Ahmed Enterprise

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Ahmed Enterprise
Дакка, Bangladesch
USD 12.5 - 18.75/шт
General Terms and Conditions: Dear All, At the beginning of our Company General Terms and Conditions we would like to Thank you of your Interest to AHMED Enterprise. We are really Grateful to you and we appreciate of your Choice to our Company from the numbers of similar Companies/Suppliers/Manufacturers on Qoovee Platform. Our Company General Terms and Conditions: 1. The minimum rage/quantity of Order is 1000 or more pieces. 2. There will be Bilateral Contract Paper(s) signing with the evidences (for Example: Company Licenses Number/Paper, Buyers’ and Seller’s/Supplier’s National Identity Card Scan Copy on behalf of Buyer’s Company and AHMED Enterprise, and also other required papers as per requirements for the transection). 3. After making your Choice of Products you (Buyer) will have to send us Purchase Order in 24 Hours. 4. You (Buyer) will have to make payment by 48 Hours after sending you FOB Invoice. Please Note: Apart from these General Terms and Conditions any other Decisions/ Terms and Conditions could be made on the Basis of the Mutual Understanding between AHMED Enterprise and Buyer(s). With Best Regards AHMED Enterprise Family
Ahmed Enterprise
Дакка, Bangladesch
USD 30.0 - 35.0/шт
General Terms and Conditions: Dear All, At the beginning of our Company General Terms and Conditions we would like to Thank you of your Interest to AHMED Enterprise. We are really Grateful to you and we appreciate of your Choice to our Company from the numbers of similar Companies/Suppliers/Manufacturers on Qoovee Platform. Our Company General Terms and Conditions: 1. The minimum rage/quantity of Order is 1000 or more pieces. 2. There will be Bilateral Contract Paper(s) signing with the evidences (for Example: Company Licenses Number/Paper, Buyers’ and Seller’s/Supplier’s National Identity Card Scan Copy on behalf of Buyer’s Company and AHMED Enterprise, and also other required papers as per requirements for the transection). 3. After making your Choice of Products you (Buyer) will have to send us Purchase Order in 24 Hours. 4. You (Buyer) will have to make payment by 48 Hours after sending you FOB Invoice. Please Note: Apart from these General Terms and Conditions any other Decisions/ Terms and Conditions could be made on the Basis of the Mutual Understanding between AHMED Enterprise and Buyer(s). With Best Regards AHMED Enterprise Family
Ahmed Enterprise
Дакка, Bangladesch
USD 20.0 - 25.0/шт
General Terms and Conditions: Dear All, At the beginning of our Company General Terms and Conditions we would like to Thank you of your Interest to AHMED Enterprise. We are really Grateful to you and we appreciate of your Choice to our Company from the numbers of similar Companies/Suppliers/Manufacturers on Qoovee Platform. Our Company General Terms and Conditions: 1. The minimum rage/quantity of Order is 1000 or more pieces. 2. There will be Bilateral Contract Paper(s) signing with the evidences (for Example: Company Licenses Number/Paper, Buyers’ and Seller’s/Supplier’s National Identity Card Scan Copy on behalf of Buyer’s Company and AHMED Enterprise, and also other required papers as per requirements for the transection). 3. After making your Choice of Products you (Buyer) will have to send us Purchase Order in 24 Hours. 4. You (Buyer) will have to make payment by 48 Hours after sending you FOB Invoice. Please Note: Apart from these General Terms and Conditions any other Decisions/ Terms and Conditions could be made on the Basis of the Mutual Understanding between AHMED Enterprise and Buyer(s). With Best Regards AHMED Enterprise Family
Ahmed Enterprise
Дакка, Bangladesch
USD 12.5 - 18.0/шт
General Terms and Conditions: Dear All, At the beginning of our Company General Terms and Conditions we would like to Thank you of your Interest to AHMED Enterprise. We are really Grateful to you and we appreciate of your Choice to our Company from the numbers of similar Companies/Suppliers/Manufacturers on Qoovee Platform. Our Company General Terms and Conditions: 1. The minimum rage/quantity of Order is 1000 or more pieces. 2. There will be Bilateral Contract Paper(s) signing with the evidences (for Example: Company Licenses Number/Paper, Buyers’ and Seller’s/Supplier’s National Identity Card Scan Copy on behalf of Buyer’s Company and AHMED Enterprise, and also other required papers as per requirements for the transection). 3. After making your Choice of Products you (Buyer) will have to send us Purchase Order in 24 Hours. 4. You (Buyer) will have to make payment by 48 Hours after sending you FOB Invoice. Please Note: Apart from these General Terms and Conditions any other Decisions/ Terms and Conditions could be made on the Basis of the Mutual Understanding between AHMED Enterprise and Buyer(s). With Best Regards AHMED Enterprise Family General Terms and Conditions: Dear All, At the beginning of our Company General Terms and Conditions we would like to Thank you of your Interest to AHMED Enterprise. We are really Grateful to you and we appreciate of your Choice to our Company from the numbers of similar Companies/Suppliers/Manufacturers on Qoovee Platform. Our Company General Terms and Conditions: 1. The minimum rage/quantity of Order is 1000 or more pieces. 2. There will be Bilateral Contract Paper(s) signing with the evidences (for Example: Company Licenses Number/Paper, Buyers’ and Seller’s/Supplier’s National Identity Card Scan Copy on behalf of Buyer’s Company and AHMED Enterprise, and also other required papers as per requirements for the transection). 3. After making your Choice of Products you (Buyer) will have to send us Purchase Order in 24 Hours. 4. You (Buyer) will have to make payment by 48 Hours after sending you FOB Invoice. Please Note: Apart from these General Terms and Conditions any other Decisions/ Terms and Conditions could be made on the Basis of the Mutual Understanding between AHMED Enterprise and Buyer(s). With Best Regards AHMED Enterprise Family
Ahmed Enterprise
Дакка, Bangladesch
Klären Sie Preis USD 0 0
Fabrications: 100% Cotton GSM: 80 - 90 Color: Different Color Ages: 8 - 12
Ahmed Enterprise
Дакка, Bangladesch
USD 3.0 - 5.0/шт
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen: Hallo zusammen, Zu Beginn unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des Unternehmens möchten wir uns bei Ihnen für Ihr Interesse an AHMED Enterprise bedanken. Wir sind Ihnen sehr dankbar und schätzen Ihre Wahl für unser Unternehmen aus der Anzahl ähnlicher Unternehmen / Lieferanten / Hersteller auf der Qoovee-Plattform. Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen unseres Unternehmens: 1. Die Mindestwut / Menge der Bestellung beträgt 1000 oder mehr Stück. 2. Es werden bilaterale Vertragspapiere mit den Nachweisen unterzeichnet (zum Beispiel: Firmenlizenznummer / Papier, Scan-Kopie des nationalen Personalausweises des Käufers und Verkäufers / Lieferanten im Namen des Unternehmens des Käufers und von AHMED Enterprise sowie andere erforderliche Papiere gemäß den Anforderungen für die Transektion). 3. Nachdem Sie Ihre Produktauswahl getroffen haben, müssen Sie (Käufer) uns die Bestellung innerhalb von 24 Stunden senden. 4. Sie (Käufer) müssen die Zahlung innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach Absendung der FOB-Rechnung leisten. Bitte beachten Sie: Abgesehen von diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen können alle anderen Entscheidungen / Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen auf der Grundlage des gegenseitigen Verständnisses zwischen AHMED Enterprise und dem / den Käufer (n) getroffen werden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen AHMED-Unternehmensfamilie
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: Adresse:
Kleidung und textil, Kinderkleidung, Kinder hauskleidung, Jeanskleidung, Schulkinder kleidung, Kleidung für preschools, Neugeborene kleidung, Kinderkleidung für sport und outdoor-aktivitäten, Damen bekleidung, Damen blusen & hemden, Damenhosen, reithosen, shorts, Damen jeans, Damen cardigans & umhänge, Damen faschingkostüme, Damen jacke, windjacke, regenmantel, Damen mantel & halbmantel, Damen jacke & blazer, Damen trainingsanzüge, Damen hoodies, Damen t-shirts und tops, Schwangere kleidung, Herren bekleidung, Herren anzüge, Herren hemden, Herren t-shirts, Herren unterwäsche, Herren mantel & halbmantel, Muslimische bekleidung, Damen muslimische kleidung, Kinder accessoires, Kinder kopfbedeckungen Bangladesch, Дакка, Sector 05, Road 9/A, House 21, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh

„AHMED Enterprise“ hat seinen Sitz in Bangladesch und wurde Mitte des Jahres 2014 (Juni 2014) für alle Arten der Herstellung und des Exports von Kleidungsstücken gegründet. Dies ist die 2. Initiative von AHMED Enterprise - Familie.

Wir können alle Arten von Kleidungsstücken gemäß der Nachfrage / Bestellung oder den von den Käufern zur Verfügung gestellten Mustern herstellen.

Seit dem Jahr der Firmengründung haben wir unser Geschäft mit einer Fabrik (von der aus wir alle Kleidungsstücke gemäß der Bestellung des Käufers herstellen können) und einem Warenhaus (von wo aus wir die Massenmenge mit guter Qualität liefern können) aufgenommen.

Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir nationale und ausländische Käufer. Und wir haben festgestellt, dass das Interesse ausländischer Käufer an unseren Produkten zunimmt.

Wir können Ihnen die Qualität von Kleidungsstücken wie H & M, Zara, Mango, Hugo, Nike, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger und anderen weltberühmten Marken garantieren.

Für Bestellungen oder Anfragen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte:

Nasir Uddin Ahmed

International Relationship Officer und Board of Director

Ahmed Enterprise

1111 East Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesch


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