Activis® doppeltwirkendes Phytogel
has a unique double effect: when applied to the skin, it has an initial cooling and then warming effect improves blood microcirculation in the skin ensures the harmonious processes of toning and soothing helps to restore skin tone, firmness and elasticity effective against tension and muscle fatigue How to use: daily 1 -2 times a day a small amount of phytogel is rubbed into the skin of the body as needed with light massage movements until completely absorbed. Active ingredients: bile medicinal, menthol, camphor, propolis extract, pepper extract, clove essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, arnica, garlic, lemon balm, horse chestnut extracts. Pepper extract has a local irritant and warming effect, used to reduce pain and inflammation in arthrosis. Medical bile is used externally for acute and chronic arthrosis, arthritis, secondary radiculitis, etc. as an analgesic, local anti-inflammatory and absorbable means. Eucalyptus oil effectively anesthetizes, disinfects and promotes rapid skin regeneration, well helps with rheumatism, joint and muscle pain. Arnica extract is used for stretching and tearing muscles and tendons, for dislocations; in case of hemorrhages, it stimulates the healing process. Clove oil restores strength after nervous and physical stress, has a warming effect, relieves nervous tremors, supports recovery from injuries, illnesses and operations. Propolis extract has a pronounced absorbent, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, astringent, antipruritic and healing effect. Camphor reduces the sensitivity of skin receptors, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. Volume: 125 ml Shelf life: 36 months

Activis® doppeltwirkendes Phytogel - 23898

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3.2 USD/Stück 3.2 USD

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