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All Construction equipment suppliers from Ukraine

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Crane air conditioners of the KK series with air-cooled condenser are designed to create a comfortable air temperature in the cabins of bridge electric, gantry cranes, and other industrial premises, ensuring the maintenance of the required temperature. The temperature control range is from + 12 ° С to + 30 ° С with an accuracy of ± 0.5 ° С, at an ambient temperature from -25 ° С to + 65 ° С on ozone-safe freon R-134a, and up to + 80 ° С on R-142 freon or ozone-safe freon. R-227 Used in coke, ferroalloy and metallurgical industries. Air conditioners are equipped with hermetic or semi-hermetic compressors of the world's leading manufacturers - Copeland, BOCK, and fans - EBM Papst, ZIEHL-ABEGG made in Germany. Air conditioning is controlled by a control panel, which includes a programmable controller. Air conditioners work from sources of alternating current 380V and direct current 220V. Additionally, air conditioners are equipped with an air heater.

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