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Dogan Plastic Mold
Istanbul, Türkei
Klären Sie Preis USD 0 0
USD 2.04/шт 2.04
-Двусторонняя, выполнена из ткани класса «люкс» и содержит частицы чистого серебра, добавленные по новой технологии Nano Silver. -Эта технология включает молекулы серебра непосредственно в состав полимера, что позволяет антибактериальным свойствам сохраняться в течении долгих лет. Это очень удобное и комфортное изделие, а главное многофункциональное.-Одна сторона мягкая и нежная — для лица, шеи и детской кожи во влажном состоянии идеально удаляет атмосферные загрязнения, макияж, очищая кожу от ороговевших клеток, производя легкий пилинг и массаж.-Другая сторона содержит натуральный полимер из натурального бамбука, кокоса который стимулирует обменные процессы и кровообращение в клетках кожи, снимая усталость, напряжение и оказывает антицеллюлитный эффект. Глубокий пиллинг и массаж кожи осуществляется без применения моющих средств. -Эта варежка во влажном виде поможет для профилактики подростковой угревой сыпи, для глубокой очистки кожи. Окажет неоценимую услугу тем, кто ухаживает за лежачими больными. Её используют в душе, бане, бассейне, даче, в командировках, в поездках, легко удаляет морскую соль. -После использования кожа становится гладкой, молодой и привлекательной, а главное — здоровой.‼-Уход: Стирается вручную или в машине любым нейтральным моющим средством. Не применять отбеливателей. Не сушить на батареях. Плотность 420 г/мРазмер: 13х23Производство: Protex микрофибра Швеция
USD 4.8/шт 4.8
Антисептический спрей для рук BROWXENNA® применяется для быстрой очистки рук. Содержание спирта соответствует требования ВОЗ (65%) Изготовлен на спиртосодержащей основе, которая убивает 99,9% наиболее распространенных болезнетворных бактерий и вирусов Подходит для частого применения Содержит увлажняющие компоненты   Важно!У нас нет цели нажиться за счет увеличения цены. Цену устанавливаем не мы, а завод-производитель сырья! Просим отнестись с пониманием.
USD 7.85/шт 7.85
Доставка нитриловых перчаток в любую точку мира!     Минимальный заказ -  1 миллион коробок (100 шт.)  или 500 000 коробок (200 шт.)   Ориентировочная цена: (последняя цена будет рассчитан после получения LOI).   Paloma, Coats, Superieur:  морем , менее 10 миллионов 8,60 $ . - более 10 миллионов 7,85 $,  Авиа доставка - 9.90 $   Условия поставки - CIF в любую точку мира  Способ оплаты: аккредитив Контракты заключаются напрямую с фабрикой, у клиента может быть звонок A2A и провести соответствующие проверки. Тел отдела продаж  +380636050377 email:  
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
Продаем качественные детские маски. Ткань смс качество на высшем уровне. Возможность поставки - 1млн в месяць Производство Турция Работаем по акредитиву Доставка в любую страну мира
USD 149.86/шт 149.86
Тест на антиген STANDARD Q COVID-19 AG (индивидуальный на 5 человек) Аналог ПЦР теста, который позволяет по мазку из носоглотки в течение 15 минут определить наличие вируса у бессимптомных или находящихся на ранней стадии болезни (1-5 день с момента появления первых симптомов заболевания).Преимущества: Простота применения. Быстрое получение результатов анализа на ранних сроках заболевания. Быстрое принятие решения об изоляции. Тест STANDARD Q COVID-19 Ag — это быстрый хроматографический иммуноанализ для качественного определения антигена SARC-CoV-2, присутствующего в носоглотке человека. Этот тест предназначен только для профессионального использования медицинскими работниками или в лабораториях, в качестве вспомогательного средства раннего диагностирования инфекции SARS-CoV-2 у пациентов с клиническими симптомами инфекцииSARS-CoV-2. Тест предоставляет только предварительный скрининг-результат. Для подтверждения инфекци SARS-CoV-2 необходимо провести более специфичные методы альтернативной диагностики. Комплектация набора Аг-5: Тестовая кассета (в индивид. упаковке из фольги в комплекте с осушителем) — 5 шт. Стерильный тампон — 5 шт. Пробирка с буфером для экстракции — 5 шт. Насадка с капельницей — 5 шт. Инструкция к медицинскому изделию — 1 шт. Перчатки смотровые — 5 пар  Маска медицинская — 5 шт.  Упаковка - 5 тестов.
USD 110.3/шт 110.3
Тест на антитела STANDARD Q COVID -19 IgM/IgG Duo (индивидуальный на 4 человека) Тест позволяет по капле крови человека, в течение 10 минут, определить наличие антител к COVID-19 (иммуноглобулин M и G, начиная с 5 дня с момента появления первых симптомов) Преимущества: Простота применения. Ультрабыстрое принятие решения об изоляции и быстрое получение результатов анализа. Тесты определяют образование антител что является основанием для дальнейшего эпидемиологического обследования пациента. Тест STANDARD Q COVID-19 IgM / IgG Duo — это быстрый хроматографический иммунотест для качественного определения специфических антител к SARC-CoV-2, присутствующих в сыворотке, плазме или цельной крови человека. Этот тест предназначен для профессионального использования in vitro диагностики инфекции SARS-CoV-2 в фазе выздоровления пациента с клиническими симптомами инфекции SARSCoV-2.* Чувствительность при использовании капиллярной крови – 92%; при использовании венозной крови, плазмы или сыворотки чувствительность возрастает до 99% Комплектация набора ДУо-4: Тестовая кассета (STANDARD Q COVID-19 IgM) — 4 шт. Тестовая кассета (STANDARD Q COVID-19 IgG) — 4 шт. Буферный раствор (Buffer bottle) — 1 шт. Микрокапилляр — 4 шт. Инструкция по применению — 1 шт.  Спиртовая антисептическая салфетка — 4 шт. Ланцет (скарификатор) — 4 шт. Перчатки смотровые — 4 пары Маска медицинская — 4 шт Упаковка - 4 теста.
USD 32.7/шт 32.7
Тест на антиген STANDARD Q COVID-19 AG (индивидуальный на 1 человека) Аналог ПЦР теста, который позволяет по мазку из носоглотки в течение 15 минут определить наличие вируса у бессимптомных или находящихся на ранней стадии болезни (1-5 день с момента появления первых симптомов заболевания).Преимущества: Простота применения. Быстрое получение результатов анализа на ранних сроках заболевания. Быстрое принятие решения об изоляции. Тест STANDARD Q COVID-19 Ag — это быстрый хроматографический иммуноанализ для качественного определения антигена SARC-CoV-2, присутствующего в носоглотке человека. Этот тест предназначен только для профессионального использования медицинскими работниками или в лабораториях, в качестве вспомогательного средства раннего диагностирования инфекции SARS-CoV-2 у пациентов с клиническими симптомами инфекцииSARS-CoV-2. Тест предоставляет только предварительный скрининг-результат. Для подтверждения инфекци SARS-CoV-2 необходимо провести более специфичные методы альтернативной диагностики. Комплектация набора Аг-1: Тестовая кассета (в индивид. упаковке из фольги в комплекте с осушителем) — 1 шт. Стерильный тампон — 1 шт. Пробирка с буфером для экстракции — 1 шт. Насадка с капельницей — 1 шт. Инструкция к медицинскому изделию — 1 шт. Перчатки смотровые — 1 пара  Маска медицинская — 1 шт.  Упаковка - 1 тест.
USD 5.15/шт 5.15
Suitable for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) N-Protein IgM and IgG antibodies in human serum, whole blood, or finger prick samples. SARS Cov-2 ig G/ig M ANTIBODY TEST KIT turned out to be very specific (none false positive) and to be sensitive enough after 15 days from onset of symptom. These easy to use IgG/IgM combined test kits are the first ones allowing a screening with CWB sample, by typing from a finger prick. These rapid tests are particularly interesting for screening in low resource settings.
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Klären Sie Preis USD 0 0
BASICS* Shoe Cover The Halyard Health Footwear product line features innovative fabrics and styling to deliver the right amount of protection for the task. Blue 1-layer spunbond fabric No potential fluid contact Traction
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
USD 4.0/шт 4.0
 Exam Glove For low-risk situations Powder-free and natural rubber latex-free Smooth fingertips Ambidextrous Non-sterile Colors: clear and white Length: 9.5 in.
Vereinigtes Königreich
USD 2.0/шт 2.0
Dogan Plastic Mold
Istanbul, Türkei
Klären Sie Preis USD 0 0
Our New Products for Professional Estheticians and Doctors Wholesale of fillers and botox. 3ml
Klären Sie Preis USD 0 0
Yumuşak, dayanıklı, yüksek tutuculuk sağlayan maske aparatı siyah, beyaz, şeffaf ya da istenilen renklerde üretimi sağlanır. 
USD 3.38/шт 3.38
Rinse Free - Palmist Hand Sanitizer 50ml small pack is non-sticky and dose not have to washed off with water after use. It ensure protection on go without soap and kills almost all the germs on your hands. RINSE AND BLEACH FREE: It has no-wash and quick-drying characteristics to avoid the hassle of washing your hands. EASY TO CARRY- It's travel friendly and comes with mild fragrance with attractive packaging. No Skin Irritation: It's gentle, non-irritating and skin-friendly formula does not hurt the skin during germ removal. It's safe for all skin type. SAFE AND LONG LASTING- You can use it indoor or outdoor for protecting against germs. This samll hand sanitizer pack comes with an expiry of 36 months.
USD 8.54/шт 8.54
KILLS 99.99% OF GERMS: It contains 70% alcohol and kills 99.99 % germs, bacteria and viruses. It is specially designed to effectively disinfect regularly touched surfaces. RINSE AND BLEACH FREE: It has no-wash and quick-drying characteristics to avoid the hassle of washing your hands. SKIN FRIENDLY: It's gentle, non-irritating and skin-friendly formula does not hurt the skin during germ removal. It's effective on hard and soft surfaces. SAFE AND LONG LASTING: It does not wash-off quickly, ensuring long-lasting protection for home & workplace toxins. It acts as a shield against invisible threats of virus, bacteria and germs. IDEAL HAND SANITIZER: A 500 ml hand sanitizer Spray bottle pack is designed to keep you safe from invisible threats of viruses and bacteria. It acts swiftly and is more effecient.
USD 17.0/шт 17.0
This skin friendly perfume keeps body odour in check and gives a feeling of freshness all day long. Target Audience: Unisex. Perfect for everyday use. Long lasting freshness fragrance. Fragrance which speaks about your presence. Anti bacterial properties with longer duration freshness lock. Just 3-4 sprays keeps you fresh and body odour away. Directions for Use : Hold the pocket perfume 10-15 cms away. Spray directly on clothes or body. Do not spray on broken or irritated skin. Country of Origin: India. Volume : 100 ml each bottle. Expiry Span : 36 months.
USD 49.0/шт 49.0
Palmist face wash is a soap free, herbal formulation with aloe vera extract that cleans up impurities and dead cells. Body wash contains anti-ageing and rejuvenating properties. Palmist shampoo nourishes hair from root to tip and gives it a long lasting shine. Suitable for all hair types. Intimate Hygiene Wash helps in prevention of unpleasant odours and irritations in the intimate area. Hair masque acts as an alternate to conditioner for damaged hair. Softens and Strengthens Hair, Leaves hair moisturized. Palmist face wash is a soap free, herbal formulation with aloe vera extract that cleans up impurities and dead cells. Walnut Scrub removes dead skin cells. Unclogs skin pores of any impurities. Ensures hydrated, moisturized and soft skin. Palmist conditioner provides deep nourishment to damaged hair from root to tip, reduces hair fall. Target Audience : Men and women, Skin Types : All Skin Types, Country of Origin : India
USD 3.55/шт 3.55
Therapeutic pillow spray gives you sound, relaxing, natural and effortless sleep. Calms the mind, and keeps you active and stress-free. It helps to maintain natural sleep and wake-up cycles. Which helps in leading a healthy lifestyle. It is designed to calm nerves and balance the mind. It is designed for those people who wants quality and comfortable sleep. Directions For Use : Spray it on your pillows, bedsheets, curtains or in the room as much needed. Suitable For : Men & Women; Country of Origin: India
Dogan Plastic Mold
Istanbul, Türkei
Klären Sie Preis USD 0 0
A set for mixing powder and gel masks. Spatula bowl - extra measuring spoon (set of 3) Made in Turkey
USD 15.0 - 22.0/шт
Features & details Made with 99.9% pure copper and Can contain 950ml of water Purifies drinking water, helps in boosting immunity and digestion Promotes healthy heart, Helps in controlling anaemia and Reduces bad cholesterol Promotes skin healthy Helps in building bones stronger
USD 5.68/шт 5.68
INSTANT HAND CLEANER SANITIZER: This Isopropyl Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer Spray combo pack is hard on germs and provides instant protection. RINSE-FREE : This disinfectant with herbal blend keeps your hands clean quickly and effectively without soap and water. KILLS 99.99 % OF GERMS : This Hand sanitizer is 70% alcohol based and a perfect solution for hand hygiene you can use it at your work place, home, in your car, at public transport, public rest rooms or medical facilities. TRAVEL FRIENDLY PACK: This portable sanitizer comes with exotic fragrances with attractive packaging. It is useful for Men, Women, Girls,Boys and for people from all walks of life. You can use it at go. SAFE AND LONG LASTING- This alcohol based hand sanitizer comes pack of two fragranced sanitizers which are non-sticky, skin-friendly, has moisturizing properties and comes with an expiry span of 36 months.
USD 8.5/шт 8.5
INSTANT HAND CLEANER SANITIZER: This Multipurpose Hand Sanitizer Spray combo pack is hard on germs and provides instant protection. RINSE-FREE : This is body, palm and surfaces disinfectant with herbal blend to keep your hands clean quickly and effectively without soap and water. KILLS 99.99 % OF GERMS : This Multipurpose sanitizer is 70% alcohol based and a perfect solution for hand hygiene you can use it at your work place, home, in your car, at public transport, public rest rooms or medical facilities. TRAVEL FRIENDLY PACK: This small size, lightweight, portable sanitizer fits your pocket and comes with exotic fragrances with attractive packaging. It is useful for Men, Women, Girls,Boys and for people from all walks of life. You can use it at go. SAFE AND LONG LASTING- This offered comes with small size pack of four sanitizers which is non-sticky, skin-friendly, has moisturizing properties and comes with an expiry of 36 months.
USD 17.05/шт 17.05
This skin friendly perfume keeps body odour in check and gives a feeling of freshness all day long Target Audience: Unisex. Perfect for everyday use. Long lasting freshness fragrance. Fragrance which speaks about your presence Anti bacterial properties with longer duration freshness lock. Just 3-4 sprays keeps you fresh and body odour away. Directions for Use : Hold the pocket perfume 10-15 cms away. Spray directly on clothes or body. Do not spray on broken or irritated skin. Country of Origin: India. Volume : 100 ml each bottle. Expiry Span : 36 months.
USD 6.9/шт 6.9
Any 3 Fragrances Can be Sent.Combo of 6 Packs 18ml Each.INSTANT HAND SANITIZER: This Pocket hand Sanitizer combo pack is hard on germs. Use this 70% Alcohol based sanitizer to protect you against germs, bacteria or virus that you comes in contact with. EFFECTIVE RINSE-FREE : Hand disinfectant with herbal blend to keep your hands clean quickly and effectively without soap and water. You can use it at go and it's easy to carry. KILLS 99.99 % OF GERMS : This is the perfect solution for hand hygiene you can use it at your work place, home, in your car, at public transport, public rest rooms, medical facilities or while you travel TRAVEL FRIENDLY PACK: This mini size, light weight pocket sanitizer fits youw pocket and comes with exotic fragrance with attractive packaging. It is useful for Men, Women, Girls,Boys and peopel from all walks of life.. It acts as a shield against invisible threats of viruses and bacteria. SAFE AND LONG LASTING- This offer comes with small size pack of six hand sanitizers which are non-sticky, skin-friendly, has moisturizing properties and comes with an expiry of 36 months.
USD 6.38/шт 6.38
Our unique composition ensures quick evaporation with an added herbal blend that has a rate of killing germs that equals to 99.9%. Our products is portable that can be carried along anytime , anywhere. Our products has No added colors and harmful chemicals. Effective against illness causing germs. It has no-wash and quick-drying characteristics to avoid the hassle of washing your hands. Non-irritating and skin-friendly formula. Maximum self-life of 36 months.
USD 3.94/шт 3.94
INSTANT HAND SANITIZER: This Alcohol Alcohol Free Hand Rub Sanitizer Spray combo of 4 packs (18ml Each) for baby and kids is hard on germs and provides instant protection. RINSE-FREE : This disinfectant with herbal blends keeps your hands clean quickly and effectively without soap and water. KILLS GERMS : This hand sanitizer for baby and kids is alcohol free and a perfect solution for hand hygiene and can used at playschools, home, schools, at public transport, while playing. TRAVEL FRIENDLY PACK: This portable alcohol free hand rub sanitizer for babies and kids comes in pleasing fragrance with attractive packaging. SAFE AND LONG LASTING- This alcohol free non-sticky, skin-friendly, has moisturizing properties and comes with an expiry span of 36 months. Target Audience: Kids, School boys And Girls
USD 14.28/шт 14.28
Easy to Use Convenient Use and Throw Kills 99.99% Bacteria Sachets easily fits in wallet and pocket
USD 71.42/шт 71.42
Easy to Use. Convenient. Use and Throw. Kills 99.99% Germs and Bacteria. Sachets easily fits in wallet and pockets. Multi Fragranced INSTANT HAND CLEANSER SANITIZER: This alcohol based hand Sanitizer in easy to carry sachets or pouch is hard on germs and provides instant protection. KILLS 99.99 % OF GERMS : This Hand sanitizer is 70% alcohol based and a perfect solution for hand hygiene you can use it at your work place, home, in your car, at public transport, public rest rooms or medical facilities. TRAVEL FRIENDLY PACK: This portable pocket or wallet sized sanitizer comes with exotic fragrances with attractive packaging. It is useful for Men, Women, Girls,Boys and for people from all walks of life. You can use it at go. SAFE AND LONG LASTING- These alcohol based hand sanitizers are multi fragranced sanitizers which are non-sticky, skin-friendly, has moisturizing properties and comes with an expiry span of 36 months.
USD 2.52/шт 2.52
Rinse Free - Palmist Hand Sanitizer 50ml small pack is non-sticky and dose not have to washed off with water after use. It ensure protection on go without soap and kills almost all the germs on your hands. KILLS 99.99 % OF GERMS : This is the perfect solution for hand hygiene you can use it at your work place, home, in your car, at public transport, public rest rooms, medical facilities or while you travel. No Skin Irritation: It's gentle, non-irritating and skin-friendly formula does not hurt the skin during germ removal. It's safe for all skin type. EASY TO CARRY- It's travel friendly and comes with mild fragrance with attractive packaging. SAFE AND LONG LASTING- You can use it indoor or outdoor for protecting against germs. This samll hand sanitizer pack comes with an expiry of 36 months.
USD 4.14/шт 4.14
INSTANT HAND CLEANER SANITIZER: This Hand Sanitizer Spray combo pack is hard on germs and provides instant protection. RINSE-FREE : This is body, palm and surfaces disinfectant with herbal blend to keep your hands clean quickly and effectively without soap and water. KILLS 99.99 % OF GERMS : This sanitizer is 70% alcohol based and a perfect solution for hand hygiene you can use it at your work place, home, in your car, at public transport, public rest rooms or medical facilities. SAFE AND LONG LASTING- This offered comes with small size pack of four sanitizers which is non-sticky, skin-friendly, has moisturizing properties and comes with an expiry of 36 months. Non-irritating and skin-friendly formula.
USD 2.1/шт 2.1
KILLS GERMS :Helps kill microbes (bacteria and viruses) and germs on the skin even when water soap and towel are not available It has quick-drying characteristics to avoid the hassle of washing your hands. SKIN FRIENDLY: This handwash spray is gentle on hand, non-irritating and skin-friendly formula. It does not hurt the skin during germ removal. TRAVEL FRIENDLY PACK: This small size, lightweight, portable pocket sanitizer fits your pocket and comes with exotic fragrance that removes foul odour. It is useful for Men, Women, Girls,Boys and for peopels from all walks of life. You can use it at the go. INSTANT PROTECTION- This portable handwash spray shield you against invisible germs & viruses.
USD 7.14/шт 7.14
SKIN FRIENDLY: It helps to keep skin naturally fresh and clinically clean and moisturized. INSTANT PROTECTION: On the go protection from germs and infections- Protects from the germs transferred from direct contact with an infected person or from an external source RINSE- FREE: It has no-wash and quick-drying characteristics to avoid the hassle of washing your hand. LONG-LASTING PROTECTION: It will offer you long-lasting protection so you won’t have to apply it repeatedly on your hand. This small hand sanitizer comes with the expiry of 36 months. KILLS 99.99 % OF GERMS : This is the perfect solution for hand hygiene you can use it at your work place, home, in your car, at public transport, public rest rooms, medical facilities or while you travel.
USD 6.41/шт 6.41
Deep nourishment of damaged hair from root to tip, reduces hair fall. Suitable for everyday use.Fights dryness, roughness, dullness and split ends. Enriched with the goodness of Aloe Vera Gel and Pro Vitamin B5 to give you strong, soft and shiny hair. Palmist conditioner works by controlling natural oil balance of hair and scalp to give complete protection to hair. Target Audience : Men and women, Skin Types : All Hair Types, Country of Origin : India
USD 6.41/шт 6.41
Acts as conditioner for damaged hair. Softens and Strengthens Hair, Leaves hair moisturized. Fights hair fall, dryness, roughness, dullness and split ends. Use once a week, after shampoo masque can be used as an alternative to conditioner or coconut oil massage. Safe for Coloured and Chemically treated Hair. Has goodness of herbal ingredients. Suitable for : All hair types, Country of Origin : India
USD 6.41/шт 6.41
Non-sticky, light-weight and fast absorbing formula with moisture lock properties to keep your skin soft and healthy. Repairs dry and damaged skin. Fragrance that will leave you feeling refreshed. Enriched with goodness of herbal substances. Glowing skin with deep nourishment. Gives you softer, smoother and younger looking skin Directions for Use : Take appropriate amount of Body Lotion. Apply all over body after bath or can be used any time when skin feels rough & dry. Massage in circular motion until it dries completely. Target Audience: Men & Women. Paraben Free. Suitable for all skin types. Country of origin : India
USD 8.55/шт 8.55
Removes dead skin cells. Unclogs skin pores of any impurities. Ensures hydrated, moisturized and soft skin. Palmist scrub helps in removing black-head that causes impurities clog on skin. Regular use of walnut scrub helps you achieve a smooth, problem free complexion, keeps your skin moisturized, soft,healthy & well nourished. 100% Vegan with No Parabens, Sulphates, Mineral Oil. It comes with goodness of herbal blends which cleans your skin without causing any side effects. Target Audience : Men and women, Skin Types : All Skin Types, Country of Origin : India
USD 6.41/шт 6.41
Nourishes hair from root to tip and gives it a long lasting shine. Suitable for all hair types. For better results use the Palmist shampoo daily. It makes hair healthy and strong. A nourishing formula enriched with herbal blends. Give your hair the essential care it deserves with Palmist shampoo. Target Audience: Men & Women, Country of Origin : India
USD 4.98/шт 4.98
Helps in prevent unpleasant odours and irritations in the intimate area. With this intimate wash, feel clean, dry and fresh the entire day. Maintains intimate parts pH balance. Unique formulation to ensure complete intimate hygeine with goodness of herbal blends. Non-irritating formula. Suitable for daily use. No Sulphate, No Paraben, No SLS, No Added Alcohol Ideal for : Men and women of all ages and skin types, Country of Origin: India
USD 6.41/шт 6.41
It's rich-lather body wash, which leaves you feeling refreshed and relaxed. Provides odour protection with its soothing fragrance. Contains herbal ingredients. Body wash contains anti-ageing and rejuvenating properties Apply gently over wet skin, cleanse and then rinse off with water. Ideal for men and women. For all skin types. Country of Origin : India

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