Пологоизогнутый гуммированный отвод
Пологоизогнутый гуммированный отвод
Пологоизогнутый гуммированный отвод
THE BENDING GUMMATED SLEEVE IS INTENDED TO PROVIDE SMOOTH CHANGE OF THE FLOW DIRECTION WHEN TRANSPORTING THE ABRASIVE MIXTURE. & nbsp; The elbow consists of a metal jacket and an internal rubber chamber, during the production of which NPO Composite uses rubber based on natural or synthetic rubber, which provides an increased margin of resistance to abrasion. & nbsp; The metal jacket is made of high-strength steel, which eliminates deformation of the product during operation. The gently bent rubberized bends are used when it is necessary to smoothly change the direction of movement of the hydrotransport mixture in areas of increased abrasion of the pipeline system. & nbsp;

Пологоизогнутый гуммированный отвод - 66462

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LLP "KazPromSnab-2011"
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