Sohbete başla

Qoovee'de toptan Ev ve ofis ürünleri

USD 175.47 - 246.31/pcs
Фиксинг Дюралайт (напряжение 220V, d-13мм, рулон 100 м), гибкий и прозрачный пластиковый шнур, в котором расположены миниатюрные светодиоды определенного цвета. Изделие характеризуется повышенной яркостью, небольшим энергопотреблением и долговечностью. Его можно применять на улице, так как он изготовлен из морозостойкого и влагозащищенного материала. Так, с помощью светодиодного шнура можно осуществлять подсветку ниш в стенах и потолках.Довольно часто, особенно в преддверии новогодних праздников, для создания подсветки используются специальные ленты дюралайт. Все мы уже не раз видели различные здания или какие-либо другие объекты, украшенные световым проводом дюралайт. Однако далеко не все люди знают, что собой представляет этот провод и в каких случаях его можно использовать.Светодиодный LED дюралайтДюралайт, как правило, выглядит как обычная плоская лента из ПВХ или как шнур с круглым сечением. При этом внутри данной конструкции спрятана гирлянда, состоящая из светодиодов.Дополнительно стоит отметить, что светодиодный дюралайт LED может иметь несколько токопроводящих жил: • Две. • Три. • Пять.Стоит отметить что изделия, имеющие две токопроводящие жилы, подключаются напрямую к самому источнику питания. Главной их особенностью является то, что после включения они светятся непрерывно.Дюралайт с трех или пяти токопроводящими жилами подключается к сети с помощью специального контролера. Именно поэтому свечение таких изделий может быть динамическим.Цветовая гаммаСветодиодные дюралайты имеют широкую цветовую гамму. Однако самыми распространенными для них считаются такие цвета как: • Зеленый. • Белый. • Синий. • Желтый. • Красный. Кроме того, сейчас в продаже можно найти модели рассчитанные сразу на 2 или даже на 4 цвета. Они, как правило, стоят немного дороже.Где используется дюралайт светодиодный LEDОсновной задачей таких световых элементов, как светодиодные дюралайты LED, является выделение и украшение различных объектов, расположенных на улице. Кроме того, их довольно часто используют для украшения интерьера помещений.Однако чаще всего световой провод дюралайт используют для: 1. Подсветки различных зданий и прилавков. 2. Украшения кустов, деревьев, скульптур, арок или мостов. 3. Подсветки проемов дверей, ниш, полок или арок. 4. Создания рекламных стендов, вывесок и щитов. 5. Подсветки логотипов и надписей. Отдельно стоит отметить, что дюралайт LED обладает целым рядом различных преимуществ: • Прочность и надежность. • Долговечность. • Высокое качество освещения. • Яркость и оригинальность.С помощью дюралайт LED можно украсить не только фасад своего дома перед Новым годом, но и сделать подсветку в квартире. Он удобен, практичен и безопасен, поэтому его можно использовать даже в жилых помещениях.
USD 2.35 - 4.68/pcs
На сегодняшний день светодиодные ленты LED получили широкое распространение, и если раньше о них мало кто слышал, то сейчас тяжело отыскать человека, который не знал бы, что они собой представляют. Однако, несмотря на такую известность и популярность, до сих пор не все знают, какие существуют типы лент LED, и чем они отличаются друг от друга.Светодиодные ленты LED: область применения, видыКак мы уже говорили ранее, лента LED имеет широкую область применения. Ее используют как для подсветки определенных деталей интерьера, так и для организации освещения в определенном помещении.Светодиодные ленты LED бывают: • Одноцветными. • Многоцветными. При этом стоит отметить, что чаще всего встречаются одноцветные ленты следующих цветов: 1. Белого. 2. Желтого. 3. Синего. 4. Зеленого. 5. Красного.И как ни странно, сложнее всего получить именно подсветку белого цвета.Сделать это можно двумя способами:1. Использовав многоцветную LED ленту, состоящую из кристалликов синего, красного и зеленого цвета. Ведь все мы знаем, что если перемешать вышеперечисленные цвета, то можно получить белый цвет.2. Добиться полностью белого свечения тоже можно, покрыв синие светодиоды люминофором. При этом от толщины слоя люминофора будет зависеть то, какой именно оттенок будет у белого цвета: теплый или холодный. Кроме того, светодиодная LED лента еще отличается по своему назначению: • Открытая. • С односторонней защитой. • С двухсторонней защитой. А вот по своему исполнению все светодиодные LED ленты можно поделить на следующие типы: 1. RGB. 2. 352. 3. 5050.Так как светодиодная LED лента 5050 состоит из 3-ех кристаллов, она является наиболее яркой и чаще всего используется для декора потолков. А вот для подсветки ниш и мебели, как правило, применяют светодиодную ленту 3528, так как она «не режет» глаза и считается более тусклой.Также довольно часто для потолочного освещения и декора используют многоцветную RGB ленту. Ведь в случае, если вы решите сделать ремонт или вам просто надоест цвет подсветки, вы в любой момент сможете его поменять с помощью специального контролера.Цена светодиодных лент напрямую зависит от количества расположенных на них светодиодов. Ведь чем больше количество светодиодов на каждый метр ленты, тем в итоге ярче получается освещение.В заключении стоит отметить, что светодиодную ленту LED легко можно прикрепить практически в любом месте, ведь ее обратная сторона представляет собой сплошную клейкую поверхность. Поэтому вы легко сможете справиться с монтажом светодиодной ленты самостоятельно.
USD 6.69 - 10.88/pcs
Гибкий неон — это новейшая разработка в области осветительного оборудования. Он представляет собой гибкий световой шнур, изготовленный по специальной технологии, с применением светодиодов.Гибкий неон на печатной плате (напряжение 220V, ПВХ белого цвета, сечение 15x26мм, кратность резки 1 м), кат. профессиональный, поставляется в рулонах длиной 50 м., каждый рулон укомплектован 5-ю комплектами для подключения. Гибкий светодиодный неон подключается напрямую к питанию. Он обеспечивает мягкий, приятный свет, равномерно распределенный по всей длине шнура. Его используют в качестве декоративного элемента для зданий, как архитектурная подсветка, подсветка фасадов, рекламных вывесок, витрин, а также как самостоятельный осветительный прибор в помещениях.
USD 22.89 - 37.6/pcs
Административно-офисные светильники        ❖QID HOME&OFFICE;❖ Неправильно организованное офисное освещение снижает работоспособность персонала на 30%. Компания "КВИД ЛАЙТ" специализируется на освещении офисных помещений и готова предложить широкий ассортимент светодиодной продукции. Светодиодные лампы не выделяют тепло и не мерцают, поэтому не пересушивают и не раздражают глаза. Отличаются высокой яркостью и создают мягкое и равномерное свечение. Светодиодное офисное освещение подходит как для традиционных потолков, так и для современных потолочных изделий (Армстронг и его аналоги). Легко монтируется в толщу конструкции. Благодаря разнообразию форм и размеров LED-лампы отлично дополняют интерьер помещения и освещают большую площадь.
USD 124.86 - 433.64/pcs
Уличные светильники ❖QID-STREET❖Уличный светильник QID-STREET, предназначен для:Автомобильных дорог, транспортных развязок, автостоянокостановочных комплексовулиц, площадей, скверов, придомовых территорийжилых и административных зданийторговых и складских помещенийобъектов социально-культурного назначенияжелезнодорожной инфраструктурыпромышленных-производственных площадей
USD 1.53 - 21.8/pcs
Светодиодные лампы с цоколем Е27, Е40, Т8.Подобрать светодиодные лампы с цоколем Е27, Е40 и Т8 производства ООО “ПСМ-Лайт”, вы можете в данном разделе нашего сайта. Светодиодные лампы предназначены для замены традиционных сменных цокольных газоразрядных ламп и ламп накаливания, и благодаря аналогичному цоколю устанавливаются в уже существующие у вас светильники без какой-либо переделки (настольные, потолочные и подвесные светильники). Мы предлагаем светодиодные led лампы для дома или офиса, с распространенными цоколями Е27, Е40 и Т8, напряжением питающей сети 220 В, с холодным и теплым свечением лампы (цветовой температурой). Led лампы лучшее решение для установки в домашние и производственные светильники, расход электроэнергии по сравнению с лампами накаливания уменьшается до 10 раз, по сравнению с газоразрядными лампами до 2 раз. При этом светодиодные лампы абсолютно безвредны для человека, и не требуют специальной утилизации, как ртутные лампы. Коэффициент пульсации светодиодных ламп практически отсутствует, что позволяет использовать эти диодные лампы при освещении дома и рабочих мест с продолжительной зрительной работой, например, использовать для местного освещения при работе на компьютере. Со всеми преимуществами светодиодных лед ламп вы можете ознакомиться на главной странице нашего сайта. Цоколь Е27 это самый распространенный цоколь для ламп, используемых в домашних светильниках, цоколь Е40 чаще применяется на более мощных светильниках эксплуатируемых на производстве. Цоколь G13 (Т8) установлен на потолочных подвесных светильниках, для установки сменных люминесцентных ламп.
USD 14.17 - 19.18/pcs
СВЕТОДИОДНЫЕ ОФИСНЫЕ СВЕТИЛЬНИКИВ настоящем разделе представлены светодиодные офисные светильники производства ООО ”ПСМ-Лайт”. Наши светодиодные светильники для офиса имеют современный дизайн, и рассчитаны для установки и продолжительной работы в помещениях офисов, магазинов, торговых центров, различных учреждений, в том числе медицинских, детских и образовательных (школ и университетов). Светильники представлены, как моделями для точечной установки в гипсокартонные поверхности (потолок, стены), так и моделями для установки на подвесной потолок типа Армстронг (Armstrong) и Грильято.
USD 0.86 - 10.89/pcs
USD 1.2 - 81.74/pcs
Серия RelaxСветодиодные cветильники Relax поддерживают 9 настраиваемых режимов свечения. Переключать их можно касаясь сенсора или издавая громкие звуки (не переусердствуйте), а настраиваются они на компьютере с помощью ПО. Созданные вами настройки сохранятся в виде wav-файла, который можно воспроизвести любым популярным проигрывателем и таким образом загрузить их в светильник через звук! Серия "Умный свет"Серия "Умный свет" помимо стандартного функционала Relax умеет светить ещё и белым светом. Для управления белым светильники имеют вторую кнопку: с её помощью можно включать и выключать белый свет, а так же регулировать его яркость.Серия "Неон"В изделиях серии "Неон" в качестве элементов свечения используются световые трубки "холодного" неона - гибкие пластиковые шнуры с герметично залитым внутри них токонесущим проводом. Светящийся шнур механически прочен, не бьётся, не выцветает, водонепроницаем и хорошо принимает любые формы.LED-posLED стенды - это отличный способ наглядной рекламы вашего товара. Изготовленный из прозрачного акрила и подсвеченный светодиодами стенд очень привлекает внимание людей и будет заметно выделяться на фоне традиционных рекламных носителей.Преимущества LED стендов:Люди издали обращают внимание на необычный светящийся стенд.LED стенды имеют очень низкое энергопотребление и очень высокий срок службы.Мы можем как модифицировать существующий LED стенд по вашим пожеланиям (нанесём ваши надписи и рисунки, изменим форму стенда), так и изготовить для вас оригинальную конструкцию.
USD 24.52 - 239.99/pcs
Светодиодные фитосветильники FitoLED предназначены для ускоренного развития рассады овощей, экзотических и комнатных цветов, лимонов. Рост растений происходит в 2-4 раза быстрее. С успехом фитосветильники используются в производстве грибов. При подсветке аквариумов наблюдается редкое явление «пузырения» растений – настолько активно производится кислород. Фитосветильники FitoLED используются как источник основного освещения растений при полном отсутствии света или дополнительного при недостатке естественного освещения. Источниками света в светильнике являются специально разработанные по спектру и силе светового потока фитосветодиоды HyperRed (660 нм) и DeepBlue (451 нм) компании Osram, которые необходимы для быстрого роста растений.
USD 10.32 - 394.65/pcs
The body of industrial LED lamps is made of aluminum alloy, the protective glass is made of monolithic polycarbonate. As a result, they have a higher degree of protection, are anti-vandal, durable and resistant to various external influences. Their technical characteristics guarantee uninterrupted operation in temperate and cold climates and are suitable for operation in a 220 V AC network with a nominal frequency of 50 Hz. Advantages of industrial luminaires improved color rendering; instant on ; no flicker or noise; < em> LED luminaires are maintenance-free for a lifetime of over 80,000 hours; no inrush currents.
USD 20.05 - 40.0/pcs
Waterproof LED industrial lights
USD 18.96 - 52.31/pcs
LED luminaires LEDUS of the LINE series are the latest development of LED luminaires for an economical replacement of standard fluorescent luminaires such as LPO 2x18 or LPO 2x36. A distinctive feature of LEDUS luminaires is Volumetric plafond Installation of the lamp within 1-3 minutes High-quality electronics
USD 20.05 - 37.38/pcs
It's no secret that every year electricity is getting more expensive and the owners of office buildings, factories, factories, shopping centers are looking for new ways to save electricity. One of the directions is lighting.
USD 3.96 - 77.93/pcs
Exclusive Candles Exclusive candles have an extended burning time, which is convenient and practical for decorating large rooms, restaurants, bars, fireplace halls. It is possible to make a very special candle according to your wishes, which can be used for a very long time both for lighting and for decorating the interior.
USD 0.15 - 13.19/pcs
White Candles for creativity, decoration of wedding celebrations. Various heights, configurations and diameters.
USD 0.09 - 0.49/pcs
Tomsk Lighting Plant is a manufacturer and reliable supplier of a wide range of lighting products. Based on the 75-year experience of Tomsk Electric Lamp Plant we know all the details mass production of lamps on an industrial scale. Working in the modern lighting industry, we aim to improve the quality of life of people by enabling them to use high-quality and safe light sources for their needs.
USD 7.08 - 185.28/pcs
New technologies have burst into our lives, affecting the most familiar and ordinary things. Incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps have been replaced by energy-saving LED lamps, instantly changing our understanding of high-quality lighting and energy costs. Currently, this is one of the most promising areas in lighting technology, which is developing more and more actively and, despite not the lowest price, is gradually replacing outdated devices from our streets, entrances, residential buildings and offices. Production of LED lamps are being mastered not only by leading foreign companies, our country is constantly developing in this direction. advantages in comparison with more familiar lamps for us: - High reliability and vibration resistance; - Low the level of energy consumption, due to which, with the same illumination, energy costs are reduced several times; - Economical in operation and maintenance; - No flickering effect and harmful radiation; < p> - High resistance to mechanical stress; - Fire safety; - Environmental friendliness, since they are not Mercury is used, these lamps are very easy to dispose of. luminaires developed by us are designed to illuminate office, retail and public spaces, corridors and lobbies, staircases and elevator platforms, and many others similar premises. The presence of our own power supply in our lamps allows us to abandon the use of ballasts (electronic ballasts), starters and cold contacts, which significantly reduces power consumption and increases the reliability of the product, and, accordingly, its service life. Another development deserves attention. of our company - LED lamps SB-B, intended for use in housing and communal services. SB-B lamps are LED lighting modules that can be used as a light source in various types of fixtures , including portable, built-in and general-purpose ones. In addition, such energy-saving lamps are quite suitable for independent use, since they can be equipped with built-in power supplies. The power supplies of our lamps are equipped with special protection that does not allow them to fail even during overloads occurring in the supply voltage , and the use of duplicate chains protects the lamp from its complete burnout in case of failure of at least one LED. What is very attractive in these lamps for housing and communal services workers is a special baseless design that does not allow using them for household lamps, which significantly reduces their attractiveness for theft. Installation of lamps in anti-vandal lamp housings excludes the possibility of destruction and disabling of lamps even in the most remote corridors and entrances. Our company continues its purposeful work to improve the LED lamps and energy saving lamps and the development of new and improved models. Being fully aware of the ever-increasing need of society for saving energy and being well aware of the difficulties with which workers of housing and communal services encounter when lighting and servicing facilities, we carry out extensive explanatory work, demonstrating in practice the economic benefits and high reliability that LED lamps and energy-saving lamps provide. All the technical and circuitry solutions we use, on which it is based production of LED lamps and lamps, patented and are the property of NPP VOLSON .
USD 76.07 - 374.74/pcs
All models have the highest characteristics: energy efficiency (120-150 Lm / W), operational reliability (5 and more years of operation without significant changes in parameters, and without replacing blocks), high-quality light (spectrum, color rendering, no flicker). < / p> In addition to the leading basic parameters, LED lighting from Pandora LED has a number of additional, in many ways unique, properties: - programming of automatic daily modes, time synchronization and coordinates using the built-in GPS / Glonass receiver ; - temperature monitoring of matrices with an accuracy of 0.5 ° С; - adjustable power supplies of our own design, power factor not worse than 98%; - LED matrices of our own design and production 140-165 Lm / W ( at 350mA); - automatic compensation of luminous flux loss as a result of degradation or malfunction of one of the matrices, up to 30%; - integrated software counters for daily, monthly, annual and total energy consumption; Remote control options are implemented in Pandora LED lamps: 1) BlueTooth 4.0 with Android version not lower than 4.3 (up to 70 meters), 2 ) via the power supply network using the PLC protocol with Internet telemetry and in the KULON ASUNO (Sundrax LLC);
USD 100.27/pcs 100.27
USD 21.67 - 2270.89/pcs
All models have the highest characteristics: energy efficiency (120-150 Lm / W), operational reliability (5 and more years of operation without significant changes in parameters, and without replacing blocks), high-quality light (spectrum, color rendering, no flicker). < / p> In addition to the leading basic parameters, LED lighting from Pandora LED has a number of additional, in many ways unique, properties: - programming of automatic daily modes, time synchronization and coordinates using the built-in GPS / Glonass receiver ; - temperature monitoring of matrices with an accuracy of 0.5 ° С; - adjustable power supplies of our own design, power factor not worse than 98%; - LED matrices of our own design and production 140-165 Lm / W ( at 350mA); - automatic compensation of luminous flux loss as a result of degradation or malfunction of one of the matrices, up to 30%; - integrated software counters for daily, monthly, annual and total energy consumption; Remote control options are implemented in Pandora LED lamps: 1) BlueTooth 4.0 with Android version not lower than 4.3 (up to 70 meters), 2 ) via the power supply network using the PLC protocol with Internet telemetry and in the KULON ASUNO (Sundrax LLC); Pandora LED lamps are sold at the manufacturer's price, there are wholesale discounts !
USD 32.15 - 425.06/pcs
In the category of industrial LED luminaires, there are products designed for use as light sources in industrial buildings, warehouses, in various kinds of storage facilities, etc. Luminaires ranging from 50 to 500 watts have excellent characteristics for lighting these types of premises. Tightness and effective heat dissipation properties allow the use of this equipment in poorly ventilated rooms, as well as in rooms with high temperature and humidity. When purchasing, you must select the type of reflector and color temperature parameters. These lighting fixtures are equipped with three types of reflectors. The type of reflector should be selected based on the estimated area of ​​the light coverage, the installation height and the number of installed lamps in the area of ​​the illuminated room. The widest coverage angle is provided by a device with a 120 ° deflector, respectively, the narrowest coverage angle for a 45 ° deflector. By color temperature, they are divided into three types: Warm (2700 -3500K) Natural (4000-4500) Cold (5700-6500) The luminaire is fixed to the ceiling using a mounting eye bolt directly to an anchor bolt or through a chain or a cable. Due to careful, professional selection of components and high-quality assembly, Svetlov industrial LED lamps will serve you for the full declared period without any maintenance. Custom-made production is possible.
USD 1.23 - 73.35/pcs
In conditions of regularly increasing prices for electricity, the issue of its saving is always relevant. Judge for yourself: in connection with the transition to a social norm of electricity consumption, every inhabitant of our country becomes a "hostage" of a certain limit of kilowatt hours, exceeding which is fraught with double or triple payment for overruns. The usual incandescent lamps are unlikely to help us "fit" into the framework proposed by the state, because of which the waste of money on electricity can increase significantly. We offer you the obvious and most optimal way out of this situation: you need to abandon the gluttonous incandescent lamps and replace them with LED lamps for the home, which you can buy from us. LED lamps for the home - real saving your budget According to statistics, it takes about 170 kWh to illuminate one apartment of a standard layout with conventional LNs. The use of LED lamps for the home reduces electricity consumption to 18-25 kWh, i.e. the difference between these indicators is 8-10 times! At the same time, the consumer of electricity does not lose at all in the quality of lighting: all the energy consumed by the light bulb turns exclusively into light, and not into heat, as is the case with LN. Having opted for LEDs, you will appreciate: a clean spectrum of their radiation, characterized by the absence of ultraviolet and infrared rays in its range, their long service life, reaching 11 years of continuous operation, environmental friendliness of materials used in their manufacture, product strength, high brightness, no flicker effect, proven by clinical trials carried out in the factory, < li> insignificant response to voltage fluctuations in the network, low inertia, due to which the LED lamp turns on at full power instantly. Significant price difference between LED lamps and standard incandescent lamps creates a certain barrier to their purchase by consumers. But the efficiency of electricity consumption by diodes is confirmed not only scientifically, but also by the practice of some European countries adhering to the strategy of minimizing expenses for housing and communal services. LEDꞌ lamps for the home are a choice worthy of respect Presented in In our catalog, LEDs are located on a copper substrate for better heat exchange with the cooling surface, which significantly improves heat dissipation and improves the life of the devices. If you buy an LED lamp on a copper substrate, then for 10-12 years it will work flawlessly every day for 14 hours a day! So, with Svetlov Plant you will successfully replace: incandescent lamps with a power of up to 100 W - LED lamps of the corresponding cap (E14 and E27), halogen analogs with a consumption power of 30 to 50 W - MR16 lamps (3-5W). We are always ready to answer additional questions that you may have during your acquaintance with LED products. You can ask them via e-mail or by phone on the website.
USD 5.72 - 36.78/pcs
Nizhny Novgorod has a modern lighting market: it presents a variety of products, the most popular and demanded among which is the LED. Comparing the performance characteristics of different light sources, experts use qualitative and quantitative indicators, as well as the reliability and durability of the device. To ensure the maximum life of the LED, as well as its correct operation, it is important to choose a power source that meets all the technical characteristics. Maksiled stores offer a wide range of LED panels for lighting large areas. POWER SUPPLY FOR LED AND LED TAPE: BASIC REQUIREMENTS Reliability; Electromagnetic compatibility with light source; Safety; Energy efficiency. SERVICE LIFE Considering that the operating period of the light diode is not less than 50 thousand hours, the service life of the power supply of led bulbs must correspond to the declared quality. EFFICIENCY Products based on LEDs are an innovative energy-saving technology. In this regard, in order for the entire LED system not to lose its efficiency, the efficiency of the device must be maximized. Note: This is the only element that interacts with the electrical network, which is why the electrical safety of the lighting the system completely depends on the design features and technical parameters of the power supply. HOW TO CHOOSE THE POWER SUPPLY FOR LEDS There is a certain order of selection. Required determine the type of device - power supply or driver. Power supply with voltage stabilization. Power supply with current stabilization (driver). Determine the power of the device. You will need to calculate the total power of the entire circuit that is connected to the electrical network. It is important that the power of the power supply is equal to or exceeds the obtained value. The main principle of choosing a driver is that the device must correspond to the power and currents of the LEDs. The body of the device must be made of material resistant to mechanical and climatic influences, capable of withstanding moisture and temperature extremes. If the power supply is to be operated in difficult conditions, its case must have a certain protection class, indicated by two letters - IP and two numbers. < / ul> We would also like to invite you to familiarize yourself with our assortment LED lamps from leading manufacturers at competitive prices!
USD 0.2 - 33.84/pcs
Flexible LED strip-a unique gift for all professionals and designers, which allows you to implement a variety of complex lighting projects. This is an additional lighting element in the room, which can become a real "highlight" and an original decor. The scope of application covers interior design, decoration of advertising signs, organization of lighting in the premises and on the street.SCOPE OF USE OF LED STRIPThe device is a flexible circuit board, on a flat surface of which diodes are fixed at an equal distance. Proper operation is ensured by resistors, the main task of which is to limit the current passing through the semiconductor. Each element is connected by conducting paths. Power to the entire system is provided by special adapters. The main function of the adapter is to convert the voltage coming from the electrical network to an acceptable voltage for the lighting device-12 or 24 watts.They differ in the color scheme and intensity of the glow. Nizhny Novgorod has specialized stores where you can buy LED strip white, blue, green and red.The white version has the largest number of shades: < li>cold – the radiation is slightly bluish, corresponding to a color temperature of 10000 oC; < li>a normal white shade, equal to a temperature of 3500-5500 oC;< / li>a warm shade of white, corresponding to a temperature of 2700 oC.< / li>< / ul>To solve certain problems, a simple device with monochrome radiation is not enough, in this case, you can organize the illumination with a model that reproduces different colors. This is the most versatile solution – in this case, each light bulb reproduces one of the monochrome shades-blue, green and red. Depending on the amount of each of the shades, a certain color is formed when mixed.WHERE IS THE DIODE TAPE USED?Automotive sphere< / li>Diodes are installed in the headlights of vehicles. Such illumination is not a whim of the motorist and not an idle desire to decorate the car, but a very specific requirement of the traffic police. By the way, the use of such lighting devices in headlights is much more economical than the usual incandescent lamps, and their operational period is much longer.If there is a desire to give the car a personality, it is enough to install a red LED strip or any other color under the body.Note: < / strong> The special feature of such lighting devices is their resistance to vibration, that is why this method of lighting is especially appreciated by motorists. < strong>Advertising sphere< / li>In stores, the tapes are used to focus on products or certain areas of the room. With the help of a red or green model embedded in signs and billboards, you can significantly expand your target audience.Home lightingDecorative lighting of the aquarium, ceiling, and interior of cabinets.In the kitchen, the use of diodes allows you to create a comfortable environment for cooking.Additional illumination of the TV or computer monitor. Watching movies in the dark negatively affects a person's vision, as the sharp contrast between a dark room and a glowing screen causes a burning sensation and a sting in the eyes. That is why the low-power lighting will create a comfortable environment for the eyes. It is best to place the light source behind the TV, in the case of a computer, you can simply stick it to the back of the monitor.Repair of computer equipment. When the lamps that illuminate the screen fail, they are changed to LEDs. At the same time, such castling does not affect the image quality, moreover, the durability of the backlight increases. The only drawback is that the installation will require a technical revision of the monitor circuit.The light in the room. Ordinary lighting can easily be transformed into the main light source, it is enough to distribute the LEDs on the ceiling above the level of the stretch ceiling. The advantage of such lighting is the ability to adjust its intensity.Night illumination. If you evenly distribute around the perimeter of the room, for example, a blue model of low brightness, it will perfectly replace the night light.Emergency lighting. For this purpose, red light diodes are best suited. The service life of this option is several times longer than any other.Street lighting. Some models are reliably protected from climatic events. They are installed along the paths in the garden, from the house to the gate.< / li>< / ul>< / li>Note: < / strong> such devices provide a powerful, bright glow without the use of additional light filters, which are usually quite bulky. In addition, the ribbon illumination saves the use of electricity, reduces the load on the network and the battery.< / p>WHAT KIND OF LED STRIP CAN I BUY IN THE STORETypes of diodes - SMD 3528; - SMD 3014; - SMD 2835; - SMD 5050.< / li> < p>The numbers indicate the dimensions in millimeters-3.5 by 2.8 and 5.0 by 5.0, respectively.The accompanying elements are resistors and pads where the wires necessary for power supply are connected.Note: < / strong> Any model is constructed from segments with a dividing line drawn between them. It is on it that the tape is divided into segments of the desired length.Color Management< / li>In the case of the monochrome version, the contacts are simply signed - " + "and" -", these symbols determine the polarity and sequence of connecting the device to the power source. < p>There are four outputs for color:< / p>"+12" or "+24";< / li>"R";< / li> "G";< / li>"B".Note:< / strong> If you connect the same pin value to the "+" pin of the power supply, and connect the minus pin to the same value of any letter, the ribbon will glow with the same color you selected. If you want to control each shade, use a special controller.Fasteners< / li>On the reverse side of all devices there is an adhesive material by which the lighting device is attached to any surface. The main thing is to pre-clean it from dust and degrease it.Versions< / li>In the simplest model, the diodes are not additionally protected. It can be used exclusively in residential areas with low humidity levels. Unprotected LEDs should be installed in such a way that they are not touched and not once again touched.For rooms with special operating conditions (high humidity, extreme temperature conditions) , we recommend purchasing a device with a special coating that prevents the penetration of moisture, dust and protects against the effects of extreme temperatures. The cost of the LED strip with a protective layer is higher, but the money spent will pay off with high reliability and durability.Note: < / strong> a special gel or polymer composition is used for the coating. In addition to the protective function, the coating plays the role of a lens that diffuses light.METHODS FOR CONTROLLING THE BACKLIGHT RIBBONThe control of light diodes involves:< / p> < li>brightness control;< / li> < li>setting the desired shade.< / li>< / ol>In order for the entire system to work smoothly, without failures, evenly and efficiently, it is important to correctly select the associated equipment, which is conditionally divided into four groups:Power supply;< / li>Controller-it is used to adjust each shade;< / li>Dimmer – required to adjust the brightness of the radiation;Power amplifier-it is installed to maintain the operation of the controller and dimmer in the case of connecting a high-power system.< / li>< / ol>POWER SUPPLY< / h3>The main function is simple activation.The principle of operation is to convert the voltage of the household network (220 V) into the voltage or current required for LEDs.Connection method – one device is connected to one adapter. When there is a need to connect two or more at the same time, use the parallel connection principle for power supplies with voltage stabilization and serial for power supplies with current stabilization. It is important to remember that the unit is designed for a certain power and load that the LEDs create. That is why, when planning a lighting system, it is important not to exceed the permissible limit and make a margin of 20%. To calculate the maximum block limit, you need to multiply the power of one LED element by their number.Maksiled stores offer a wide range of < a href="" title="Catalog power supplies">power supplies < /a> that provide the maximum service life of LEDs. < h3>RGB CONTROLLERThe control controller is used to control the glow shades. Using the remote control, a certain intensity and power of each base color is set. In accordance with this, the LEDs are supplied with the set voltage. As a rule, the remote control allows you to choose the mode of smooth change of shades or one of the built-in modes. < h3>DIMMERThe part is necessary to adjust the brightness of the glow. Consumers often ask – why can't a conventional variable resistor be used? The answer of experts: the correct operation of the lighting device, first of all, depends on the incoming voltage. By simply lowering the voltage value, you can turn off the lighting system. The brightness depends on the duration and frequency of the pulse current – the more often the LED flashes, the brighter and richer the radiation. With a decrease in the frequency and duration of the pulses, the radiation becomes dimmer.Note:< / strong> such blinking when controlled from the controller is not perceived by human vision.
USD 0.1 - 1.08/pcs
LED backlighting modules are widely demanded in the advertising field, and are also used to organize a lighting system outdoors and indoors. Such a diverse scope of application is due to the excellent performance of the equipment, a simple installation scheme, economy and practicality. With their help, you can quickly and effectively implement the most complex design and technical projects in the lighting of shops, shopping centers, landscaping and residential premises. LED MODULE LED - WHAT IS IT? For LED lighting modules are characterized by the following technical parameters: the number of LEDs, on average, each consists of two or three LEDs; LED type; LED size - depends on the specific type of device; dimensions may vary and are determined in accordance with the personal preferences of the client; voltage - as a rule, this parameter is 12 V; protection class - considering the wide range of applications and operational features, the equipment is protected by IP class; section color - can be monochrome or multi-colored (blue, red, yellow or green). TYPE OF LED MODULES Four types are used in the construction: DIP LED dy. Inside the structure there is a special lens, the main part of which is a crystal that forms a luminous flux. The device is equipped with two leads. Piranha. The main feature of the design is the presence of four leads, thanks to which the reliability and quality of installation are significantly increased. It is rarely used. SMD LEDs are the most popular and demanded. Technical features - compact dimensions, light weight, large selection of models. They are produced using surface mounting technology, which means that the LEDs are fixed to the surface of the board. COB LEDs. Technical feature - the chip is mounted inside the board. Thus, it is possible to significantly increase the reliability and durability of the entire structure, since the contact is protected from oxidation and other negative external influences. WHAT IS IT USED FOR? Outdoor advertising A bright, attention-grabbing sign will surely interest the target audience. The use of LED modules for creeping lines is a successful and effective marketing solution that can be used to: distinguish a product from competitive products; attract new potential customers; attract new business partners. Organization of indoor lighting. Lighting of fountains, architectural objects. Landscape design. < / li> OPERATING FEATURES Efficiency LED modules for advertising use energy as efficiently as possible, compared to conventional lighting devices, energy consumption is five to six times less . Long operational period In addition, it is reliable and does not require repair work throughout the entire period of operation. Practicality The use of devices based on LEDs can significantly reduce the overall budget of the advertising campaign. Versatility < p> Easily fixed on any surface - vertical or horizontal, while you can use tape or glue. Reliability The system is resistant to any kind of dirt, weather and mechanical stress. WHAT CAN I BUY LED MODULES FOR OUTDOOR ADVERTISING? There are a lot of modifications, but the main ones are three. The main technical difference is that the front part remains dark, in other variations the font is illuminated. This model is rightfully considered the most elegant. Edge-lit glass with diodes Used to create a luminous composition on the windows. It is used to decorate shop windows with exquisite multi-layered stained glass windows, in which each layer has its own individual shade. Dark lettering A cost-effective and durable alternative to neon signs. Volumetric, effectively illuminated letters will serve for many years without the need for additional maintenance and repair work. Light boxes They differ in a variety of shapes and sizes. The light source is placed inside such a box. Such equipment is distinguished by the maximum degree of reliability and protection from any external factors. LED display Multifunctional design, as it can be used to advertise goods and communicate important information to the target audience. Two modifications of the display: Scrolling line - differs in the minimum amount of electricity consumption; Stella - is used to display the cost of goods and the list of services. MEDIA FACADE DECORATION In large metropolitan areas, light modules are used to create exclusive, original images on the facades of buildings without changing the structure of the structure. The dimensions of such a media facade vary from 50 sq. meters up to five thousand square meters. meters. The main detail of the media facade is clusters, which are blocks with two to four diodes inside. The price of LED modules for creating unique lighting solutions for building facades is much lower in comparison with any other design options. Note: quality and the durability of the media facade largely depends on the correctly selected technical characteristics of the cluster, namely, the pixel pitch. The minimum value is 100 mm. The higher the resolution, the clearer and brighter the image. ADVANTAGES high brightness - the image is clearly visible at a distance of 70 meters; constant dynamics and lighting effects - potential customers attracts movement, change of information and images; the ability to change information at any time, make adjustments. RULES OF SELECTION Selection in in accordance with the size of the letters. for small letters (from 15 to 30 cm high) and signboards in the design of which thin light legs are provided, small devices with densely spaced crystals are suitable; for letters from 50 to 120 cm high and more than 10 cm deep, medium-sized devices with three crystals are used; optimal choice for large boxes with a depth of more than 10 cm and large letters - with four. First of all, you need as much specific information about the finished lighting device as possible - the size and depth of the font, the material of the faces the surface of the letters. Basic principles of selection: Illumination. Organizations in the city of Nizhny Novgorod use, as a rule, store signs or creepers with a brightness from 1200 to 1800 Lux. Signs of standard brightness are decorated with 3528 crystals. If more bright sign, 5050 is better. 5730 and 2835 LED modules allow you to create signs with maximum brightness. They are high performance, powerful, and are used in regions with difficult climatic conditions. To upgrade your lighting system, you can purchase RGB LED Amplifier in our store. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT LEDS? What housings are used to make LEDs. The basis is: 3014; 3528; 5050; 5730; 2835. Marking (numbers) means its dimensions in millimeters - 3.5 x 2.8 mm , 5.0 x 5.0 mm and 5.7 x 3.0 mm. The more, the brighter the light it emits. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Module Luminous flux, Lm 3014 18 to 33 3528 30 to 33 5050 60 to 66 5730 105 to 120 2835 60 to 130 < li> What material is used for the production of the case There are two types of plastic: - PVC - a more economical option; - ABS - this type of plastic is more expensive, but it has the best performance characteristics - it removes heat from crystals, is resistant to temperature extremes, and is durable. There are also two production technologies. The first involves the manufacture of a completely cast body. According to the second technology, the devices are mounted in a plastic box and covered with a layer of protective varnish. The cost of such diodes is somewhat lower, but they are also reliable and durable. Sizes There are many different sizes. As a rule, LEDs with the same number of crystals are produced in several variations. The most popular - with three, with similar performance characteristics can be: short case - crystals are installed tightly; elongated case - mounted at a distance; square body - mounted in a triangle. Depending on the shape, the installation method is chosen, for example, devices with a short body are preferable to use with dense packing of modules, and if the size of letters and depth are large, it is rational to use with elongated body. Note: Small devices with two crystals are installed in small signboards, as well as in structures of complex shapes, where there are many corners. How to understand the class protection All devices have an IP protection class, that is, they are protected from dust, mechanical action of solid objects and moisture. These requirements are established by international quality standards. After the letters, two numbers are indicated - the first of them means the degree of protection against exposure to hard objects, and the second - the degree of protection against moisture. Characteristics: IP20 - the product is protected from small objects, but not resistant to moisture; IP54 - the product is resistant to dust and minor splashes of water; IP65 - the product is impervious to dust and can withstand impact of a small stream of water; IP67 - a product with a sealed casing that can be mounted in the immediate vicinity of motorways and immersed in water. You can buy not only high quality LED modules, but also LED lamps of famous brands. We invite you to the Maxiled online store!

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