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Best Scooter Store
USD 161.0/个/件/只 161.0
DESCRIPTION The Antics The Oilslick 是一款特技滑板车,适用于滑板公园和垂直骑行。拥有轻质铝制 6061 车把有利于您的踏板车达到新的高度。此外,为了获得真正流畅的旋转技巧,它配备了 IHC,一个易于维护的压缩系统。轮辐芯由铝制成,非常耐用且超级时尚,面向公园的 Antics 专业滑板车,带有窄而轻的甲板,易于空中飞行,并且在半空中 Peg-cut dropout 时非常敏感,减轻了重量和为您提供安装各种销钉的选项,用于扩展磨削表面 规格 总高度:79.5 厘米 压缩类型:IHC 轮径:110 毫米 重量:121.7 盎司 杆宽:520 毫米 耳机类型:集成 1 1/8" 前叉类型:无螺纹最大骑手重量:220 磅 材料:铝 6061 甲板设计:一体式 甲板长度:19.7 英寸(50 厘米) 甲板宽度:4.5 英寸(11.4 厘米) 叉形设计:一体式 杆形:Y 形棒材:铝 6061 棒材高度:580mm 棒材外径:32mm(普通) 棒材内径:28mm 后掠:无 夹具尺寸:双 车轮轮廓:圆形 车轮硬度:88A 轮毂宽度:24mm 芯材:铝芯设计:辐条轴径:8mm 轴承精度:未指定 刹车类型:Fle x 挡泥板总成:部分组装
Best Scooter Store
USD 60.0/个/件/只 60.0
具有令人眼花缭乱的色彩乐趣 — 集成在甲板上的多色 LED 灯和聚氨酯轮使这款 Razor 滑板车一炮而红!运动激活 — 运动激活的多色 LED 灯在您踏上甲板后立即亮起,并在您走下 20 秒后熄灭。您不必担心关闭这款踏板车以节省电池,因为它会为您完成所有工作!质量工艺——来自 20 多年质量和创新的领先品牌,Razor A+ Lightshow 滑板车采用优质铝和钢制成,重量轻但耐用。可折叠和便携 — 这款滑板车采用我们原创的折叠机制,易于存放、携带和运输。无需组装,因此您可以在准备好后立即开始您的第一次滑板车冒险。可调节车把高度 — 专为与您的孩子一起成长而设计,易于调节的车把可让您提高高度以获得完美贴合。轻松停车 — 后挡泥板制动器鼓励自信的制动。规格 T 型管:铝 车把:可调节高度,折叠把手:泡沫下管:折叠轮:LED 发光,聚氨酯甲板:铝,振动激活,多色 LED “Lightshow” 刹车:后挡泥板电池:三个( 3) AAA(包括在内)年龄:6 岁以上最大骑手重量:143 磅(65 公斤)无需组装甲板长度和宽度:17.3 英寸 x 3.6 英寸(440 毫米 x 92 毫米)产品尺寸:23.9 英寸 x 11.3 英寸 x 32.4 英寸(60.7 厘米 x 28.8 厘米 x 82.3 毫米)产品重量:5.51 磅(2.5 千克)颜色:黑色、粉红色
Best Scooter Store
USD 80.0/个/件/只 80.0
来自 Root Industries 的 Type R Gold Rush 完整踏板车已抵达 Scooter Hut。 Gold Rush 是 Root Industries 产品目录中的主要颜色,这款踏板车是闪亮的明星,旨在在人群中脱颖而出。 R 型完全涵盖了中级骑手需求的所有角落。专注于 R 型甲板,甲板从前到后有两个 1.25 英寸宽的扁平导轨,以帮助锁定壁架和四分之一管上的研磨。前后甲板插头增加了安全性,同时保持了这款令人敬畏的踏板车的流畅设计。 Root Industries 利用其创新的高品质零件系列和引人注目的引人注目的饰面创造了 R 型踏板车。这些踏板车已经过 Roots 专业骑手团队的最终测试,并且在性能方面超出了预期,这些踏板车专为从初学者到高级的所有技能水平的骑手而设计。主要特点 - 甲板尺寸:123x500mm / 4.8x19.6in; 6061-T6 带尼龙前后嵌件 - 杆尺寸:580x550mm / 22.8x21.65; 13A 标准铬钼钢 - 锻造前叉 - AIR 耳机 - 锂双夹 - 车轮:110 毫米 x 24 毫米 8 辐黑色 PU / 黑芯 - R2 握把 - 根部“Cut-out R” 握把 - 高品质尼龙刹车
CMT Electronics Corps - 2
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 1259.0/个/件/只 1259.0
商品状况:您将获得关于各个产品、它们的状况、产品价格和信息照片的完全透明信息。货物状况良好,目视检查,分类为A、B、C类。最低购买量:将为您补货。报价是卡车的平均价格,因此价格会根据您的选择而有所不同。家居用品:消费类电子产品:电脑电器:电动电子相机、笔记本电脑、手机、无人机、显卡、主板、视频游戏、蚂蚁矿机、洗碗机、冰柜、炊具、冰箱/冰柜、烤箱、烘干机、洗衣机。顶级品牌:Apple、Sony、Panasonic、Heir Thermocool、MSI、Gigabyte、AMD、AEG、Bosch、Bauknecht、LG、Neff、Samsung、Siemens。预约:预约后,欢迎您随时参观我们在纽伦堡的仓库,让您相信我们的高品质。联系方式:如需了解更多详情,请将您的联系方式以短信形式发送给我们,或通过电话联系我们。我们期待合作成功。
CMT Electronics Corps - 2
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 508.0/个/件/只 508.0
商品状况:您将获得关于各个产品、它们的状况、产品价格和信息照片的完全透明信息。货物状况良好,目视检查,分类为A、B、C类。最低购买量:将为您补货。报价是卡车的平均价格,因此价格会根据您的选择而有所不同。家居用品:消费类电子产品:电脑电器:电动电子相机、笔记本电脑、手机、无人机、显卡、主板、视频游戏、蚂蚁矿机、洗碗机、冰柜、炊具、冰箱/冰柜、烤箱、烘干机、洗衣机。顶级品牌:Apple、Sony、Panasonic、Heir Thermocool、MSI、Gigabyte、AMD、AEG、Bosch、Bauknecht、LG、Neff、Samsung、Siemens。预约:预约后,欢迎您随时参观我们在纽伦堡的仓库,让您相信我们的高品质。联系方式:如需了解更多详情,请将您的联系方式以短信形式发送给我们,或通过电话联系我们。我们期待合作成功。
CMT Electronics Corps - 2
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 2499.0/个/件/只 2499.0
商品状况:您将获得关于各个产品、它们的状况、产品价格和信息照片的完全透明信息。货物状况良好,目视检查,分类为A、B、C类。最低购买量:将为您补货。报价是卡车的平均价格,因此价格会根据您的选择而有所不同。家居用品:消费类电子产品:电脑电器:电动电子相机、笔记本电脑、手机、无人机、显卡、主板、视频游戏、蚂蚁矿机、洗碗机、冰柜、炊具、冰箱/冰柜、烤箱、烘干机、洗衣机。顶级品牌:Apple、Sony、Panasonic、Heir Thermocool、MSI、Gigabyte、AMD、AEG、Bosch、Bauknecht、LG、Neff、Samsung、Siemens。预约:预约后,欢迎您随时参观我们在纽伦堡的仓库,让您相信我们的高品质。联系方式:如需了解更多详情,请将您的联系方式以短信形式发送给我们,或通过电话联系我们。我们期待合作成功。
CMT Electronics Corps - 2
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 720.0/个/件/只 720.0
商品状况:您将获得关于各个产品、它们的状况、产品价格和信息照片的完全透明信息。货物状况良好,目视检查,分类为A、B、C类。最低购买量:将为您补货。报价是卡车的平均价格,因此价格会根据您的选择而有所不同。家居用品:消费类电子产品:电脑电器:电动电子相机、笔记本电脑、手机、无人机、显卡、主板、视频游戏、蚂蚁矿机、洗碗机、冰柜、炊具、冰箱/冰柜、烤箱、烘干机、洗衣机。顶级品牌:Apple、Sony、Panasonic、Heir Thermocool、MSI、Gigabyte、AMD、AEG、Bosch、Bauknecht、LG、Neff、Samsung、Siemens。预约:预约后,欢迎您随时参观我们在纽伦堡的仓库,让您相信我们的高品质。联系方式:如需了解更多详情,请将您的联系方式以短信形式发送给我们,或通过电话联系我们。我们期待合作成功。
Great world electronics Ltd
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 3000.0/个/件/只 3000.0
3 年退货政策:本产品保证全新,并附带 90 天退货政策。 我们希望在第一个订单之后,您会从我们这里订购更多,因为我们希望现在和将来与您建立长期的业务合作。
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 250.0/个/件/只 250.0
状况:二手,品牌:Never Summer,商品长度:155 厘米,部门:男士,类型:全山地,宽度类型:常规,颜色:黑色,型号:滑雪板,主题:雪地,包括的绑定:Yes155 cm ROCKER CAMBER PROFILE Never Summer Cobra Carbonium 系列是一款高端中到专家级滑雪板。像弹簧一样僵硬。刚性骑行适合高速骑行和强劲的自由式骑行。像幽灵一样飞过粉末。碎冰没问题。在科罗拉多州丹佛市手工制作。包括中型 Burton Cartel 绑定。我在 2015 年为这个新装置支付了一大笔钱。在布莱顿的 3 个赛季中,它正好用了 9 次。上次使用后,木板打蜡并清理边缘,但在过去 4 年里已经存放了 4 年,所以它有点尘土飞扬,边缘需要再次清理。对我来说严重的医疗事件。不能再骑了。卖掉我所有的装备。对于初学者来说,这不是一个好板子。对于经验丰富的高级骑手来说,这是一个很棒的板子。还出售我的 Burton Driver-X 9 号靴子。查看我的其他列表。和平。
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 450.0/个/件/只 450.0
关于这个项目 卓越的性能 - 配备 300 瓦电机,将电动滑板车的最高速度提高到 15.5 英里/小时。 280.8Wh 高容量电池在特定条件下可实现 Max 18.6 Miles 行驶里程。在 LED 显示屏上轻松查看当前速度和电池寿命 双制动系统 - 盘式制动和防抱死制动双系统可在短距离内保持安全和灵敏的制动。前后 8.5 英寸充气轮胎即使在崎岖不平的道路或崎岖地形上也能舒适骑行 新的安全升级 - 我们做了很多工作来让骑行更加安全!升级的大灯提供了更多的视野。尾灯可以提醒其他人黑暗中的车辆。额外的 6 个反射器在夜间骑行时提供全方位保护 舒适骑行 - 电动滑板车的宽甲板(6.6 英寸宽/28.3 英寸长)为您的双脚提供更大的舒适度,并在您踩踏时提高稳定性. 大而柔软的防滑踏板让您即使在长途通勤时也能放松 ONE-STEP FOLDING SYSTEM - XR Elite E Scooter 配备独特的 One-step 折叠系统,最大限度地提高便携性。铝材料可以增强稳定性,和一个特殊的红色安全按钮,可防止滑板车在骑行时折叠
USD 300.0/个/件/只 300.0
就家用电动汽车充电站的供应、安装、测试和调试与我们联系。 欧洲/澳大利亚/美国/加拿大/南美交流家用电动汽车充电站👍#EV CHARGING STATION SUPPLY & IINSTALLATION-Type 1 EV PLUG TYPE 2 EV PLUG-
USD 300.0/пар 300.0
就家用电动汽车充电站的供应、安装、测试和调试与我们联系。 欧洲/澳大利亚/美国/加拿大/南美AC家庭的EV充电站👍#EV CHARGING STATION SUPPLY & IINSTALLATION-Type 1 EV PLUG TYPE 2 EV PLUG-
USD 1250.0/个/件/只 1250.0
世界上最快、最平稳的滚动、最舒适的操控和最时尚的铝制公路自行车。这些不是绰号,而是根据 Cannondale 的说法,是对 CAAD13 Disc ULT 的准确描述。一系列技术为车架配备了所需的最大刚度,以准确地将踩踏力传递给车轮的旋转,同时具有抑制振动的能力,为骑手创造更多的舒适度,为自行车提供更多的抓地力。基于 Shimano Ultegra 变速箱和液压盘式制动器的不妥协套件。
Соединенное Королевство
USD 600.0 - 1200.0/个/件/只
我们以密封邮箱出售所有全新原装产品,我们公司所有产品均提供一年保修和 90 天退货政策,以全方位满足我们的客户。
World Legit Store Limited
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 900.0/个/件/只 900.0
出售全新 Toxmo Rock 电动滑板车
World Legit Store Limited
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 800.0/个/件/只 800.0
Asian Kayak
USD 1649.0/个/件/只 1649.0
Malone® MicroSport™ 1-Boat Bunk Style Trailer Set 是快速运输您的皮划艇或独木舟的简单解决方案。这个包罗万象的拖车套件具有预组装的集线器,可快速轻松地安装。它的镀锌轮带有船用级密封轴承和重型钢负载杆,可提供您所需的耐用性,以承受您往返装卸码头的所有行程。使用 Malone® MicroSport™ 1-Boat Bunk Style Trailer Set 简化您的一天!特点: 设计用于携带和运输一艘长达 20 英尺的大船 包括底部拖车、大型 7 英尺软垫双层套件以及所有易于使用的硬件和皮带 包括 12 英寸镀锌轮和船用级密封轴承 包括镀锌备件轮胎带有锁定附件,方便使用 具有预组装的轮毂,易于安装 11 号预镀锌钢结构,经久耐用 8 英尺长标准加长榫舌,便于船只运输 78 英寸重型钢矩形负载杆适合大多数车架配件 LED“即插即用”安全灯美国制造包括制造商的五年保修样式 ID:MPG461B1
Asian Kayak
USD 15800.0/个/件/只 15800.0
特点全扭矩,不妥协:精确强大的 E-TEC G2。直接喷射优化了燃料输送到气缸和燃烧燃料如何去除的所有元素,创造了当今最高效的水上发动机。通过使用旨在分析这种燃烧过程的先进计算机软件,Evinrude E-TEC G2 可以获得高达 30% 的扭矩。 Evinrude 智能引航系统:所有 Evinrude E-TEC G2 发动机的设计都旨在使划船变得简单直观。 Evinrude 智能引航系统是一套集成的发动机功能,可让所有船员(无论是老手还是新手)都充满信心。水友好型。燃料友好。家庭友好:运行地球上最干净的舷外机,期间。 Evinrude E-TEC G2 的 PurePower Combustion 燃烧非常干净,其可报告的排放量低于同类任何其他发动机。不仅干净,而且精益求精。燃油效率提高多达 15%,没有任何竞争对手可以让您在油箱上走得更远。规格 发动机型号:C150FLH 发动机类型:V6 66° E-TEC D.I.缸径 x 行程 - in (mm): 3.386 x 3.100 (86 x 79) 排量 - cu in (cc) L: 167 (2744) 2.7L 齿轮比:2.17:1 全油门 RPM 范围:5400-6000 RPM 重量 - 磅(kg): 530 (240) 启动: 电动控制: iControl 数字换档和油门燃油感应: E-TEC 直接喷射与分层低 RPM 燃烧模式交流发电机输出*: 133 安培总/ 50 净专用/ 14 安培怠速转向: 集成液压转向/iSteer 动态动力转向调整方法:动力调整和倾斜调整范围:-6° 至 15° 倾斜范围:81° 轴长 - 英寸(毫米):20 (508) 润滑:多点目标注油油箱容量- 加仑 (L):发动机 3 (11.4) / 附件 1.8 (6.8)、3 (11.3) 和 10 (37.85) 推荐机油:Evinrude/Johnson XD-100 机油推荐燃油:87 辛烷值保修:5 年发动机** / 5 年腐蚀排放合规性:EPA 2013 / CARB 3 STAR / 欧盟安装中心 - in (mm):最少 26 (660) 颜色:板岩灰色,有超过 400 种颜色面板选项转向角度:+/- 3 2° 集成功能:双轴索具 / iTrim
USD 350.0/个/件/只 350.0
全新原装索尼 PlayStation 4 pro 1Tb 游戏机光盘版
Electronic Supply Co
USD 300.0/个/件/只 300.0
X-PRO 110cc ATV Quads Youth ATV Quad ATVs 4 Wheeler 110cc ATV brought by Moto Pro. Automatic Transmission ensures smooth shifting and lets the entry-level rider focus on the trail by eliminating a hand-operated clutch. Electric Start provides much easier control and handling, and gives the rider the great convenience in the event of a stall. Beefy front and rear 14.5x7-6 knobby tires offer excellent traction and help boost ground clearance. Some assembly required: Assembly for ATVs include Handle bar brackets, all 4 wheels, front and rear racks (if included), rear shock and battery. (May differ per model)
GoldenMed Hospitech
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 13000.0/个/件/只 13000.0
The F5 Corpus features an array of advancements to help increase the stability of the chair for a smooth, comfortable ride, including: a smaller footprint with an improved center of gravity, a more rigid chassis, fully independent oil-dampened suspension and a lower seat-to-floor height. The new three-point tilt and elevator system provides solid stability and performance. The standard 7.5 mph motor package with improved torque allows users to easily navigate obstacles at any speed. Options include: black tires with more aggressive tread patterns, chrome accents and two additional color options. The F5 Corpus VS is a durable, powerful and stable front wheel drive power wheelchair combined with the best seating system on the market – the Corpus seat. The seating system is designed to effectively support the clinical, functional and lifestyle needs of active users. The latest version of the Vertical Stander (VS) offers all the power seat functions of the Corpus seat plus an innovative new way of standing, allowing you to choose from two positions, Sit-to-stand or Lay-to-stand. Giving you greater independence and freedom, the F5 Corpus VS features fully independent suspension and automatic, self-adjusting support wheels, providing a new level of comfort and stability, especially when you stand and drive, indoors or outdoors! A range of alternative driving controls for non-joystick drivers is available, as well as separate controls for assistants/caregivers. For transport purposes, the upper part of the backrest can be removed to reduce the overall size of the wheelchair. We ship to all locations and we are very ready to serve you, For purchase and inquiries, Message GoldenMed Hospitech via email or call us Tel: (437) 370-7459 plus you can visit our website so they can best assist you., We also have both new and refurbished ones in excellent shape, we're certain that it works for you
GoldenMed Hospitech
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 8550.0/个/件/只 8550.0
The Draco Standing Wheelchair is the best electric standing wheelchair with all the features. It allows you to move, stand, sit, recline, and lie down in safe and comfortable positions. The footrest, armrest and backrest move in concert at the same time, so the user will not feel muscle tension when moving from a standing-sitting-lying position. With Draco, you can minimize the risk and effort involved in transferring the user during the day, as the user can take a nap while lying down. Full power for lying, standing, sitting and lying position. Top speed up to 8 km / h (5 mph). Travels up to 30 km (18.5 miles) with a full charge. Equipped with a dynamic LED graphic display controller (DX2) for precise user control. For safety, automatically adjusts the speed while standing. 8 wheels for excellent stability, especially when standing and lying. The motorized wheels are centrally positioned for a tight turning radius of 66 cm (30 ″). Energy saving LED lights at night. Adjustable headrest for added comfort. H-shaped seat belt. Spring suspension for extra comfort on rough terrain. The adjustable tilt footrest allows you to take a standing position in different stages. Adjustable leg length and seat depth for users with different leg lengths. SPECIFICATIONS Seat width selection 14 "/ 16" / 18 "(36 cm / 41 cm / 46 cm Seat depth (adjustable) 14 16 ″ / 17 ″ / 18 ″ (41 cm / 43 cm / 46 cm) Seat depth (adjustable) 16 ″ / 18 ″ 18 ″ / 19 ″ / 20 ″ (46 cm / 48 cm / 51 cm) Back height 64 cm (25.2 ″) Total Weight 14 '' 16 '' 18 '' 284.5 lb / 291 lb / 298 lb (129 kg / 132 kg / 135 kg) Open size 14 "(L x W x H) 45" x 25.5 "x 42.5" (114 cm x 65 cm x 108 cm) Open size 16 "(L x W x H) 45" x 28 "x 42.5" (114 cm x 70 cm x 108 cm) Open size 18 "(L x W x H) 45" x 30 "x 42.5" (114 cm x 75 cm x 108 cm) Seat length footrest (adjustable) 17.7 ~ 23 inches (45 ~ 58 cm) DC24V, 320W motor 12V36Ah battery X 2pcs Package size 14 "and 16" (L x W x H) 43 "x 26" x 32 "(110 cm x 67 cm x 82 cm) Package size 18 "(L x W x H) 43" x 28 "x 32" (110 cm x 71 cm x 82 cm) Front wheel 9.5 ″ Middle wheel 13 ″ Rear wheel 3 ″ Tilt limit 10˚ Curb limit 2 ″ (5 cm) Ground clearance 2 ″ (5 cm) We ship to all locations and are ready to serve you. We also have the refurbished ones in excellent condition, we are sure this will work for you.
DRX Electronics
USD 850.0/个/件/只 850.0
Comertons Electronics Corps
Cleveland, Соединенные Штаты Америки
Specify the price USD 0 0
Engine Brand Name / Model No. EH50PLE08 Engine Type 4-Stroke Cylinder Arrangement Single cylinder Carburetion System Carburetion, Mikuni CV BST34 x 1 Pilot Air Screw 2 5/8 turns out Needle & Seat 1.5 Pilot Jet 40 Main Jet 165 Engine Cooling Liquid cooling Engine Fuel Unleaded gasoline of at least PON 87/89 rating (oxygenated/non-oxygenated), containing MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether), < 10% ethanol, or < 5% methanol. Fuel Capacity 14.2 L/3.75 US gal Bore x Stroke Ratio 92×75 mm (3.62 x 2.95 in) Compression Ratio 10.0:2 Starting System Electric start w/ recoil backup Displacement 498 cm³ / 30.45 in³ Top Speed 55-60 mph (88.5-96.6 km/h) – owner’s claim Air Filtration High-quality foam element Lubrication Dry sump Engine Oil & Quantity 1.89 L (2 US quarts) of SAE 0W-40 Polaris Synthetic Engine LubricantMain gearcase: 80-90 GL5 Engine Counter Balancer, 10 fl oz (300 mL) for the rear & 5 fl oz (150 mL) for the front
Transport company
USD 1.0/个/件/只 1.0
We carry out international transportation of goods in any direction of the CIS, Europe, Asia, etc. Awnings, refrigerators, etc.
Bir telecom
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 350.0/个/件/只 350.0
新品:全新、未使用、未开封、未损坏的物品,原包装品牌:SurRonshop 零件类型:纺车
USD 4079.0/个/件/只 4079.0
Domane SLR 6 Disc建立在我们所制造过的最精美的Domane镜架上。这是一款具有前轮和可调后轮IsoSpeed速度的高端耐力公路车,高质量的Shimano Ultegra零件组,平装盘式制动器,宽轮胎和规格,这使其成为骑行者的绝佳全能公路车。舒适轻巧。
HVXL Electronics Ltd
Olsztyn, Польша
USD 350.0 - 1500.0/个/件/只
HVXL Electronics Ltd
Olsztyn, Польша
USD 500.0 - 1500.0/个/件/只
USD 1.0/个/件/只 1.0
老年人用三轮电动滑板车斯诺电动滑板车型号SNOW电动滑板车尺寸尺寸展开(毫米)120 * 98 * 54CM电动滑板车重量负载(KG)90 Kg净重(KG)28KG电动踏板车速度最高速度(KM / H)25KM / H范围(KM)大约10-30KM工作温度-5℃〜40℃电动踏板车电池电池类型锂电池松下电芯电压(V)48V电池容量(AH)5.8Ah电机功率350Watt额定输出功率350Watt额定电压DC 56V充电时间大约3-4小时电动踏板车轮胎尺寸8英寸,后部:10英寸其他功能框架材料铝合金+ ABS颜色白色灰色红色
Specify the price USD 0 0
Seat-driven forward forklift truck
Specify the price USD 0 0
Unmanned handling robot series products
Specify the price USD 0 0
Station-driven pallet stacker
Specify the price USD 0 0
Walkable pallet stacker
Specify the price USD 0 0
Battery balanced heavy forklift truck
Specify the price USD 0 0
Internal combustion balanced heavy forklift truck、Battery balanced heavy forklift truck、Walkable pallet stacker、Station-driven forward forklift、Seat-driven forward forklift truck、Unmanned handling robot series products
USD 2400.0/个/件/只 2400.0
Buy 2020 - BMC Road Bike Roadmachine 02 Two from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan.Price : USD 2,400.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME BMC Roadmachine, PF86 bottom bracket, flat mount, 12x142mm thru-axle, premium carbon, TCC Endurance FORK BMC Roadmachine premium carbon, TCC Endurance, flat mount, 12x100mm thru-axle STEM BMC RSM01, with computer and camera mount HANDLEBAR BMC RAB 02, ergo top shape, compact bend FRONT BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, SM-RT800 rotors (160mm) REAR BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, SM-RT800 rotors (140mm) BRAKE LEVERS Shimano Ultegra R8020, hydraulic FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra R8000 REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-speed SHIFT LEVERS Shimano Ultegra R8020, hydraulic CASSETTE Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-32T CRANKSET Shimano Ultegra R8000, 50-34T CHAIN Shimano Ultegra WHEELSET DT Swiss E 1850 Spline disc 23, thru-axle, clincher TYRES Vittoria Rubino, 28mm, clincher SADDLE Selle Royal 2075 HRN SEATPOST BMC Roadmachine D-shape carbon, 15mm offset
USD 2874.0/个/件/只 2874.0
Buy 2021 - BMC Road Bike Teammachine SLR TWO Ultegra Di2 from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 2,874.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   Product Name: BMC TEAMMACHINE SLR TWO - Ultegra Di2 Roadbike - 2021 Manufacturer: BMC Bikes Item Code: BMC485219 activity: Bike material: Carbon usage bikesport: Road Bike chain: Shimano Ultegra cassette: Shimano Ultegra shifter: Shimano Ultegra Di2 rear derailleur: Shimano Ultegra Di2 | electronic | 11-speed front derailleur: Shimano Ultegra Di2 | electronic chainring ratio: 52-36 crankset: Shimano Ultegra brakes: Shimano Ultegra, 160/140mm wheels: DT Swiss P 1800 Spline db 32, 12x100mm / 12x 142mm seat post: Teammachine SLR Carbon D-Shape | 15mm Offset saddle: Fizik Antares R7 handle bar: BMC RAB 02 | Ergo Shape | Compact Bend stem: BMC RSM01, w/ Computer and Camera Mount fork: Teammachine SLR 01 Carbon, ICS technology, Flatmount, 12x100mm frame: Teammachine SLR Carbon, Aerocore Design, PF86 BB, Flatmount, 12x142mm groupset: Shimano Di2 (electronic) gear ratio: 11-30 number of chainrings: 2 shifting system: 11-speed shifting actuation: Electronic brake type: Disc Brake wheel size: 28" (29") (622mm) bike special accessories: Integrated Computer Mount, Aerocore Bottle Cages tires: Vittoria Rubino, 25mm Model year: 2021 Color: White Grey weight: 7690g
USD 3883.0/个/件/只 3883.0
Buy 2021 - BMC Road Bike Roadmachine 01 FOUR Ultegra Di2 from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 3,883.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   Product Name: BMC ROADMACHINE 01 FOUR - Ultegra Di2 Roadbike - 2021 Manufacturer: BMC Bikes Item Code: BMC485280 activity: Bike material: Carbon usage bikesport: Road Bike hubs: CRD 321, 12x100mm / 12x142mm rims: CRD-321 Carbon, Tubeless Ready chain: Shimano Ultegra cassette: Shimano Ultegra shifter: Shimano Ultegra Di2 rear derailleur: Shimano Ultegra Di2 | electronic | 11-speed front derailleur: Shimano Ultegra Di2 | electronic chainring ratio: 50-34 crankset: Shimano Ultegra brakes: Shimano Ultegra, 160/140mm seat post: Roadmachine 01 Premium Carbon D-Shape | 15mm Offset saddle: Fizik Argo Tempo R5 handle bar: BMC RAB 02, Ergo Shape, Compact Bend stem: BMC ICS 01 | Integrated Cockpit Design | with computer & camera mount fork: Roadmachine 01 | Premium Carbon | TCC Endurance | Flatmount | 12x100mm frame: Roadmachine 01 Premium Carbon | TCC Endurance | PF86 BB | Flatmount | 12x142mm groupset: Shimano Di2 (electronic) gear ratio: 11-32 number of chainrings: 2 shifting system: 11-speed shifting actuation: Electronic brake type: Disc Brake wheel size: 28" (29") (622mm) tires: Vittoria Corsa Control, 700x28c Model year: 2021 Color: Black weight: 7640g
USD 6899.0/个/件/只 6899.0
Buy 2021 - BMC Road Bike Teammachine SLR01 ONE from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 6,899.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock     Frame Teammachine SLR 01 Premium Carbonwith Aerocore Design ICS technology, stealth cable routing Integrated Aerocore bottle cages Stealth dropout design TCC Race compliance level PF86 bottom bracket Integrated seatpost binder Flat mount disc 12×142 mm thru-axle Fork Teammachine SLR 01 Premium Carbon ICS technology, stealth cable routing TCC Race compliance level Stealth dropout design Flat mount disc 12×100 mm thru-axle 48 mm offset (size 47−51), 43 mm offset (size 54−61) Seatpost Teammachine SLR 01 Premium CarbonD-Shape Seatpost 15 mm offset Front Derailleur SRAM RED eTap AXS Rear Derailleur SRAM RED eTap AXS Shifters SRAM RED eTap AXS HRD Brakes SRAM RED eTap AXS HRD,Centerline XR Rotors (160/160) Rims DT Swiss PRC 1100 db Dicut Mon Chasseral Hubs (F/R) DT Swiss PRC 1100 db Dicut Mon Chasseral Tires Vittoria Corsa, 25 mm Sizes 47, 51, 54, 56, 58, 61 Colour Carbon & Neon Red Weight 6.57 kg Tire Clearance 30 mm ASTM Classification Level 1 Weight Limit 100 kg Additional Equipment Aerocore Bottle Cages Integrated Computer Mount Tubeless Ready (Rim Strip Installed & Valves Included) Handlebar ICS Carbon, One-Piece Full Carbon Cockpit Stem ICS Carbon, One-Piece Full Carbon Cockpit Saddle Selle Italia Flite Boost Carbon Gears 2×12 Crankset SRAM RED AXS 48/35T Cassette SRAM RED XG-1290, 10-28T Chain SRAM RED 12 Speed

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