
针织布批发在 Qoovee市场

USD 3.95/kg 3.95
「Armtex」產品 - 品質標誌:我們的網布採用先進技術製成,並在生產的每個階段都受到控制。 · 低彈性,高可靠性:「Armtex」針織網布的特徵是低彈性,確保形狀穩定性和穿著可靠性。 您可以確信您的產品將保持其外觀。 · 應用範圍廣泛:我們的客戶非常欣賞我們網格的多功能性。 它可以成功地用於製作服裝、配件、家用紡織品等。 · 各階段的品質控制:我們嚴格控制產品的質量,從原料的選擇到成品的運輸。 這確保了我們材料的可靠性和長使用壽命。 製造商“Armtex”的針織網是品質和可靠性有保證的選擇。 我們為您的專案創建可以信賴的內容,這將突出您的傑出成果。
Specify the price USD 0 0
USD 4.0 - 9.0/kg
你好! 我们是乌兹别克斯坦针织、涤纶面料、纱线和针织品的制造商。 我们努力使我们与客户的关系长期且互惠互利。 所有条件均单独讨论和确定,同时考虑到我们客户要求的订购布草或服装的特性,例如克重、颜色、宽度、图案等。
Saas Teks Invest
Specify the price USD 0 0
生产面料: · 针织面 155-240 gr/m2 100% 棉; · 袜子 160-220 gr/m2 95% 棉 5% 莱卡和全莱卡; · 珠地布 160-200 gr/m2 100% 棉;珠地布 175-240 g/m2 95% 棉 5% 莱卡; · Interlok 175-210 g/m2 100% 棉;页脚 2x 线 190-240 g/m2 100% 棉;页脚 2x 线 220-260 g/m2 95% 棉 5% 莱卡 页脚 2x 线 220-270 g/m2 70% 棉 20% 涤纶 5% 莱卡;页脚 3x 线 280-330 gr/m2 100% 棉;页脚 3 线 300-350 克/平方米 80% 棉 20% 涤纶; · Ribana, Kashkorse 210-450 g/m2 95% 棉 5% 莱卡; · Ribbana, Kashkorse 160-220 g/m2 100% 棉 我们只使用精梳和普梳纱线!产品范围: · 长袖、短袖针织T恤; · 针织运动服; ·针织睡衣、睡衣、内衣。
LLC "Orchid Beauty"
USD 5.5/t 5.5
1 - 实惠的价格,2 - 高品质,3 - 您会准时收到产品,主要是为了取悦买家。 Supreme 30/1 OE 封装(White-5.4 Black-6.3)。 最高 30/1 OE 卷(White-5.6 Black-6.5)。 优越的 30/1。 梳理包装(白-5.75 黑-6.6)。 最高 30/1 卡片卷(白色-5.95 黑色-6.8)。 Supreme 30/1 泡沫卷 (White-6.9 Black-7.8) 2-nit 30/1 粗梳卷 (White-6.05 Black-6.95) 2-nit 30/1 粗梳涤纶 70/30% (White-5.60 Black-6.50) 2 尼特 30/1 全液卡(白色-6.95 黑色-7.85)。 罗纹 30/1 卡片(白色-6.55 黑色-7.35)吊带背心 30/1 卡片(白色-6.55 黑色-7.35)。
Стамбул, Турция
Specify the price USD 0 0
任何面料。 我们还打印您的照片。 火鸡
Specify the price USD 0 0
成分:100% 纹理涤纶 重量:75 克/平方米 宽度:160 厘米 我们提供多种颜色,以及亮黄色或亮橙色 hivis。 网布用于缝制高级运动服,由于其特性 - 织物具有高吸湿性,干燥快。
Specify the price USD 0 0
针织面料类型。 30/1 精梳紧凑至上。 30/1 lyc 至高无上。 30/100 pam 涤纶纱。 30/30 lyc 纱线。 3个线程。 3 螺纹对角线。 我们根据订单生产 sardonlu 和类似的针织面料。
Nazorma LLC
USD 7.0 - 9.0/t
30/1 Carde 95% LYC 5% Kashkorse 管
Specify the price USD 0 0
密度 280 g/m2,宽度 2 m。
Specify the price USD 0 0
针织品批发 双线程 至尊 30/1 40/1
USD 8.0 - 9.0/个/件/只
面料类型:页脚 3x 线蓬松 成分:65% 棉,35% 涤纶 质量:紧凑型笔 密度:310-340 克/平方米 宽度:185 厘米 图案:无图案 生产国:土耳其 一卷:20-25公斤 公斤米数:1.6
USD 8.0 - 9.0/个/件/只
面料类型:页脚 3x 线蓬松 成分:65% 棉,35% 涤纶 质量:紧凑型笔 密度:310-340 克/平方米 宽度:185 厘米 图案:无图案 生产国:土耳其 一卷:20-25公斤 公斤米数:1.6
USD 8.0 - 9.0/个/件/只
面料类型:页脚 3x.thread 蓬松 成分:65% 棉,35% 涤纶 质量:紧凑型 Peñe 密度:310-340 克/平方米 宽度:185 厘米 图案:无图案 原产国:土耳其 成卷:20-25 kg 米数(kg):1.6
LLC "KoFa"
USD 10.5/kg 10.5
Specify the price USD 0 0
生产各类针织面料。 我们有自己的染色工厂。
USD 3.0 - 5.0/m
信号针织面料VEST - 用于制造信号服、信号背心和高能见度的服装项目。由于采用针织网眼结构,面料透气,不会保持水分。 使用HiVis Yellow和HiVis Orange颜色的荧光染料可以让您生产符合EN 20471标准的制服。使用ARMTEX面料,安全生活!信号元件可降低事故风险、防止威胁、挽救生命!
USD 7.0/kg 7.0
莱卡面料是一种具有优异弹性的纤维,自投产以来就彻底改变了纺织行业。虽然直到那一天,人们还不知道在应用领域方面生产如此方便和多样化的产品的可能性,但今天它构成了许多类型服装的基础。随着莱卡的生产,它推动了纺织行业在健康方面的进步,为从内衣到晚礼服、从 T 恤到裙子、从裤子到运动服和工作服的各种产品提供了令人难以置信的多样性和舒适度.我们今天使用的几乎所有衣服都含有莱卡。如果没有莱卡,多样性和舒适性就不会像现在这样触手可及。
USD 3.0/个/件/只 3.0
一卷最小体积:织物 - 50 米针织物 - 2 公斤
Zarafshon Tekstil
USD 3.0/㎡ 3.0
棉和混纺面料的基本品种在公司的仓库中始终可用,有几十种面料:ribana(1 * 1、2 * 2、3 * 3、5 * 5)、光滑表面、珠地、互锁,有羊毛和无羊毛,丝绒,selanik,氨纶等的页脚。 粗针织面料的生产能力 - 5 400 吨 / 年;画布 - 每年 7,200 吨。收缩技术允许您根据批准的标准控制画布的密度、宽度和画布的收缩率。我们不仅可以为画布染色,还可以在画布上印刷多达 12 种颜色(轮转印刷)。我们从事两种主要类型的印刷:颜料和活性印刷。从意大利制造商现代装备(Salvade, 瑞吉安尼MACCHINE,FIMAT)使你可以应用最好的形式,消除图像褪色。
LLC "KoFa"
USD 7.08/kg 7.08
-服装针织品。 -技术球衣。防火球衣。圆形针织面料。画布的任何成分,任何密度。 Kulirny表面光滑,橡皮擦,互锁。单层切割刀片的最大宽度为160-170厘米。我们进行切割。
Kobe tekstil
Деницли, Турция
Specify the price USD 0 0
制造商的水疗和沙滩纺织品。纺织厂提供由100%土耳其棉制成的纺织品。 我们根据您的意愿和草图生产。 请注意,我们主要从事订购工作,不存储库存商品,价格会根据商品的特性(颜色,尺寸,重量,质量)和数量而有所不同。
USD 100.0/个/件/只 100.0
Tricot(发音为tre-ko)来自法语动词tricoter,意为编织。 Tricot织物具有独特的锯齿形编织,其一侧具有纹理,另一侧具有平滑感。这使织物柔软并且对于运动服也非常坚固。与圆形针织机相反,经编织物是在平板针织机上生产的。它们具有优异的抗皱性和耐流动性,以及良好的悬垂性。针织经编织物是运动服的理想选择,特别是当它是由尼龙氨纶或涤纶氨纶混纺制成的时。这些混纺使织物透气而不粘在身体上,同时还提供四向弹力织物的支撑和舒适性。  含量:100%聚酯纤维完成:永远的渴望宽度:60英寸重量:133G / M2±5%3.92OZ / Y2±5%
USD 105.68 - 157.47/kg
We offer knitted fabrics, small and large wholesale. There are always monochromatic colors of the cooler surface (singing, cardé and OE), kashkors, ribans, interlock, footer and pique in stock. What is not available (including printed fabric) can be made to order in 3-5 days, depending on the production load and the volume of the order.
USD 3.2 - 4.04/㎡
Knitwear, piqué, satin stitch, interlock
USD 2.53 - 4.38/个/件/只
T-shirt jersey, pique, glossy
Specify the price USD 0 0
Knitted fabrics wholesale and retail Good quality Turkish 🇹🇷 Chinese 🇨🇳
Specify the price USD 0 0
Wintas commenced its spinning operations in the year 2015 with an installed spindleage capacity of 51000 spindles. The mill, situated at Surya Rampara village in Rajkot District in Gujarat, produces highest standards of 100% cotton single of Ring Spun, Combed, Compact, Carded, Siro Cleaned, and Knitting Yarn that is electronically cleared, having high quality splice. Wintas is a quality driven mill catering specifically to the exacting demands of the Indian and global export market. The mill works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week continuously. The convergence of time honoured values of Quality, Reliability, and Technology, complemented by the expertise of a highly qualified team, is mirrored in the high levels of satisfaction experienced by their customers. Wintas symbolizes Quality, Trust, and Commitment and has defined a set of Values, Principles, and Social Responsibility. Wintas intends to provide its customers with the best quality yarn experience thereby exceeding the industry standards with exceptional customer, technical service, developing long-term relationships with their customers and suppliers. The mill is planning to add more 20000 compact ring spindles and 1656 rotor spinning in the year 2021, which will result in the total production of 1000 MT per month.
USD 2.6/个/件/只 2.6
Canvas characteristic Width 1-1.20 meters (At the request of the client, the width can be changed) Density 110-120 g / m2 Nm51 / 1 (Ne30 / 1) Ring (At the request of the client, we work with other yarn numbers) Yarn 100% cotton (At the request of the client with the addition of additional inclusions) Round weft, flat knitting Machine brand SAVA Machine class 22.28 Machine diameter 32 ″
USD 8.0 - 9.0/kg
Direct supplies of fabrics from Turkish manufacturers We offer a wide selection of knitwear and textile fabrics from leading Turkish manufacturers.
USD 8.0 - 9.0/kg
Direct supplies of fabrics from Turkish manufacturers We offer a wide selection of knitwear and textile fabrics from leading Turkish manufacturers.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Односторонняя махровая ткань с бамбуковой пряжей. Ткань идеально подходит для мягких и легких халатов, детских товаров, утренних халатов, легких дорожных полотенец, спортивных полотенец. Обычная сторона из микрофибры подходит для цифровой сублимационной печати. Бамбуковая пряжа обладает антибактериальным действием. Лицевая сторона: гладкая микрофибра, Оборотная сторона: бамбуковые махровые петли, Состав: 40% бамбук, 20% хлопок, 40% микрофибра, Ширина: 160 см, Вес: 250 GSM, Цвет: любой цвет по выбранному коду пантона, стандартное реактивное или специальное окрашивание Indanthrene® для промышленной стирки, Упаковка: рулоны 20-25 кг, Минимальный заказ: 150 кг на цвет.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Microfibers are very small strands of synthetic fibers that are knitted together. It is a material that is permeable to water and, on the contrary, impermeable to air.Microfiber cloth ensures high water absorption and fast drying, it is hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive skin.Warp-knitted microfiber has a stable structure, resistant to rupture and deformation, ensures long life of towels, robes and beach ponchos. Suitable for sublimation printing. Application: beach clothes, beach towels, promotional towels, ponchos, robes.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Micro cotton is a type of cotton yarn that differs in a special way of processing. By analogy with microfiber, which consists of the thinnest fibers of polyester, cotton threads are specially cut and ground. These finest fibers are then woven into threads of the desired thickness and are used in the manufacture of the cotton threads. During dyeing and subsequent processing, the threads “fluff”, each loop becomes voluminous and soft, gaining the ablility to absorb more moisture compared to ordinary cotton threads.Terry loops create a luxurious texture that is perfect for the production of towels and luxury bathrobes.The micro-cotton knitted fabric retains high strength and softness, even after repeated washing.Excellent absorbency and breathability will not leave indifferent anybody who understands the value of high quality textiles.The micro-cotton knitted fabric is snag-resistant, has a strong structure, ensuring the durability and resistance to indusrial heavy washing of the products. Micro cotton bathrobes and towels will last much longer than usual.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Tender Touch Bamboo Fabric is made for sophisticated and elegant home dresses. Light, flowing and strong structure of this fabric allows to use it for products of the highest class of quality and style.High water absorbent, quick drying,
Specify the price USD 0 0
Bamboo terry fabric is very soft and tender to touch. If you are looking for high quality, snag-free terry cloth - bamboo terry is your best choice.This fabric is perfect for soft and luxury bathrobes, baby clothes, children clothes, home dresses and morning gowns.It can be used in baby diapers even!Construction: both sides bamboo terry loops,Weight: 350, 400, 450 GSM,Width: 160 cm,Composition: 60% bamboo, 25% cotton, 15% polyester,Colour: any plain colour is possiblePackaging: rolls by 20-30 kg, 30-50 m, 
Specify the price USD 0 0
Check our other fabrics for sublimation printing: Sublimatex Microfiber. Due to its polyester structure it is also one of the best options for sublimation printing among the fabrics we produce. The sublimation technique that we use for printing has many advantages such as low minimum order quantity, high colour resolution, extra washing fastness and cost effectiveness. That’s for Sublimatex Microfiber is best choice for for beach towels, promotional towels, beach ponchos and pool towels as well as sport towels. Weight: 350Width: 158 cm Composition: 55% Polyester, 35% Bamboo, 10% CottonColour: white, ready for printingPackaging: rolls  20-25 kg or 40-50 m or carton boxes for ready made towelsMOQ: 150 kg
Specify the price USD 0 0
We produce many fabrics for sublimation printing and one of them is Sublimatex Bamboo Terry. It contains polyester polar in one side for the best result for printing and single bamboo Terry on the other side for more softer and silkier touch. It is best for beach towels, promotional towels, beach ponchos and pool towels with no pattern or colour restrictions. Also thanks to its soft structure it is also best for morning gown and robes
Specify the price USD 0 0
We offer Sublimatex cotton terry fabric used especially for sublimation printing. It contains polyester polar which is best for sublimation printing and cotton Terry loops for natural touch on reverse side. Thanks to its structure we produce vivid and bright colored fabrics in photo quality. Due to its high water absonbency and low time for drying Sublimatex cotton Terry fabric is perfect for beach towels, pool towels, promotinal towels and beach ponchos with any type of pattern you want. Weight: 350 GSMWidth: 155 cm Composition: 45% Cotton, 55% PolyesterColour: white, ready for printingPackaging: rolls  20-25 kg or 40-50 m or carton boxes for ready made towelsMOQ: 150 kg
Specify the price USD 0 0
To get a velor cloth, terry loops are cut in half and then aligned in length. Depending on the application, the pile can be of different lengths. Sheared velour is suitable for digital printing, while fabrics with a regular pile length are usually plain colour dyed.Mayer knitted velour fabric with combination of cotton ring spun and polyester is perfect for dressing gowns, bathrobes, kids robes. 

Qoovee——批发贸易平台。这里您可以找到任何领域的批发商品,包括商品针织布。在Qoovee拥有海量批发商品供您选择。这里您可以找到来自中国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、乌克兰、土耳其、欧洲各国、非洲、拉丁美洲等国用于针织布的批发商品。批发商基地还在不断壮大: 现在在Qoovee已有来自80个国家,近600个行业的20000名供应商。批发商品的种类实时更新并一直有效。所有针织布的批发供应商都期待您的购买和合作!
