Industrial boilers
Industrial boilers
Industrial boilers
Factory JSC "Elevatormelmash" produces industrial boilers of the following types: - boilers steam, fire-tube, three-way, horizontal; - boiler steam, flame tube, two-way, vertical - boilers hot water, fire-tube, three-way, horizontal - boiler hot water, fire tube, two-way, vertical - boiler steam, flame tube, two-way, vertical Steam boilers intended for steam temperature up to 115 o C, due to built-in superheater with overpressure up to 0.07 MPa for the purpose heat supply of technological processes. Hot water boilers designed for heating water temperature up to 95 o C, with forced water circulation at operating pressure up to 0.3 MPa for heat supply technological processes.

Industrial boilers - 10583

richtigstellen Sie die Anwesenheit
285897.0 USD/Stück 285897.0 USD

Minimaler Auftrag: 1 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: nicht gezeicht

АО "Элеватормельмаш"
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