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USD 0.39/шт 0.39
Minimum order 20 foot container (24000 pcs) The price is indicated on FCA (Ukraine) terms. We also offer horseradish with beets, white horseradish, white horseradish with lemon, mustard, mustard beans and more.
USD 0.39/шт 0.39
Minimum order 20 foot container (24000 pcs) The price is indicated on FCA (Ukraine) terms. We also offer horseradish with beets, white horseradish, white horseradish with lemon, mustard, mustard beans and more.
USD 0.36/шт 0.36
Minimum order 20 foot container (24000 pcs) The price is indicated on FCA (Ukraine) terms. We also offer horseradish with beets, white horseradish, white horseradish with lemon, mustard, mustard beans and more.
USD 0.33/шт 0.33
Minimum order 20 foot container (24000 pcs) The price is indicated on FCA (Ukraine) terms. We also offer horseradish with beets, white horseradish, white horseradish with lemon, mustard, mustard beans and more.
USD 0.36/шт 0.36
Minimum order 20 foot container (24000 pcs) The price is indicated on FCA (Ukraine) terms. We also offer horseradish with beets, white horseradish, white horseradish with lemon, mustard, mustard beans and more.
USD 0.35/шт 0.35
Minimum order 20 foot container (24000 pcs) The price is indicated on FCA (Ukraine) terms. We also offer horseradish with beets, white horseradish, white horseradish with lemon, mustard, mustard beans and more.
USD 0.33/шт 0.33
Minimum order 20 foot container (24000 pcs) The price is indicated on FCA (Ukraine) terms. We also offer horseradish with beets, white horseradish, white horseradish with lemon, mustard, mustard beans and more.
Über das Unternehmen
Kategorie: Adresse:
Landwirtschaft und lebensmittel, Grocery, Lebensmittelzutaten, Obstkonserven und gemüse Ukraine

Vinagro LLC ist ein führender Hersteller und Lieferant mit 15 Jahren Erfahrung in der Lebensmittelindustrie. Das Unternehmen bietet Produkte unter eigenen Markennamen an und produziert auch Produkte unter dem Markennamen der Kunden. Wir arbeiten eng mit großen Einzelhandelsgeschäften in der Ukraine zusammen, darunter Auchan, die Fozzy Group (Silpo, Fora Supermarktkette), Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine, Fourchette und andere.

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