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Fahrradtransport Großhandel auf Qoovee Market

Water Sport
USD 1371.0/шт 1371.0
Produktbeschreibung Produktinformation Malone ® Anhänger sind die Transportlösung für Naturliebhaber, die ihre Outdoor-Ausrüstung sicher und sicher transportieren möchten. Mit den Trägern im J-Stil können Sie problemlos vier Sit-Inside- oder Sit-on-Top-Kajaks mit einer Länge von bis zu 20 Fuß transportieren. Der MicroSport ™ -Basisanhänger ist mit einem robusten Stahlrahmen und einer stahlbeschichteten 78-Zoll-Ladestange ausgestattet und bietet Zuverlässigkeit. MERKMALE: Basisanhänger mit J-Pro2-Kajakhalterungen, Gurten und Hardware Transportiert vier Kajaks mit einer Länge von bis zu 20 Fuß 11 Gauge vorverzinkte Stahlkonstruktion für dauerhaften Einsatz Verfügt über vormontierte Naben für eine schnelle und einfache Installation 78-Zoll-Beschichtete rechteckige Stahltraversen, die zu den meisten Autoregal-Zubehörteilen passen 12" verzinkte geschlitzte Räder mit abgedichteten Lagern in Marinequalität Verzinkter Ersatzreifen mit Verschlussvorrichtung inklusive Anhängerkomponenten sind durch eine fünfjährige beschränkte Herstellergarantie abgedeckt Für J-Pro2-Kajakträger gilt eine lebenslange eingeschränkte Herstellergarantie Hergestellt in den USA Stil-ID: MPG462G2 SPEZIFIKATIONEN: Anhängertragfähigkeit: 800 lb / 20' Kanu oder Kajak Anhängerabmessungen: 159" (Länge) x 78" (Breite) Gesamtgewicht: 263 lb Anhängerrahmen: verzinkter Stahl in Marinequalität Anhängevorrichtung: 2" Klasse II Empfänger BEINHALTET: Vier (4) Zweier-Sets, MPG117-Träger mit Hardware und Riemen Ein (1) MPG465-Ersatzreifen mit Verschlussvorrichtung Ein (1) MPG460G MicroSport Basis-Anhänger mit verbesserten 78-Zoll-Tragestangen Eine (1) Bedienungsanleitung und Registrierungsdokumentation Marke: Malone Auto Racks Herkunftsland: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Klären Sie Preis USD 0 0
1. Erstaunliches Design und Farbe! Huti Bicycle Sales Co., Ltd verkauft stilvolle und charmante Fahrräder für Jungen und Mädchen mit hellen Farben. Der weiche Sitz bietet mehr Fahrkomfort. 2. Sichereres Fahren! Die vordere Bremssattelbremse plus die hintere Bremssattelbremse bieten reichlich Bremskraft mit mehr Sicherheit; Verschleißfeste Gummireifen sorgen für mehr Stabilität. Jedes Fahrrad hat einen Rahmen aus Kohlenstoffstahl, eine Zahnscheibe aus raffiniertem Stahl, eine Kette aus raffiniertem Stahl und einen verschleißfesten Gummireifen. 3. Einfacher zu fahren! Ihre Kinder werden eine ruhigere Fahrt genießen. Abnehmbare Stützräder sind im Lieferumfang enthalten. Der Singlespeed-Antriebsstrang ist einfach und zuverlässig. 4. Mehr Größenoptionen! 12, 14, 16, 20 Zoll erhältlich, der Lenker und die Sitzhöhe sind alle einstellbar. In unserer Kinderfahrrad-Größentabelle finden Sie die perfekte Größe für Ihre Kinder.
USD 90.8 - 93.8/шт
1. Dies ist ein 26'' 21-Gang-Mountainbike 2. Scheibenbremsanlage 3. Das Rahmenmaterial ist Stahl 4. Anpassbar
USD 92.2/шт 92.2
1. Dies ist ein 20''21-Gang-Performance-Mountainbike 2. Das Hauptmaterial des Rahmens ist Kohlenstoffstahl 3. Aluminiumpedal 4. Scheibenbremsanlage 5. Anpassbar
USD 8.3 - 9.13/шт
1. Tolle Farbabstimmung, beliebter bei Kindern 2. Bequemer Sitz, ergonomisches Design 3. Großer Stauraum, mit einem Ablagekorb vorne und einem Getränkehalter hinten 4. Anti-Rutsch-Reifen, starker Grip
USD 11.5/шт 11.5
1. Kinderlaufrad hilft Kindern, die Fahrkünste zu meistern 2. Kein Pedaldesign, schnell die Balancefähigkeiten beherrschen 3. Sowohl der Griff als auch der Sitz des Autos können eingestellt werden 4. Luftreifen machen das Fahren komfortabler und langlebiger
USD 26.0 - 38.0/шт
1. Erstaunliches Design und Farbe! Huti Bicycle Sales Co., Ltd verkauft stilvolle und charmante Fahrräder für Jungen und Mädchen mit hellen Farben. Der weiche Sitz bietet mehr Fahrkomfort. 2. Sichereres Fahren! Die vordere Bremssattelbremse plus die hintere Bremssattelbremse bieten reichlich Bremskraft mit mehr Sicherheit; Verschleißfeste Gummireifen sorgen für mehr Stabilität. Jedes Fahrrad hat einen Rahmen aus Kohlenstoffstahl, eine Zahnscheibe aus raffiniertem Stahl, eine Kette aus raffiniertem Stahl und einen verschleißfesten Gummireifen. 3. Einfacher zu fahren! Ihre Kinder werden eine ruhigere Fahrt genießen. Abnehmbare Stützräder sind im Lieferumfang enthalten. Der Singlespeed-Antriebsstrang ist einfach und zuverlässig. 4. Mehr Größenoptionen! 12, 14, 16, 20 Zoll erhältlich, der Lenker und die Sitzhöhe sind alle einstellbar. In unserer Kinderfahrrad-Größentabelle finden Sie die perfekte Größe für Ihre Kinder.
USD 2475.0/шт 2475.0
Innenlagertyp   PF30 Rahmen Material   BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon Gabel   BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon Headset   Integriert, 1-1/8" - 1-1/4 Sattelstütze   HollowGram 60 KNØT Carbon, 330mm Umwerfertyp   Anlöten
USD 120.0/шт 120.0
Alle Muddyfox-Bikes werden in Kartons verkauft und sind nur teilweise aufgebaut. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie bestimmte Teile montieren und Setup-Anpassungen an Komponenten wie Getriebe und Bremsen vor der Verwendung und auch laufend zu Wartungszwecken vornehmen müssen. MUDDYFOX RECOIL26 MENS TECH SPEC > 18 Stahl Dual Suspension Mountainbike Rahmen > Stahl Federgabeln > Stahl MTB Lenker > Stahl Lenkervorbau > 18 Gang Schaltung mit Revoshift Schalthebeln > Stahl Kurbelgarnitur > Stahl V-Brakes vorne und hinten > 26 Alufelgen > MTB Sattel mit Stoßdämpfern > Empfohlen für Beininnenmaß 28-32 Zoll > Empfohlen ab 12 Jahren > Zusammengebautes Gewicht: Ungefähr 15 kg
USD 3134.0/шт 3134.0
Das Argon 18 E-117 Tri Disc ist ein leistungsstarkes Triathlonrad zu einem günstigen Preis für den Sportler, der sich einen Teil seiner Triathlonzeit nehmen möchte. Dieses Fahrrad wurde entwickelt, um die Bedürfnisse einer Vielzahl von Triathleten zu erfüllen, von jung bis alt, vom Anfänger bis zum erfahrenen Fahrer. Das E-117 ist ein perfektes Einsteiger- oder Mittelklasse-Triathlonrad und vielseitig genug, um in mehr als einem Triathlon eingesetzt zu werden. Die Argon 18 E-117 Tri ist UCI-zugelassen und kann daher auch eine solide Zeitfahrmaschine sein. Wenn Sie bereit sind, sich den Elite-Triathleten anzuschließen oder es mit einem Halb-Ironman aufzunehmen, hilft Ihnen die Argon 18 E-117 Tri Disc, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Der optimale Carbonrahmen dieses Fahrrads hält sein Gewicht für ein so erschwingliches Tribike sehr leicht. So bleiben Sie leicht in Bewegung, wenn Sie beim Aufstieg auf ein Fahrradbein stoßen. Es erhöht auch das Zeitfahrpotenzial der E-117. Mit seinem geringen Gewicht und aerodynamischen Charakter ist das Argon E-117 Disc ein sehr schnelles Rad auf der Straße. Seine flachen Rohrprofile und versteckten Bremsen helfen ihm, den Wind zu durchdringen, um dir die effizienteste Fahrt auf ebenem Boden zu ermöglichen. Diese Version verwendet auch Scheibenbremsen, die es ermöglichen, hohe Geschwindigkeiten mit kraftvoller und modulierter Bremskraft zu erreichen.
USD 2199.0/шт 2199.0
Als erstes Unternehmen, das ein triathlonspezifisches Fahrrad herstellt, hat Quintana Roo 30 Jahre damit verbracht, Weltklasse-Triathlonräder zu entwickeln. Der Quintana Roo PRsix 2.0 Ultegra wurde von Triathleten für Triathleten entwickelt, um in realen Situationen am Renntag Leistung zu bringen. Dieses Fahrrad wurde sowohl im Windkanal als auch unter realen Fahrbedingungen ausgiebig getestet. Die für diesen Rahmen verwendete Hi-Modulus-Carbonfaser ist leichter und steifer als andere Modelle, was zu leichterem Klettern und schnellerer Kraftübertragung und Beschleunigung führt. Der Quintana Roo PRsix 2.0 verwendet Felgenbremsen, die den Preis und das Gewicht senken und gleichzeitig in allen Situationen eine ausreichende Bremskraft bieten. Aerodynamik ist bei Triathlonrädern immer unglaublich wichtig und das PRsix-Rahmenset enttäuscht nicht. Dieser Rahmen schnitt im Windkanal auf hohem Niveau ab und schnitt in realen Situationen genauso gut ab. Eine Kombination aus der SHIFT+-Technologie, den Bootsheck-Profilen und der führenden, fehlenden Kettenstrebe bietet Ihnen ein aerodynamischeres Fahrverhalten als die Konkurrenz. Die Präzision und Kraft der Scheibenbremsen, die Sie an diesem Rahmen ausrüsten, geben Ihnen das Vertrauen, über einen längeren Zeitraum in einer aerodynamischen Position zu bleiben. Zusätzliche Aerodynamik kommt von einem integrierten Aero-Gabel- und Bootsheck-Design. Diese Form unterstützt die Luftzirkulation um den Rahmen und die Rückfederung hinter dem Fahrer, um die Stabilität bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten zu erhöhen. Die Geometrie des Quintana Roo PRsix 2.0 trägt zur Stabilität und zum Fahrkomfort bei. Eine breite Palette an Positionsanpassungen hilft Ihnen, die perfekte Balance zwischen Komfort und Aerodynamik zu finden. Die neue integrierte Gabel hilft dem Fahrer, die richtige Position zu finden. Dieser Komfort und die natürliche Fahrposition helfen Ihnen, Ermüdung für lange Zeit abzuwehren und halten Sie länger schneller, damit Sie ins Ziel sprinten oder es beim Laufen beschleunigen können. Dieser Rahmen ist mit einer Carbon Aero-Sattelstütze ausgestattet, die Ihnen hilft, die perfekte Position zu finden. Die PRsix-Geometrie bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie brauchen, um kilometerweit hohe Geschwindigkeiten zu erreichen.
USD 1360.0/шт 1360.0
Werfen Sie einen neuen Blick auf das Radfahren mit dem Raleigh Motus; entworfen, um die Reise des Lebens anzunehmen. In Großbritannien entworfen und in Europa hergestellt, verwendet unser Einstiegsmodell Motus die neueste Technologie, um ein erstklassiges Elektrofahrrad-Erlebnis zu bieten. Der Motus ist ideal für Stadtfahrten, befestigte Straßen oder Radwege, sodass Sie ihn als zusammenhängenden Teil Ihres Alltags verwenden können. Außerdem sorgen die zuverlässigen und langlebigen Elektrokomponenten des Marktführers Bosch für ein außergewöhnliches Fahrerlebnis. Mit dem 300-Wh-Akku können Sie mit einer einzigen Ladung bis zu 90 Meilen fahren. Der neu gestaltete Active Line-Motor ist 25 % kleiner als sein Vorgänger, wiegt federleichte 2,9 kg und ist nahezu geräuschlos, damit Sie Ihre Fahrten maximal genießen können. Darüber hinaus können Sie mit einer maximalen Unterstützungsleistung von 250 % weiter reisen und mehr erleben als mit einem normalen Fahrrad. Das einfache und kompakte Purion Display bietet alle wichtigen Informationen, die Sie während der Fahrt wissen müssen, und ermöglicht es Ihnen, einfach zwischen den vier Modi zu wechseln, um die richtige Unterstützungsstufe zu finden. Das Motus ist ein voll ausgestattetes Fahrrad mit zusätzlichen Funktionen und hochwertigen Komponenten wie Scheibenbremsen für ultimative Bremsleistung, reflektierenden E-Bike-spezifischen Reifen, einer traditionellen Glocke, einem verstellbaren Lenkervorbau und einer 7-Gang-Kettenschaltung.
USD 2000.0/шт 2000.0
Ja, Sie haben nach dem Kauf 60 Tage Zeit, um Geek Squad Protection hinzuzufügen, einschließlich Standard-Geek Squad Protection-Pläne, Pläne mit versehentlichem Schaden durch Handhabung und Produktaustauschpläne. Sie können den entsprechenden Plan zu Ihrem Einkauf hinzufügen
Bir telecom
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
USD 350.0/шт 350.0
Neu: Ein brandneuer, unbenutzter, ungeöffneter, unbeschädigter Artikel in der Originalverpackung Marke: SurRonshop Teiletyp: Spinnrad
USD 4079.0/шт 4079.0
Die Domane SLR 6 Disc basiert auf dem besten Domane-Rahmen, den wir je hergestellt haben. Es ist ein High-End-Langstrecken-Rennrad mit IsoSpeed vorne und verstellbar hinten, einer hochwertigen Shimano Ultegra-Teilegruppe, flach montierten Scheibenbremsen, breiten Reifen und einer Spezifikation, die es zu einem großartigen Allround-Rennrad für Fahrer macht, die eine Premium auf Komfort und geringes Gewicht.
USD 1.0/шт 1.0
Dreiräder Elektroroller Für Senioren Schnee Elektroroller Modell SNOW Elektroroller Größe Größe ausklappbar (MM) 120 * 98 * 54CM Elektroroller Gewicht max. Beladung (kg) 90 kg Nettogewicht (kg) 28 kg Geschwindigkeit des Elektrorollers Höchstgeschwindigkeit (KM / H) 25 km / h Reichweite (KM) ca. 10-30 km Arbeitstemperatur -5 ℃ ~ 40 ℃ Batterie des Elektrorollers Batterietyp Lithiumbatterie Panasonic-Zelle Spannung (V) 48 V Batteriekapazität (AH) 5,8 Ah Motorleistung 350 Watt Nennausgangsleistung 350 Watt Nennspannung DC 56 V Ladezeit ca. 3-4 Stunden Elektroroller Reifengröße 8 Zoll, Rückseite: 10 Zoll Weitere Merkmale Rahmenmaterial Aluminiumlegierung + ABS Farbe Weiß .Gray.Red
USD 2400.0/шт 2400.0
Buy 2020 - BMC Road Bike Roadmachine 02 Two from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan.Price : USD 2,400.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME BMC Roadmachine, PF86 bottom bracket, flat mount, 12x142mm thru-axle, premium carbon, TCC Endurance FORK BMC Roadmachine premium carbon, TCC Endurance, flat mount, 12x100mm thru-axle STEM BMC RSM01, with computer and camera mount HANDLEBAR BMC RAB 02, ergo top shape, compact bend FRONT BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, SM-RT800 rotors (160mm) REAR BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, SM-RT800 rotors (140mm) BRAKE LEVERS Shimano Ultegra R8020, hydraulic FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra R8000 REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-speed SHIFT LEVERS Shimano Ultegra R8020, hydraulic CASSETTE Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-32T CRANKSET Shimano Ultegra R8000, 50-34T CHAIN Shimano Ultegra WHEELSET DT Swiss E 1850 Spline disc 23, thru-axle, clincher TYRES Vittoria Rubino, 28mm, clincher SADDLE Selle Royal 2075 HRN SEATPOST BMC Roadmachine D-shape carbon, 15mm offset
USD 2874.0/шт 2874.0
Buy 2021 - BMC Road Bike Teammachine SLR TWO Ultegra Di2 from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 2,874.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   Product Name: BMC TEAMMACHINE SLR TWO - Ultegra Di2 Roadbike - 2021 Manufacturer: BMC Bikes Item Code: BMC485219 activity: Bike material: Carbon usage bikesport: Road Bike chain: Shimano Ultegra cassette: Shimano Ultegra shifter: Shimano Ultegra Di2 rear derailleur: Shimano Ultegra Di2 | electronic | 11-speed front derailleur: Shimano Ultegra Di2 | electronic chainring ratio: 52-36 crankset: Shimano Ultegra brakes: Shimano Ultegra, 160/140mm wheels: DT Swiss P 1800 Spline db 32, 12x100mm / 12x 142mm seat post: Teammachine SLR Carbon D-Shape | 15mm Offset saddle: Fizik Antares R7 handle bar: BMC RAB 02 | Ergo Shape | Compact Bend stem: BMC RSM01, w/ Computer and Camera Mount fork: Teammachine SLR 01 Carbon, ICS technology, Flatmount, 12x100mm frame: Teammachine SLR Carbon, Aerocore Design, PF86 BB, Flatmount, 12x142mm groupset: Shimano Di2 (electronic) gear ratio: 11-30 number of chainrings: 2 shifting system: 11-speed shifting actuation: Electronic brake type: Disc Brake wheel size: 28" (29") (622mm) bike special accessories: Integrated Computer Mount, Aerocore Bottle Cages tires: Vittoria Rubino, 25mm Model year: 2021 Color: White Grey weight: 7690g
USD 3883.0/шт 3883.0
Buy 2021 - BMC Road Bike Roadmachine 01 FOUR Ultegra Di2 from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 3,883.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   Product Name: BMC ROADMACHINE 01 FOUR - Ultegra Di2 Roadbike - 2021 Manufacturer: BMC Bikes Item Code: BMC485280 activity: Bike material: Carbon usage bikesport: Road Bike hubs: CRD 321, 12x100mm / 12x142mm rims: CRD-321 Carbon, Tubeless Ready chain: Shimano Ultegra cassette: Shimano Ultegra shifter: Shimano Ultegra Di2 rear derailleur: Shimano Ultegra Di2 | electronic | 11-speed front derailleur: Shimano Ultegra Di2 | electronic chainring ratio: 50-34 crankset: Shimano Ultegra brakes: Shimano Ultegra, 160/140mm seat post: Roadmachine 01 Premium Carbon D-Shape | 15mm Offset saddle: Fizik Argo Tempo R5 handle bar: BMC RAB 02, Ergo Shape, Compact Bend stem: BMC ICS 01 | Integrated Cockpit Design | with computer & camera mount fork: Roadmachine 01 | Premium Carbon | TCC Endurance | Flatmount | 12x100mm frame: Roadmachine 01 Premium Carbon | TCC Endurance | PF86 BB | Flatmount | 12x142mm groupset: Shimano Di2 (electronic) gear ratio: 11-32 number of chainrings: 2 shifting system: 11-speed shifting actuation: Electronic brake type: Disc Brake wheel size: 28" (29") (622mm) tires: Vittoria Corsa Control, 700x28c Model year: 2021 Color: Black weight: 7640g
USD 6899.0/шт 6899.0
Buy 2021 - BMC Road Bike Teammachine SLR01 ONE from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 6,899.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock     Frame Teammachine SLR 01 Premium Carbonwith Aerocore Design ICS technology, stealth cable routing Integrated Aerocore bottle cages Stealth dropout design TCC Race compliance level PF86 bottom bracket Integrated seatpost binder Flat mount disc 12×142 mm thru-axle Fork Teammachine SLR 01 Premium Carbon ICS technology, stealth cable routing TCC Race compliance level Stealth dropout design Flat mount disc 12×100 mm thru-axle 48 mm offset (size 47−51), 43 mm offset (size 54−61) Seatpost Teammachine SLR 01 Premium CarbonD-Shape Seatpost 15 mm offset Front Derailleur SRAM RED eTap AXS Rear Derailleur SRAM RED eTap AXS Shifters SRAM RED eTap AXS HRD Brakes SRAM RED eTap AXS HRD,Centerline XR Rotors (160/160) Rims DT Swiss PRC 1100 db Dicut Mon Chasseral Hubs (F/R) DT Swiss PRC 1100 db Dicut Mon Chasseral Tires Vittoria Corsa, 25 mm Sizes 47, 51, 54, 56, 58, 61 Colour Carbon & Neon Red Weight 6.57 kg Tire Clearance 30 mm ASTM Classification Level 1 Weight Limit 100 kg Additional Equipment Aerocore Bottle Cages Integrated Computer Mount Tubeless Ready (Rim Strip Installed & Valves Included) Handlebar ICS Carbon, One-Piece Full Carbon Cockpit Stem ICS Carbon, One-Piece Full Carbon Cockpit Saddle Selle Italia Flite Boost Carbon Gears 2×12 Crankset SRAM RED AXS 48/35T Cassette SRAM RED XG-1290, 10-28T Chain SRAM RED 12 Speed
USD 1199.0/шт 1199.0
Buy 2021 - BMC Road Bike Teammachine ALR DISC TWO - 105 from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 1,199.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   Product Name: BMC TEAMMACHINE ALR DISC TWO - 105 Roadbike - 2021 Manufacturer: BMC Bikes Item Code: BMC485222 activity: Bike material: Aluminium usage bikesport: Road Bike hubs: CL-712, 12x100mm / RXC-1425, 12x142mm rims: Mavic Open Disc chain: Shimano 105 cassette: Shimano 105 shifter: Shimano 105 rear derailleur: Shimano 105, 11-speed front derailleur: Shimano 105 chainring ratio: 50-34 crankset: Shimano FC-RS510 brakes: Shimano 105, 160/140mm seat post: Teammachine ALR Carbon D-Shape, 15mm offset saddle: VL-1489 handle bar: BMC RAB 03, Ergo Shape, Compact Bend stem: BMC RSM01 fork: Teammachine SLR Carbon Disk | TCC Race | Flatmount | 12x100mm frame: Teammachine ALR Disc Premium Aluminium | Tuned Compliance Concept Race | BSA BB | Flatmount | 12x142mm groupset: Shimano gear ratio: 11-32 number of chainrings: 2 shifting system: 11-speed shifting actuation: Mechanical brake type: Disc Brake wheel size: 28" (29") (622mm) tires: Zaffiro Pro V, 25mm Model year: 2021 Color: Red weight: 8820g
USD 3000.0/шт 3000.0
Buy 2020 - Trek Road Bike Boone 7 Disc Cyclocross from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 3,000.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME Trek 600 Series OCLV Carbon, Front and Rear IsoSpeed, tapered head tube, BB90, flat mount disc brakes, 12mm thru axle, internal cable routing, 3S chain keeper, Ride Tuned seatmast FORK Trek IsoSpeed Cross full carbon disc, tapered steerer, flat mount disc brakes, 12mm thru axle STEM Bontrager Pro, 31.8mm, 7-degree, w/computer and light mounts HANDLEBAR Bontrager Pro IsoCore VR-CF, 31.8mm TAPE Bontrager tape FRONT BRAKE SRAM Force flat mount hydraulic disc REAR BRAKE SRAM Force flat mount hydraulic disc REAR DERAILLEUR SRAM Force 1, medium cage SHIFT LEVERS SRAM Force 1, 11-speed CASSETTE SRAM PG-1170, 11-32, 11-speed CHAIN SRAM PC-1170 BOTTOM BRACKET BB90 FRONT WHEEL Bontrager Paradigm Comp Tubeless Ready Disc, 12mm thru axle REAR WHEEL Bontrager Paradigm Comp Tubeless Ready Disc, 12mm thru axle FRONT TYRE Bontrager CX3 Team Issue, 120 tpi, aramid bead, 700x32c REAR TYRE Bontrager CX3 Team Issue, 120 tpi, aramid bead, 700x32c SADDLE Bontrager Montrose Elite, titanium rails SEATPOST Bontrager Ride Tuned Carbon seatmast cap, 20mm offset WEIGHT 56cm - 7.81 kilos / 17.21 pounds
USD 2850.0/шт 2850.0
Buy 2020 - Trek Road Bike Madone SL 6 Disc from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 2,850.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME Trek 500 Series OCLV carbon, KVF (Kammtail Virtual Foil) tube shape, adjustable top tube IsoSpeed, invisible cable routing, control centre, micro-adjust seatmast, precision water bottle placement, 3S aero chain keeper, flat mount disc, Duo Trap S compatible, 142x12mm thru-axle FORK Trek Madone KVF full carbon, tapered carbon steerer, invisible cable routing, flat mount disc, carbon dropouts, 12x100mm thru-axle HEADSET Trek Madone integrated, stainless cartridge bearings, sealed, 1-3/8˝ top, 1.5˝ bottom BOTTOM BRACKET Trek BB90 STEM Bontrager Pro, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7-degree HANDLEBAR Bontrager Elite Aero VR-CF, alloy, 31.8mm, invisible cable routing FRONT BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070 hydraulic disc REAR BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070 hydraulic disc BRAKE LEVERS Shimano Ultegra R8020, 11-speed FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra R8000, braze-on REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra R8000, short cage, 30t maximum cog SHIFT LEVERS Shimano Ultegra R8020, 11-speed CASSETTE Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-28, 11-speed CHAIN Shimano Ultegra HG701, 11-speed CRANKSET Shimano Ultegra R8000, 50/34 (compact) FRONT WHEEL Bontrager Aeolus Comp 5 Disc, tubeless-ready, 18mm rim width, 50mm rim depth REAR WHEEL Bontrager Aeolus Comp 5 Disc, tubeless-ready, 18mm rim width, 50mm rim depth FRONT TYRE Bontrager R3 Hard-Case Lite, aramid bead, 120 tpi, 700x25c clincher REAR TYRE Bontrager R3 Hard-Case Lite, aramid bead, 120 tpi, 700x25c clincher SADDLE Bontrager Aeolus Comp, steel rails SEATPOST Trek Madone aero carbon seatmast cap, integrated light mount, 25mm offset CLAIMED WEIGHT Size 56 - 8.63kg / 19.03 lbs
USD 4200.0/шт 4200.0
Buy 2021 - Trek Road Bike Domane+ HP from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 4,200.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME 500 Series OCLV Carbon, Removable Integrated Battery (RIB), tapered head tube, rear IsoSpeed, internal routing, DuoTrap S compatible, flat mount disc, fender mounts, 142x12mm thru axle FORK Domane+ carbon, tapered steerer, flat mount disc, 12x100mm thru axle FRAME FIT Endurance WHEEL FRONT Bontrager Paradigm Comp 25, Tubeless Ready, 25mm rim width, 100x12mm thru axle WHEEL REAR Bontrager Paradigm Comp 25, Tubeless Ready, 25mm rim width, Shimano 11-speed freehub, 142x12 thru axle TIRE Schwalbe G-One Speed, 700x35 SHIFTER Shimano GRX RX810, 11 speed REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano GRX RX812, long cage, 42T max cog CRANK Size 52 : Praxis Alloy for Bosch, 46T, 170mm lengthSize 54, 56 : Praxis Alloy for Bosch, 46T, 172.5mm lengthSize 58, 60 : Praxis Alloy for Bosch, 46T, 175mm length CRANK ARM Size 52 : Praxis Alloy for Bosch, 46T, 170mm lengthSize 54, 56 : Praxis Alloy for Bosch, 46T, 172.5mm lengthSize 58, 60 : Praxis Alloy for Bosch, 46T, 175mm length CASSETTE Shimano Deore XT M8000, 11-42, 11 speed CHAIN Shimano Ultegra HG701, 11-speed SADDLE Size 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 : Bontrager Aeolus Elite, austenite rails, 145mm widthSize 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 : Bontrager Commuter Comp SEAPOST Size 52, 54, 56 : Bontrager carbon internal seatmast cap, integrated light mount, 20mm offset, short lengthSize 58, 60 : Bontrager carbon internal seatmast cap, integrated light mount, 20mm offset, tall length HANDLEBAR Size 52 : Bontrager Elite IsoZone VR-CF, alloy, 31.8mm, internal Di2 routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 40cm widthSize 54, 56 : Bontrager Elite IsoZone VR-CF, alloy, 31.8mm, internal Di2 routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 42cm widthSize 58, 60 : Bontrager Elite IsoZone VR-CF, alloy, 31.8mm, internal Di2 routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 44cm width HANDLEBAR TAPE Bontrager Supertack Perf tape STEM Size 52, 54 : Bontrager Elite, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 90mm lengthSize 56, 58 : Bontrager Elite, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 100mm lengthSize 58, 60 : Bontrager Elite, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 110mm lengthSize 56, 58 : Bontrager Elite, 31.8mm clamp, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 100mm lengthSize 60 : Bontrager Elite, 31.8mm clamp, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 110mm length BRAKE Shimano RX400 hydraulic disc, flat mount BRAKE ROTOR Shimano RT800, 160mm, centerlock or Shimano MT900, 160mm, centerlock or Shimano EM810, 160mm, centerlock BATTERY Bosch PowerTube 500 CHARGER Bosch standard 4A (100-240V) charger CONTROLLER Bosch Kiox with Anti-theft solution MOTOR Bosch Performance Speed, 75 Nm, 28 mph / 45 kph LIGHT Bontrager Lync headlight, 1000 lumens or Domane+ rear light, STVZO compliant KICKSTAND Pletscher Comp 40 Flex, adjustable, rear mount
USD 7200.0/шт 7200.0
Buy 2021 - Trek Road Bike Domane SLR 9 eTap from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 7,200.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME 700 Series OCLV Carbon, front IsoSpeed, adjustable rear IsoSpeed, internal storage, tapered head tube, internal cable routing, 3S chain keeper, DuoTrap S compatible, fender mounts, flat mount disc, 142x12mm thru axle FORK Domane SLR carbon, tapered carbon steerer, internal brake routing, fender mounts, flat mount disc, carbon dropouts, 12x100mm thru axle FRAME FIT Endurance WHEEL FRONT Bontrager Aeolus RSL 37, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 37mm rim depth, 100x12mm thru axle WHEEL REAR Bontrager Aeolus RSL 37, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 37mm rim depth, SRAM XD-R driver, 142x12mm thru axle TIRE Bontrager R4 320 Handmade Clincher, Hard-Case Lite, 320 tpi, 700x28c SHIFTER SRAM RED eTap AXS, 12 speed FRONT DERAILLEUR SRAM RED eTap AXS, braze-on REAR DERAILLEUR SRAM RED eTap AXS, Orbit chain management, 33T max cog CRANK Size 47 : SRAM Red AXS Power Meter, 46/33, DUB spindle, 165mm lengthSize 50, 52 : SRAM Red AXS Power Meter, 46/33, DUB spindle, 170mm lengthSize 54, 56 : SRAM Red AXS Power Meter, 46/33, DUB spindle, 172.5mm lengthSize 58, 60, 62 : SRAM RED AXS Power Meter, 46/33, DUB spindle, 175mm length BOTTOM BRACKET SRAM DUB, T47 threaded, internal bearing CASSETTE SRAM RED XG-1290, 10-33, 12 speed CHAIN SRAM RED D1, 12 speed SADDLE Size 47, 50, 52 : Bontrager P3 Verse Pro, carbon rails, 155mm widthSize 54, 56, 58, 60, 62 : Bontrager P3 Verse Pro, carbon rails, 145mm width SEAPOST Size 47, 50, 52, 54, 56 : Bontrager carbon internal seatmast cap, integrated light mount, 20mm offset, short lengthSize 58, 60, 62 : Bontrager carbon internal seatmast cap, integrated light mount, 20mm offset, tall length HANDLEBAR Size 47 : Bontrager Pro IsoCore VR-CF, OCLV Carbon, 31.8mm, internal Di2 routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 38cm widthSize 50, 52 : Bontrager Pro IsoCore VR-CF, OCLV Carbon, 31.8mm, internal Di2 routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 40cm widthSize 54, 56 : Bontrager Pro IsoCore VR-CF, OCLV Carbon, 31.8mm, internal Di2 routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 42cm widthSize 58, 60, 62 : Bontrager Pro IsoCore VR-CF, OCLV Carbon, 31.8mm, internal Di2 routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 44cm width HANDLEBAR TAPE Bontrager Supertack Perf tape STEM Size 47 : Bontrager XXX, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 70mm lengthSize 50 : Bontrager XXX, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 80mm lengthSize 52, 54 : Bontrager XXX, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 90mm lengthSize 56, 58 : Bontrager XXX, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 100mm lengthSize 60, 62 : Bontrager XXX, 31.8mm, Blendr compatible, 7 degree, 110mm length BRAKE SRAM Red eTap AXS hydraulic disc, flat mount BAG Bontrager BITS Internal Frame Storage Bag
USD 7500.0/шт 7500.0
Buy 2021 - Trek Road Bike Madone SLR 9 from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD  7,500.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock     FRAME 800 Series OCLV Carbon, KVF (Kammtail Virtual Foil) tube shape, adjustable top tube IsoSpeed, invisible cable routing, 3S aero chain keeper, T47 BB, DuoTrap S compatible, flat mount disc, 142x12mm thru axle FORK Madone KVF full carbon, tapered carbon steerer, invisible cable routing, flat mount disc, carbon dropouts, 12x100mm thru axle FRAME FIT H1.5 Race WHEEL FRONT Bontrager Aeolus XXX 6, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 21mm rim width, 60mm rim depth, 100x12mm thru axle WHEEL REAR Bontrager Aeolus XXX 6, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 21mm rim width, 60mm rim depth, SRAM XD-R driver, 142x12mm thru axle TIRE Bontrager R4 320 Handmade Clincher, Hard-Case Lite, 320 tpi, 700x25c SHIFTER SRAM RED eTap AXS, 12 speed FRONT DERAILLEUR SRAM RED eTap AXS, braze-on REAR DERAILLEUR SRAM RED eTap AXS, Orbit chain management, 33T max cog CRANK Size 47 : SRAM RED AXS Power Meter, 48/35, DUB spindle, 165mm lengthSize 50, 52 : SRAM RED AXS Power Meter, 48/35, DUB spindle, 170mm lengthSize 54, 56 : SRAM RED AXS Power Meter, 48/35, DUB spindle, 172.5mm lengthSize 58, 60, 62 : SRAM RED AXS Power Meter, 46/33, DUB spindle, 175mm length BOTTOM BRACKET SRAM DUB, T47 threaded, internal bearing CASSETTE SRAM RED XG-1290, 10-33, 12 speed CHAIN SRAM RED D1, 12 speed SADDLE Bontrager Aeolus Pro, carbon rails, 145mm width SEAPOST Size 47, 50, 52, 54, 56: Madone aero carbon internal seatmast cap, integrated light mount, 25mm offset, short lengthSize 58, 60, 62 : Madone aero carbon internal seatmast cap, integrated light mount, 25mm offset, tall length HANDLEBAR Size 47 : Trek Madone adjustable aero VR-CF, OCLV Carbon, invisible cable routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 38cm widthSize 50, 52 : Trek Madone adjustable aero VR-CF, OCLV Carbon, invisible cable routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 40cm widthSize 54, 56 : Trek Madone adjustable aero VR-CF, OCLV Carbon, invisible cable routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 42cm widthSize 58, 60, 62 : Trek Madone adjustable aero VR-CF, OCLV Carbon, invisible cable routing, 93mm reach, 123mm drop, 44cm width HANDLEBAR TAPE Bontrager Supertack Perf tape STEM Size 47, 50, 52, 54 : Trek Madone aero, invisible cable routing, 7 degree, 90mm lengthSize 56, 58 : Trek Madone aero, invisible cable routing, 7 degree, 100mm lengthSize 60, 62 : Trek Madone aero, invisible cable routing, 7 degree, 110mm length BRAKE SRAM Red eTap AXS hydraulic disc, flat mount
USD 5000.0/шт 5000.0
Buy 2021 - Cannondale Road Bike SystemSix Hi-MOD Ultegra Di2 Disc from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD  5,000.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock 2021 CANNONDALE SYSTEMSIX HIMOD ULTEGRA DI2 DISC ROAD BIKE The SystemSix HiMOD Ultegra Di2 Disc Road Bike from Cannondale unites an aerodynamically advanced design with sophisticated composite materials to result in the fastest possible performance across an impressive sweep of road riding scenarios.   The frameset utilises high-modulus carbon and moulds this into wind tunnel refined tube sections via an intricate lay-up pattern. The outcome of this combination is the lowest possible drag as well as maximum pedalling efficiency and serene levels of comfort. The aerodynamic shapes of the seatpost, stem and handlebars work seamlessly with the frame's air slicing properties to help any rider go faster on the flat and on any climb with an average gradient of up to 6%. Generous frameset-to-tyre clearance offers the chance of using tyres of up to 30mm in width, allowing rougher roads to be tackled with increased comfort and control.   The HollowGram 64 KNOT wheelset has a deep and wide full carbon rim to lower drag significantly. At the same time, its broad, and blunt profile enhances stability in crosswinds by calming the turbulent air caused by high wind yaw angles. Lower rolling resistance is also promoted by this rim thanks to its wide inner width that coerces tyres into a superior cross-sectional profile.   Accurate and smooth, the Shimano Ultegra Di2 gear configuration helps the rider always to select the correct cadence, regardless of course topography. The Ultegra marque also takes care of stopping duties with this hydraulic disc brake set-up bestowing confidence under even the most inclement of weather conditions. SPECIFICATION Frame Cannondale BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon, integrated cable routing with Switchplate, SAVE, PF30a, flat mount disc, 12x142 Speed Release thru-axle Fork Cannondale BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon, 1-1/8” - 1-1/4” steerer, 12x100mm Speed Release thru-axle, flat mount disc, 55mm offset (47-51cm frame sizes) 45mm offset (54-62cm frame sizes) Headset Cannondale Integrated, 1-1/8” - 1-1/4 Bottom Bracket Cannondale Alloy PressFit30 Stem HollowGram KNØT, Alloy with cable cover, -17 degree Handlebar HollowGram KNØT SystemBar, Carbon, 8-degree pitch adjust Bar Tape Cannondale Bar Tape, 3.5mm Front Brake Shimano Ultegra Di2 hydraulic disc brake, 160mm RT800 disc rotors Rear Brake Shimano Ultegra Di2 hydraulic disc brake, 140mm RT800 disc rotors Brake Levers Shimano Ultegra Di2, hydraulic disc brake Front Derailleur Shimano Ultegra Di2, braze-on Rear Derailleur Shimano Ultegra Di2, 11-speed Shift Levers Shimano Ultegra Di2, 11-speed Chain Shimano HG701, 11-speed Cassette Shimano Ultegra, 11-30, 11-speed Crankset HollowGram, BB30a, OPI SpideRing, 52/36 chainrings Front Wheel HollowGram 64 SL KNØT, Carbon, 20h, 64mm deep, 21mm internal width, tubeless-ready rim, HollowGram KNØT, sealed bearing 12x100mm Centre Lock hub, HollowGram 2.0/1.8/2.0 x 20 spokes Rear Wheel HollowGram 64 SL KNØT, Carbon, 24h, 64mm deep, 21mm internal width, tubeless-ready rim, HollowGram KNØT, 12x142mm Centre Lock with DT Swiss 350 internals hub, HollowGram 2.0/1.8/2.0 x 24 spokes Front Tyre Vittoria Rubino Pro Speed, 700 x 25c, clincher Rear Tyre Vittoria Rubino Pro Speed, 700 x 25c, clincher Saddle Prologo Dimension NDR, Tirox rails Seatpost HollowGram 60 KNØT Carbon, 330mm Accessories Cannondale wheel sensor
USD 6700.0/шт 6700.0
Buy 2021 - Cannondale Road Bike SuperSix EVO Hi-MOD Disc Dura-Ace Di2 Womens from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price      : USD 6,700.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock 2021 CANNONDALE SUPERSIX EVO HI-MOD DISC DURA-ACE DI2 DISC ROAD BIKE A pure and versatile race machine, the Cannondale SuperSix EVO Hi-MOD Disc Dura-Ace Di2 Disc Road Bike blends an array of sophisticated design features to deliver a truly professional level of performance. Whether gunning for a PB up the most brutal of climbs, racing across rough roads or tackling an all-day Gran Fondo, the SuperSix EVO delivers with accuracy and assuredness.   Tremendously high stiffness to weight ratio is naturally infused into the frameset thanks to its refined, BallisTec Hi-MOD full carbon construction. Reactive, nimble and vertically compliant, this frameset also reduces aerodynamic drag significantly via its truncated airfoil tube sections. The frameset sports a racy geometry that flicks with ease down sinuous descents but remains calm and composed in the face of rough, classics style terrain. Clearance for tyres of up to 30mm in width offers the option of a sublimely smooth and grippy ride experience while entirely internal gear cable and brake hose routing gifts a neat, crisp aesthetic.   The brand’s own HollowGram KNOT wheelset donates lively acceleration and slips through the air with ease thanks to its full carbon, 45mm deep rims. These rims have a broad and blunt profile to aid crosswind stability and also possess a wide internal width and tubeless-tyre compatibility to reduce rolling resistance significantly.   Accurate gear changes are courtesy of the range-topping Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 electronic gear configuration, and this combines seamlessly with the ultra-stiff HollowGram SiSL2 chainset to grant efficient passage across any Parcours. The Dura-Ace hydraulic disc brake set-up completes the bike with its powerful but highly controllable stopping power that bestows confidence even in tricky, wet riding conditions. SPECIFICATION Frame Cannondale BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon, integrated cable routing with Switchplate, 12x142 Speed Release thru-axle, SAVE, PF30a, flat mount disc, integrated seat binder Fork Cannondale BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon, SAVE, integrated crown race, 12x100mm Speed Release thru-axle, flat mount disc, internal routing, 1-1/8” to 1-1/4” steerer and 55mm offset (51 and 54cm frame sizes), 1-1/8” to 1-3/8” steerer and 45mm offset (56, 58 and 60cm frame sizes) Headset Cannondale Integrated, 1-1/8” - 1-1/4” (51 and 54cm frame sizes), 1-1/8” - 1-3/8” (56, 58 and 60cm frame sizes) Bottom Bracket Cannondale Alloy PressFit30 Stem HollowGram KNØT, Alloy with cable cover, -6 degree Handlebar HollowGram SAVE SystemBar, Carbon, 8-degree pitch adjust Bar Tape Cannondale Bar Tape, 3.5mm Front Brake Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 hydraulic disc brake, 160mm RT 900 disc rotor Rear Brake Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 hydraulic disc brake, 140mm RT 900 disc rotor Brake Levers Shimano Dura-Ace, hydraulic disc brake Front Derailleur Shimano Dura-Ace Di2, braze-on Rear Derailleur Shimano Dura-Ace Di2, 11-speed Shift Levers Shimano Dura-Ace Di2, 11-speed Chain Shimano Dura-Ace, 11-speed Cassette Shimano Dura-Ace, 11-30, 11-speed Crankset HollowGram SiSL2, BB30a, OPI SpideRing, 52/36 chainrings Front Wheel HollowGram 45 SL KNØT, Carbon, 20h, 45mm deep, 21mm IW, tubeless-ready rim, HollowGram KNØT, sealed bearing 12x100mm Centre Lock hub, DT Swiss Aerolite x 20 spokes Rear Wheel HollowGram 45 SL KNØT, Carbon, 24h, 45mm deep, 21mm IW, tubeless-ready rim, HollowGram KNØT, 12x142mm Centre Lock with DT Swiss 240 internals hub, DT Swiss Aerolite x 24 spokes Front Tyre Vittoria Corsa, 700 x 25c, clincher Rear Tyre Vittoria Corsa, 700 x 25c, clincher Saddle Prologo Dimension Nack NDR, carbon rails Seatpost HollowGram 27 SL KNØT, Carbon, 2 bolt clamp, 330mm, 0mm offset (51cm frame size), 15mm offset (54, 56, 58, 60cm frame sizes) Accessories Cannondale wheel sensor
USD 3800.0/шт 3800.0
Buy the 2021 - Cannondale E-Road Bike SuperSix EVO Neo 2 Disc Disc from Runcycles is 100% safe because buying products from Runcycles comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. Runcycles Location: Jl. T. Amir Hamzah Blok B / 5. Medan. Price: $ 3800.00Minimum order: 1-5 pcs Lead time: 3-6 daysPort: CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms: T / T, Western Union, PaypalShipping: FedEx, DHL, UPSItem: Ori and Ready in stock BIKE 2021 CANNONDALE SUPERSIX EVO NEO 2 DISC E-ROAD For the passionate, discerning cyclist looking for the familiar geometry of racing gear and the high performance of a top-end road bike with light acceleration thanks to its integrated e-bike system, the Cannondale SuperSix Evo Neo 2 with hydraulic disc brakes might be the way to go. whatever you are looking for. The stunning design features unique cable routing that keeps everything smooth, with the motor tucked away inside the rear hub, and the 250Wh bottom tube battery also out of sight, seemingly little different from a standard road bike. The Mahle Ebikemotion X35 provides three levels of support and a battery range of around 75 km, depending on the settings used and the conditions at the time. There is a companion smartphone app that gives you deeper control over the system, and the built-in wheel sensor allows you to analyze your ride statistics deeper and even get wear and maintenance reminders. HollowGram handlebars keep the front light, rigid and aerodynamic, while the two-piece system with 8-degree tilt adjustment and multiple stem and handlebar options allows you to choose a comfortable spot for your own position on the bike. SAVE carbon engineering in the rear triangle isolates you from road noise for long-ride comfort, while lowered seat stays improve handling and handling. The truncated shape of the wind tunnel reduces drag by up to 30% and also increases rigidity to optimize power transfer. The Tier 2 Shimano Ultegra groupset with 11-34 cassette and 50/34 sprockets provides reliable gear shifting, while the FSA Team 30 clincher disc wheels with 28c tires are a great all-rounder. SPECIFICATION FRAME Cannondale BallisTec Carbon, internal battery with bottom tube, integrated cable routing with switch, dropout / wheel spacing 135 mm, SAVE, T47, flat disc, integrated seat retainer FORK Cannondale BallisTec Carbon, SAVE, steering wheel from 1- 1/8 "to 1-1 / 4", Integrated Crown Track, 12x100mm Thru Axle Speed ​​Release, Flat Mount Disc, Internal Milling, 55mm Offset (SM) 45mm Offset (L) Cannondale HANDLE HollowGram SystemBar SAVE, Carbon , 8 deg. Pitch Adjustment TAPE Cannondale Grip Bar with Gel, 3.5mm ROOT Cannondale HollowGram SAVE, Alloy, -6 ° FRONT BRAKE Shimano Ultegra Hydraulic Disc, 160mm RT86 Rotors REAR BRAKE Shimano Ultegra Hydraulic Disc, 160mm RT86 BRAKES Shimano Ultegra disc, ST-R8020 Shimano Ultegra FRONT derailleur, soldering, FD-R8000-F Shimano Ultegra REAR derailleur, RD-R8000-GS SHIFT LEVERS Shimano Ultegra hydraulic disc, 2x11, ST-R3420 CASSETTE, 11 11-speed, CS-HG700-11 CRANKING ROD HollowGram, T47 with OPI SpideRing, 50/34 CHAIN ​​Shimano HG601, 11-speeds FRONT WHEEL Clutch disc FSA Team 30, FSA alloy, 12x100 REAR WHEEL Wedge disc FSAmo Team X35, ebike 250W FRONT TIRE Vittoria Rubino Pro Bright black, 700 x 28c REAR TIRE Vittoria Rubino Pro Bright black, 700 x 28c SADDLE Prologo Dimension, Tirox rails Cannondale SEATS HollowGram 27 SL KNØT, carbon, 2 bolt clamp, 330mm E-BIKE BATTERY MAHLE ebikemotion X35 250Wh E-BIKE CHARGER MAHLE ebikemotion X35 E-BIKE DRIVE MAHLE ebikemotion X35 250W CONNECTION Wheel sensor
USD 1670.0/шт 1670.0
Buy 2021 - Cannondale Road Bike SuperSix EVO 105 Disc from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 1,670.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock 2021 CANNONDALE SUPERSIX EVO 105 DISC ROAD BIKE With a full carbon frameset that combines several sophisticated features and a blend of high-level components, the Cannondale SuperSix EVO 105 Disc Road Bike is a true all-round road machine that adapts to any riding scenario with consummate ease.   As its core, the SuperSix EVO has a full BallisTec carbon frameset that lends reactivity, strength, and comfort within a low weight package to grant performance whether climbing steep mountains or thundering across heavily rutted roads. Each tube section of the frameset features an aerodynamically refined cross-sectional profile to help it slip through the air with less resistance and more speed. Complementing the advanced frame material and sophisticated tube sections are the race-inspired geometry that is nimble but composed. The option of further comfort is catered for by the frameset's generous tyre clearance that provides room to fit plush, 30mm tyres if desired.   Sturdy and reliable alloy wheels handle the worst of road surfaces with aplomb and are light for fast acceleration and consistent climbing speeds. Any route, regardless of its profile, can be conquered thanks to the broad range of gears provided by the reliable and precise Shimano 105 11-speed gear configuration. At the same time, the matching hydraulic disc brake set up infuses confidence into the rider, even in torrential rain, thanks to its dependable and highly modulated stopping power. SPECIFICATION Frame Cannondale BallisTec Carbon, integrated cable routing with Switchplate, 12x142 Speed Release thru-axle, SAVE, PF30a, flat mount disc, integrated seat binder Fork Cannondale BallisTec Carbon, SAVE, integrated crown race, 12x100mm Speed Release thru-axle, flat mount disc, internal routing, 1-1/8” to 1-1/4” steerer and 55mm offset (48, 51 and 54cm frame sizes), 1-1/8” to 1-3/8” steerer and 45mm offset (56, 58, 60 and 62cm frame sizes) Headset Cannondale Integrated, 1-1/8” - 1-1/4” (48, 51 and 54cm frame sizes), 1-1/8” - 1-3/8” (56, 58, 60 and 62cm frame sizes) Bottom Bracket Cannondale Alloy PressFit30 Stem Cannondale 3, 6061 Alloy, 31.8, 7° degree Handlebar Cannondale 3, 6061 alloy, Compact Bar Tape Cannondale Bar Tape, 3.5mm Front Brake Shimano 105 hydraulic disc brake, 160mm RT64 disc rotor Rear Brake Shimano 105 hydraulic disc brake, 160mm RT64 disc rotor Brake Levers Shimano 105, hydraulic disc brake Front Derailleur Shimano 105, braze-on Rear Derailleur Shimano 105 GS, 11-speed Shift Levers Shimano 105, 11-speed Chain Shimano HG601, 11-speed Cassette Shimano 105, 11-30, 11-speed Crankset Cannondale 1, BB30a, 52/36 chainrings Front Wheel Cannondale RD 2.0 Disc, double wall with eyelets, 28h rim, Formula CL-712, 12x100mm Centre Lock hub, Stainless Steel, 14g x 28 spokes (not tubeless compatible) Rear Wheel Cannondale RD 2.0 Disc, double wall with eyelets, 28h rim, Formula RXC-400, 12x142mm Centre Lock hub, Stainless Steel, 14g x 28 spokes (not tubeless compatible) Front Tyre Vittoria Zaffiro Pro Slick, 700 x 25c, clincher Rear Tyre Vittoria Zaffiro Pro Slick, 700 x 25c, clincher Saddle Prologo Nago RS STN Seatpost HollowGram 27 SL KNØT, Alloy, 2 bolt clamp, 330mm, 15mm offset
USD 6000.0/шт 6000.0
Buy 2021 - Cannondale Road Bike SuperSix EVO Neo 1 Disc from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 6,000.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock 2021 CANNONDALE SUPERSIX EVO NEO 1 DISC E-ROAD BIKE Meeting the needs of the discerning, passionate road cyclist who wants to boost their rides with an elegant and lightweight package, the Cannondale SuperSix Evo Neo 1 Disc E-Road Bike maintains the high-performance nature of this classic name in the Cannondale family whilst furnishing it with the latest MAHLE ebikemotion technology.   There are three levels of assistance and the lightweight unit, that's fully concealed, adds just 3.5 kilos to the total weight of the bike. The motor is hidden inside the rear hub and delivers drag-free power from the 250Wh downtube battery, which is equivalent to a range of around 75km. Manually control the system via the iWoc controller on the top tube so that your cockpit is kept clean and free from clutter. As you would expect, the styling is aerodynamic and fast, with truncated airfoil tube shapes used to reduced drag by up to 30% and weighing in at a svelte 11.3 kilos this bike really pushes the boundaries of integrated power. The recommended tyre size is 28mm, which still leaves a roomy 6mm of clearance either side, so you can enjoy the comfort and capability of slightly more volume.   The clean aesthetic is further enhanced by innovative cable routing that runs into the front of the headtube, reducing drag and making servicing hassle-free. The frame has also been engineered with SAVE micro-suspension technology that takes the edge off road buzz for a smoother, more comfortable ride and at the back, the combination of low seat stays, integrated seat binder and 27 KNOT seat post delivers compliance and greater absorption of bumps.   At the front, the sleek HollowGram SAVE handlebar scythes through the air and further insulates against vibrations from bumpy roads. Speed release thru-axles ensure wheel changes are fast and the Wheel Sensor tracks speed, route and distance info, registers your bike and reminds you of needed service. A top-line Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 groupset with hydraulic disc brakes delivers the sweetest gear shifts and the 11-speed drivetrain with 11-30 cassette and compact chainrings will be enough for tackling long climbs. SPECIFICATION FRAME Cannondale BallisTec Carbon, internal downtube battery, integrated cable routing with Switchplate, dropout/axle spacing 135mm, SAVE, T47, flat mount disc, integrated seat binder  FORK Cannondale BallisTec Carbon, SAVE, 1-1/8" to 1-1/4" steerer, integrated crown race, 12x100mm Speed Release thru-axle, flat mount disc, internal routing, 55mm offset (S-M) 45mm offset (L)  HANDLEBAR Cannondale HollowGram SystemBar SAVE, carbon, 8 deg. pitch adjust  TAPE Prologo One Touch  STEM Cannondale HollowGram SAVE, alloy, -6°  FRONT BRAKE Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 hydraulic disc, 160mm RT86 rotor  REAR BRAKE Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 hydraulic disc, 160mm RT86 rotor  BRAKE LEVERS Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 hydraulic disc, ST-R9170 FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano Dura-Ace Di2, braze-on, FD-R9150 REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Dura-Ace Di2, RD-R9150 SHIFT LEVERS Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 hydraulic disc, 2x11, ST-R9170 CASSETTE Shimano Ultegra, 11-30, 11-speed, CS-R8000  CRANKSET Cannondale HollowGram, T47 with OPI SpideRing, 50/34  CHAIN Shimano HG701, 11-speed  FRONT WHEEL Vision Metron 40 clincher disc, 40mm depth, 28h, tubeless ready, 12x100  REAR WHEEL Vision Metron 40 clincher disc, 40mm depth, 28h, tubeless ready, ebikemotion X35 250W FRONT TYRE Vittoria Rubino Pro Bright Black, 700 x 28c  REAR TYRE Vittoria Rubino Pro Bright Black, 700 x 28c  SADDLE Prologo Dimension NDR, 143mm width, Tirox rails  SEATPOST Cannondale HollowGram 27 SL KNØT, carbon, 2 bolt clamp, 330mm  E-BIKE BATTERY  MAHLE ebikemotion X35 250Wh  E-BIKE CHARGER  MAHLE ebikemotion X35  E-BIKE DRIVE UNIT MAHLE ebikemotion X35 250W  CONNECTIVITY  Wheel sensor
USD 2900.0/шт 2900.0
Buy 2021 - Cannondale Road Bike Systemsix Carbon Ultegra from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 2,900.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock 2021 SYSTEMSIX CARBON ULTEGRA ROAD BIKE Blending a sophisticated carbon composition with a wind-cheating profile and a smattering of high-end components, the Cannondale SystemSix Ultegra Road Bike is the quickest choice for any cyclist across a multitude of road riding applications.   A full BallisTec carbon frameset is realised with aerodynamically refined tube shapes to grant power transmission, comfort and stunningly low drag. When combining this frameset with the aero seat post, handlebars and stem the SystemSix becomes the fastest option across flat valleys, within sprints, down descents and even on climbs of up to 6% in gradient. Generous frame-to-tyre clearance accepts tyres widths of up to 30mm while a racy geometry offers a perfect balance of nimbleness and composure.   The Vision SC55 wheelset complements the technically advanced frameset perfectly thanks to it’s lightweight, stiff and aerodynamic carbon rim that is also tubeless-ready tyre compatible. Gear changing duties are charged to the ever-reliable and precise Shimano Ultegra setup that flicks through its ratios with ease. The hydraulic disc brake configuration, also from the Shimano Ultegra range, completes the bike via its powerful and assured stopping power that affords confidence across all riding conditions, even torrential rain. SPECIFICATION FRAME BallisTec Carbon, integrated cable routing w/ Switchplate, SAVE, PF30a, flat mount disc, 12x142 Speed Release thru-axle FORK BallisTec Carbon, 1-1/8" - 1-1/4" steerer, 12x100mm Speed Release thru-axle, flat mount disc, 55mm offset (47-51cm) 45mm offset (54-62cm) RIMS Vision SC55, carbon clincher disc, tubeless ready HUBS (F) Vision Sealed Cartridge hub 12x100mm / (R) Vision Sealed Cartridge hub, 12x142mm SPOKES DP Spokes - 21F / 24R TIRES Vittoria Rubino Pro Bright Black, 700 x 25c, reflective strip CRANK HollowGram, BB30a, OPI SpideRing, 52/36 BOTTOM BRACKET Cannondale Alloy PressFit30 CHAIN Shimano HG601, 11-speed REAR COGS Shimano 105, 11-30, 11-speed FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra, braze-on REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra SHIFTERS Shimano Ultegra, 11-speed HANDLEBAR HollowGram KNØT SystemBar, Carbon, 8 deg. pitch adjust GRIPS Cannondale Bar Tape, 3.5mm STEM HollowGram KNØT, Alloy w/ cable cover, -17° HEADSET Integrated, 1-1/8" - 1-1/4 BRAKES Shimano Ultegra hydraulic disc, 160/140mm RT800 rotors BRAKE LEVERS Shimano Ultegra SADDLE Prologo Dimension STN NDR, steel rails SEATPOST HollowGram 60 KNØT Carbon, 330mm SPEEDS 22 EXTRAS Cannondale Wheel Sensor
USD 1941.0/шт 1941.0
Buy 2021 - Cannondale Road Bike SUPERSIX EVO DISC 105 from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 1,941.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   Product Name: Cannondale SUPERSIX EVO DISC 105 Roadbike - 2021 Manufacturer: Cannondale Bikes Item Code: CAD483628 activity: Bike material: Carbon usage bikesport: Road Bike hubs: Formula CL-712, 12x100mm Centerlock / Formula RXC-400, 12x142mm Centerlock spokes: Stainless Steel, 14g rims: Cannondale Disc, double wall w/eyelet, 28h chain: Shimano HG601, 11-speed cassette: Shimano 105 shifter: Shimano 105 rear derailleur: Shimano 105, 11-speed front derailleur: Shimano 105, braze-on bottom bracket: Cannondale PressFit30 chainring ratio: 50-34 crankset: Cannondale 1, BB30a brakes: Shimano 105 hydro disc with 160/160mm seat post: HollowGram 27 SL KNØT, Carbon, 2 bolt clamp, 330mm, 15mm offset saddle: Prologo Nago RS STN bar tape: Cannondale Bar Tape, 3.5mm handle bar: Cannondale 3, 6061 alloy, Compact stem: Cannondale 3, 6061 Alloy, 31.8, 7° fork: BallisTec Carbon, SAVE, 44-54cm), integrated crown race, 12x100mm, flat mount disc, internal routing, 1-1/8" to 1-1/4" steerer and 55mm offset (44-54cm), 1/8" to 1-3/8" steerer and 45mm offset (56-62cm) headset: Integrated, 1-1/8" - 1-1/4" (44-54 cm), 1-1/8" - 1-3/8" (56-62 cm) frame: BallisTec Carbon, integrated cable routing with Switchplate, 12x142mm, SAVE, PF30a, flat mount disc, integrated seat binder groupset: Shimano gear ratio: 11-30 number of chainrings: 2 shifting system: 11-speed shifting actuation: Mechanical brake type: Disc Brake wheel size: 28" (29") (622mm) tires: Vittoria Zaffiro Pro Slick, 700 x 25c Model year: 2021 Color: Blue manufacturer item code: C11771M20
USD 2389.0/шт 2389.0
Buy 2021 - Cannondale Road Bike SUPERSIX EVO DISC Ultegra from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 2,389.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   Product Name: Cannondale SUPERSIX EVO DISC Ultegra Roadbike - 2021 Manufacturer: Cannondale Bikes Item Code: CAD483627 activity: Bike material: Carbon usage bikesport: Road Bike hubs: HollowGram, 12x100mm Centerlock / HollowGram, 12x142mm Centerlock spokes: HollowGram 2.0/1.8/2.0 rims: HollowGram 35, Carbon, 24h front, 28h rear, 35mm deep, 19mm IW, tubeless ready chain: Shimano HG601, 11-speed cassette: Shimano 105 shifter: Shimano Ultegra rear derailleur: Shimano Ultegra front derailleur: Shimano Ultegra, braze-on bottom bracket: Cannondale PressFit30 chainring ratio: 50-34 crankset: Cannondale 1, BB30a brakes: Shimano Ultegra hydro disc with 160/160mm seat post: HollowGram 27 SL KNØT, Carbon, 2 bolt clamp, 330mm saddle: Prologo Nago RS STN bar tape: Cannondale Bar Tape, 3.5mm handle bar: HollowGram SAVE SystemBar, Carbon, 8° pitch adjust stem: HollowGram KNØT, Alloy w/ cable cover, -6° fork: BallisTec Carbon, SAVE, 44-54cm), integrated crown race, 12x100mm, flat mount disc, internal routing, 1-1/8" to 1-1/4" steerer and 55mm offset (44-54cm), 1/8" to 1-3/8" steerer and 45mm offset (56-62cm) headset: Integrated, 1-1/8" - 1-1/4" (44-54 cm), 1-1/8" - 1-3/8" (56-62 cm) frame: BallisTec Carbon, integrated cable routing with Switchplate, 12x142mm, SAVE, PF30a, flat mount disc, integrated seat binder groupset: Shimano gear ratio: 11-32 number of chainrings: 2 shifting system: 11-speed shifting actuation: Mechanical brake type: Disc Brake wheel size: 28" (29") (622mm) tires: Vittoria Rubino Pro Bright Black, 700 x 25c, reflective strip Model year: 2021 Color: Black Grey manufacturer item code: C11671M10
USD 7800.0/шт 7800.0
Buy 22021 - Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 Sagan Collection Road Bike from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 7,800.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME S-Works Tarmac SL7 FACT 12r Carbon, Rider First Engineered™, Win Tunnel Engineered, Clean Routing, Threaded BB, 12x142mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FORK S-Works FACT Carbon, 12x100mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FRONT WHEEL Roval Rapide CLX, 21mm internal width carbon rim, 51mm depth, Win Tunnel Engineered, Roval AFD hub, 18h, DT Swiss Aerolite spokes REAR WHEEL Roval Rapide CLX, 21mm internal width carbon rim, 60mm depth, Win Tunnel Engineered, Roval AFD hub, 24h, DT Swiss Aerolite spokes INNER TUBES Turbo Ultralight, 60mm Presta valve FRONT TYRE Turbo Cotton - Black Sidewall, 320 TPI, 700x26mm REAR TYRE Turbo Cotton - Black Sidewall, 320 TPI, 700x26mm CRANKSET Shimano Dura-Ace R9100, HollowTech 2, 11-speed, Dual-sided Power meter CHAINRINGS 52/36T BOTTOM BRACKET 68mm threaded, CeramicSpeed bearings SHIFT LEVERS Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 Disc R9170 FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 R9150, braze-on REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 R9150, 11-speed CASSETTE Shimano Dura-Ace R9100, 11-speed, 11-30t CHAIN Shimano Dura-Ace, 11-speed FRONT BRAKE Shimano Dura-Ace R9170, hydraulic disc REAR BRAKE Shimano Dura-Ace R9170, hydraulic disc HANDLEBARS S-Works Aerofly II TAPE S-Wrap Velvet STEM Tarmac integrated stem, 6-degree SADDLE S-Works Romin Evo, Sagan LTD SEATPOST 2021 S-Works Tarmac Carbon seat post, FACT Carbon, Di2 Compatible, 20mm offset SEAT BINDER Tarmac integrated wedge SWAT Integrated cycle computer mount
USD 2610.0/шт 2610.0
Buy 2021 - Specialized Road Bike Roubaix Sport from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD  2,610.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME FACT 10R, Rider First Engineered™ (RFE), FreeFoil Shape Library tubes, threaded BB, 12x142mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FORK Future Shock 1.5 w/ Smooth Boot, 12x100mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FRONT WHEEL DT Swiss R470 rim, 20mm internal width, tubeless ready, 24h, Specialized full sealed bearing thru axle hub, centerlock disc, DT Swiss Champion 14G stainless steel spokes, DT Swiss brass nipples. REAR WHEEL DT Swiss R470 rim, 20mm internal width, tubeless ready, 24h, Specialized full sealed bearing thru axle hub, centerlock disc, alloy freehub body, DT Swiss Champion 14G stainless steel spokes, DT Swiss brass nipples. INNER TUBES Presta, 48mm valve FRONT TYRE Specialized Turbo Pro, 700x28mm REAR TYRE Specialized Turbo Pro, 700x28mm CRANKSET Praxis Alba CHAINRINGS 50/34T BOTTOM BRACKET Praxis 68-0201B, 68mm BSA SHIFT LEVERS Shimano 105 R7020 hydraulic disc FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano R7000, clamp-on REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano 105 R7000 GS, medium cage, 11-speed CASSETTE Shimano 105, 11-speed, 11-34t CHAIN KMC X11 Extra Lightweight, 11-speed FRONT BRAKE Shimano 105, Hydraulic disc REAR BRAKE Shimano 105, Hydraulic disc HANDLEBARS Specialized Hover Comp Alloy Bar, 125 Drop x 75 Reach TAPE Roubaix S-Wrap STEM Future Stem, Comp, w/Integrated computer mount SADDLE Body Geometry Power Sport, steel rails SEATPOST S-Works Pave SEAT BINDER Hidden drop clamp
USD 3350.0/шт 3350.0
Buy 2021 - Specialized Road Bike Tarmac SL7 Expert Di2 from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 3,350.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME Tarmac SL7 FACT 10r Carbon, Rider First Engineered™, Win Tunnel Engineered, Clean Routing, Threaded BB, 12x142mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FORK FACT Carbon, 12x100mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FRONT WHEEL DT Swiss R470 rim, 20mm internal width, tubeless ready, 24h, Specialized full sealed bearing thru axle hub, centerlock disc, DT Swiss Champion 14G stainless steel spokes, DT Swiss brass nipples. REAR WHEEL DT Swiss R470 rim, 20mm internal width, tubeless ready, 24h, Specialized full sealed bearing thru axle hub, centerlock disc, alloy freehub body, DT Swiss Champion 14G stainless steel spokes, DT Swiss brass nipples. INNER TUBES Turbo Ultralight, 48mm Presta valve FRONT TYRE S-Works Turbo, 120 TPI, folding bead, BlackBelt protection, 700x26mm REAR TYRE S-Works Turbo, 120 TPI, folding bead, BlackBelt protection, 700x26mm CRANKSET Shimano Ultegra R8000, HollowTech 2, 11-speed CHAINRINGS 52/36T BOTTOM BRACKET Shimano Threaded BSA BB SHIFT LEVERS Shimano Ultegra Di2 Disc R8070 FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra Di2 R8050, braze-on REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra Di2 R8050, GS medium cage CASSETTE Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-speed, 11-30t CHAIN Shimano Ultegra, 11-speed FRONT BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, hydraulic disc REAR BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, hydraulic disc HANDLEBARS Specialized Expert Shallow Drop, alloy, 125mm drop x 75mm reach TAPE Supacaz Super Sticky Kush STEM Tarmac integrated stem, 6-degree SADDLE Body Geometry Power Expert, hollow titanium rails SEATPOST 2021 S-Works Tarmac Carbon seat post, FACT Carbon, Di2 Compatible, 20mm offset SEAT BINDER Tarmac integrated wedge
USD 3300.0/шт 3300.0
Buy 2021 - Specialized Road Bike Aethos Expert from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 3,300.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME Aethos FACT 10r Carbon, Rider First Engineered™, Threaded BB, 12x142mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FORK FACT Carbon, 12x100mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc HANDLEBARS Specialized Expert Shallow Drop, alloy, 125mm drop x 75mm reach STEM Specialized Pro SL, alloy, 4-bolt TAPE Supacaz Super Sticky Kush SEATPOST Roval Alpinist Carbon Seatpost FRONT BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, hydraulic disc REAR BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, hydraulic disc SEAT BINDER Specialized Alloy, 30.0mm SHIFT LEVERS Shimano Ultegra Di2 Disc R8070 FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra Di2 R8050, braze-on CHAIN Shimano Ultegra, 11-speed REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra Di2 R8050, GS medium cage CASSETTE Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-speed, 11-30t CRANKSET Shimano Ultegra R8000, HollowTech 2, 11-speed BOTTOM BRACKET Shimano threaded FRONT WHEEL DT R470 Disc, sealed cartridge hubs, 14g spokes, 24h REAR WHEEL DT R470 Disc, sealed cartridge hubs, 14g spokes, 24h FRONT TYRE S-Works Turbo, 120 TPI, folding bead, BlackBelt protection, 700x26mm REAR TYRE S-Works Turbo, 120 TPI, folding bead, BlackBelt protection, 700x26mm INNER TUBES Turbo Ultralight, 48mm Presta valve SADDLE Body Geometry Power Expert, Hollow Titanium Rails
USD 4200.0/шт 4200.0
Buy 2021 - Specialized Road Bike Tarmac SL7 Pro Di2 from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 4,200.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME Tarmac SL7 FACT 10r Carbon, Rider First Engineered™, Win Tunnel Engineered, Clean Routing, Threaded BB, 12x142mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FORK FACT Carbon, 12x100mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FRONT WHEEL Roval Rapide CL, 21mm internal width carbon rim, Win Tunnel Engineered, DT for Roval 350 hub, DT Swiss Revolution spokes REAR WHEEL Roval Rapide CL, 21mm internal width carbon rim, Win Tunnel Engineered, DT for Roval 350 hub, DT Swiss Revolution spokes INNER TUBES Turbo Ultralight, 60mm Presta valve FRONT TYRE S-Works Turbo, 120 TPI, folding bead, BlackBelt protection, 700x26mm REAR TYRE S-Works Turbo, 120 TPI, folding bead, BlackBelt protection, 700x26mm CRANKSET Shimano Ultegra R8000, HollowTech 2, 11-speed CHAINRINGS 52/36T BOTTOM BRACKET Shimano Threaded BSA BB FRONT DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra Di2 R8050, braze-on REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Ultegra Di2 R8050, GS medium cage CASSETTE Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-speed, 11-30t CHAIN Shimano Ultegra, 11-speed FRONT BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, hydraulic disc REAR BRAKE Shimano Ultegra R8070, hydraulic disc HANDLEBARS S-Works Aerofly II TAPE Supacaz Super Sticky Kush STEM Tarmac integrated stem, 6-degree SADDLE Body Geometry Power Pro, hollow titanium rails, carbon fiber base SEATPOST 2021 S-Works Tarmac Carbon seat post, FACT Carbon, Di2 Compatible, 20mm offset SEAT BINDER Tarmac integrated wedge
USD 4350.0/шт 4350.0
Buy 2021 - Specialized Road Bike Tarmac SL7 Pro eTap from Runcycles is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Runcycles provide a 100% money back guarantee. Location Runcycles : Jl. T.Amir Hamzah Blok B/5.Medan. Contact us : To purchase online visit the website : Price : USD 4,350.00Min Order : 1 - 5 PcsLead Time : 3 - 6 DaysPort : CIF / Kualanamu International AirportTerms : T/T, Western Union, PaypalShipment : FedEx, DHL, UPSProduct : Ori and Ready in stock   FRAME Tarmac SL7 FACT 10r Carbon, Rider First Engineered™, Win Tunnel Engineered, Clean Routing, Threaded BB, 12x142mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FORK FACT Carbon, 12x100mm thru-axle, flat-mount disc FRONT WHEEL Roval Rapide CL, 21mm internal width carbon rim, Win Tunnel Engineered, DT for Roval 350 hub, DT Swiss Revolution spokes REAR WHEEL Roval Rapide CL, 21mm internal width carbon rim, Win Tunnel Engineered, DT for Roval 350 hub, DT Swiss Revolution spokes INNER TUBES Turbo Ultralight, 60mm Presta valve FRONT TYRE S-Works Turbo, 120 TPI, folding bead, BlackBelt protection, 700x26mm REAR TYRE S-Works Turbo, 120 TPI, folding bead, BlackBelt protection, 700x26mm CRANKSET SRAM Force 1 eTap AXS with Power meter, 46T BOTTOM BRACKET SRAM DUB BSA 68 REAR DERAILLEUR SRAM Force eTap AXS, 12-speed CASSETTE SRAM Force, XG-1270, 12-speed, 10-36t CHAIN SRAM Force, 12-speed FRONT BRAKE SRAM Force eTAP, hydraulic disc REAR BRAKE SRAM Force eTAP, hydraulic disc HANDLEBARS S-Works Aerofly II TAPE Supacaz Super Sticky Kush STEM Tarmac integrated stem, 6-degree SADDLE Body Geometry Power Pro, hollow titanium rails, carbon fiber base SEATPOST 2021 S-Works Tarmac Carbon seat post, FACT Carbon, Di2 Compatible, 20mm offset SEAT BINDER Tarmac integrated wedge

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