分枝杆菌),病毒(包括肝炎病毒,HIV,柯萨奇,小儿麻痹症,流感,疱疹),假丝酵母属真菌和皮肤癣菌具有抗菌作用。 目的:在日常生活中对人群的手和其他皮肤外皮进行卫生处理。 使用方法:将至少2 ml的产品涂抹在皮肤上,并擦至干燥至少15秒钟。不要漂洗。 保质期: 如果未开封的制造商包装妥善存放,则为36个月。 储存:未开封储存于-20至+30°C的温度下;与药物分开;在儿童无法到达的地方;提供保护环境的仓库中;远离加热设备,明火和阳光直射。
USD 4.05 - 4.58/个/件/只
Description: Ready-to-use skin antiseptic in the form of a transparent gel. Composition: Isopropyl alcohol not less than 70%, PGMG-Hydrochloride, CHAS, thickener, food coloring, triethanolamine, functional additives for softening the skin, perfume. Package Contents: ( Push Dispenser ) Antimicrobial Activity: Possesses antimicrobial effect against gram and gram + bacteria (including mycobacterium tuberculosis), viruses (including hepatitis viruses, HIV, Coxsackie, poliomyelitis, influenza, herpes), fungi of the genus Candida and dermatophytes. Purpose: For hygienic treatment of hands and other skin integuments for the population in everyday life. Method of Application: Apply to the skin at least 2 ml of the product and rub until dry for at least 15 seconds. Do not rinse. Expiration date: 36 months if stored properly in unopened manufacturer's packaging. Storage: Store closed at temperatures from -20 to +30 ° С; separate from medications; in places inaccessible to children; in warehouses that provide protection from the environment; away from heating appliances, open flames and direct sunlight.
USD 2.18 - 3.27/个/件/只
Description: Ready-to-use skin antiseptic in the form of a clear liquid. Ingredients: Water, PGMG-Hydrochloride, CHAS, functional additives for softening the skin, perfume. Alcohol free. What's in the box : (trigger atomizer) Antimicrobial Activity: Possesses antimicrobial effect against gram and gram + bacteria (including mycobacterium tuberculosis), viruses (including hepatitis viruses, HIV, Coxsackie, poliomyelitis, influenza, herpes), fungi of the genus Candida and dermatophytes. Purpose: For hygienic treatment of hands and other skin integuments for the population in everyday life. Method of Application: Apply to the skin at least 2 ml of the product and rub until dry for at least 15 seconds. Do not rinse. Expiration date: 36 months if stored properly in unopened manufacturer's packaging. Storage: Store closed at temperatures from -20 to +30 ° С; separate from medications; in places inaccessible to children; in warehouses that provide protection from the environment; away from heating appliances, open flames and direct sunlight.
USD 1.14 - 1.85/个/件/只
描述:透明液体形式的即用型皮肤防腐剂。 成分:水,PGMG盐酸,CHAS,软化皮肤的功能性添加剂,香水。无酒精。 全套:( 推胶机) 抗菌活性:对革兰氏菌和革兰氏阳性菌(包括结核分枝杆菌),病毒(包括肝炎病毒,HIV,柯萨奇,小儿麻痹症,流感,疱疹),假丝酵母属真菌和皮肤癣菌具有抗菌作用。 目的:在日常生活中对人群的手和其他皮肤外皮进行卫生处理。 使用方法:将至少2 ml的产品涂抹在皮肤上,并擦至干燥至少15秒钟。不要漂洗。 保质期: 如果未开封的制造商包装妥善存放,则为36个月。 储存:未开封储存于-20至+30°C的温度下;与药物分开;在儿童无法到达的地方;提供保护环境的仓库中;远离加热设备,明火和阳光直射。
USD 1.29 - 1.63/个/件/只
描述:透明液体形式的即用型皮肤防腐剂。 成分:水,PGMG盐酸,CHAS,软化皮肤的功能性添加剂,香水。无酒精。 包装盒中的物品:( 封面) 抗菌活性:对革兰氏菌和革兰氏阳性菌(包括结核分枝杆菌),病毒(包括肝炎病毒,HIV,柯萨奇,小儿麻痹症,流感,疱疹),假丝酵母属真菌和皮肤癣菌具有抗菌作用。 目的:在日常生活中对人群的手和其他皮肤外皮进行卫生处理。 使用方法:将至少2 ml的产品涂抹在皮肤上,并擦至干燥至少15秒钟。不要漂洗。 保质期: 如果未开封的制造商包装妥善存放,则为36个月。 储存:未开封储存于-20至+30°C的温度下;与药物分开;在儿童无法到达的地方;提供保护环境的仓库中;远离加热设备,明火和阳光直射。
USD 1.02 - 1.31/个/件/只
描述:透明液体形式的即用型皮肤防腐剂。 成分:水,PGMG盐酸,CHAS,软化皮肤的功能性添加剂,香水。无酒精。 盒子里有什么:(触发雾化器) 抗菌活性:对革兰氏菌和革兰氏阳性菌(包括结核分枝杆菌),病毒(包括肝炎病毒,HIV,柯萨奇,小儿麻痹症,流感,疱疹),假丝酵母属真菌和皮肤癣菌具有抗菌作用。 目的:在日常生活中对人群的手和其他皮肤外皮进行卫生处理。 使用方法:将至少2 ml的产品涂抹在皮肤上,并擦至干燥至少15秒钟。不要漂洗。 保质期: 如果未开封的制造商包装妥善存放,则为36个月。 储存:未开封储存于-20至+30°C的温度下;与药物分开;在儿童无法到达的地方;提供保护环境的仓库中;远离加热设备,明火和阳光直射。
各种类: 地址:
植物化学保护产品, 个人防护设备, 消毒剂和防腐剂, 卫生用品, 建筑混合物, 家用化学品, 化学制品, 工业生产原料 Россия, Россия, Нижегородская область, г. Дзержинск, ул. Бутлерова, 3, офис 30.

