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USD 10.11/шт 10.11
blue, brick Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile! < / p>
USD 8.43/шт 8.43
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combination of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: bamboo Colors: brown, green (bottle ), gray, blue, brick Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile! < / p>
USD 7.87/шт 7.87
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combinations of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: thin jeans Colors: bright blue floral, dark blue floral, dark blue. Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile!
USD 7.87/шт 7.87
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combination of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: thin jeans Colors: bright blue floral, dark blue-floral, dark blue. Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile!
USD 8.43/шт 8.43
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combination of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: bamboo Colors: brown, green (bottle ), gray, blue Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile!
USD 10.0/шт 10.0
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combination of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: HB jersey Colors: brown, gray, brick, green, dark gray Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile! < / p>
USD 9.0/шт 9.0
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combination of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: Staple Colors: black, polka dots, black in pink flowers Sizes: 46 - 52 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile!
USD 9.0/шт 9.0
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combinations of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: Staple Colors: blue and green Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile!
USD 8.0/шт 8.0
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combination of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: Knitwear Colors: blue, burgundy, brown , black, green, powder Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile!
USD 10.0/шт 10.0
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combinations of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: Bengalin Colors: bright blue, blue , dark blue, burgundy, dark burgundy. Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile!
USD 10.0/шт 10.0
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combinations of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: thin jeans Colors: bright blue floral, dark blue-floral, dark blue. Sizes: 44 - 50 At any celebration you will be the most delicate and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile!
USD 11.5/шт 11.5
Muslim dresses wholesale. Wholesale hijabs. In the FATIMA_KG brand store you can buy women's Muslim clothing in a free, casual style wholesale. Priorities: natural fabrics, soothing colors, loose fit and easy combination of clothes will help you create your favorite image of a cute and modest Muslim woman ... Fabric: two-thread jersey , Turkey Colors: blue, green, burgundy, brown, black, gray Sizes: 44 - 50 < / strong> At any celebration you will be the most gentle and pure pearl - in a new outfit from FATIMA_KG and with your warm smile! < br>
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: Adresse:
Kleidung und textil, Damen bekleidung, Alltagskleider, Muslimische bekleidung, Damen muslimische kleidung Kirgisistan, Рынок дордой 3 проход, контейнер №200

Die Bedeutung des Wortes "Hijab" ist islamische Frauenkleidung. Trotzdem hat der "Hijab" eine viel tiefere Bedeutung als nur Kleidung; Um einem muslimischen Kleidungsstil zu folgen, muss man sich muslimisch verhalten. Dies ist nicht nur Demut und Zurückhaltung in der Kleidung, sondern auch Bescheidenheit und Moralität im Charakter. Und das Wichtigste dabei ist die innere Welt einer muslimischen Frau - ihr Anstand, ihre guten Manieren und ihre Ehre. Allah definierte die Eigenschaften von Frauenkleidern, indem er Frauen befahl, ihre Köpfe auf der Straße zu bedecken. Muslimische Kleidung impliziert keinen "besonderen Stil", eine Frau kann alles tragen, was sie will: Sommerkleider, Kleider, Tuniken und lange Röcke, klassisch und orientalisch. Es ist nur notwendig, dass muslimische Kleidung bestimmten Anforderungen entspricht, die für islamische Kleidung festgelegt wurden. Die Scharia schreibt vor, dass die Wahl der Kleidung dem Ermessen der Frauen überlassen bleibt, um Aurat zu verbergen. Die Art der Kleidung und der Geschmack der Menschen werden durch die Örtlichkeit, Bräuche und Traditionen beeinflusst. "Erleichtere dich, erschaffe keine Schwierigkeiten. Bringe gute Nachrichten und stachle nicht zum Ekel für die Religion auf!", Sagte der Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam. In der modernen Welt muslimische Frauen, Vertreter verschiedener Berufe (Ärzte, Lehrer, Journalisten, Anwälte, Manager, Studenten und andere). Das Designstudio "Fatima" entwickelt solche Modelle, damit sich eine im "Hijab" gekleidete muslimische Frau wohl fühlt, ihre Lieblingsarbeit mit Würde und vollem Bewusstsein ihres Anstands und ihrer Bescheidenheit verrichtet. Wir sind bereit, Ihrer Meinung und Ihrem Vorschlag, Schwester einer muslimischen Frau, zuzuhören, um für Sie neue und neue Modelle muslimischer Kleidung zu entwickeln. Der Islam ist eine Lebenseinstellung, Frieden und Ruhe, und Hijab ist die Freizeitkleidung einer muslimischen Frau, ein Symbol für Frieden und Ruhe. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu - Friede sei mit dir! Gnade und Segen des Schöpfers!

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