Shut-off, control, safety valves, instrumentation
We offer from a warehouse in Tver and on order: Shut-off, control and safety valves, instrumentation. You can buy from us: heat meters, water meters, filters, pressure regulators, expansion tanks, separators, electric drives, flow converters (flow meters), temperature sensors, pressure sensors, level sensors, elevators, PREM, VKT, mud collectors, condensate drains, flexible connectors (vibration compensators), frequency converters, temperature controllers, gate valves, gate valves 30s41nzh, gates, thermomanometers, pressure gauges, thermometers, valves, valves, ball valves, temperature and pressure sensors, temperature controllers, pressure gauges, devices Electrodes.

Shut-off, control, safety valves, instrumentation - 70960

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Minimaler Auftrag: 1 шт

Die Möglichkeit der Lieferung: 1 шт/pro Monat

Tver industrial and repair group of companies, Tver
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