
畜牧机械批发在 Qoovee市场

Ижевск, Россия
USD 217.87/个/件/只 217.87
用于粮食储存、蔬菜储存、畜牧业、家庭和花园的安全,免受细菌、病毒和难闻气味的侵害,美容中心、清洁。 借助臭氧技术,无需化学物质即可对食品生产进行 100% 消毒。 使用臭氧发生器需要解决什么问题? 消除异味。 驱除啮齿动物和昆虫。 破坏细菌、病毒、真菌。 延长农作物的保质期。 不影响产品的化学成分和味道(0% 化学物质)。 工业臭氧发生器产生气体-臭氧。 臭氧的消毒能力比氯强 300 倍。 臭氧生产率:5 克/小时起。 风量:105 m3/h 至 4160 m3/h。 电源电压:220/380 V 功耗:89 W 起 根据区域面积选择设备。 我们将选择您需要的设备类型。
USD 20000.0/个/件/只 20000.0
工艺流水线产品描述作为拥有30多年经验的专业食品挤压设备制造商,我们为您提供包括全流程设计、建筑布局设计、建筑施工指导的交钥匙解决方案。 ✍ 工艺流程设计我们有自己经验丰富的制造工作流程,我们也可以根据您的要求设计工作流程。 ✍ BUILDING LAYOUT DESIGN 我们的工程师会根据您的车间准备整条线的布局图,如果车间不统一,我们也可以根据其形状和大小设计布局。✍ BUILDING CONSTRUCTION GUIDE 我们的工程师将帮助您设计并准备厂房。 ✍ 应用宠物食品、咀嚼食品、宠物零食。产能 500公斤/小时以下 800~1200公斤/小时 1500~2500公斤/小时 2500~3500公斤/小时 4500~6000公斤/小时 流程图 30年以上经验的工程师为您设计生产线布局方案.研磨→混合→挤出→干燥→调味→冷却→包装 应用 喂入包装袋、吨、卡车散料等各种原材料 提供定制解决方案 名称 研磨系统 清洁和维护 大型检修门和锤锁,用于快速清洁粗、细磨及维护 特点 国产/进口西门子电机可选,进口优质轴承。名称 挤出系统 材料 预处理器:不锈钢 螺杆和螺杆段:特殊合金材料 PLC集中控制:西门子等国际品牌糊化,任何原材料和产品加工所必需的。此外,机筒经过调节,可为材料的挤压提供额外的能量。名称 干燥系统循环流设计 将大部分潮湿空气除湿后转化为高温干燥空气,减少热量损失 不锈钢齿条带 两侧采用不锈钢挡板,将物料限制在合理范围内 烘干机门保温层 稳定性高高温低导热聚氨酯泡沫 名称 涂层系统 应用 与食物表面充分接触,雾化均匀。加量由电脑控制,计量更准确,可根据技术要求选择滚筒镀膜和真空镀膜。名称 冷却系统 使用原理 逆流冷却原理 特点 ✍采用气锁,进风面积大,冷却效果强; ✍旋转卸料机构,无残留; ✍低功耗,操作简单; ✍ 冷却后成品温度不高于室温+3℃~5℃和包装机袋、半自动包装机主要特点 1)简单的直列式结构,易于安装和维护。 2)气动、电气、工作部件采用先进的世界名牌元件。 3)双高压曲柄控制模具开合。 4)自动化程度高,智能化操作,无污染 5)采用连接器与空气输送机连接,可直接集成到灌装机中。客户工厂包装和运输
USD 50.07/个/件/只 50.07
对此产品感兴趣? 获得最佳报价牛垫 - 钻石
USD 37.56/个/件/只 37.56
类型 橡胶 图案 波浪 颜色 黑色 厚度 28 毫米 尺寸 4 英尺 8 英寸 x 7 英尺 10 英寸 重量 11-12 公斤 品牌兔子 原产国 印度制造
USD 37.56/个/件/只 37.56
类型 橡胶 图案 六色 黑色 厚度 28 毫米 尺寸 4 英尺 8 英寸 x 7 英尺 10 英寸 重量 11-12 公斤 品牌 兔子 原产国 印度制造 您想减少医疗费用并增加奶牛场的牛奶产量吗? Mouldtech 奶牛垫为奶牛提供舒适的床上用品,从而增加产奶量、降低医疗费用等。奶牛的舒适度与其生产力和盈利能力成正比。他们的舒适程度会影响他们的健康和幸福。奶牛需要放松至少 12 小时,以通过改善 30% 的乳房血液循环来增加产奶量。橡胶牛垫专门设计用于为奶牛和水牛提供最大的舒适度、放松、受伤保护、卫生等,从而提高它们的生产力和利润。如果谷仓不舒服,牛会花更少的时间休息,这会直接影响它们的产奶量。 Mouldtech 牛垫的 7 大独家优势: 采用优质橡胶和 EVA 的微孔混合物设计,可容纳微小的气泡,提供舒适的床上用品 防滑表面可减少肢体损伤和医疗成本 通过底部液体清洁保持卫生,减少细菌感染、乳腺炎渠道 抗疲劳功能 抵抗过度风湿,缓解关节炎引起的奶牛跛足症状,减少过早淘汰 提高奶牛的妊娠生产力 提供地板绝缘,耐热和防潮 享受24个月的保修,我们积极的销售和物流支持 有进一步查询?请与我们联系!请记住,您的购买决定延迟会导致每天 30% 的损失!现在打电话!
USD 50.07/个/件/只 50.07
类型 橡胶 图案 气泡 颜色 黑色 厚度 28 毫米 尺寸 4 英尺 8 英寸 x 7 英尺 10 英寸 重量 11-12 公斤 品牌兔子 原产国 印度制造
GC "Izhsintez-Khimprom"
Izhevsk, Россия
Specify the price USD 0 0
基于洗必泰(蓝色)的挤奶后乳房护理消毒剂。 在挤奶后立即关闭乳头管的乳头周围形成屏障膜。 该溶液具有显着的杀菌和抗真菌特性。 它具有脱敏、抗炎和再生能力。 它与一个特殊的奶杯一起使用。
GC "Izhsintez-Khimprom"
Izhevsk, Россия
Specify the price USD 0 0
基于洗必泰的挤奶前乳房护理消毒剂。 集中。 含有维生素复合物,可恢复保护屏障并帮助皮肤再生。柔软和滋养皮肤,增加弹性,减少挤奶时对乳头的伤害,具有镇静、抗炎和再生作用。 使用擦拭法,在喷雾的帮助下,与泡沫乳头浸杯一起使用。
Specify the price USD 0 0
机械密封在哪里使用? 在两个机械零件之间提供密封的零件,一个是活动的,另一个是固定的,称为轴封。 一般用于水泵、水龙头、轴承等场所。 旋转头在哪里使用? 用于将热水、热油、蒸汽等流体输送到旋转滚筒上方的固定轴上。
Specify the price USD 0 0
“SA国际” -上海亚国际机电有限公司是SIBC集团,已在各个领域自2017年提供设备和技术选择的服务的一部分。   ——   建造。- 道路建设。- 冶金。- 采矿。- 化学工业。- 各种用途的生产线。  我们深受欧洲、美国、加拿大、马来西亚、印度、韩国、俄罗斯、泰国客户的信赖。 “ SA International ”公司在俄罗斯联邦境内的克拉斯诺达尔市设有官方代表处,为我们的客户简化合作、文件流转和清关。与我公司合作,您不仅可以对所提供设备的质量充满信心,还可以对售后服务充满信心。   我们提供:   - 建筑行业的机械和设备,例如:沥青混凝土设备/设备 (ABZ)、混凝土搅拌设备/设备 (BRU / RBU)、具有自装载功能的自走式混凝土搅拌机、混凝土泵、瓷砖和砌块生产线等。   - 采矿设备:破碎机、筛网、筛网、传送带、泵等。   - 鳄鱼剪刀和金属压力机。   - 货运和轮式车辆:装载机、挖掘机、推土机。   - 存储设备。   - DES 和电动机。   - 化学试剂和成分。  此外,“SA International”是一家传送带制造商。  多年来与中国工厂合作,我们在客户中赢得了作为可靠合作伙伴和卓越质量评估中心的声誉。我们的经理将进行全面的市场评估,就所有新出现的问题为您提供建议,尽快提供完整的信息,工程师将监控整个生产过程,以最大限度地减少缺陷百分比,并对您的员工进行培训。  与我们合作的另一个优势是“SA International”的经理了解所有物流流程,提供有竞争力的价格和最短的交货时间。
FARMTEc a.s.
USD 208.11 - 352.36/个/件/只
Calf houses & nbsp; & ndash; are made of fiberglass, safe for health. The inner surface of the house is smooth and easy to clean and process. The houses are not heated in summer. For ventilation, a hole with a shutter is provided on the back wall of the house. The cabins are equipped with a 1090 mm high fencing. The railing is protected by hot-dip galvanizing, its front wall can be easily opened and removed. To increase maneuverability, the houses are equipped with castors. The front wall contains a height-adjustable teat bucket holder, two simple buckets and two bucket holders. The width of the openings above the buckets can be adjusted (narrowed / widened) depending on the age and size of the calves.
FARMTEc a.s.
USD 8808.99 - 27528.09/个/件/只
Automatic Adjuster divides the dairy cows into groups and gently moves them from the hopper to the milking parlor. The matcher significantly reduces the time cows enter the milking parlor, increases milking performance, reduces animal stress and saves labor. Also in our assortment there are automatic spreaders with the function of manure removal. The underside of this modified version of the trimmer is fitted with rubber squeegees. Scrapers push the manure into the slots of the grates or into the manure channels, as a result of which the water consumption when cleaning the reservoir is significantly reduced.
FARMTEc a.s.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Scrapers & mdash; for the regular removal of manure from the barn, we offer two scraper systems: & nbsp; OMEGA & nbsp; and & nbsp; DELTA. Both manure removal systems are reliable, easy to use, and require minimal effort in maintenance and operation. The systems are absolutely safe for animals. When the scraper meets an obstacle, the system automatically turns off, and after a while resumes its action. DELTA chain scrapers are equipped with an automatic chain tensioning system and sensors for monitoring the condition of the equipment. For those who prefer wire rope scrapers, we produce the OMEGA system, which is distinguished by its reliability and low price for wire rope.
FARMTEc a.s.
USD 467.98 - 908.43/个/件/只
Drinkers & nbsp; FARMTEC are suitable for all categories of cattle, sheep and goats. Drinking bowls are equipped with a heating function: the water in them does not freeze in winter. Drinking bowls consist of two parts: a body and a stand. Material: stainless steel or galvanized steel. FARMTEC drinkers are available in two mounting options & mdash; for pouring into concrete or installing on a finished floor. All FARMTEC drinkers are designed, manufactured and assembled in the Czech Republic and come with a 3-year warranty.
USD 300.0 - 500.0/个/件/只
Single, two and four milkings .. dry, turbo and gasoline options .. milking machines with aluminum and flat bucket.
USD 96000.0/个/件/只 96000.0
The lift is for lifting and removing carcasses from the overhead track. Ideal for small slaughterhouses as well as medium-sized shops. Raises and lowers: small cattle, cattle, pigs, etc. Various drives Telpher Pneumatic Hydraulics Features Ascent from 2 m Floating element Tube with clip Hot Dipped Galvanized Control Shield
USD 2288.76/个/件/只 2288.76
Stationary skinning drum It is used for skinning an animal's ridge from bottom to top or top to bottom. Drum is anchored to the floor or bolted to a twin channel at the level of the overhead track. Skinning is in progress by winding the chain and then the skin itself. In this case, the chain is fixed on the drum with one side. The second side is attached to the skin with a noose. Pull direction: bottom-up or `` top-down '' Construction Drum & mdash; Stainless steel AISI 304 Frame & ndash; Painted / Hot dipped galvanized steel / Stainless steel Drum Drive & mdash; Electric motor Reel width: 1000mm
USD 980000.0/个/件/只 980000.0
Angle of rotation of the handle with hook, degrees 320 Minimum distance to the load, mm 1150 Maximum distance to the load (in a straight line), mm 3030 Maximum distance to load (Max / min height), mm 2680 Mount 4 chemical ankers 16 mm. px 10px; border-spacing: 0px; background-color: # f7f7f7; border-radius: 1px; border: none; width : 824.533px; color: # 4c4c4c; font-family: 'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; "> Drive Hydraulics Power supply 380v, 3 phase, 50Hz Power, kW 3 Angle of rotation of the handle with hook, degrees 320 Minimum distance to the load, mm 1150 Maximum distance to the load (in a straight line), mm 3030 Maximum distance to load (Max / min height), mm 2680 Mount 4 chemical ankers 16 mm. merce-product-attributes-item__label" style = "padding: 5px 10px 5px 5px; margin: 0px; border-top: 1px solid rgba (51, 51, 51, 0.12); text-align: left; border-right-color: rgba (51, 51, 51, 0.12); border-bottom-color: rgba (51, 51, 51, 0.12); border-left-color: rgba (51, 51, 51, 0.12) ; "> Maximum moving weight, kg 300 Maximum lifting height of the hook, mm 2670 Minimum drop height of the hook, mm 950 Height in a straight line, mm 1820 The maximum possible angle of rotation of the hook suspension point, degrees 350 Angle of rotation of the rack (first knee), degrees 260 Angle of rotation of the shoulder (second knee with a hook), degrees 300 Angle of rotation of the handle with hook, degrees 320 Minimum distance to the load, mm 1150 Maximum distance to the load (in a straight line), mm 3030 Maximum distance to load (Max / min height), mm 2680 Mount 4 chemical ankers 16 mm.
USD 3487.64/个/件/只 3487.64
The desktop intestinal machine is designed for bolting beef, pork and lamb intestines. & nbsp; Specifications: Performance: & nbsp ; & nbsp; 15-20 pork or lamb quiches. & nbsp; sets per hour ( for processing lamb intestines & nbsp; other shafts, must be indicated in the application ) 10-15 beef quiches. sets per hour. power & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.18 kW & nbsp ; & nbsp; voltage & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3 x 230 / 400V & nbsp; & nbsp; 50 Hz Turnovers & nbsp; & nbsp; top roll & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 109 rpm & nbsp; & nbsp; bottom shaft & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 595 rpm Dimensions & nbsp ; mm: & nbsp; < / span> length & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 450 & nbsp; < / span> width & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 220 & nbsp; < / span> height & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 220 Water inlet: pressure & nbsp; MPa & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.08 - 0.4 & nbsp; consumption & nbsp; l / min & nbsp; & nbsp; 5 (recommended temperature for processing quiche raw materials + 45-55 degrees)
Яранск, Россия
Specify the price USD 0 0
"Make your idea work." NPO BIOGAZ Design, development and production on the BioSfera platform: - Biogas complexes, new generation plants BGR ; We design and manufacture completely new, innovative equipment, high quality for those who understand and who want to not only save money, but also EARN in the first place. Our leading experts will design, develop and help you. The design and engineering department (PKO) is one of the most important subdivisions of NPO BIOGAZ. PKO specialists, together with the Federal State Institution “Federal Research Center“ Fundamentals of Biotechnology ”of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (Federal Research Center Biotechnology RAS), are engaged in the development and design of biogas complex systems , for various customers: farmers, agricultural complexes. An individual approach to each Customer, extensive design experience ensure the exact creation of the necessary configuration that meets the high requirements of customers. Due to the fact that each time a project is created anew, and not according to existing templates, customers receive unique equipment created specifically for their enterprise. Design solutions are based on the use of modern scientific approaches, research, experimental work and the accumulated scientific and technical potential. First of all, biogas plants are necessary for those farms and organizations where there is a lot of raw materials in the form of biological waste. Thus, it is possible not only to make production waste-free, but also to significantly increase its profitability - due to independent production of energy, the absence of costs for the purchase of both thermal and electrical energy. We are ready to supply a biogas plant BGR (complex) for processing and disposal of waste from the enterprise: - elevators and oilseed processing plants. - collective farms and peasant farms. - on the cultivation and use of cattle, - pigs, birds. - food waste and sludge from treatment facilities. - obtaining high quality biologically active fertilizers. The complex is designed for autonomous, without connection to external sources of electricity and heat, conducting economic activities in the field of animal husbandry, stall keeping of cattle and pig breeding, as well as cage or closed poultry farming. Dear customers and all those who wish to learn a lot of new things! We only answer phone calls after pre-ordering or emailing an NGO !! Our advantages Being the Russian leader in innovative development and production of biocomplexes. Competent consultations on the purchased equipment. We are always open to dialogue and are confident that you can always find a solution that will be beneficial to all interested parties!
ООО Артмаш
Specify the price USD 0 0
ООО "Артмаш" предлагает шнек точной загрузки собственного производства с увеличенным бункером. Изделие рассчитано на использование в составе линий производства кормовых гранул и топливных пеллет. Шнек не боится попадания мусора в сырье для пеллет, обеспечивает высокую производительность линии до 3 т/ч. Модель шнека с регулировкой оборотов двигателя снабжена червячными редуктором. Видео с отзывами наших клиентов Характеристики шнека точной загрузки: Напряжение: 380 В Мощность двигателей: 1,1 кВт, 1500 оборотов; 0,55 кВт,  1500 оборотов Производительность: до 5000 кг/час Вес: 210 кг Объём бункера: 1,3 м3 Размеры оборудования: 2750*1150*1850 мм Размеры бункера: 1550*1150*1120
Москва, Россия
USD 2179.78 - 16348.31/个/件/只
Вам необходим сервисный подъемник?Заказать изготовление сервисного подъемника вы можете на сайтеИх называют по разному: МИКРО ПОДЪЕМНИК, МАЛЕНЬКИЙ СЕРВИСНЫЙ ПОДЪЕМНИК, ПИЩЕВЫЙ ПОДЪЕМНИК ИЛИ КУХОННЫЙ ЛИФТ, ПОДВЕСНЫЕ ПОДЪЕМНИКИ ИДЕАЛЬНЫ ДЛЯ ПЕРЕВОЗКИ ЕДЫ И НАПИТКОВМЕЖДУ ЭТАЖАМИ В РЕСТОРАНЕ, КАФЕ ИЛИ ПАБЕ.Эти небольшие подъемники идеально подходят для многократного перемещения небольших грузов и в различных сферах деятельности.Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент сервисных подъемников для коммерческих и некомерческих структур. Независимо от того, ищите ли вы подъемник для эффективной транспортировки еды между кухней и столовой в ресторане, или ищете установку в своем частном доме, наш проверенный сервис может гарантировать, что ваши потребности всегда будут полностью удовлетворены.Малые грузовые сервисные подъемники также имеет значение во многих других средах, которые могут не сразу прийти на ум. Например, их можно использовать для перевозки товаров в магазине, перемещения канцелярских товаров между офисными этажами или перемещения записей в медицинском центре или больнице. Из-за своей гибкости, сервисные лифты, как правило, оказывают большую помощь любой деловой среде.Наши надежные микроподъемники уже давно используются во многих заведениях по всей России и в странах Таможенного Союза, поэтому вы всегда можете быть уверены, что получите оборудование и сервис высочайшего качества. Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами
USD 0.01 - 108988.76/个/件/只
The refrigeration unit is a multi-compressor refrigeration unit unit, assembled on a single frame. Compressors, united by a system of common pipelines, an automation and protection system, are controlled by a microprocessor according to a specific algorithm specified by the user. All facilities where there are many consumers of industrial cold, as well as high requirements for the failure-free operation of units, refrigeration central. An example is large and not so supermarkets, distribution refrigerators, various cold consumers with strongly varying heat load. Centralized refrigeration systems for supermarkets do not require intervention in the work of staff, do not create unnecessary noise in the sales area and do not affect the temperature rise in this sales area. In the event of a breakdown and shutdown of one of the compressors, the central continues to run, maintaining the preset temperature. This means there is no need to shut down the entire retail outlet to repair the compressor.
USD 0.01 - 108988.76/个/件/只
Installation of industrial split systems is advisable at large facilities, as well as where serious requirements are imposed on microclimate parameters. Another advantage is the organization of an air conditioning system with minimal capital costs. Their reasonable cost is explained by the possibility of installing a small amount of HVAC equipment in a fairly large enclosed area. ATTENTION !!! All refrigeration machines are equipped with low and high pressure freon switches * - the package includes a voltage monitor; ** - the package includes a voltage monitor and blocks automatic control of refrigerant condensation pressure, microprocessor controllers EWPC-1000(S ).
USD 1950.9 - 10898.88/个/件/只
Blast chiller cabinets have a hermetically sealed one-piece filler body, which ensures structural strength and complete thermal insulation of the refrigerated space. The dynamic cooling system ensures that food is evenly frozen on all shelves. Operation of low-temperature universal refrigerating cabinets is permissible at ambient temperatures up to +42 С and air humidity up to 70%. All blast chillers use imported hermetic compressors. All coolers are equipped with mechanical locks We produce cabinets and chambers of high quality shock frosts, and deliver them on wholesale prices .
USD 38146.07/个/件/只 38146.07
Stunning boxes for ritual slaughter of animals
USD 21797.75 - 217977.53/个/件/只
Equipment for the slaughter of cattle, mrs, horses, pigs, poultry rabbits
ООО Арнея
USD 23541.57/个/件/只 23541.57
Our advantages: 1. In the design on the basis of the rings there is less hit of the chips of the bone in the stuffing. 2. Convenience in operation, the rings are easy to disassemble, which allows you to rinse the working parts with high quality, without much effort. 3. We make repair of spare parts. 4. All parts and assemblies in contact with raw materials are made of stainless steel.
USD 1.53 - 2.83/个/件/只
All our saw blades are made in Germany from Western European high quality steel, not processed in a lead bath, intended for food grade. Compared to stainless steel saws, LENKER food band saws have an advantage in material hardness, so we recommend using them even for heavy products - meat with bones, fish with bones, bone enzymes and cartilage, frozen foods of non-uniform density, deep-frozen products. Our band saws are necessarily marked with the TM "Lenker". ROH - divorced, sharpened, hardened tooth. The advantage of food saws with a hardened tooth is the long-term preservation of the sharpness and purity of the metal, they have high wear resistance, do not require sharpening. The guarantee of a long service life is high-quality seam welding, which is carried out on a German machine IDEAL BAS 052 . Lenker food band saws comply with all EU sanitary requirements. < / i> You can always profitably buy a band saw blade of any diameter and blade thickness from us. Lenker Wolf Tooth Meat and Bone Saw Blade Saw with extra protruding tooth specially designed for dividing frozen meat or meat with bones < strong> Dimensions H x S, mm Tooth pitch t, ​​mm < / p> 16 * 0.6 mm t = 6.35 mm 19 * 0.7 mm t = 8.00 mm Saw for meat and bones with an external tooth, has an additional intermediate tooth that takes out excess dust at the time of cutting, and contributes to an even cutting line, while the product remains presentable , marketable condition. The intermediate tooth also improves the sawing qualities of the blade, which allows you to easily perform the functions inherent in the saw, while showing the result of efficiency 2 times higher compared to a saw blade for meat and bones with a regular tooth. Gastronomic blades / saws for cutting whole carcasses and half carcasses into perfectly flat, smooth-surfaced pieces of the required size. Sawing with Lenker saws allows you to obtain attractive looking pieces without weight loss and bone chips, with a minimum amount of food waste. Thanks to modern equipment, it is possible to produce blades for most of the band saws for meat, such as: Fimar, Fama, Sirman , Mado, Kolbe, Freund, EFA, JG, Jarvis, LaMinerva, B2-FR-2P, PM-FPL and many others.
USD 25488.58/个/件/只 25488.58
Heat chamber LEFA TSFR 100 Liquid Smoke
USD 14652.68/个/件/只 14652.68
The syringe is made using components from world manufacturers. Servo motor from YASKAWA (Japan) and gearbox from BONFIGILION (Italy), friendly interface (Taiwan), microprocessor (PLC) Mitsubishi (Japan), vacuum pump from Busch (Germany). The device is distinguished by high-speed filling under the influence of a vacuum of a given amount of product, which prevents the oxidation of adipose tissue and protects the protein from destruction, reduces the possible level of bacteria, extending the life of products made with this device. The error when filling with minced meat is ± 2 g, while the error when filling with chopped pieces is much larger. The device is equipped with the function of adjustment in the direction of increasing or decreasing the set amount of filling. By combining this filler with various types of clippers, you can enjoy the benefits of an automated production process. Specifications: Casing caliber, g 10-9999 power, kWt 8.2 Productivity, pcs / min 0-200 Hopper volume, l 240 Voltage, V 380 Net weight, kg 830 Dimensions, mm 2000x1150x1850
USD 15810.46/个/件/只 15810.46
Designed for grinding lump trimmed meat in the production of minced meat for sausage and other meat products at low-power meat industry enterprises. It is allowed to grind uncut meat with a vein discharge into an intermediate container when replacing the main set of cutting tools with a vein discharge tool (included in the top delivery set). Grinder "Leader 163-LUX PROFI" equipped with a frequency converter is able to independently change the speed of rotation of the screw and cutting tool, depending on the degree of load set by the operator when programming the grinder. The rigidity of the raw material, the presence of large veins, frozen fats, etc. in the raw material is taken into account. In addition, when the top is overloaded, it stops, protecting the cutting tool and its own structure from breakage. Technical specifications: 1. Productivity with continuous grinding of trimmed beef meat of the II category through a knife grid with a hole diameter of 3 mm, kg / h: 5000 2. Installed power, kW: 18.5 3. Diameter of knife lattices, mm: 160 4. Overall dimensions, mm: 1300x830x1520 5. Weight, kg: 850 The veined meat in pieces is loaded into the hopper manually or by means of a hoist and, under the influence of its own weight and the vacuum generated by the operation of the auger, enters the body. The product entrained by the auger passes through the openings of the receiving grate to the first reversible knife, with which it is cut into pieces. The coarsely chopped product enters the next cavity between the two knife grids for final chopping. Vacuum short-cut with adjustable vein removal. Frequency converters have been installed, allowing to increase the grade of minced meat prepared from low-grade raw materials by selecting, using electronics, the appropriate speeds of both the auger and the knives. They allow you to work on frozen raw materials, protect the cutting tool and its own structure from breakage.
USD 23285.99/个/件/只 23285.99
Designed for grinding lump trimmed meat in the production of minced meat for sausage and other meat products at low-power meat industry enterprises. It is allowed to grind uncut meat with a vein discharge into an intermediate container when replacing the main set of cutting tools with a vein discharge tool (included in the top delivery set). Grinder "Leader 203-LUX PROFI" equipped with a frequency converter is able to independently change the speed of rotation of the screw and cutting tool, depending on the degree of load specified by the operator when programming the grinder. The rigidity of the raw material, the presence of large veins, frozen fats, etc. in the raw material is taken into account. In addition, when the top is overloaded, it stops, protecting the cutting tool and its own structure from breakage. Technical specifications: 1. Productivity for continuous grinding of trimmed beef meat of the II category through a knife grid with a hole diameter of 3 mm, kg / h: 7000 2. Installed power, kW: 30 3. Diameter of knife lattices, mm: 200 4. Overall dimensions, mm: 1585x925x1530 5. Weight, kg: 1200 The veined meat in pieces is loaded into the hopper manually or by means of a hoist and, under the influence of its own weight and the vacuum generated by the operation of the auger, enters the body. The product entrained by the auger passes through the openings of the receiving grate to the first reversible knife, with which it is cut into pieces. The coarsely chopped product enters the next cavity between the two knife grids for final chopping. Vacuum short-cut with adjustable vein removal. Frequency converters have been installed, allowing to increase the grade of minced meat prepared from low-grade raw materials by selecting, using electronics, the appropriate speeds of both the auger and the knives. They allow you to work on frozen raw materials, protect the cutting tool and its own structure from breakage.
USD 362.38/个/件/只 362.38
The Choice 2000 sharpening machine is a professional universal station designed for use in catering establishments, restaurants, meat processing plants, etc., requiring industrial-scale knife sharpening. It has a powerful motor that provides high productivity and allows you to quickly sharpen knives to razor-sharp condition. The machine is easy to operate and does not require additional professional skills when sharpening. At the heart of the Choice sharpening machine is the patented 2-stage knife sharpening system, which provides long-lasting sharpness of the cutting edge. The rotating grinding discs are coated with 100% diamond abrasive. At the first stage, sharpening occurs, at the second stage, the cutting edge is refined and polished. The detachable sharpening unit can be easily removed for washing in the dishwasher or by hand. Suitable for regular (European, Asian) and serrated knives.
USD 427.2/个/件/只 427.2
The TM7 sharpener is a professional bench-top sharpener for high quality knife sharpening. Perfect for sharpening professional slaughterhouse tools, axes, knives for cutting and deboning meat, poultry, fish, etc. The main advantages of the machine are its versatility, reliability, and unpretentiousness. Specifications: Body: steel. Grinding wheel: 250x50 mm. Grinding wheel diameter indicator: present. Internal components: stainless steel. Carrying method: handle. Voltage: 230, 50 V, Hz. Maximum Possible Runtime: Unlimited Wheel rotation speed: 90 rpm. Dimensions: 270x250x325 mm. Weight: 14.5 kg.
USD 517.69/个/件/只 517.69
The Choice 2100 sharpener is a professional universal station designed for use in catering establishments, restaurants, meat processing plants, etc., requiring industrial-scale knife sharpening. It has a powerful motor that provides high productivity and allows you to quickly sharpen knives to razor-sharp condition. The casing is made of stainless steel for easy sanitation and hygiene. The machine is easy to operate and does not require additional professional skills when sharpening. At the heart of the Choice sharpening machine is the patented 2-stage knife sharpening system, which provides long-lasting sharpness of the cutting edge. The rotating grinding discs are coated with 100% diamond abrasive. At the first stage, sharpening occurs, at the second stage, the cutting edge is refined and polished. The detachable sharpening unit can be easily removed for washing in the dishwasher or by hand.
USD 749.11/个/件/只 749.11
SHARP SM637 machine is designed for fast and high-quality sharpening of carving knives. Sharpening is done by rotating diamond discs, between which the knife blade is placed. The discs consist of a set of springy blocks covered with diamond grit, which during sharpening are firmly pressed against the knife blade and take the original shape of the cutting edge. This design provides a good sharpening of the blade, maintains the original set angle of the cutting edge and removes a minimum of metal, which significantly extends the life of the knife. An excellent result is achieved regardless of the skill of the person working on the machine. Also, the SHARP SM637 machine is equipped with a specially designed polishing device. It consists of two polishing elements coated with diamond dust, which vibrate at a high frequency. Thus, the machine allows you to sharpen and polish the knife in a short time and with a minimum of effort. Specifications: Power: 0.18 kW Cooling: air. Dimensions: 202 x 559 x 197 mm. Power supply: 230/50 V / Hz. Weight: 12 kg.
USD 33.12/个/件/只 33.12
Blade thickness: 4,0 mm. Blade length: 355 mm. Blade width: 185 mm. Knife length: 535 mm. Weight: 2,3 kg. Materials (blade / handle) - knife tool steel / wood.
USD 40.37/个/件/只 40.37
Blade thickness: 4,0 mm. Blade length: 395 mm. Blade width: 225 mm. Knife length: 625 mm. Weight: 2.5 kg. Materials (blade / handle) - knife tool steel / wood.

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