
天然食品批发在 Qoovee市场

USD 0.6/个/件/只 0.6
我销售批发婴儿食品,用于喂养 8 个月大的婴儿。 鳕鱼。 玻璃 100 克。 卖方仓库明斯克/白俄罗斯。
USD 0.87/个/件/只 0.87
我出售用于喂养 8 个月以上婴儿的批发鲑鱼泥。 玻璃罐 100 克。 卖方仓库明斯克/白俄罗斯
Hiding place
USD 1.6 - 3.27/个/件/只
We produce 6 types of tea. Classic, with strawberries, with sea buckthorn, with Sagan daila, with mint, with oregano. Delivery across Russia. Free product samples. The products contain no artificial colors, flavors, additives or GMOs.
Hiding place
USD 2.07 - 5.34/个/件/只
We produce 6 types of honey. Buckwheat, Forest, Melilot, Acacia, Linden, Floral. Delivery across Russia. Free Samples of Products There are no artificial colors, flavors, additives or GMOs in the products.
Hiding place
USD 1.73 - 2.13/个/件/只
We produce more than 20 types of jam. Including pine cone jam, with nuts, as well as berry jam. Delivery across Russia. Free product samples. The products contain no artificial colors, flavors, additives or GMOs.
TM Medok
USD 72.0/个/件/只 72.0
佩尔加  -蜜蜂的主要蛋白质饲料。它们由花粉和蜂蜜制成,并置于蜂窝状细胞中。但是在此之前,蜜蜂通过特殊的酶使蜂蜜丰富。蜂蜜-花粉混合物在细胞中保留数周。在这段时间内,在乳酸发酵的影响下,花粉逐渐变成“蜂面包”-蜂面包。由于蜜蜂添加到蜂蜜中的乳酸菌和酶的活性,所以不会在蜜蜂面包中形成有害的菌群。因此,蜜蜂在冬天为自己提供食物。到了秋天,蜜蜂面包变成了深褐色,令人愉悦的酸味和滋味。 对于人类来说,蜂面包是自然界捐赠的维生素和氨基酸的平衡复合物。它是大多数人的理想选择,被人体100%吸收。蜂面包包含蛋白质,碳水化合物,维生素,16个氨基酸和13个脂肪氨基酸,其中不可替代。就维生素的成分而言,它可以与药店出售的最昂贵,最优质的维生素复合物竞争。蜜蜂面包含有维生素A,B1和B2,B6,D,C,E,P,以及钾,钙,镁,铁,锌,钠和其他矿物质。 使用蜂面包的建议作为维生素,矿物质和氨基酸的复合物,建议使用蜂面包以降低免疫力,维生素缺乏和高疲劳感。它可以增强免疫力,并帮助人体自身抵抗病毒和感染。服用蜜蜂面包几个月的儿童患ARVI和流感的可能性较小,这使他们有可能不会错过学校和幼儿园的课程。混合摄入蜂面包和蜂王浆可观察到良好的效果。 建议服用蜂面包预防和治疗肝脏疾病。 Perga是出色的保肝剂。它可以清洁肝脏,恢复其细胞功能,再生并改善其酶活性。蜂面包还可以从体内清除胆固醇,毒素和毒素,从而减轻肝脏的额外压力。除主要治疗外,它还用于治疗胆囊炎,肝炎,肝脏脂肪变性,肝硬化。 同样,与主要治疗方法相结合,蜂面包还用于生殖器疾病:男性和女性不育,前列腺炎和前列腺腺瘤,荷尔蒙失调,性功能障碍。为了治疗这些疾病,最好将蜂面包与蜂王浆或无人机匀浆一起服用。 蜂面包还用于治疗消化系统疾病:消化道问题,体重过重,肥胖,胃和十二指肠溃疡以及代谢异常。 Perga用于预防和治疗心血管和循环系统疾病,高血压,心律不齐,中风和心脏病发作。 建议妇女在怀孕期间和产后服用蜂面包。它有助于分娩后恢复更快,增加泌乳。在确保没有过敏反应后,小剂量的儿童可以从两岁开始服用蜂面包。在此之前,您必须一定要咨询您的医生。 血红蛋白和红细胞水平低以及没有食欲,厌食的儿童和成人应服用Perga。 运动员和生活方式活跃的人们都会喜欢这种养蜂产品。蜜蜂面包增强了身体耐力,有助于应对压力,增加肌肉质量。 建议将蜂面包与其他养蜂产品结合使用:蜂王浆,无人机匀浆,蜡蛾tin剂,蜂蜡tin剂,蜂板。 禁忌症对养蜂产品的个人不宽容。建议事先咨询医生。 您可以购买三种类型的蜂面包:蜂窝状,研磨后与蜂蜜混合并以颗粒形式去皮。最好购买预先清洗过的颗粒状的面包,因为它不包含任何蜂蜜和蜡的混合物,以及幼虫和其他在蜂面包梳中经常发现的污染物的茧。如果您要为儿童购买蜂面包,这一点尤其重要。
TM Medok
USD 7.0 - 220.0/个/件/只
什么是无人机匀浆? 无人机匀浆或无人机牛奶相对较近而闻名。该产品的名称-幼虫或GTL的匀浆-出现在1991年。正是在这个时候,开始研究该产品的有用特性。 实际上,该产品的有益特性早就知道了。例如,在中国古代,它得到了很高的评价,在汉代之一的陵墓发掘期间发现的用竹子书写的食谱证明了这一点。而且在日本,肯尼亚,罗马尼亚,中国仍然使用它,不仅用于治疗。无人机幼虫营养丰富,因为它们所含的蛋白质与肉一样多。但是它们所含的维生素D比鱼油还要多。还有一个优势-幼虫含有氨基酸,酶和维生素。 因此,这些国家的无人机幼虫不仅被用作膳食补充剂,化妆品和药品的基础。它也是一种受欢迎的食品。将幼虫煮沸并油炸,用它们制成调味料,并用酱油调味。这种小吃通常可以在街边小摊,咖啡馆和商店中找到。甚至还有一个带有大型细胞的特殊基础,用于繁殖无人机。 谁应该将无人机匀浆,为什么? 联合国粮食及农业组织建议将无人机匀浆作为成人和儿童,特别是老年人的食品。 在甲状腺功能减退症(内分泌系统疾病)的情况下,接受无人机匀浆非常有效。它有助于恢复甲状腺的正常功能。 无人机匀浆富含激素和维生素,包含睾丸激素,孕酮,催乳激素和雌二醇。因此,它可用于治疗男性和女性的许多不同疾病。 由于天然激素和维生素的含量,该产品也对女性有用。它绝经期间,这改善psychoemotional和身体状况,被用于激素失衡。建议使用无人机匀浆,以使皮肤过早老化,出现细皱纹,脱发,指甲变脆。 对于学童和学生来说,匀浆有助于克服高记忆压力考试期间的慢性疲劳和压力。它可用于睡眠障碍,抑郁症,神经症。 无人机匀浆建议时,他们落后于精神,身体或性发育,以及蛋白质和维生素的来源儿童。无人机匀浆可改善食欲和新陈代谢,因此建议将其用于食欲不振的虚弱儿童。 对于老年人,无人机匀浆是一种振兴,能量刺激和康复的剂。它用于预防心脏和血管疾病,高血压,动脉粥样硬化和降低胆固醇水平。 越来越多的运动员将匀浆饲料引入他们的饮食中。它增加了身体的耐力和力量能力,并有助于增加肌肉质量。 建议与其他养蜂产品一起使用蜂浆匀浆:蜂面包,花粉,蜂蜜。复杂的接收器可增强其治疗效果。 禁忌症: 艾迪生氏病-肾上腺皮质疾病, 个人不宽容(过敏), 急性传染病, 肿瘤不建议在睡前使用。 接收与保存无人机牛奶是从7天龄的幼虫中获得的。将它们压碎成均匀的果冻状团块。所得产物具有淡黄色芥末色和甜味。但是他有一个重大的缺点-在室温下性能迅速丧失。因此,在购买无人机匀浆之前,请检查用于长期存储产品的方法: 冷冻, 用蜂蜜养护吸附, 冻干。 冷冻后,无人机幼虫保留了其所有特性,但是在运输过程中会出现问题,因为不进行解冻并再次冷冻产品是不可接受的。与蜂蜜一起保存时,如果向蜂蜜中添加的产品不超过10%,则匀浆将保留其特性。在吸附过程中,也不会将不超过7-10%的无人机牛奶添加到吸附剂中(乳糖和葡萄糖的混合物)。 冻干无人机匀浆的方法并不像以前的方法那样广为人知。在家里,不可能通过冻干保存产品,因为这需要特殊的设备。因此,冻干的无人机匀浆比冷冻,吸附或与蜂蜜混合要贵一些。但这是值得的。冷冻(在-30 0 C的温度下)并在真空设备中干燥后,该产品保留其所有特性,不包含任何添加剂或防腐剂,最重要的是,它可以在室温下保存。并且产品的保存期限增加到两年。冻干法用于制造许多医疗产品,以及用于长期存储,真菌,病毒和细菌。您可以在我们的在线商店中购买冻干的无人机匀浆。
USD 0.71 - 0.82/个/件/只
水果棉花糖TM“ Odinakovki”是自制的。没有化学处理,没有化学或其他添加剂。伟大的替换糖果和各种各样的甜点。与不透明包装相比,带大窗口的手袋对客户更具吸引力,是您想要美味的理想选择。该产品已准备就绪,可以使用。  我们的水果范围:苹果棉花糖/核桃苹果棉花糖梨棉花糖/核桃梨棉花糖香蕉棉花糖/香蕉核桃棉花糖肉桂苹果棉花糖/肉桂核桃苹果棉花糖奇异果意大利面/奇异果意大利面 所有产品均包装在30至40个的盒子中(根据口味的不同,产品的体积也不同)。我们从5件一件起发货最低订购量为3000卢布。通过购物中心在整个俄罗斯交货。在5个工作日内发货价格不含增值税
USD 0.71 - 0.9/个/件/只
“ Odinakovka”品牌的水果脆片和零食非常适合替代糖果和各种化学糖果。与不透明包装相比,带大窗口的手袋对客户更具吸引力,是您想要美味佳肴的理想之选。该产品已准备就绪,可以使用。我们的水果片范围包括:•橙色片•香蕉片•梨片•普通话片•奇异果片•苹果片•苹果肉桂片•葡萄柚片•柠檬片•水果混合(橙,香蕉,苹果梨和苹果片)合而为一包装)•柿子片(季节性产品)所有产品均包装在30至40个的盒子中(根据口味,产品的体积不同)。我们从5件一件商品中发货,最低订购量为3000卢布。通过购物中心在整个俄罗斯交货。 5个工作日内发货订单价格不含增值税
Specify the price USD 0 0
我们是注册了TM OSPHER的POORAN生命科学私人有限公司,我们是HERBAL,AYURVEDIC N FOOD PRODUCTS的制造商N营销专家。我们也做第三方制造。
Specify the price USD 0 0
USD 1.2/个/件/只 1.2
肌肉Cheff蛋白黑巧克力比利时巧克力,无糖形式和独特的风味,为必不可少的体验做好准备!   Muscle Cheff Bitter Chocolate肌肉高蛋白含量低糖分含量低,可提供健康低热量的巧克力替代品,适合您白天食用,但其中含有14 gr。它还可以帮助您食用适量的蛋白质它不含棕榈,反式脂肪,防腐剂和着色剂。用真正的可可脂制成。它是无麸质产品
USD 3.9/个/件/只 3.9
USD 3.9/个/件/只 3.9
榛子奶油和白巧克力是土耳其比例最高的…一对如此相称的夫妻现在陪伴您享用早餐和小吃! (我们不只是对一些逍遥游说不,不只是早餐,而是在运动后或在办公室中。)榛子奶油的使用率最高。一份(33克) Muscle Cheff白巧克力榛子奶油含约11克蛋白质。 25%的榛子和6%的低糖含量是一种健康而美味的选择。不含棕榈油和低芥酸菜子油。榛子和可可脂用作油源。它不含反式脂肪,防腐剂和着色剂。这是一个健康的选择,不仅吸引运动员,而且吸引各个年龄段的消费群体。它不包含面筋。凭借其完美的一致性,香气和质地,它是早餐和小吃必不可少的候选者。
USD 1000.0/kg 1000.0
Organic Coconut Medium chain triglyceride oil is naturally sourced from pure coconut, an excellent source of deeply nourishing fats are uniquely digested, providing instant energy that supports muscles, metabolism and provides vitality for the whole body.
GOKO company
USD 16.35/kg 16.35
Хвойный чайный напиток в сухом виде. Хвоя пихты даёт ярко выраженный вкус, в сочетании с листом смородины создается запах пихтового леса. Кедровые масла придают напитку кедровый аромат. Приятную кислинку и характерный бардовый цвет даёт одна из самых полезных ягод - клюква. Перед употреблением пакет чая "Встряхнуть". Обладает очищающим эффектом и хвойным ароматом. Все ингредиенты натуральные. Инновация в области чая, травяных сборов и чайных напитков. Цена за 1 кг. - 1600 руб. при более крупном заказе скидка по договоренности.
Profexport LLC
Specify the price USD 0 0
FLAKES from 5 cereals of instant preparation that do not require boiling TU 9295-015-17734456 A mixture of 5 cereal flakes of the NUTRIX trademark is an excellent solution for making breakfast! We took the most useful cereals, made cereals from them and packed them especially for you - in front of you is not only a very healthy, but also a delicious fragrant tomorrow! There are various options: 5 cereals, 7 cereals, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice
Profexport LLC
Specify the price USD 0 0
Instant oatmeal porridge without cream with FOREST BERRIES is a ready-made solution for a balanced breakfast. Nutrix is a brand for those who are always on the move. Who is walking, running or driving towards their goals or a new life. Well, in order to master the road, you have products of the NUTRIX trademark - this is a brand of healthy products for a healthy diet for every day. Nutrix provides you with energy, lightness and freedom, nutrients and vitamins, and time-saving snacking to get you one day closer to your dream. Ingredients: Oat flakes, sugar, dried forest berries (raspberries, blueberries), salt, Forest Berries flavor identical to natural. Nutritional value: proteins - 11.1 g fats - 5.4 g carbohydrates - 52.6 g Energy value: 303 kcal / 1268 kJ Oat flakes 77%; berries, flavor 1.7%; sugar 20.1%; salt 1.2% Net weight: 37 g Shelf life: 12 months
Profexport LLC
Specify the price USD 0 0
Muesli "northern berry" 5 cereals with flax Nutrix is a trademark for those who are always on the move. Who is walking, running or driving towards their goals or a new life. Well, in order to master the road, you have products of the NUTRIX trademark - this is a brand of healthy products for a healthy diet for every day. Nutrix provides you with energy, lightness and freedom, nutrients and vitamins, and time-saving snacking to get you one day closer to your dream. Ingredients: oat, rye, wheat, barley and corn flakes, cranberries, cherries, sunflower and flax seeds, hazelnut kernel, pear, apple, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, fructose powder for breading fruits and berries. % product composition: flakes 68.64%, berries / fruits breaded with fructose 17.33%, nuts / seeds 14.03% Nutritional value per 100 g of dry product (average calculated values): proteins - 11.0 g, fats - 9.0 g, carbohydrates - 61 g. Energy value - 377 kcal / 1589 kJ
LLC "Goldim Rus"
USD 8.72/个/件/只 8.72
Baby food with goat milk. Adapted mixtures and cereals based on adapted mixture based on goat milk
Specify the price USD 0 0
Always fresh catch, fresh and frozen! We will ship all over Russia, Air and Refrigerated transport !!! Large selection, fast delivery, catch every day. SALE OR SHIPPING BY ROAD. The price is below. Caviar in 2020, caught in late July and early August, all caviar with documents, factory (not handicraft) sale of at least one cube container (13kg), lightly salted 3.2-3.6% salt. Freshak, one to one, dry (plasticine). All caviar is Kamchatka. We are not intermediaries, except for caviar we catch everything ourselves, crab, shrimp, everything is cooked in sea water !!! Pink salmon caviar Chum salmon caviar Sockeye caviar Coho salmon caviar Chinook caviar Sea urchin caviar (fresh-frozen) Kamchatka crab in a claw (small) Kamchatka crab in a claw (medium) Claw crab (large) Kamchatka crab meat (first phalanx 11-12cm.) Kamchatka crab meat (second phalanx up to 9-10 cm.) Kamchatka crab meat (salad) -750 rubles kg. Phalanx crab meat (standard) Snow crab meat (salad) Snow crab in a claw 350rub. kg. Kamchatka crab large, gift (weight from 2900-3200kg. Pcs) Hairy crab 1pc. (800gr.-1000gr.) Comb shrimp (large botan 16-17 pcs. Water kg.) Comb shrimp (botan medium) Comb shrimp (small) Northern shrimp (standard, caviar) Seaside shrimp (striped, chilim) Big bear Medium Medvedka Small bear Magadan-northern shrimp (packing 5 kg.) Seaside scallop Kuril scallop Trepang on honey (in one liter1280gr.) Smoked sockeye salted (balyk) Smoked salted sockeye salmon (fillet, back) White-bellied flounder (caviar, 30cm +) rub. kg (dried) Smelt bison 30+ caviar. kg (dried) AND MANY-MANY FISH AND SEAFOOD NOT INCLUDED IN THIS LIST !!! BARGAINING IS PERMITTED !!! WITH CONSTANT COOPERATION, INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN !!!
Specify the price USD 0 0
Pink salmon n / a (with ner.izm) Pink salmon HP (1 grade) When buying 10t.-20t discount Pink salmon НР 1 grade. Pink salmon N / R Bag Kamchatka with full cargo VAT Pink salmon PSG Bag Kamchatka with full cargo VAT Pink salmon PBG Bag Karaginskaya subzone warehouse VAT Pink salmon PSG (28t left) with vat in stock! Pink salmon N / R Bag Kamchatka with full cargo VAT Pink salmon PSG Bag Kamchatka with full cargo VAT Pink salmon PBG Bag Karaginskaya subzone warehouse VAT Pollock n / a 20-25 cm (1/22) - Pollock n / a 25-30 cm (1/22) - Pollock n / a 30-35 cm (1/22) - Pollock n / n 35+ cm (1/22) - Large goby n / a (1/22) - Flounder, b / b n / r 17-21 cm (1/22) - Flounder w / p n / r 17-21 cm (1/22) - Flounder, b / b n / r 21-25 cm (1/22) - Flounder w / p n / r 21-25 cm (1/22) - Frozen pollock heads (1/22) - Cod, b / g 25-30 cm (1/22) - Cod, non-grist 30-35 cm (1/22) - Gray mussel frozen on a fold. Extracted by the diving method in the Primorye subarea. Shelf life is 10 months. (0.5 / 6) Prices are indicated with delivery to the place of transfer in Vladivostok on a free-car basis with VAT. Cargo handling for reloading at your expense. We provide logistics / forwarding services (selection of the optimal delivery form in terms of time and cost, provision of a full package of accompanying documents). Sardine (IVASI) n / a (20gr +) 2nd grade Sardine (IVASI) n / a (50 + gr) box Sardine (IVASI) (50 + gr) bag Mackerel n / a (400gr +) box Mackerel n / a (400gr +) box other packing Mackerel n / a (400gr +) Mackerel n / a (100-200gr) box Mackerel n / a (100-200gr) box Mackerel n / a (100-200gr) bag Mackerel n / a (40-200 gr) box Mackerel n / a (200-400gr) box Mackerel n / a (200-400gr) box Mackerel n / a (200-400gr) box Mackerel n / a (200-400gr) bag Herring t / o 27+ (Olyutorskaya, Sack) board VAT Herring t / o 300+ (Olyutorskaya, box) VAT warehouse Herring t / o 400+ (Olyutorskaya, Korob) VAT warehouse We are engaged in urgent and fast deliveries of Fish and Seafood from Primorye, namely (Vladivostok, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Magadan, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk) We have our own warehouses, well-organized work will provide you with a favorable price. Our capabilities allow us to ship from 300 tons per month. We give detailed information only upon request (Specification, volume, regularity, form of payment). We deliver products at your request Call before 02/29/16 Hurry up if you want to stay in +. Prices vary depending on the scope of delivery. We organize shipping within the Russian Federation. Prices are growing every day, and we keep them.
Specify the price USD
I ask you to consider our offer for mutually beneficial cooperation, namely the delivery of our products to your address, Delivery by plane, delivery times are negotiated, Marinated seaweed preserves 0.500 Preserves from seaweed with Korean carrots 0.500 Preserves from seaweed with vegetables in mayonnaise-mustard sauce 0.500 Seafood preserves Preserves seaweed with squid in mayonnaise 0.180 kg Preserves seaweed with mussels in mayonnaise sauce 0.180 kg Preserves seaweed with vegetables in m / g sauce 0.180 kg Seaweed and seafood salads Gusar salad with squid 0.150 kg Oriental squid salad 0.150 kg Oriental squid salad 0.250 kg Oriental cucumaria salad 0.150 kg Oriental cucumaria salad 0.250 kg Seaweed salad 0.150 kg Seaweed salad 0.250 kg Seaweed salad 0.300 kg Seaweed salad 0.500 kg Seaweed salad 1,000 kg Oriental seaweed salad 0.150 kg Oriental seaweed salad 0.250 kg Oriental seaweed salad 0.500 kg Seaweed salad with mushrooms 0.150 kg Seaweed salad with oriental squid 0.150 kg Seaweed salad with oriental squid 0.250 kg Seaweed salad with oriental herring 0.300 kg Jubilee salad 0.150 kg Jubilee salad 0.250 kg Jubilee salad 0.500 kg Jubilee salad 1,000 kg Herring Hyo Salad Korean herring salad "Hyo" 0.100 kg Korean herring salad "Hyo" 0.150 kg Solyanka of seaweed with squid (FOIL) Solyanka of seaweed with squid 0.170 kg (foil) Solyanka fish Fish solyanka 0.170 Marinated fish Marinated salmon, 0.170 Seafood scraps Scotch with cucumaria and salmon in tomato sauce 0.180 kg Solyanka of seaweed with squid Solyanka of seaweed with squid 0.180 kg Solyanka of seaweed with squid 0.300 kg Solyanka of seaweed with squid 0.350 kg Solyanka of seaweed with squid 0.500 kg Solyanka of seaweed with squid 1,000 kg Solyanka of seaweed with squid 1,000 kg Solyanka of seaweed with cucumaria Solyanka of seaweed with cucumaria 0.180 kg Solyanka of seaweed with mussels Solyanka of seaweed with mussels 0.180 kg Solyanka of seaweed with mussels 0.300 kg Solyanka of seaweed with mussels 1,000 kg Magadan salad Magadan herring salad, 0.350 kg Korean squid salad with carrots Korean squid salad with carrots, 0.100 kg Korean Mussel Salad Korean mussel salad 0.150 Korean style eggplant salad with cabbage Korean style eggplant salad with cabbage 0.100 kg Seaweed salad Chuka seaweed salad 0.100 kg White cabbage and seaweed salad Korean-style white and sea cabbage salad 0.100 kg Korean seaweed salad Korean-style seaweed salad 0.100 kg Korean vegetable salads Korean style eggplant salad 0.150 kg Korean style mushroom salad 0.180 kg Korean loba salad, 0.100 kg Korean carrot salad 0.100 kg Korean carrot salad 0.150 kg Korean carrot salad 0.300 kg Korean carrot salad 0.500 kg Korean carrot salad 1,000 kg Korean style carrot salad with mushrooms 0.150 kg Korean fern salad 0.100 kg Korean fern salad 0.150 kg Korean fern salad 0.500 kg Korean fern salad 1,000 kg Korean beetroot salad, 0.100 kg Preserves "Pacific herring fat in salt filling" (pieces) 1,000 Fat, light-salted herring t / o w / u 1,000 Cold smoked herring t / o w / u 1,000 Preserves from TM Herring Preserves herring t / o fatty pieces in mustard sauce 0.500 Preserves from Herring TM LLC Lian Preserves "Pacific herring pieces in marinade" 0,460gr Preserves "Pacific herring pieces in salt filling" 0,460gr Preserves herring t / o in mustard sauce 0,460 Low-salted Pacific herring fat (plastic can "boat" 1,300kg Pacific herring Herring t / o cr
LLC "Sinko"
USD 9.26 - 10.35/个/件/只
Dietary supplement " Taxifolin Aqua " is an aqueous solution of dihydroquercetin (a powerful antioxidant), a representative of the group - a bioflavonoid (natural substance) obtained from Siberian larch. It has almost 100% level of bioavailability, ensures rapid administration of the drug into the venous circulation, lymph, articular fluids. In Western countries, the substance is known as Taxifolin. Properties characterized by high antioxidant activity, ten times higher than natural analogues known to science (vitamins C and E); protects and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability and fragility; restores microcirculation of blood, normalizes metabolism in cells; contributes to the normalization of cholesterol levels in the body, has the effect of suppressing enzymes produced during inflammation; carries out the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the formation of blood clots, the development of cataracts and damage to the retina; contributes to the resistance of body tissues to the damaging effects of an increased content of sugar in the blood; used in various cosmetic programs aimed at skin rejuvenation; favorably affects the skin, slows down the production of melanin and eliminates age spots and freckles, normalizes the synthesis of collagen / elastin in the skin (eliminates acne, helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin).
Specify the price USD 0 0
Wholesale supply of protein bars is carried out by showboxes, the minimum delivery quantity is 9 showboxes of bars of any kind. One showbox contains 24 bars.
Leenvit Kazakhstan
USD 5500.0 - 15000.0/个/件/只
We are the Leenvit Kazakhstan company. We produce dietary supplements Omega-3 6 9 of plant origin from flax, with a high content of Omega acids. 4ml contains up to 2000 mg of the purest omega-3 ALA. Distinctive features of our product are concentration, composition, uniqueness, innovation. As a result of the esterification process, the purest natural form of Omega-3 + 6 + 9 acids was created in the form of monoesters, without additives and preservatives. The LEENVIT production method is an absolutely innovative technology. Since the product is environmentally friendly, we refused from capsules, we release it only in liquid form and in the form of a spray according to the unique, patented "BOV" technology, without gas content, but only the product in its pure form, the pressure is generated by compressed air. We have our own production lines, research laboratories, a plant for the production of pharmaceutical equipment in Poland. We work in Kazakhstan Almaty. We are considering joint projects for the production of products on our line.
Leenvit Kazakhstan
USD 12.36 - 20.0/个/件/只
Leenvit Omega-3 + 6 + 9 is a natural, 100% pure, innovative, concentrated and environmentally friendly source of Omega-3 acids in the form of monoesters with a high concentration without additives or preservatives. An all-plant flax product that is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. 4ml contains up to 2000 mg of the purest omega-3 ALA.
USD 30.31/个/件/只 30.31
Dr. Drink Mini Energy - Full Energy It is a Super Breathtaking Food Supplement . Dr. Drink drink It is a powerful energy performance and stamina magic that reduces the effects of fatigue, fatigue, restlessness, Fatness, Aging. It is the elixir of life that increases stamina and physical performance, mental alertness and concentration, accelerates reactions, stimulates metabolism and facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body. Energy Multiplier Rocket the power from the top for a long time to keep up with the speed in the city! Take your power beyond the top peak for a long time to keep up with the speed in the city! Mind Booster For those who always live life actively! Those who want to live your life actively all the time! Rammer Shots that raise athletic performance, concentration and vitality. Your tempo ramping whip on the verge of fatigue! Shots that further stimulate your athletic performance, concentration and vitality. Forgetting fatigue and adding vitality to your pace! Accelerator Faster and more aggressive from expected speed to surprising speed! Focus Elixir The focusing drink of your busy work times or sleepless nights when you struggle with exams! Self-Confidence Formula The spell of majesty and self-confidence that adds positive energy to your day under intense work and stress! one.        It gives super strength and energy. 2nd.        ASTHMA helps patients to release the inhaler device to relax. 3.        BRONCHITE Helps Patients to Relax and release the inhaler device. 4.        COPD helps patients to relax and get out of the machine. 5.        It helps you remove phlegm. 6.        It helps metabolism work. 7th        It helps strengthen the immune system. 8.        Common Cold and All Flu infections are also beneficial 9.        It helps to relieve fatigue in fatigue problems. 10.    It provides beneficial to the problems of walking and fatigue of heart patients. 11th.    It helps prevent the risk of heart attack. 12.    Helps Men and Women with Sexual Problems. 13.    It helps people to breathe comfortably. 14.    Helps patients with Asthma and Bronchitis to recover. 15.    It helps to open blocked nostrils. 16.    It prevents fatty liver. 17.    It turns the body fat into energy by burning it. And it helps to lose weight. 18.    Migraine 19.    Sinusitis 20.    It is useful in headaches and pains. 21.    It is beneficial for rheumatism and rheumatic diseases 22.    Calcification also helps prevent calcification.   Selling points one.        All kinds of sports 2nd.        Those who do sports on the carpet fields 3.        All football teams and before training 4.        Drivers 5.        High performance jobs 6.        Asthma Bronchitis Patients 7th        Heart Patients USAGE : MORNING AND EVENING ( 15ml. -   20 ml. Between) USED. FACILITATES THE PREPARATION OF THE MEAL IF IT IS DRINKED ON THE MEALS. TAKES MOUTH. Order Contact :
USD 27.53/个/件/只 27.53
        Dr. What is Drink                                           Mini Energy - Full Energy It is a Super Breathtaking Food Supplement . Dr. Drink drink It is a powerful energy performance and stamina magic that reduces the effects of fatigue, fatigue, restlessness, Fatness, Aging. It is the elixir of life that increases stamina and physical performance, mental alertness and concentration, accelerates reactions, stimulates metabolism and facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body. Energy Multiplier Rocket the power from the top for a long time to keep up with the speed in the city! Move your power beyond the top peak for a long time to keep up with the speed in the city! Mind Booster For those who always live life actively! Those who want to live your life actively all the time! Rammer Shots that raise athletic performance, concentration and vitality. Your tempo ramping whip on the verge of fatigue! Shots that further stimulate your athletic performance, concentration and vitality. Forgetting fatigue and adding vitality to your pace! Accelerator Faster and more aggressive from expected speed to surprising speed! Focus Elixir The focusing drink of your busy work times or sleepless nights when you struggle with exams! Self-Confidence Formula The magic of majesty and self-confidence that adds positive energy to your day under intense work and stress! one.        It gives super strength and energy. 2nd.        ASTHMA helps patients to release the inhaler device to relax. 3.        BRONCHITE Helps Patients to Relax and release the inhaler device. 4.        COPD helps patients to relax and get out of the machine. 5.        It helps you remove phlegm. 6.        It helps metabolism work. 7th        It helps strengthen the immune system. 8.        Common Cold and All   Flu infections are also beneficial 9.        It helps to relieve fatigue in fatigue problems. 10.    It provides beneficial to the problems of walking and fatigue of heart patients. 11th.    It helps prevent the risk of heart attack. 12.    Helps Men and Women with Sexual Problems. 13.    It helps people to breathe comfortably.   14.    Helps patients with Asthma and Bronchitis to recover. 15.    It helps to open blocked nostrils. 16.    It prevents fatty liver. 17.    It turns the body fat into energy by burning it. And it helps to lose weight. 18.    Migraine 19.    Sinusitis 20.    It is useful in headaches and pains. 21.    It is beneficial for rheumatism and rheumatic diseases 22.    Calcification also helps prevent calcification. Selling points one.        All kinds of sports 2nd.        Those who do sports on the carpet fields 3.        All football teams and before training 4.        Drivers 5.        High performance jobs 6.        Asthma Bronchitis Patients 7th        Heart Patients USAGE : USED IN THE MORNING AND EVENING (Between 15ml. - 20ml. ) FACILITATES THE PREPARATION OF THE MEAL IF IT IS DRINKED ON THE MEALS. TAKES MOUTH.
TM Medok
USD 1.0/个/件/只 1.0
TM Medok - a domestic producer of natural apiproducts invites you to cooperate !! To gain additional competitive advantage and expand your range, we offer to consider the products of TM Medok on BENEFICIAL commercial terms for you. Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, health products are now appropriate even in grocery and non-food stores. Now the world is changing and the demand for immune-boosting goods is growing rapidly. Terms of cooperation with us are attractive and loyal. We provide a discount of 30% -40% of the retail price, which will give you the opportunity to MAKE up to 100% by selling products even at our retail prices !!! -opportunity to purchase from one unit of goods -wholesale prices are valid for orders from 500 UAH. -send the order within 24 hours. All products are certified by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and meet the highest quality standards. Medok's range of branded products contains unique beekeeping products that have no analogues in Ukraine, CIS countries and CIS countries. All products have convenient packaging and are fully ready for sale to retail consumers, so it is a great addition to the range of grocery stores, "ECO", "PHYTO" stores and pharmacies.
Россия, Россия
USD 0.54 - 1.08/个/件/只
If you like berries, nuts or exotic fruits, do not hesitate to take the protein Pump Up "Random flavor". Each bar contains 60 grams of one of your favorite flavors: raspberry, strawberry, banana, blackberry, mango, peanut, almond, walnut, cashew, honey or coconut. Intriguing Pump Up "Random flavor" will not leave anyone indifferent. Movement is life. And moving with Pump Up is a tasty and healthy life full of pleasant surprises. Ingredients: protein mixture (whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate, soy protein isolate, collagen hydrolyzate), egg white, isomaltooligosaccharide, water, coconut oil, water-retaining agent (glycerin), salt, soy lecithin emulsifier, natural flavors, preservative (potassium sorbate ), acidity regulator (citric acid). May contain freeze-dried raspberries, strawberries, banana, blackberries, mangoes, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, honey, coconut, cocoa powder, vanillin.Nutritional value: Energy value in 1 bar (60gr) 177 kcal; proteins 22; fats 4.2 gr.; carbohydrates 3.8 gr.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Natural product without added sugar based on applesauce. It contains only apples, strawberries and egg white. Strawberries are natural sublimation. The assortment includes various tastes: classic, black currant, chokeberry, raspberry, cherry, cinnamon. Sublimation in the composition changes depending on tastes. Suitable for healthy lifestyle and dietary nutrition.
USD 1.58/个/件/只 1.58
Ingredients: sugar, vegetable fat, dry milk whey, coconut flakes, emulsifier (soy lecithin), dry animal cream, vanillin and cream flavors. Nutritional value per 100 g of product: proteins - 3.3 g, carbohydrates - 51.9 g, fats - 40.4 g. Energy value: 591 kcal / 2464 kJ. Shelf life is 12 months. TU 10.82.22-001 -69822135-2018
Inmex Group
Specify the price USD 0 0
Our distribution company invites you to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms. We offer quality food products at the most attractive prices and on the most favorable terms. Various forms of release and volumes. Call. We will send a presentation and price list. We look forward to collaborating.
LLC "InariGroup"
USD 1.0 - 3.0/kg
In the world of confectionery delights, biscuit remains the undisputed leader . Light, delicate, made from 100% natural ingredients, it is suitable both for a cozy family tea party and for a noisy children's party. Taking this into account, we have created a product that will save time, quickly and simply solve the issue of organizing leisure. BISCUIT COOKIES "Am-Am" is a safe, natural solution for your children and you.   BISCUIT COOKIES "Am-Am"    gives the joy of communication with loved ones
Eco Prom Trade
USD 1.0/个/件/只 1.0
Hazelnuts, which are grown as the most abundant of nuts in the world, grows in conditions suitable for them, and their homeland is Turkey, which occupies a leading position among the most important agricultural products of our country. ... Thus, hazelnuts are one of the strategic products of our Turkey due to their significant production and export value, as well as the highest quality. Turkish hazelnuts are divided into two parts - Giresun and Levant by quality. Giresun quality hazelnuts have the best hazelnut characteristics worldwide in flavor and oil ratio. It is a round hazelnut that is grown all over Giresun, as well as in some areas of Trabzon. Hazelnut, which is extremely important for the Turkish economy in terms of secured export earnings, allows Turkey. Turkey produces 70% of world hazelnut production separately, followed by Italy (14%), USA (4.3%) and Spain (3%) respectively. %) in production. Origin: Levant (Hordu), Giresun, Akcakocha / TURKEY Packing method We offer our customers a cardboard box for 12.5 and 5 kg and polystyrene 200-1000 gr. We have private label options. CALIBRATION: 11-13 mm, 11-12 mm, 12-14mm, 13-15mm, etc. Type Hazelnuts in shell Natural raw hazelnut Blanched hazelnut Roasted hazelnut Chopped hazelnut Chopped hazelnut Hazelnut Hazelnut paste Origin: Levant (Horde), Giresun, Akchakocha Process: Blanched hazelnuts are obtained by blanching the kernels by removing the skin from 5% of the skin and 4-5% of the desired moisture level.
Eco Prom Trade
USD 2000.0 - 2200.0/t
We believe that in our dynamically developing world, effective time and confident partnership are the most powerful and significant elements of a modern successful business. We are a professional manufacturer and trading company located in Odessa , Ukraine and Istanbul Turkey that sells various types of products to 190 countries around the world. Our goal is to create an impeccable turnover around the world and to be one of the leading international trading companies. Our principles are guarantees of high quality goods and services, clear terms and profit for each side of the trade.
Eco Prom Trade
USD 4700.0 - 5200.0/t
We believe that in our dynamically developing world, effective time and confident partnership are the most powerful and significant elements of a modern successful business. We are a professional manufacturer and trading company located in Odessa , Ukraine and Istanbul Turkey that sells various types of products to 190 countries around the world. Our goal is to create an impeccable turnover around the world and to be one of the leading international trading companies. Our principles are guarantees of high quality goods and services, clear terms and profit for each side of the trade.   Garland Fig No. 8 cellophane 24 * 500 - 5.115 $ / Ton Garland Figs No. 8 cellophane 24 * 400-5.144 $ / Ton. Natural Figs No. 8 Package    24 * 200-4.800 $ / Ton Natural Figs No. 8 Package   10 * 850-4.740 $ / Ton Natural Figs No. 8 Package 8,5 kg. package -4.700 $ / ton Natural Figs No. 8 Package 10 kg, package -4.570 $ / ton Garland Fig No. 8 cellophane 30 * 200 - 5.143 $ / Ton Garland Figs No. 8 packing 30 * 200 - 5.000 $ / Ton Garland Figs No. 8 packing 48 * 250 - 5.000 $ / Ton
USD 7.5/kg 7.5
Fresh harvest of dates from Saudi Arabia. there are 13 varieties of dried dates available. a wide variety of date sweets. fresh frozen dates. camel milk in powder form.
Specify the price USD 0 0
THIS IS THE SITUATION OF SHIPPING ONCE A YEAR, BECAUSE OUR PRODUCT HAS BEEN GROWNED AND HARVED ONLY A YEAR. SAMPLE SENT TEST REPORTS. Quinoa - A pseudo-cereal grain cereal, an annual species of the Mar genus of the Amaranth family, growing on the slopes of the Andes in South America. Quinoa has ancient origins and was one of the most important Indian foods

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