
减肥餐批发在 Qoovee市场

AgroBusiness+ LLC
USD 2.29/个/件/只 2.29
天然零食 高回收率 可用于添加到茶中,作为装饰品、装饰品 自然味道、气味 独特的干燥技术可以让您节省高达 97% 的产品营养、有益特性。 成分:橙子,无添加剂,无增味剂,无烘烤。 储存条件:储存温度不超过25摄氏度,相对湿度不超过75%
AgroBusiness+ LLC
USD 2.18/个/件/只 2.18
柿子干对每个人都有用,因为它可以增强免疫系统,改善新陈代谢过程,刺激消化,降低胆固醇,具有抗炎和防腐性能。这种水果的干片可以作为家庭、办公室的装饰品,也可以用于烹饪、调味饮料,作为天然健康零食。自己的干燥技术可让您节省高达 97% 的产品营养和有益特性。仔细干燥可以保存产品的味道、气味和颜色。主料:干柿子片储存条件:储存温度不超过25摄氏度,相对湿度不超过75%
AgroBusiness+ LLC
USD 2.18/个/件/只 2.18
如您所知,新鲜猕猴桃是一种易腐烂的水果,因此最好在几天内享受它的味道和酸甜多汁。然而,干燥后,由于其自​​身的干燥技术,这种水果可以保留数月的所有益处,这可以让您保存多达 97% 的产品营养特性。猕猴桃干片可以装饰你的家、办公室,也可以用于烹饪、调味饮料,作为一种天然的健康零食。猕猴桃干是维生素 B、C、A 和 E 的理想来源,可以排除体内有害毒素,改善肤色,是糖尿病患者的完美糖替代品。仔细干燥可以保存产品的味道、气味和颜色。成分:猕猴桃干片储存条件:储存温度不超过25摄氏度,相对湿度不超过75%
AgroBusiness+ LLC
USD 1.87/个/件/只 1.87
干香蕉有许多优点,首先是保质期,因为干果的储存时间更长,并保留了所有有益的特性和维生素。这种水果的干片比天然水果更有营养,用作天然零食,非常适合沙拉、早餐和各种甜点。自己的干燥技术可让您节省高达 97% 的产品营养和有益特性。仔细干燥可以保存产品的味道、气味和颜色。成分:香蕉干片储存条件:储存温度不超过25摄氏度,相对湿度不超过75%
AgroBusiness+ LLC
USD 2.72/个/件/只 2.72
天然菊芋粉采用独特的技术制成,可让您保留菊芋有用特性的全部成分,即菊粉、果胶、果糖、蔗糖。 保存菊粉 - 75%。 产品在水中的高溶解度。 成分:天然干菊芋粉储存条件:储存温度不超过25度,相对湿度75%。
AgroBusiness+ LLC
USD 1.2/个/件/只 1.2
天然菊芋片采用特殊的专有干燥技术制成,可让您在短时间内在低温下处理产品,最终生产出品质高于升华的优质产品。菊芋含有丰富的菊粉、果胶、纤维,对人体有益。菊芋片是一种健康的零食,天然的味道、颜色和气味。储存条件:储存温度不超过 25 度,相对湿度不超过 75% 成分:天然干菊芋
Theseus EVOO
USD 3.83 - 5.11/个/件/只
深绿色。 这种橄榄果实的味道比 Koroneiki 更顺滑,它的香气让人想起成熟的水果,如红苹果和西红柿。 非常适合烹饪。
LLC "AZO Elita"
USD 0.33 - 0.51/个/件/只
TM Medok
USD 8.0 - 270.0/个/件/只
对于蜂来说,蜂王浆是最主要的食物。它是由年轻的蜜蜂生产的,其职责包括喂养幼虫和女王。只有工蜂的幼虫才接受蜂王浆仅3天,而女王-终其一生。因此,它的寿命比普通蜜蜂更长-长达7年,而工作的蜜蜂只有35-40天。但是,如果一只正在工作的蜜蜂的幼虫接受蜂王浆超过三天,那么她的生殖器官就会发育,她会成为女王。如果女王死在蜂群中,并且蜜蜂迫切需要替换蜂群,则会出现这种情况。 蜂王浆是白色或略带奶油色的果冻状团块,具有特殊的气味和强烈的酸味。并非所有养蜂人都参与收集蜂王浆,因为此过程非常费力。因此,购买蜂王浆并不容易,该产品的价格相当高。 建议服用蜂王浆: 在心脏病发作,中风,手术,化学疗法,严重疾病后的恢复期内; 患有心绞痛,动脉粥样硬化,高血压,低血压,心肌营养不良,缺血性心脏病,血管张力障碍; 如果经常出现神经疾病,压力,抑郁症和癫痫病; 用于预防和治疗内分泌和生殖器领域的各种疾病,除主要治疗方法外还包括男性和女性不育; 女性更年期综合症,月经不调,荷尔蒙平衡; 作为前列腺炎,前列腺腺瘤,阳ot的主要治疗方法的辅助手段; 在成人和儿童消化不良的情况下,食欲不振,厌食,贫血; 对于泌乳功能低下的哺乳期妇女-哺乳期减少; 如果头发过早脱发,发脆和分层,指甲发脆,皮肤过早老化; 成人和儿童患有慢性疲劳,免疫力下降,经常感冒和病毒性疾病。 使用蜂王浆的结果: 恢复正常血压水平。 改善心肌组织的新陈代谢, 血液中的胆固醇含量降低, 心血管系统的功能状态得到改善, 由于蜂王浆中存在生物素,锌,钾,磷,镁,锰,铬,维生素B1,B3,氨基酸色氨酸,异亮氨酸和亮氨酸,糖尿病患者血液中的葡萄糖水平保持稳定。 血红蛋白的产生被激活,身体对缺氧(缺氧)的抵抗力增强; 性腺的工作被激活,最佳的荷尔蒙平衡得以恢复; 性欲增加和生育能力提高(受精能力); 在更年期期间,女性的心理和生理状况得到改善。 降低了雌性和雄性生殖系统器官疾病的风险; 由于组合物中锌,激素(孕酮,睾丸激素,雌二醇)的存在,刺激了睾丸激素(男性性激素)的产生,增加了效力,提高了精子的质量; 肾上腺和内分泌系统其他器官的功能得到改善; 出现食欲不振,肠胃蠕动改善,消化器官起作用; 免疫力增强,患疾病的风险降低; 蜂王浆与体育锻炼和适当的营养相结合,有助于减少脂肪堆积,增加肌肉质量,增强耐力; 在怀孕期间,肥胖,贫血的风险降低,并且对细菌和病毒感染的抵抗力增强。 建议将蜂王浆与其他养蜂产品结合使用:蜂面包,花粉,蜂蜜。复杂的接收增强了其对人体的影响。
Eziz Erkin
USD 4.44/t 4.44
价格(FCA):$ 4.44 /盒-2.5kg。包装:带衬板的警戒线箱31厘米(长)* 21厘米(宽)* 12.5厘米(高)。重量1盒:2500克。有效期:6个月。产品组成:玉米gr。精制植物油(棕榈),糖,具有可可味的天然香料和芳香气味。 🌐产品已通过认证📑。提供的产品完全符合国际高品质。 🌐出口-从世界各地的土库曼斯坦всего批发批发高品质📈商品Туркмени🇺🇳 with各种运输方式的交付✈️| ⛴| 🚎| 🚈(INCOTERMS 2010 EXW,FCA,FOB,CIP,CIF。)
GOKO company
USD 16.35/kg 16.35
Хвойный чайный напиток в сухом виде. Хвоя пихты даёт ярко выраженный вкус, в сочетании с листом смородины создается запах пихтового леса. Кедровые масла придают напитку кедровый аромат. Приятную кислинку и характерный бардовый цвет даёт одна из самых полезных ягод - клюква. Перед употреблением пакет чая "Встряхнуть". Обладает очищающим эффектом и хвойным ароматом. Все ингредиенты натуральные. Инновация в области чая, травяных сборов и чайных напитков. Цена за 1 кг. - 1600 руб. при более крупном заказе скидка по договоренности.
Profexport LLC
Specify the price USD 0 0
FLAKES from 5 cereals of instant preparation that do not require boiling TU 9295-015-17734456 A mixture of 5 cereal flakes of the NUTRIX trademark is an excellent solution for making breakfast! We took the most useful cereals, made cereals from them and packed them especially for you - in front of you is not only a very healthy, but also a delicious fragrant tomorrow! There are various options: 5 cereals, 7 cereals, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice
Profexport LLC
Specify the price USD 0 0
Instant oatmeal porridge without cream with FOREST BERRIES is a ready-made solution for a balanced breakfast. Nutrix is a brand for those who are always on the move. Who is walking, running or driving towards their goals or a new life. Well, in order to master the road, you have products of the NUTRIX trademark - this is a brand of healthy products for a healthy diet for every day. Nutrix provides you with energy, lightness and freedom, nutrients and vitamins, and time-saving snacking to get you one day closer to your dream. Ingredients: Oat flakes, sugar, dried forest berries (raspberries, blueberries), salt, Forest Berries flavor identical to natural. Nutritional value: proteins - 11.1 g fats - 5.4 g carbohydrates - 52.6 g Energy value: 303 kcal / 1268 kJ Oat flakes 77%; berries, flavor 1.7%; sugar 20.1%; salt 1.2% Net weight: 37 g Shelf life: 12 months
LLC "Goldim Rus"
USD 8.72/个/件/只 8.72
Baby food with goat milk. Adapted mixtures and cereals based on adapted mixture based on goat milk
LLC "InariGroup"
USD 1.0 - 3.0/kg
In the world of confectionery delights, biscuit remains the undisputed leader . Light, delicate, made from 100% natural ingredients, it is suitable both for a cozy family tea party and for a noisy children's party. Taking this into account, we have created a product that will save time, quickly and simply solve the issue of organizing leisure. BISCUIT COOKIES "Am-Am" is a safe, natural solution for your children and you.   BISCUIT COOKIES "Am-Am"    gives the joy of communication with loved ones
Specify the price USD 0 0
THIS IS THE SITUATION OF SHIPPING ONCE A YEAR, BECAUSE OUR PRODUCT HAS BEEN GROWNED AND HARVED ONLY A YEAR. SAMPLE SENT TEST REPORTS. Quinoa - A pseudo-cereal grain cereal, an annual species of the Mar genus of the Amaranth family, growing on the slopes of the Andes in South America. Quinoa has ancient origins and was one of the most important Indian foods
USD 2.83 - 3.27/个/件/只
Назначение: Для супа, каш, салата, мороженого, десертов. Веганская ложка универсальный и полезный продукт. Без глютена, без сахара, без животных жиров. Эта ложка подходит как для первых и вторых блюд, так и для десертов. Состав:  вода, мука рисовая, семена льна, масло подсолнечное, сироп топинамбура, соль поваренная, сорбиновая кислота. Не содержит животные жиры, сахар, глютен. Не содержит ГМО. Возможно содержание следов орехов. Условия хранения: Хранить в сухом прохладном месте при tо 18 (±) 3о и относительной влажности воздуха не более 75%. Срок годности: 120 суток. После вскрытия использовать в течение 48 ч. Дату изготовления смотрите на упаковке. Количество ложек: 14 шт. Масса брутто: 280 г. (±) 15 г. Пищевая ценность в 100 г. продукта: белки- 8,3 г, жиры- 47,7 г, углеводы- 26,5 г. Энергетическая ценность в 100 г продукта: 2064 кДж (493 ккал). Упаковка изготовлена из перерабатываемых экологичных материалов без использования пластика, полиэтилена и полипропилена.   Коробка-трансформер из гофр картона вмещает 14 ложек, упакованных в жиростойкую бумагу.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Порошок из сверчков, или cricket powder - новый суперфуд, который содержит в себе огромное количество жизненно важных нутриентов. В их числе животный белок с полным набором аминокислот, витамин B12, железо, антиоксиданты, жирные кислоты и удивительный биополимер - хитин.  
Tallinn, Эстония
USD 105.0/个/件/只 105.0
We offer to produce in Germany and deliver your own white label (OEM) baby milk powder based on one of already existing formulas or your own specific requirements to the ingredients, recipes in terms of solubility, taste. We do offer different products for each age: 1. Infant Formula - from birth 2. Follow-on milk 2 - after 6. Month 3. Follow-on milk 3 - after 10. Month   German quality The production of baby milk powder is very sensitive and is subject to very strict quality controls in Germany. Before the finished can comes onto the market, the authorities first check whether the product meets the required quality criteria. Only then is a certificate of permissible sale issued. It is confirmed that our milk powder meets the food regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, and is freely available with appropriate labelling. The declared values are average quantities. This is due to naturally based variations of the raw material.   Healthcare market expertise since 1999 Having a goal to deliver the eco & energy-full ingredients for a healthy life from the 1-st day of our life, we have partnered up with one of the leading German interdisciplinary teams, which comes from a wide variety of segments of the healthcare market since 1999.   The multi-layered, bundled knowledge of well-versed and experienced nutritionists, specialist nurses makes us a competent partner when it comes to current issues in the areas of clinical nutrition, diet and nutrition concepts, care (homecare) and dialysis. Many years of its experience and economic performance, but also its knowledge of social responsibility, make us a strategic partner for optimal health care and care for people. White label cost-effective products from Germany We are happy to be your service and OEM partner offering cost-effective products with the highest-quality for your individual requirements and local market. We work together with our customers in a goal-oriented manner and thus creates the basis for a partnership-based and results-oriented culture that brings advantages for every partner involved.
Tallinn, Эстония
USD 105.0/个/件/只 105.0
We offer to produce in Germany and deliver your own white label (OEM) baby milk powder based on one of already existing formulas or your own specific requirements to the ingredients, recipes in terms of solubility, taste. We do offer different products for each age: 1. Infant Formula - from birth 2. Follow-on milk 2 - after 6. Month 3. Follow-on milk 3 - after 10. Month   German quality The production of baby milk powder is very sensitive and is subject to very strict quality controls in Germany. Before the finished can comes onto the market, the authorities first check whether the product meets the required quality criteria. Only then is a certificate of permissible sale issued. It is confirmed that our milk powder meets the food regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, and is freely available with appropriate labelling. The declared values are average quantities. This is due to naturally based variations of the raw material.   Healthcare market expertise since 1999 Having a goal to deliver the eco & energy-full ingredients for a healthy life from the 1-st day of our life, we have partnered up with one of the leading German interdisciplinary teams, which comes from a wide variety of segments of the healthcare market since 1999.   The multi-layered, bundled knowledge of well-versed and experienced nutritionists, specialist nurses makes us a competent partner when it comes to current issues in the areas of clinical nutrition, diet and nutrition concepts, care (homecare) and dialysis. Many years of its experience and economic performance, but also its knowledge of social responsibility, make us a strategic partner for optimal health care and care for people. White label cost-effective products from Germany We are happy to be your service and OEM partner offering cost-effective products with the highest-quality for your individual requirements and local market. We work together with our customers in a goal-oriented manner and thus creates the basis for a partnership-based and results-oriented culture that brings advantages for every partner involved.
Tallinn, Эстония
USD 115.62/个/件/只 115.62
We offer to produce in Germany and deliver your own white label (OEM) baby milk powder based on one of already existing formulas or your own specific requirements to the ingredients, recipes in terms of solubility, taste. We do offer different products for each age: 1. Infant Formula - from birth 2. Follow-on milk 2 - after 6. Month 3. Follow-on milk 3 - after 10. Month   German quality The production of baby milk powder is very sensitive and is subject to very strict quality controls in Germany. Before the finished can comes onto the market, the authorities first check whether the product meets the required quality criteria. Only then is a certificate of permissible sale issued. It is confirmed that our milk powder meets the food regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, and is freely available with appropriate labelling. The declared values are average quantities. This is due to naturally based variations of the raw material.   Healthcare market expertise since 1999 Having a goal to deliver the eco & energy-full ingredients for a healthy life from the 1-st day of our life, we have partnered up with one of the leading German interdisciplinary teams, which comes from a wide variety of segments of the healthcare market since 1999.   The multi-layered, bundled knowledge of well-versed and experienced nutritionists, specialist nurses makes us a competent partner when it comes to current issues in the areas of clinical nutrition, diet and nutrition concepts, care (homecare) and dialysis. Many years of its experience and economic performance, but also its knowledge of social responsibility, make us a strategic partner for optimal health care and care for people. White label cost-effective products from Germany We are happy to be your service and OEM partner offering cost-effective products with the highest-quality for your individual requirements and local market. We work together with our customers in a goal-oriented manner and thus creates the basis for a partnership-based and results-oriented culture that brings advantages for every partner involved.
Specify the price USD 0 0
1. Steam basmati 2-3% broken max steam basmati moisture 14-15 length 8 m damage discolour just 2% max foreign matter 2% max paddy grains nil packing 50 kgs pp bags loading 25 tons one container any Indian port loading quality white basmati pay terms 30% advance rest on loading or can discuss as per comfortability of each other. this is rice we can supply any quantities. 2. Sella basmati 2-3% broken max Sella basmati moisture 14-15 length 8 m damage discolour just 2% max foreign matter 2% max paddy grains nil packing 50 kgs pp bags loading 25 tons one container any Indian port loading quality white Sella pay terms 30% advance rest on loading or can discuss as per comfortability of each other. this is rice we can supply any quantities. 3) Golden Sella basmati 2-3% broken max golden Sella basmati moisture 14-15 length 8 m damaged discolour just 2% max foreign matter 2% max paddy grains nil packing 50 kgs pp bags loading 25 tons one container any Indian port loading quality golden Sella basmati pay terms 30% advance rest on loading or can discuss as per comfortability of each other. this is rice we can supply any quantities. You can request prices and specifications by contacting us.
USD 10.0 - 25.0/t
Black Tea Powder -Black Granular- Sıyah granül çay Black Tea Powder -Black Granular- Sıyah granül çay Specifications: --- Shelf Life 24 Months Origin India Moisture 8% -10% Dust 5% (Tea Dust only) Color Black and Light Brown Taste Naturally Weevil NO Granules forms Packing 1/5/25/50 kgs as per needs Payment Terms: L / C Looking for buyers from: Worldwide Contact: NAMA Consultants For information and specifications please contact us. Green tea, black tea, mixture of green and black tea, Assam tea, Darjeeling tea, Indian tea, India tea
USD 10.0 - 25.0/t
Green Leaf Tea -Green Leaf Tea-Yeşil çay Black Leaf / Green Mix -Black and Green Tea Blend-Sıyah yeşil çay karışımı Black Tea Powder -Black Granular- Sıyah granül çay Green Leaf Tea -Green Leaf Tea-Yeşil çay Specifications : --- Shelf Life: 24 Months Origin: India Moisture: 8% -10% Color: Green Taste: Naturally Weevil: NO Leaf Form Packing 1/5/25/50 kgs as per needs Contact us for more information and purchases ... Green tea, black tea, mixture of green and black tea, Assam tea, Darjeeling tea, Indian tea, India tea
USD 10.0/t 10.0
印度制造商出口的红茶和绿茶混合物。 黑叶/绿色混合 - 黑茶和绿茶混合 - Sıyah yeşil çay karışımı 规格: - - ·         保质期:24 个月 ·         产地:印度 ·         水分:8%-10% ·         颜色:绿色/黑色和浅棕色 ·         味道:自然 ·         象鼻虫:没有 ·         叶形 ·         根据需要包装 1/5/25/50 公斤如需更多信息和购买,请写信给我们。   纳尔吉扎・尼亚兹马梅多娃绿茶、红茶、混合绿茶和红茶、阿萨姆茶、大吉岭茶、印度茶、印度茶
Specify the price USD 0 0
1. Tuna chunk in oil, EOE-185g 2. Tuna chunk in brine, EOE-185g 3. Tuna chunk in oil, EOE-140g 4. Tuna chunk in brine, EOE-140g 5. Tuna flakes in oil, EOE-185g 6. Tuna flakes in brine, EOE-185g 7. Tuna shredded in oil, EOE-185g 8. Tuna shredded in brine, EOE-185g For more information and purchasing please contact us.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Мы хотим здоровое поколение и к этому призываем вас. У нас вы найдёте только натуральные, малокалорийные сладости (для перекусов или чаепития)) Вся наша продукция состоит из лесных ягод, без ГМО, без сахара, без муки, без консервантов, без искусственных добавок.. Только натуральные загустители.  Используйте наши печенюшки или мармеладки для перекуса (в офисе, дома, на учёбе..). Наша продукция: зефир; флаксы; мармелад; маршмеллоу; печенье; меренги; торты. Мы доставляем по Москве и Московской области, но если вы захотите взять крупным оптом, то доставка возможна по всем странам СНГ, буть то для офисных сотрудников или простого человека. 
Specify the price USD 0 0
Лакомства для взрослых и детей, сделанные с любовью Заботитесь о фигуре, но не желаете ограничивать себя в сладком? Хотите порадовать любимого малыша лакомством, в котором гарантированно нет вредных добавок? А может быть, ищете вкусный подарок для дорогого человека? Наш магазин здорового питания составит для вас эксклюзивный набор конфет ручной работы в привлекательной подарочной упаковке. Всегда в наличии широкий выбор качественных ингредиентов для полезной домашней выпечки. Экспериментируйте самостоятельно, расширяя привычные границы гастрономического удовольствия! Работаем оптом и в розницу с доставкой по всей России и странам СНГ. Дегустационные наборы сориентируют во вкусовых предпочтениях. Удобная форма оплаты, честные взаиморасчеты и гибкая система скидок.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Конфеты ручной работы – изысканный вкус и внешняя эстетика Выйдя на рынок в 2018 году, мы сумели занять достойную планку среди производителей натуральных сладостей. Наша коллекция уже включает 50 наименований полезных лакомств – конфет из сухофруктов и орехов, имеющих следующие преимущества: Только 100% натуральные ингредиенты, сбалансированная питательная формула, дарящая яркий вкус и чувство насыщения при минимуме калорий. Важно! Без добавления сахара, сиропов, патоки, масел и усилителей вкуса. Обогащенный состав лакомств – это содержание суточной нормы полезных нутриентов в одной конфете! Уникальная технология бережной сушки и активации орехов, нейтрализующая фитин, оставляет только «живые» питательные вещества для лучшей усвояемости микро, макроэлементов и витаминов. Достойный выбор и разнообразие вкусов конфет ручной работы.
Profexport LLC
USD 0.96 - 1.31/kg
Composition : Applesauce, potassium sorbate, pear flavor identical to natural. Nutritional value 100 g of product contains: - fat 0g - proteins 2.4 g -carbohydrates 59g Energy value 263 kcal \ 100 g There are all certificates of conformity. Various options for cooperation. Call / write
USD 1.74/个/件/只 1.74
“ SHIRREZA”无浆糊是由高质量的芝麻磨碎制成的100%天然产品。以其纯净的形式,它具有与天然芝麻相对应的脂肪和涩味。芝麻是纤维的最丰富来源,纤维有助于肠道的正常功能,预防包括癌症在内的消化道疾病。维生素(A,B1,B2,PP,尤其是E)和矿物质(铁,钾,镁,磷,尤其是锌和钙),肌醇六磷酸,芝麻素,脂肪酸和膳食纤维。芝麻中所含的糖参与许多代谢过程。白芝麻的好处是由于易于吸收所有有益元素,维生素和酸而实现的。因此,人们认为在食品中使用芝麻糊对头发的生长具有有益的作用,可对抗皮肤上的粉刺,促进体重减轻,具有显着的抗炎特性,并且对消化也有积极作用。籽油可改善人体的再生能力,促进血液凝结,减轻刺激和疲劳。
USD 0.33/个/件/只 0.33
USD 0.33/个/件/只 0.33
ü 酒吧 -Poleznoff 小吃 -   它不仅好吃,而且对儿童和成人,小学生和学生都是一种很好的享受。 ü 酒吧 使用独特的技术只使用天然原料制成。不含糖,色素,防腐剂或人工 添加剂 ü 构成 荞麦和米粉 的 谷物 不含 谷蛋白。 ü 用于生产零食的 菊苣 糖浆 是 天然的  益生 菊粉  哪个  它控制血液中的葡萄糖水平,有助于降低食欲,血糖指数从0至3较低,适合糖尿病和饮食营养,改善消化,增强免疫系统。 üPoleznoff 酒吧   是一种快速,便捷 且 最重要的有用方法,它可以缓解饥饿并增强能量
USD 1.53 - 2.18/个/件/只
МОСКВА, Россия
USD 1.74 - 1.93/kg
Specify the price USD 0 0
We offer Red Lentils for export from a manufacturer in Canada. Check the final price and agree on the delivery port. Nargiza Nyyazmammedova
USD 2.95/个/件/只 2.95
现在我们可以忘掉甜菊糖的苦涩回味,这是许多消费者抱怨的。甜菊糖“ CRYSTAL”是使用独特的技术制成的,该技术通过分子间转糖基作用对甜菊提取物进行酶处理。与化学处理不同,该技术可以生产具有保证的生物安全性的高质量甜味剂。结晶甜菊糖苷的甜度超过普通糖的甜度的100-150倍。卡路里含量实际上等于零。这些特性为在各种减肥饮食中将其用作天然甜味剂,减少日常营养的卡路里含量提供了极好的机会。在为糖尿病患者选择糖替代品时,建议使用甜菊糖,因为在人体中吸收糖期间,不会再分泌胰岛素。随着甜菊糖苷的长时间使用,在大多数情况下,血糖水平会逐渐降低。建议那些遵循自己的身材并限制卡路里摄入的健康生活方式的支持者购买。
USD 0.66/个/件/只 0.66
USD 1.48/个/件/只 1.48
USD 1.09/个/件/只 1.09
小袋中的天然糖替代品“ I甜叶菊”。一小袋代替2茶匙糖。小袋的内容物为结晶性白色粉末。味道-尽可能接近糖的味道。莱鲍迪甙A -97带来令人愉悦的甜味。这是甜叶菊中最甜的成分,具有最佳的调味特性。建议用作天然糖替代品以减少卡路里摄入,包括在各种低热量饮食中使用。对于那些容易超重的人,想要减肥的人和需要减少糖摄入量的人来说,这是必要的。

Qoovee——批发贸易平台。这里您可以找到任何领域的批发商品,包括商品减肥餐。在Qoovee拥有海量批发商品供您选择。这里您可以找到来自中国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、乌克兰、土耳其、欧洲各国、非洲、拉丁美洲等国用于减肥餐的批发商品。批发商基地还在不断壮大: 现在在Qoovee已有来自80个国家,近600个行业的20000名供应商。批发商品的种类实时更新并一直有效。所有减肥餐的批发供应商都期待您的购买和合作!
