
牛奶粉批发在 Qoovee市场

Specify the price USD 0 0
FRIMA Retail (fat 32%) Ingredients: whey powder, starch syrup, palm oil, coconut oil, caseinate.Shelf life: 2 years Packing: unopened packing Conditions of storage: keep in dry, dark place, out of sun, close tightly after every usage Usage: - milk tea and coffee  - cereal mix and porridge - bakery   FRIMA Bulk (fat 26%, 30%, 32%) Ingredients: whey powder, starch syrup, palm oil, coconut oil, caseinate.         Shelf life: 2 years            Packing: unopened packing Conditions of storage: keep in dry, dark place, out of sun, close tightly after every usage   Usage: - chocolate        - confectionery         - milk tea -cake cream      - ice-cream                -     Product Benefits: * Stable supply and less fluctuation in price * Free from foreign flavors and odors * Dissolves instantly in hot beverages * Add smooth and rich taste to tea, milk shakes * Requires no refrigeration
USD 50.0/个/件/只 50.0
駱駝奶含有多種重要的微量元素-鈣、鋅、鈷、鐵、鉀、磷,以及維生素A、C和B群。其熱量含量最高,為787至911大卡,而馬奶的熱量含量最高牛奶為 499-528 kcal,牛奶為 660 kcal。 含維生素A - 0.38 毫克/公升、維生素B - 0.95-1.86 毫克/公升、維生素B2 - 0.66-1.75 毫克/公升、維生素B12 - 2.72 毫克/公升、維生素C - 58.2 毫克和各種保護劑,如溶菌酵素、凝集素、抗毒素、溶菌素,確保其抑菌性。 它含有多種重要的微量元素-鈣、鋅、鈷、鐵、鉀、磷,以及維生素A、C和B群。
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 500.0/t 500.0
每次劑量25 克產品規格每片2 磅產品名稱分離乳清蛋白無樣品主要功能提供能量、肌肉增強包裝散裝、瓶裝、袋裝產品規格60 克拉/瓶形式粉末服務OEM ODM 服務保質期2 年證書ISO GMP HACCP
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 1500.0/个/件/只 1500.0
儲存類型 冷乾規格 山羊全脂奶粉 製造商 NIG Nutritionals Ltd 成分 100% 純新西蘭山羊全脂奶粉 含量 噴霧乾燥新鮮巴氏滅菌山羊 地址邁阿密 使用說明 應用範圍廣泛 保質期 18 個月
Соединенные Штаты Америки
USD 500.0/个/件/只 500.0
儲存類型 冷乾規格 山羊全脂奶粉 製造商 NIG Nutritionals Ltd 成分 100% 純新西蘭山羊全脂奶粉 成分 噴霧乾燥新鮮巴氏滅菌山羊製成 地址 25 Crown Road, Paerata, 奧克蘭, 新西蘭 使用說明 應用廣泛 貨架壽命18個月
USD 1.0 - 10.0/kg
APM COUVERTURE 覆盆子口味白巧克力(2.5 公斤)
USD 1.0 - 15.0/个/件/只
APM Shakarlama 是属于第二类的饼干:酥脆的沙质基底、硬坚果、粘稠的干浆果和精致芳香的巧克力甘纳许。
USD 1.0 - 7.0/t
APM 果仁糖是许多甜点的重要成分。 果仁糖是由杏仁或杏仁和其他坚果的混合物与糖一起炒制而成。
USD 1.0 - 5.0/kg
USD 1.0 - 5.0/kg
USD 1.0 - 3.0/个/件/只
您可以使用 APM 糕点产品制作优质美味的产品。 也发现这种品质
USD 1.0 - 2.0/kg
APM VIP 焦糖酱 1 公斤
Food Company 2015
Specify the price USD 0 0
乳清粉 这是通过凝乳然后干燥乳清而生产的粉末。 干脱盐乳清 - 干乳清,其中部分矿物盐已被去除。 脱矿物质干产品与天然乳清的不同之处在于改善了感官特性、更高的溶解度和更低的酸度。 生产脱盐干乳清的原料是奶酪乳清、酪蛋白和凝乳乳清。 乳清粉的使用范围: • 面包、糖果行业的生产(代替酵母使用,它也能发酵面团,分散脂肪,自然影响味道,使其更好、更浓郁)。 • 整个面包的生产奶制品(干酪、干酪、炼乳、酸奶等)。 在这种情况下,乳清粉赋予产品粘度和质地,形成奶油状结构,使产品更有营养。 • 肉类工业 - 用作染料,因为乳清粉赋予美丽的颜色并赋予奶油味。 •用于化妆品生产。 • 运动营养品。 • 动物饲料。
Food Company 2015
Specify the price USD 0 0
脱脂奶粉 奶粉是牛奶干燥后获得的粉末。 奶粉的想法是人们可以随意随身携带,而不用担心如果包装损坏,产品会消失或泄漏。 从口味上来说,这款产品有焦糖的味道。 奶粉生产 奶粉分两个阶段获得:首先将牛奶凝结。 达到所需的稠度后,对物料进行最终干燥。 结果,加工后的产品损失了高达 85% 的总量。 当包装成现成的包装时,通常使用惰性气体。 这确保了未来更长的保质期。成品含有大量脂肪,这就是为什么它被用于制作巧克力和一些糖果的配方中。 应用 一般来说,奶粉广泛应用于食品工业。 它是谷物、婴儿食品、糖果、炼乳、酸奶产品等的一部分。
Food Company 2015
Specify the price USD 0 0
订购产品时的最小重量为25公斤(1袋); 25公斤起订购时,价格为1950坚戈/公斤——不含增值税的价格(不含交货); 脱脂奶粉 奶粉是牛奶干燥后获得的粉末。 奶粉的想法是人们可以随意随身携带,而不用担心如果包装损坏,产品会消失或泄漏。 从口味上来说,这款产品有焦糖的味道。 奶粉生产 奶粉分两个阶段获得:首先将牛奶凝结。 达到所需的稠度后,对物料进行最终干燥。 结果,加工后的产品损失了高达 85% 的总量。 当包装成现成的包装时,通常使用惰性气体。 这确保了未来更长的保质期。成品含有大量脂肪,这就是为什么它被用于制作巧克力和一些糖果的配方中。 应用 一般来说,奶粉广泛应用于食品工业。 它是谷物、婴儿食品、糖果、炼乳、酸奶产品等的一部分。
LLP Trading House "TIS"
USD 1.0/t 1.0
№ 特征: 含义: 1 颜色从白色到奶油色 2 香气正常 3 T.A. 酸度(乳酸)/酸度(乳酸)gr./100 从 0.14 - 0.16(含) 4 脂肪含量,%(质量)最大值。 1.5 5 湿度,最大百分比 4.5 6 溶解度指数,最大毫升 0.3 7 烧焦颗粒,mg Disk A 8 乳糖,% 45-55 9 脱脂奶粉中的蛋白质,% min。 32 - 最大。 34 10 灰分,% 7.6 - 8.1 11 三聚氰胺,mg/kg 不含 12 抗生素阴性 13 大肠杆菌,CFU/g 阴性 14 大肠杆菌,/g。 不存在 15 30 °С 时的需氧菌板数,CFU/g 最大 1*104 16 金黄色葡萄球菌 + (/gr.) 不存在 17 黄曲霉毒素 M1,ppb N.D – 1 18 Pb,ppb N.D – 0.2 净重:25 kg ± 5 % 保质期:24 个月
SCHE "Ala-Too Sut"
USD 2.26/kg 2.26
脱脂奶粉 1.5% GOST
LLC VDK-Product
USD 1.18 - 1.44/kg
我们提供由优质原料制成的奶粉和奶粉配方。为您的生产选择牛奶的质量和等级,当技术要求发生变化时,它会被替换。提供所有随附文件:证书、质量证书。 “VDK-PRODUCT”公司销售用于多种食品生产的各种食品添加剂和配料。任何卷。在俄罗斯各地送货。开始使用示例。质量是恒定的。我们的产品范围:鸡蛋粉、鸡蛋混合物、玉米和马铃薯淀粉、麦芽糖糊精、脱脂奶粉、全脂奶粉、凝乳和奶酪乳清、大米和大豆粉等等。对每个客户的个性化方法。打电话,写信,我们将很高兴与您合作!!!
Exim Group
USD 1.0/个/件/只 1.0
Specify the price USD
Natural Coconut Powder Coconut is the symbol of Hainan, and coconut milk has reputation of plant milk. Nicepal coconut powder is selected from Hainan Fresh coconut, made by the world most advanced spray- drying technology and processing, which keeps its nutrition and aroma of fresh coconut well. Applications: 1.Applied in the production of ice cream, dry food mixtures, sports nutrition and drinks2.Use in the confectionery industry for the preparation of mousses, creams and fillings3.An alternative to cow's milk for cappuccino, latte and other coffee drinks4 making healthy smoothies and shakes at home5.Perfect for Pan-Asian cuisine, Tom Yam and Tom Kha sauces and soupsThe benefits of coconut milk powder and its popularity1.One of the best substitutes for milk today.2.High content of vitamin E can improve skin, hair and nails.3.Rich in beneficial fatty acids, it can support the hormonal system.4.A large number of enzymes can promote the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.5.Rich in essential vitamins and minerals.6.Suitable for people with an active lifestyle
Specify the price USD 0 0
我们是面包和糖果业原料的欧洲制造商和出口商。 Eurocas成立于1991年,为所有面包房和糖果经营者提供了用于随后的糖果生产的全系列基本产品。作为制造商,不仅是进口商/出口商,我们可以为您提供极具竞争力的价格,并监控市场和消费者趋势。目前,我们正在寻找可靠的合作伙伴,俄罗斯的经销商,我们可以与他们建立业务合作关系。在我们这边,我们保证互利合作。根据欧洲标准,我们的产品质量无可挑剔。
USD 100.0/个/件/只 100.0
型号: DP01芝麻饮料粉可以使饮料具有很浓的口感,它是东方国家最受欢迎的饮料之一。风味饮料粉系列包括多种饮料成分,它们也可以用作速溶饮料成分或原料,它既可以用于风味糖浆,也可以用于风味相同的风味饮料粉,它们都将用来制作优质饮料,通常使用饮料粉会更直接并简化SOP。   OEM包装,有自有品牌。每箱常规包装:    1KG x 20袋 产品应用:泡茶,饮料粉,奶茶
Tallinn, Эстония
USD 105.0/个/件/只 105.0
We offer to produce in Germany and deliver your own white label (OEM) baby milk powder based on one of already existing formulas or your own specific requirements to the ingredients, recipes in terms of solubility, taste. We do offer different products for each age: 1. Infant Formula - from birth 2. Follow-on milk 2 - after 6. Month 3. Follow-on milk 3 - after 10. Month   German quality The production of baby milk powder is very sensitive and is subject to very strict quality controls in Germany. Before the finished can comes onto the market, the authorities first check whether the product meets the required quality criteria. Only then is a certificate of permissible sale issued. It is confirmed that our milk powder meets the food regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, and is freely available with appropriate labelling. The declared values are average quantities. This is due to naturally based variations of the raw material.   Healthcare market expertise since 1999 Having a goal to deliver the eco & energy-full ingredients for a healthy life from the 1-st day of our life, we have partnered up with one of the leading German interdisciplinary teams, which comes from a wide variety of segments of the healthcare market since 1999.   The multi-layered, bundled knowledge of well-versed and experienced nutritionists, specialist nurses makes us a competent partner when it comes to current issues in the areas of clinical nutrition, diet and nutrition concepts, care (homecare) and dialysis. Many years of its experience and economic performance, but also its knowledge of social responsibility, make us a strategic partner for optimal health care and care for people. White label cost-effective products from Germany We are happy to be your service and OEM partner offering cost-effective products with the highest-quality for your individual requirements and local market. We work together with our customers in a goal-oriented manner and thus creates the basis for a partnership-based and results-oriented culture that brings advantages for every partner involved.
Tallinn, Эстония
USD 105.0/个/件/只 105.0
We offer to produce in Germany and deliver your own white label (OEM) baby milk powder based on one of already existing formulas or your own specific requirements to the ingredients, recipes in terms of solubility, taste. We do offer different products for each age: 1. Infant Formula - from birth 2. Follow-on milk 2 - after 6. Month 3. Follow-on milk 3 - after 10. Month   German quality The production of baby milk powder is very sensitive and is subject to very strict quality controls in Germany. Before the finished can comes onto the market, the authorities first check whether the product meets the required quality criteria. Only then is a certificate of permissible sale issued. It is confirmed that our milk powder meets the food regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, and is freely available with appropriate labelling. The declared values are average quantities. This is due to naturally based variations of the raw material.   Healthcare market expertise since 1999 Having a goal to deliver the eco & energy-full ingredients for a healthy life from the 1-st day of our life, we have partnered up with one of the leading German interdisciplinary teams, which comes from a wide variety of segments of the healthcare market since 1999.   The multi-layered, bundled knowledge of well-versed and experienced nutritionists, specialist nurses makes us a competent partner when it comes to current issues in the areas of clinical nutrition, diet and nutrition concepts, care (homecare) and dialysis. Many years of its experience and economic performance, but also its knowledge of social responsibility, make us a strategic partner for optimal health care and care for people. White label cost-effective products from Germany We are happy to be your service and OEM partner offering cost-effective products with the highest-quality for your individual requirements and local market. We work together with our customers in a goal-oriented manner and thus creates the basis for a partnership-based and results-oriented culture that brings advantages for every partner involved.
Tallinn, Эстония
USD 115.62/个/件/只 115.62
We offer to produce in Germany and deliver your own white label (OEM) baby milk powder based on one of already existing formulas or your own specific requirements to the ingredients, recipes in terms of solubility, taste. We do offer different products for each age: 1. Infant Formula - from birth 2. Follow-on milk 2 - after 6. Month 3. Follow-on milk 3 - after 10. Month   German quality The production of baby milk powder is very sensitive and is subject to very strict quality controls in Germany. Before the finished can comes onto the market, the authorities first check whether the product meets the required quality criteria. Only then is a certificate of permissible sale issued. It is confirmed that our milk powder meets the food regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany, and is freely available with appropriate labelling. The declared values are average quantities. This is due to naturally based variations of the raw material.   Healthcare market expertise since 1999 Having a goal to deliver the eco & energy-full ingredients for a healthy life from the 1-st day of our life, we have partnered up with one of the leading German interdisciplinary teams, which comes from a wide variety of segments of the healthcare market since 1999.   The multi-layered, bundled knowledge of well-versed and experienced nutritionists, specialist nurses makes us a competent partner when it comes to current issues in the areas of clinical nutrition, diet and nutrition concepts, care (homecare) and dialysis. Many years of its experience and economic performance, but also its knowledge of social responsibility, make us a strategic partner for optimal health care and care for people. White label cost-effective products from Germany We are happy to be your service and OEM partner offering cost-effective products with the highest-quality for your individual requirements and local market. We work together with our customers in a goal-oriented manner and thus creates the basis for a partnership-based and results-oriented culture that brings advantages for every partner involved.
USD 0.15/个/件/只 0.15
Akra糖果 自2010年以来,很高兴与您(我们的宝贵客户)分享其知识和经验。 自成立之日起,我们就有一支生产糖果的专家团队;它生产棒棒糖糖果,玻璃糖果,苹果糖果,棉花糖,Mevlana风味的Mevlana糖果,由不同口味组成的混合风味。同时,我们会在您的特殊日子里装饰这些产品组中想要的产品,并使其特别适合您。 除了我们丰富的国内经销商网络外,对英国,德国,伊拉克和阿塞拜疆等国家的出口也是迈向全球公司的重要一步。由于它非常重视质量,生产过程中的细致性以及要努力做到的决心,因此它在短时间内就达到了糖果行业的广泛客户群,并且从未放弃这些原则。 Akra糖果 它的目标是通过利用其现代化的生产方法提供的机会并为国民经济做出贡献,通过其专家队伍进一步加强公司结构来实现增长。 公司始终不变的原则是质量,卫生,服务,及时交付和价格合理。感谢您的密切关注和支持,AkraŞekerleme将本着诚实和服务质量的原则,保证生产的成功和连续性,在今天和将来继续为您服务。
ТОО "Тайынша Сутi"
Астана, Казахстан
USD 1.57/kg 1.57
Skimmed milk powder 1.5%, TR TS 033 2013, GOST 10970-87. Packaging - kraft bag, weight 20 kg Skimmed milk powder is a product obtained by drying milk. The product is quite convenient and simple in household use for the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products, as well as for animal nutrition. The composition of skimmed milk powder complies with the requirements of TR TS 033 2013, manufactured in accordance with GOST 10970-87. 100 grams of the product contains fat -1.5 g, protein - 32 g, carbohydrates - 50 g, energy value -330 kcal.

Qoovee——批发贸易平台。这里您可以找到任何领域的批发商品,包括商品牛奶粉。在Qoovee拥有海量批发商品供您选择。这里您可以找到来自中国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、乌克兰、土耳其、欧洲各国、非洲、拉丁美洲等国用于牛奶粉的批发商品。批发商基地还在不断壮大: 现在在Qoovee已有来自80个国家,近600个行业的20000名供应商。批发商品的种类实时更新并一直有效。所有牛奶粉的批发供应商都期待您的购买和合作!
