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All Butter suppliers from Kyrgyzstan

USD 0.76/pcs 0.76
Сли́вочное ма́сло — пищевой продукт, изготавливаемый сепарированием или сбиванием сливок, полученных из коровьего молока. Имеет высокое содержание молочного жира — 82,5 %
USD 1.24/pcs 1.24
Сары май (Топлёное масло) — молочный жир, получаемый из сливочного масла методом нагрева. Таким образом молочный жир отделяется от воды, молочных белков и молочного сахара.
Бишкек, Kyrgyzstan
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we have the widest selection of margarines. There are several versions of margarines for making different types of products. Our experts will help you choose the required margarine and give advice on how to improve the quality and taste of your product. Second, we help test different margarines and return unsuitable margarines. Thirdly, we provide free space in the warehouse and you will not have a headache about the costs associated with storage. And you will take exactly as much as you need.

Qoovee is a platform for B2B trade and business services. Here you can discover products in any industry, including the Butter. There are wide range of wholesale products you need on Qoovee. You can find Butter in bulk from China, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Europe, Africa, Latin America and other different countries. The up to date supplier directory is constantly being expanded: now on Qoovee there are more than 20 000 suppliers from 80 countries. All product suppliers, who represent more than 600 product categories, are waiting for you to cooperate with!

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