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All Accessories for newborns suppliers from Kyrgyzstan

OJSC "Alia"
USD 89.89/pcs 89.89
The natural medical sheepskin envelope is designed for newborn babies. It is used as a warm and comfortable rug for strollers, sledges and car seats. The outer side of the children's envelope is made of waterproof, breathable fabric, which provides air circulation inside the product and, gathering in the hood, provides reliable protection from cold and wind. As a heater (inner part), a high-quality medical sheepskin with a fur length of 3 cm is used. A fur made using a unique technology without the use of dyes and chemicals has high therapeutic value. Medical sheepskin is hypoallergenic, absorbs moisture vapor, prevents the growth of bacteria and viruses. Newborns who sleep on a medical sheepskin develop better, calm down faster and fall asleep. The kid will be very comfortable and calm on such a rug. Sheepskin is recommended to be placed in a crib for premature babies. The envelope is laid out on two independent rugs, each of which can be used independently in a variety of situations.

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