Trailer UPGP-73
The automatic cutter UPGP-73 is designed for lowering and suspending autonomous downhole tools in the coupling connection of the tubing string NKT-73 (89) GOST 633-80 at a given depth with subsequent disconnection from the wire on which the descent was carried out, and with subsequent removal of the device with the tool from the well. Specifications: Tubing standard size: 60, 73, 89 Execution: non-corrosive, K1, K2 Manufacturer: LLC "ECOLIGHT-GEOTECHNIKA"

Trailer UPGP-73 - 59984

1.0 USD/Stück 1.0 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 1 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 10 шт/am Tag

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