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Gadgets, Health and beauty, Women's Accessories, Wallet, Children's Accessories, Children's jewelery, watches, Children's watches, alarm clocks, Bags, Business bags, Women's handbags, Watch, glasses & jewelry, Bijouterie, Watches Belarus, 223028, Минская обл., Минский р-н, с/с Ждановичский, аг.Ждановичи, ул.Северная, д.6, к.3.

BelOptovik is a wholesale online store specializing in the wholesale of popular goods that are always easy to sell and make high profits. We are a professional selling top products for single-page users, online stores and offline sellers. Our store offers a wide range of products, including watches, toys, products for cars and holidays, gadgets, products for beauty and health, home and garden, glasses, jewelry, wallets and wallets and much more. Why should you contact us? • Always relevant and competitive prices for goods. • The lowest prices for wholesale goods from China. • We have a quality product that is thoroughly tested. • All goods are available in Minsk or at our warehouse in Moscow. You do not waste your time waiting for delivery from China. • We closely monitor the movement of the market and the vectors of popularity of goods, quickly respond to this, thereby keeping our customers on the “crest of the wave”. • Quick formation of your orders and their dispatch. • Consultation by highly qualified staff. • Bonus system. • The guarantee of the return of marriage at our expense. • Individual working conditions with regular customers. Address: 223028, Minsk region, Minsk district, s / s Zhdanovichsky, ag.Zhdanovichi, Severnaya St., 6, building 3. Phones: +375 (29) 555-60-16 E-mail: Opening hours: Mon – Sat 10: 00–20: 00, Sun. Weekend Website:

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