Омега 3 6 9
Омега 3 6 9
Омега 3 6 9
Омега 3 6 9
Leenvit Omega-3 + 6 + 9 is a natural, 100% pure, innovative, concentrated and environmentally friendly source of Omega-3 acids in the form of monoesters with a high concentration without additives or preservatives. An all-plant flax product that is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. 4ml contains up to 2000 mg of the purest omega-3 ALA.

Омега 3 6 9 - 61435

USD 12.36 - 20.0 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 1 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 5000 шт/am Tag

Leenvit Kazakhstan
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