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Categories: Address:
Carpet Kazakhstan, 160026 Республика Казахстан, ЮКО, г. Шымкент, Енбекшинский район,квартал № 264, строение 165, Специальная экономическая зона «Оңтустік» тел.: +7 (7252) 92-14-44, 24-92-54

The company "Bal Textile" is professionally engaged in the production of carpets and rugs in the South Kazakhstan region, in the special economic zone "Ontustik". We started producing carpets in October 2013, and during this time we managed to build a positive reputation among our customers. Customers appreciated the high quality of our products and attractive financial terms of cooperation. The company "Ball Textile" in numbers: Experience in the market - 21 years. The number of products - more than 5 million square meters. m per year. The number of employees - more than 200 people. The number of distributors in Kazakhstan - more than 400. The number of created designs - more than 500. The total production area - 6 hectares. Our mission: To produce high-quality carpets and rugs at reasonable prices, contributing to the well-being and happiness of people around the world. Our goal: To become the leading manufacturer of carpets and rugs in the world.

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