
防腐剂批发在 Qoovee市场

OOO TD Ramtex-Trading
USD 1.0 - 10.0/个/件/只
We offer high quality tin cans in accordance with strict international standards. Today we offer for sale welded and solid-drawn cans with varnishing and lithography, manufactured in accordance with the required standards. For the manufacture of food cans, EZhK tin with parameters agreed with buyers, modern varnishes (enamels) and paints are used. We will be glad to see your company among our partners.
OOO TD Ramtex-Trading
USD 1.5/个/件/只 1.5
罐头炖牛肉,一级 GOST 32125-2013 成分:牛肉、牛油、洋葱、盐、黑胡椒、月桂叶。 说明: 肉的质量分数 根据配方 根据配方 - 97.5% 保质期 4 年 100 克产品的营养价值: 蛋白质,克 - 15.0,脂肪,克 - 17,100 克产品的能量值- 884 千焦/213 千卡。
USD 2.25/个/件/只 2.25
罐頭燉馬肉(3種)。 頂級,GOST 32125-2013,重量 338 克。 馬肉燉菜、馬肉札雅、馬肉卡齊。 價格取決於數量。
USD 1.0 - 10.0/kg
APM COUVERTURE 覆盆子口味白巧克力(2.5 公斤)
USD 1.0 - 15.0/个/件/只
APM Shakarlama 是属于第二类的饼干:酥脆的沙质基底、硬坚果、粘稠的干浆果和精致芳香的巧克力甘纳许。
USD 1.0 - 7.0/t
APM 果仁糖是许多甜点的重要成分。 果仁糖是由杏仁或杏仁和其他坚果的混合物与糖一起炒制而成。
USD 1.0 - 5.0/kg
USD 1.0 - 5.0/kg
USD 1.0 - 3.0/个/件/只
您可以使用 APM 糕点产品制作优质美味的产品。 也发现这种品质
USD 1.0 - 2.0/kg
APM VIP 焦糖酱 1 公斤
USD 1.0/个/件/只 1.0
植物油麦肯齐金枪鱼 这种放入植物油中的金枪鱼重 180 克,有一个易于打开的盖子。 Mackenzie的金枪鱼味道非常好。 鱼腥味很淡。 这种鱼使用的盐和油使其味道非常可口,而且对健康也有好处。 里面看不到肉以外的骨头和碎片。 就其重量而言,它的价格合理。 此外,其中不使用盐和脂肪。 该产品由盖德鱼的肉制成。
Baltic Source
Tallinn, Эстония
Specify the price USD 0 0
罐装糖玉米,由乌克兰敖德萨的敖德萨罐头厂生产。 在乌克兰种植,在乌克兰保护。 出口到世界上超过 15 个国家,包括欧盟国家、美国、加拿大。 可以运送到所有波罗的海国家,容器的体积从 400 克到 500 公斤不等。
IP Klimyuk A.Yu.
USD 1.14/个/件/只 1.14
罐装茄子鱼子酱,玻璃罐装,净重 375 GR,PO 12 件包装。 在盒子里。 配料:茄子、番茄酱、洋葱、植物油、盐(最多1.2%)、香料、水。 不含防腐剂和人工色素,不含转基因成分,罐装茄子鱼子酱
LLC "Best Business baraka"
Specify the price USD 0 0
IP Nikulin
Specify the price USD 0 0
你好。 我们是一家水煮产品制造商。 我们生产三种炖菜:牛肉、猪肉、猪肉牛肉。 该产品已通过认证并通过了所有实验室测试。 含肉量不低于80%,一箱16盒338克。
IP Nikulin
Specify the price USD 0 0
Specify the price USD 0 0
灭菌肉 灭菌肉。 炖牛肉最高级。 GOST 32125-2013 成分:牛肉、牛肉脂肪、洋葱、食盐、黑胡椒粉、月桂叶。 自生产之日起保质期 4 年。 肉类和脂肪的质量分数不低于 58% 俄罗斯加林格勒地区制造 净重 338 克 有 22,000 件 我们正在寻找批发买家 我们有所有必要的文件。 乌兹别克斯坦还生产其他罐头炖菜供出口。
LLC "Malmi Group"
USD 0.49 - 0.54/个/件/只
价格取决于应用程序的数量。灭菌煮豆制品“NUT” 玻璃罐 Twist-Off (Twist-Off) 450 ml 净重 500 g 主产品净重不小于 275 g 产品按照 TU BY 193313535.001-2021 生产。收货地址:白俄罗斯共和国,莫洛德奇诺,圣。 Libava-Romenskaya 62. 生产 30,000 件自有品牌产品(自有品牌)。根据与客户的协议,可以组织真空包装、蒸煮袋、罐装产品的生产(订单超过 30,000 件)。鹰嘴豆罐头是一种非常美味的小吃,具有多种有用的特性。它可以立即添加到汤、沙拉、蔬菜炖菜中,用作配菜。鹰嘴豆与肉类菜肴完美搭配,也可用作制作鹰嘴豆泥、沙拉三明治、肉酱等的基础。罐装鹰嘴豆富含纤维和植物蛋白,以及碳水化合物、脂肪和矿物质。它的使用有助于消化,降低胆固醇和血糖水平,对皮肤状况有益,并防止贫血的发展。
Specify the price USD 0 0
我们是各类包装食品的供应商。 番茄酱、意大利面、金枪鱼、枣、藏红花、罐头食品、预制食品、泡菜....
USD 0.72/L 0.72
Always in stock Assorted cucumbers and tomatoes "SONUN" 1500 ml-3000 ml Pickled cucumbers "SONUN" & nbsp; 700ml-720ml-900ml-3000ml Pickled bitter pepper "SONUN" 720 ml / 700 g & nbsp; Pickled sweet pepper "SONUN" 500 ml / 520 g Tomato paste "SONUN" 250 ml-900ml Pickled tomatoes "SONUN" & nbsp; 720ml-950ml-3000ml Pickled cherry tomatoes "SONUN" 720 ml / 780 g.
Individual entrepreneur
Specify the price USD 0 0
Specify the price USD 0 0
Frozen beef and stew from the leading producers of Belarus. Half carcasses / quarters / block meat / tenderloin.
LLC "Empire"
USD 0.51/个/件/只 0.51
Green peas, premium grade (450 grams) GOST: 34112-2017 From brain varieties
LLC "Empire"
USD 0.35/个/件/只 0.35
The dish is ready to eat, it is also used for preparing side dishes, salads, dishes with vegetables in the oven, etc. It contains only natural ingredients. The product does not contain artificial preservatives, colors, flavors, gluten.
LLC "Empire"
USD 0.33/个/件/只 0.33
White beans TM "From the grandmother's bed" is made from environmentally friendly raw materials. In the production of beans, high-quality raw materials of large varieties are used. Grains provide optimal digestibility and contain less starch, this variety reduces the amount of "broken" grains in the finished product. The maturity level of the raw materials is selected in such a way that the beans are suitable for both salads and direct consumption. The consistency of the bean variety used ensures consistent quality and taste for the end consumer. This natural product does not contain GMOs, dyes, preservatives or harmful food additives.
LLC "Empire"
USD 0.45/个/件/只 0.45
The dish is ready to eat, it is also used for preparing side dishes, salads, dishes with vegetables in the oven, etc. It contains only natural ingredients. The product does not contain artificial preservatives, colors, flavors, gluten.
LLC "Empire"
USD 0.44/个/件/只 0.44
White beans TM "From the grandmother's bed" is made from environmentally friendly raw materials. In the production of beans, high-quality raw materials of large varieties are used. Grains provide optimal digestibility and contain less starch, this variety reduces the amount of "broken" grains in the finished product. The maturity level of the raw materials is selected in such a way that the beans are suitable for both salads and direct consumption. The consistency of the bean variety used ensures consistent quality and taste for the end consumer. This natural product does not contain GMOs, dyes, preservatives or harmful food additives.
LLC "Empire"
USD 0.46/个/件/只 0.46
A soft chickpea that doesn't need any additional cooking. Dry chickpeas should be soaked for several hours before cooking, and canned chickpeas can be immediately added to the dish. It tastes like regular peas, but has a light nutty flavor.
USD 1.0/个/件/只 1.0
Environmentally friendly products produced in the south of the Odessa region, using high quality raw materials. Conducting laboratory research at all stages of production. The cost of products from the manufacturer's plant. Availability of all permits. Delivery to anywhere in the world at the most favorable rates. Yours faithfully "ECO FOOD TRADING" Ukraine.
Ahmed mito
USD 1.0/个/件/只 1.0
mixed pickles in galss jars  
Ahmed mito
USD 1.0/个/件/只 1.0
pitted green olive
Ahmed mito
USD 1.0/t 1.0
whole green olive packed in  glass jars-platic pails-brrels  all sizes are availbe as required  
ООО "Агросоюз Любава"
Одинцово, Россия
USD 0.11 - 0.54/个/件/只
Предлагаем натуральные овощные консервы собственного производства: горошек, фасоль, кукуруза, а также различные закусочные овощные консервы (икра, рагу, токана, закуска овощная и др.) и томатная паста. Высшая категория, масса нетто от 50 до 500 грамм. Упаковка-ж/банка и ламистер.
USD 2.0 - 4.0/个/件/只
This traditional drink from Tamil Nadu is served during Ram Navami. We love this drink made of wholesome jaggery, Sharp ginger, lemon and a little cardamom for balance. 
Омск, Россия
USD 1.04/个/件/只 1.04
Высший сорт, ГОСТ 32125 Состав: говядина, жир говяжий, лук, соль, лавровый лист, перец черный Срок годности: 3 года Масса нетто 338 г Дата производства январь 2020 г 
Ahmed mito
USD 1.0/t 1.0
we are exporter – Manufacturer of OLIVE,PICKLES . natural green olive-natural black olive kalamta olive sliced green olive-pitted green olive preserved vegetables: mixed pickles-pickled onion pickled cucumber pickles pepper pickled Mexican pepper pickled lemon-pickled onion pickled carrot-artichokes sliced green olive A10 sliced black olive A10 are presently shipping to almost every part of the world. Brazil-Greece-Canada-Peru-Chile-Italy Kuwait-UAE-sultan of Oman ...etc
Gifts of Armenia
Краснодар, Россия
Specify the price USD 0 0
USD 1.04/个/件/只 1.04
Предлагаю рассмотреть оптовые закупки консервации производства Казахстан для дальнейшей реализации на постоянной основе. Данная продукция является лучшей на всей территории таможенного союза! Предприятие ТОО "Карат". Являемся официальными дилерами! Ждем ваших предложений и вопросов, прайсы готовы они Вас ждут!

Qoovee——批发贸易平台。这里您可以找到任何领域的批发商品,包括商品防腐剂。在Qoovee拥有海量批发商品供您选择。这里您可以找到来自中国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、乌克兰、土耳其、欧洲各国、非洲、拉丁美洲等国用于防腐剂的批发商品。批发商基地还在不断壮大: 现在在Qoovee已有来自80个国家,近600个行业的20000名供应商。批发商品的种类实时更新并一直有效。所有防腐剂的批发供应商都期待您的购买和合作!
