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ООО Оранж исланд
Белгород, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
GOLD ELIXIR MASKОМОЛАЖИВАЮЩАЯ МАСКА С ИКРОЙНомер товара: 5140BТИП КОЖИ: • для всех типов кожи от 50 летПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА:• разглаживает морщины• содержит экстракт икры, луковицы нарцисса, жирные кислоты Омега 3 и Омега 6• ГИПОАЛЛЕРГЕННО • не тестировано на животныхКремовая маска глубоко восстанавливает кожу. Экстракт икры в ее составе обновляет структуру и густоту клеток и замедляет процесс старения кожи. Приятная текстура, насыщенная протеинами, дарит коже тонус и энергию, улучщает ее естественные защитные функции и способность удерживать влагу. Маска возвращает коже сияющий вид.
ООО Оранж исланд
Белгород, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
GOLD ELIXIRДНЕВНОЙ КРЕМ С ЭКСТРАКТОМ ИКРЫ ДЛЯ ИНТЕНСИВНОГО ОМОЛОЖЕНИЯТИП КОЖИ: Для всех типов кожи начиная с возраста 50 летПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА:Омолаживающиее воздействиеГипоаллергенноЗащитный фактор SPF10Вследствие снижения гормональной активности замедляется процесс обновления кожи, поэтому признаки старения становятся более заметными. Именно поэтому лаборатории Dermacol разработали специальный дневной омолаживающий крем с экстрактом икры для ухода за очень зрелой кожей. Средство способствует обновлению и восстановлению структуры клеток кожи и замедляет процесс ее старения. Экстракт луковицы нарцисса разглаживает глубокие морщины, делает кожу более прочной и повышает ее эластичность. Жирные кислоты Омега 3 и Омега 6 питают кожу и способствуют обновлению ее структуры. Масло карите стимулирует образование коллагена и эластина и действует в качестве естественного УФ-фильтра.
ООО Оранж исланд
Белгород, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
DETOX & DEFENCE FACE MASKДетоксицирующая и защитная маска для лицаТИП КОЖИ: Для всех типов кожиПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА: Богата натуральными антиоксидантами, витаминами и стволовыми клеткамиДетоксицирующая и защитная маска для лица с легкой гелево-кремовой текстурой, богатая природными антиоксидантами, витаминами и стволовыми клетками, проникает в глубь кожи, нейтрализует токсины и вредные вещества, поступившие из внешней среды. Восстанавливает естественный защитный механизм кожи и препятствует преждевременному старению, потере эластичности и образованию морщин. Делает кожу свежей и здоровой.
USD 258.43/pcs 258.43
Портативная сауна – это приспособление, которое позволяет устроить уголок расслабляющего тепла прямо в городской квартире, на даче или в любом другом месте. Данная конструкция состоит из двух частей – жесткого каркаса, обтянутого тканевым материалом, и парогенератора.Материал, из которого сделана кабина преносной сауны, двухслойный. Внутренний слой выполнен из антипригарного термо-волокна с добавлением турмалиновых волокон, наружный – из атласа. Каркас мини-сауны сборный. Габариты сауны в собранном виде – 95 х 80 х 70 см. Размер парогенератора – 26 х 19 х 19 см.Товар был упакован в картонную коробку. Размер коробки – 100 х 70 х 8 см. Вес — 10 кг.Технические параметры парогенератора:Максимальная вместимость – 1,5 л воды;Мощность – 550-850 Вт;Напряжение – 220-230 В.КАК РАБОТАЕТ ПОРТАТИВНАЯ САУНАПринцип работы переносной мини-сауны следующий: в специальный отсек парогенератора заливается вода, из которой устройство вырабатывает пар, который затем по специальному шлангу подает внутрь. Парогенератор работает от электросети. Он оснащен таймером, при помощи которого задается длительность сеанса (максимальное время – 60 минут).ЧЕМ ПОЛЕЗНА ПАРОВАЯ БАНЯ-ПАЛАТКАС древних времен людям известно о пользе, которую организму приносит влажный горячий пар. Сеанс в домашней паровой сауне, так же, как и в обычной сауне или бане, оказывает оздаравливающее действие, а именно:вместе с потом из организма выводятся шлаки и токсины;ускоряется кровообращение;улучшается обмен веществ;очищаются поры, кожа становится более мягкой и выглядит моложе;улучшается сон;прогреваются мышцы и суставы;улучшается состояние людей с такими заболеваниями, как артрит, ревматизм, невралгия;Уходит лишняя жидкость, похудение;весь организм расслабляется, снимается нервное напряжение.ПРОТИВОПОКАЗАНИЯПаровая мини-сауна имеет те же противопоказания, что и любая другая. От её использования необходимо воздержаться следующим категориям людей:беременным женщинам;лицам с заболеваниями сердца, высоким или низким давлением;лицам, недавно перенесшим хирургическое вмешательство;лицам, имеющим какие-либо кожные заболевания;лицам с респираторными заболеваниями.КАК ПОЛЬЗОВАТЬСЯ ПЕРЕНОСНОЙ ПОРТАТИВНОЙ САУНОЙЯ вручила маме переносную сауну на даче, где мы праздновали её юбилей. Она была приятно удивлена и хотела как можно скорее испытать подарок на деле. На следующий день, после того, как был наведен порядок после застолья, мы стали разбираться с сауной. Сначала мы достали все составляющие из упаковки, а затем действовали в соответствии с инструкцией:Собрали каркас так, как показано на иллюстрациях. Получился симпатичная баня-палатка с дверцей-прорезью с одной стороны.Наполнили резервуар парогенератора водой до отметки максимального уровня.Присоединили парогенератор к кабине при помощи шланга, проверили, чтобы он был надежно зафиксирован.Установили время на таймере, в первый раз решили попробовать 20 минут.Включили парогенератор в розетку. После этого начал вырабатываться пар, которым стала заполняться кабина. Примерно через десять минут образовалось достаточное количество пара для того, чтобы принимать сауну.По истечении установленного времени парогенератор выключился автоматически. После этого мы протерли кабину сауны изнутри салфеткой и оставили просушиться. Генератор также протерли сверху (его нельзя погружать в воду для очистки).После того, как сауна просохла, можно её разобрать и отложить до следующего раза, так она не займет много места. Мы же оставили её в собранном состоянии, так как пространство на даче позволяет.
ООО Оранж исланд
Белгород, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
HYALURON THERAPY WRINKLE FILLER DAY CREAMДневной крем, заполняющий морщиныТИП КОЖИ: Для всех типов кожи, рекомендовано для возрастных категорий после 30-ти летПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА:содержит гиалуроновую кислоту и сильный комплекс против морщинИнтенсивное разглаживающее и увлажняющее действие против морщинSPF 15Уникальный крем, разглаживающий морщины, с чистой гиалуроновой кислотой в сферической конфигурации и сильным комплексом против морщин восстанавливает 3D-структуру и плотность кожи, заполняет морщины, являясь альтернативой инъекциям гиалуроновой кислоты. При постоянном использовании восстанавливает контуры лица, заметно разглаживает морщины, повышает выработку коллагена и эластина и омолаживает кожу. Обеспечивает увлажнение и свежесть кожи в течение всего дня, успокаивая ее. Содержит SPF 15, который защищает кожу от солнечного излучения. Подходит для всех типов кожи и всех возрастных категорий после 30-ти лет. Мгновенный заметный эффект – уже после первого дня применения: • повышает упругость кожи на 35 %*• улучшает вид мимических морщина на 12 %*• сокращает поверхность морщин на 36 %*, а их глубину на 20 %**Тестировано in-vivo.
ООО Оранж исланд
Белгород, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
BT CELL EYE & LIP INTENSIVE LIFTING CREAMИнтенсивный крем-лифтинг для век и губТИП КОЖИ: Для всех типов кожиПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА:с концентрированным комплексом против морщинБез отдушек.Защищает кожу от воздействия свободных радикалов. Уникальный подтягивающий крем с концентрированным комплексом против морщин для глаз и губ приносит результат, подобный действию инъекций ботулотоксина. Мгновенно разглаживает мелкие морщинки. Результат заметен уже после первого дня применения: сокращение глубины морщин на 20 %*, их размеров на 36 %*. При постоянном использовании повышает упругость кожи, возвращает ей гладкость и сокращает неровности. Успокаивает, смягчает и защищает кожу от воздействия свободных радикалов.Заменяет линию Botocell.
ООО Оранж исланд
Белгород, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
Интенсивный крем-лифтингТИП КОЖИ: Для всех типов кожиПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА:с концентрированным комплексом против морщинЗащищает кожу от воздействия свободных радикалов Уникальный подтягивающий крем с концентрированным комплексом против морщин приносит результат, подобный действию инъекций ботулотоксина. Мгновенно разглаживает мелкие морщинки. Результат заметен уже после первого дня применения: сокращение глубины морщин на 20 %*, их размеров на 36 %*. При постоянном использовании повышает упругость кожи, возвращает ей гладкость и сокращает неровности. Успокаивает, смягчает и защищает кожу от воздействия свободных радикалов.Заменяет линию Botocell.
USD 3.48 - 6.97/pcs
100% coconut oil. Cosmetic 100% quality and effect. Prices: 200ml - 310som, 500ml - 620soms Cheaper by the Dozen
Москва, Russia
Specify the price USD 0 0
Уважаемые магазины подарков и цветов, Добро пожаловать
USD 3.81/pcs 3.81
The cream is specially designed for dry skin. The active ingredients of the Dead Sea refresh and tone the skin, strengthen blood vessels, normalize moisture, improving skin elasticity. Lactic acid helps to exfoliate dead skin cells, makes the skin smooth, eliminates inflammation, provides easy skin whitening, smoothing the relief, improving skin elasticity and appearance. As a result of regular use of the cream, lightening of freckles and age spots is observed. Aloe extract, rich in polysaccharides, minerals and amino acids, has a tonic and bactericidal effect. Vitamin A and Vitamin E are powerful antioxidants that rejuvenate and tighten aging skin. The composition of the cream: minerals of the Dead Sea, aloe vera, allantoin, urea, glycerin, lactic acid, vitamins A and E, UV filters. The cream is characterized by a special combination of active substances, allowing to replenish the lack of moisture, make the skin more elastic, and restore a normal complexion. The cream has a unique light and delicate texture, optimally suited for dry aging skin. The cream contains special solar filters designed to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment.
USD 5.45/pcs 5.45
Moisturizer enriched with a complex of vitamins A, E, C, B5, Dead Sea minerals, honey and propolis. The honey extract, which the cream is saturated with, has a wide spectrum of action. The cream allows you to normalize skin moisture, make dry, flaky and sensitive skin more elastic. The cream has not only emollient, but also anti-inflammatory effect. Honey extract revitalizes the skin, gives an inner glow. The cream contains amla fruit extract, which has a high content of vitamin C.The ingredient is characterized by a powerful rejuvenating effect, exfoliates dead cells, fights inflammation. Extracts of stinging nettle and witch hazel also contribute to the healing of lesions and cracks in the skin. The cream is enriched with emollient and rejuvenating ingredients containing amino acids useful for the skin. Extracts of aloe vera, algae, pomegranate and green tea are known for their anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects.Plant extracts normalize skin moisture, smoothen skin and reduce pores. Mineral salt of the Dead Sea tones, activates regeneration processes, is responsible for the natural production of elastin and collagen, making the skin more elastic and dense. Active ingredients: ectoine, carnauba wax, Indian gooseberry, extracts of maize, myrikaria daira, dioecious nettle, seaweed, witch hazel, green tea, horse chestnut, pomegranate, marjoram, aloe vera, shea butter, oats, licorice root, grape seeds, sea buckthorn, kukui and pumpkin seeds, avocado, rose hips, carrots, wheat germ, stratoflower, squalene, honey, mineral salt from the Dead Sea. Regular use of this rich cream will make the skin elastic and give a healthy velvety look. The cream is designed for normal and dry skin. The presence of honey and olive oil in the composition allows you to use the cream for biological rejuvenation of aging skin. The combined effect of the two innovative formulas makes it possible to significantly increase skin turgor and smooth wrinkles.The ingredients included in the cream, including Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, effectively fight the problems of aging skin. Vitamins A, C, E and the healing water of the Dead Sea enhance the effect of the product. The cream visibly improves the condition of the face and neck skin, providing an active anti-aging effect. SPF 20 protects the delicate skin of the face and neck from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
USD 3.81/pcs 3.81
The eye contour cream is great for treating wrinkles, puffiness and circles under the eyes thanks to its composition based on Dead Sea minerals and vitamins. Today there is hardly a person who has not heard about the miraculous properties of the Dead Sea salts. Some, especially effective, minerals of the Dead Sea are included in the composition of the cream from Mon Platin and endow it with unique properties: the cream thickens and tones the skin, allows you to get rid of edema and expression wrinkles, helps to remove toxins. The cream also contains includes Shea butter, which nourishes and softens chapped skin, allows you to get rid of edema and expression wrinkles, helps to remove toxins. The cream also contains Shea butter, which nourishes and softens chapped skin, promotes absorption of moisture by cells, improves blood circulation. Lactic acid , which is part of the cream, helps to lighten the skin: regular use of the cream will allow you to forget about such problems as freckles or age spots - acting as a peeling, lactic acid exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, stimulating cell renewal. An excellent choice for those who want stay young for a long time! Cream for the skin around the eyes and neck is a product with a unique composition, enriched with antioxidants and minerals from the Dead Sea. Created for the areas of the skin most susceptible to aging - for the skin of the eyelids and neck. The presence of antioxidants in the cream helps to slow down the aging process, and the Dead Sea minerals nourish and nourish the skin. The cream also includes components that allow you to lighten freckles, pigmented spots.
USD 3.6/pcs 3.6
Especially effective for deep cleansing of the facial skin, removing dead cells. The extract of witch hazel (leaves and bark of the virgin walnut), with which the mask is enriched, is a sebum-regulating and cleanser known in cosmetology for oily and problem skin. Witch hazel helps to narrow pores, softens the skin, strengthens blood vessels, with prolonged use allows you to get rid of rosacea (spider veins and reticules). Violet extract has antioxidant properties, softens and soothes the skin, relieves itching and irritation, regulates hydrobalance , prevents flaking.Dead Sea minerals are known for their detoxifying properties, cleanse the skin of dead cells, toxins and sebum, tone and promote regeneration. Sea buckthorn oil enriches skin cells with vitamins, accelerates the healing of microdamages, makes the skin more elastic. The peeling mask promotes skin renewal and regeneration, cleanses the epidermis from the layer of dead cells that make the skin dull and tired. Thanks to the vitamins and extracts of medicinal plants included in the mask, the mask improves blood microcirculation, helps to narrow pores, has a sebum-regulating effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, evens out complexion, rejuvenates, gives the skin a clean, healthy and well-groomed appearance.
USD 3.81/pcs 3.81
Mud mask for all skin types, enriched with high concentration of Dead Sea minerals. Mud mask with active salts and mud of the Dead Sea, aloe juice and lactic acid has a complex effect on the skin: it activates the processes of natural protection of the skin, effectively nourishes them. With regular use of the mask, the skin looks smoother, smoother and younger. The aging process is reversed by eliminating already dead cells of the upper layers of the skin, smoothing its relief. The skin gets the missing ingredients, it gets a healthy and fresh look. Dead Sea minerals not only cleanse the surface of the skin, but free it from accumulated toxins and excess sebum, due to which the face acquires a natural color and elasticity. Aloe extract effectively moisturizes, tones and soothes. Lactic acid for a long time moisturizes and evens out skin texture, tightens pores, makes blackheads and freckles less visible. The special formula of the mud mask helps to effectively cleanse the skin of the face, narrow pores, eliminate inflammation and redness. The natural Dead Sea mud, aloe extract and lactic acid, which are part of the composition, effectively slow down the aging of the skin, including preventing the appearance of new wrinkles, making the existing ones less pronounced. For oily skin, it is recommended to regularly apply a mask to problem areas to heal them. The mask can be washed with warm water before applying the mud mask. Then you should apply a thin layer of the composition to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, avoiding the sensitive areas of the eyelids and lips.Withstand the mask for 10-15 minutes. For sensitive skin it is recommended to reduce this time. At the end, the hardened mask should be gently washed off with cool water. The mask gives a good effect with regular use, but not more than once a week. o use at any age for all skin types.
USD 2.94/pcs 2.94
This skin care product is relatively new and its main advantage is that it is completely free of alkali, but at the same time has a unique cleansing effect. Micellar Cleansing Water 200 ml is the first micelle cleanser that simultaneously removes makeup, cleanses and soothes skin without unnecessary friction. Micelles are cleansing microparticles that have the ability to gently capture impurities from the surface of the skin, keeping them inside. They absorb and remove all impurities, sebum and makeup, and then easily remove from the skin with a cotton pad. The gentle and gentle formula of this fragrance-free cleanser is suitable for the face, eyes and lips, for all skin types, even sensitive. Micellar water is enriched with green tea extract and vitamin E, which are powerful antioxidants and help to gently cleanse the skin. Alcohol, parabens and fragrance free.
USD 1.25/pcs 1.25
Шампуни:для окрашенных и поврежденных волос.для тонких и ослабленных волос.для сухих волос.для всех типов волос.для жирных волос.мягкий шампунь для ежедневного применения.минеральный шампунь для всех типов волос.Бальзамы:для окрашенных и поврежденных волос.для тонких и ослабленных волос.для сухих волос.для всех типов волос.для жирных волос.мягкий бальзам для ежедневного применения.минеральный бальзам для всех типов волосГели для душа:"Олива и ромашка".Освежающий "Цитрусовая свежесть"Расслабляющий "Лаванда и мед"Тонизирующий "Энергия моря"
USD 31.39/pcs 31.39
Cocooon is a home teeth whitening course based on coconut oil and 100% natural oils of tea tree, lemon, and mint. - There are no chemicals in Cocooon! There is no orthophosphoric acid, hydrogen peroxide, which are stuffed with all Chinese strips, gels, lasers and other nonsense that very badly and irreparably spoils the enamel of people who are chasing a quick result. - We produce a natural, effective, enjoyable and highly beneficial course of home teeth whitening. Cocooon is a whole complex of oral hygiene care, due to a balanced composition of essential oils. - Teeth are whitened due to lauric acid, the balanced composition destroys plaque on the teeth, as well as the composition collects toxins and harmful microbes in the entire oral cavity, essential oils heal micro-wounds and enhance whitening, especially in hard-to-reach places. Cocooon's formulation addresses bleeding gum problems and bad odor problems. - Guaranteed teeth whitening for 4-12 tones, depending on the duration of the course. Composition - In the composition of unrefined coconut oil of the first cold pressing (Without a single filtration , the purest, the highest quality). In the composition of coconut oil, and the rest is natural essential oils of lemon, tea tree and mint. - The only natural, useful, effective, painless course of home teeth whitening in Russia. - All oils are of the highest quality! * The price is for a course of 30 days < / p> Wholesale from 10 pieces.
USD 4.25/pcs 4.25
Shelka Vista Bikini & Armpit Hair Removal Powder is a unique cosmetic hair removal product made only from natural minerals. It is a natural product that not only fights against the problem of unwanted hair growth, but also gently cares for the skin. Professionals and consumers alike consider hair removal using powder is by far the best way to remove hair: It does not injure the skin ; Safe for pregnant women; Does not cause irritation; The procedure is quick; Absolutely painless ; Low cost of the procedure.
USD 3.14/pcs 3.14
The thick sugar paste is ideal for hot-handed craftsmen or in high-temperature environments. Ideal for bikini and underarm depilation. You will experience the pleasure of working with this paste - it does not stick to the skin and at the same time perfectly removes all hairs. The paste is hypoallergenic, as it consists exclusively of natural ingredients and does not contain artificial preservatives, flavors and fragrances. The main advantages of Shelka Vista sugar paste The paste does not require heating in the microwave; The paste does not flow / melt, does not stick and works without traces of stickiness; Easy to use both by masters and at home; The paste does not stick to the skin, while not missing a single hair, removes them.
USD 2.48/pcs 2.48
coffee body scrub
USD 0.01 - 10.79/pcs
virgin star vagina shrink gel
USD 0.01 - 10.79/pcs
Virgin Star Virgin Star Cream Shrinking Gel
USD 0.01 - 10.79/pcs
rejuvenating micellar oil silk
USD 4.36/pcs 4.36
"MELITEL" is a professional sugar paste made from natural ingredients, designed for effective and safe depilation. The most current prices, promotions and offers on our official website, at: Types of pastes: Solid sugar paste for sugaring is designed to remove dark, coarse hair. It was specially designed for work in hot rooms at home. Recommended for beginners. Suitable for hot areas such as bikinis or face (male stubble). It can also be used to add during work to a paste of normal density to restore its working qualities. Paste for shugaring of normal density is universal and is intended for work, both in professional activities and at home. Forgives mistakes when working with paste incorrectly. The occurrence of sticks is minimized. Does not require preheating before use. The paste is designed to work with gloves. Soft sugar paste for sugaring is convenient for experienced craftsmen. It is applied and removed with quick movements using a manual technique. It can be used to add during operation to normal density paste to restore its working properties. Does not require warming up before use. Due to its density, it exerts minimal stress on the joints of the master's hand when working
USD 3.27/pcs 3.27
Description "MELITEL" is a professional sugar paste made from natural ingredients, designed for effective and safe depilation. The most current prices, promotions and offers on our official website , at: Paste types: Solid sugar paste for sugaring is designed to remove dark, coarse hair. It was specially designed for work in hot rooms at home. Recommended for beginners. Suitable for hot areas such as bikinis or face (male stubble). It can also be used for adding during work to the paste of normal density to restore its working qualities. Paste for shugaring of normal density is universal and is intended for work, both in professional activities and at home. Forgives mistakes when working with paste incorrectly. The occurrence of sticks is minimized. Does not require preheating before use. The paste is designed to work with gloves. Soft sugar paste for sugaring is convenient for experienced craftsmen. It is applied and removed with quick movements using a manual technique. It can be used to add during operation to normal density paste to restore its working properties. Does not require warming up before use. Due to its density, it exerts minimal stress on the joints of the master's hand when working with it.
USD 1.09/pcs 1.09
"MELITEL" is a professional sugar paste made from natural ingredients, designed for effective and safe depilation. The most current prices, promotions and offers on our official website, at: Types of pastes: Solid sugar paste for sugaring is designed to remove dark, coarse hair. It was specially designed for work in hot rooms at home. Recommended for beginners. Suitable for hot areas such as bikinis or face (male stubble). It can also be used to add to the paste while working normal density to restore its working qualities. Shugaring paste of normal density is universal and is intended for work, both in professional activities and at home. Forgives mistakes when working with paste incorrectly. The occurrence of sticks is minimized. Does not require preheating before use. The paste is designed to work with gloves. Soft sugar paste for sugaring is convenient for experienced craftsmen. It is applied and removed with quick movements using a manual technique. It can be used to add during operation to normal density paste to restore its working properties. Does not require warming up before use. Due to its density, it exerts minimal stress on the joints of the master's hand when working with it.
USD 3.27/pcs 3.27
professional cosmetics green matrix
USD 3.27/pcs 3.27
professional cosmetics green matrix
USD 3.27/pcs 3.27
Beauty and youth "Sea buckthorn" cosmetic sugar body scrub based on sea buckthorn oil and honey saturates cells with moisture, rejuvenates the skin, gives it elasticity, firmness and tone, improves cell metabolism, a natural component - sea buckthorn nourishes with natural vitamins (E, A, K, B, C, etc.). The scrub is recommended for problem skin, has an Anti-age effect. Scrubbing particles in the form of sugar do not injure the skin. Ingredients: sugar, table salt, organic soap base, sea buckthorn oil, honey, perfume "Beeswax". Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product. How to use: Apply a small amount of the scrub to damp skin of the body with active massaging movements, rinse with warm water. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° С and relative humidity not exceeding 75%. Do not store in direct sunlight. For external use only. Expiry date: 2 years. Weight: 200 g
USD 1.74/pcs 1.74
softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the feet prevents the formation of calluses Shostakovsky's balm provides an antiseptic effect of the cream Active ingredients: urea, Shostakovsky's balsam, sorbitol, soybean oil, salicylic acid, sea buckthorn oil, bisabolol, vitamin E, a complex of extracts of bergamot, cinnamon, thyme, tea tree, sage, pine, cedar, celandine, D-panthenol , tea tree oil, pantohematogen. Sea buckthorn oil is able to penetrate into all layers of the epidermis, contributing to skin regeneration; actively nourishes the skin due to its rich vitamin composition, normalizes metabolic processes. Extract celandine has strong cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. How to use: Apply the cream on the skin of the feet with light massaging movements, paying special attention to the skin of the heels and between the toes. Volume: 75 ml Shelf life: 18 months
USD 1.85/pcs 1.85
The gel is used as a cosmetic aid in case of a pronounced capillary network on the skin and a feeling of heaviness in the legs. Has a decongestant and anti-varicose effect. Dextranal is an innovative component that helps to normalize the functional state of the skin by preventing inflammation caused by various unfavorable environmental factors. How to use: apply a small amount of gel on the skin of the legs in the morning and in the evening, gently rubbing until completely absorbed. Active ingredients: soybean oil, dextranal, garlic extracts,lemon balm, horse chestnut, menthol, essential oils of lemon, juniper. Soybean oil is rich in essential fatty acids, restores the epidermal barrier and moisture-holding capacity of the skin, due to the presence of tocopherols and phytosterols it has a pronounced regenerating action. Horse chestnut (gout tree) reduces capillary permeability, improves blood circulation, lowers blood viscosity, stimulates the production of antithrombin, increases the elasticity of venous vessels. < em> Volume: 125 ml Shelf life: 18 months
USD 4.25/pcs 4.25
Mozolin express pedicure removes dry calluses and calluses in 15 minutes. softens and removes rough skin on the soles of the feet removes dry calluses and calluses active ingredients of the product have an antiseptic effect Active ingredients: glycerin, lemon extract, complex of extracts of aloe, sage, ginseng, chamomile, lemongrass. Lemon extract helps to accelerate the process of skin renewal, restore the epidermal barrier, relieve irritation and inflammation of the skin. Ginseng extract has a stimulating, toning activity,accelerates the regeneration of epidermal cells, regulates the water-salt and protein balance of the skin. Has a healing and bactericidal effect. Sage extract has a tonic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood microcirculation. Chamomile extract - soothing and anti-inflammatory agent. Helps with skin irritations and skin allergies, has an antiseptic effect, gives the skin freshness, velvety and elasticity, moisturizing, nourishing and softening it. Volume: 150 ml < em> Expiry date: 24 months
USD 2.94/pcs 2.94
moisturizes and nourishes the skin, eliminates flaking softens rough skin of not only feet, but also palms, elbows, knees helps to soften and remove excessively thickened stratum corneum Natural components of plant origin, as well as a concentrate of colloidal silver, promote rapid healing of cracks in the feet, effectively restore the skin and have a bactericidal and antifungal effect, eliminating odor and preventing the formation of sweat. Active ingredients: urea, lanolin, salicylic acid, extracts of currant, coltsfoot, clover, strawberry, tea tree, string, lavender, colloidal silver concentrate. How to use: Massage the cream-care on problem areas of the body, leave until completely absorbed. The recommended course is 5 - 7 days a week. For instant results, it is recommended to use Mozolin cream-care in combination with a means for removing corns and calluses express pedicure. Volume: 75 ml Period shelf life: 24 months
USD 3.92/pcs 3.92
Spray-tonic is intended for daily care of the skin of the feet. normalizes the processes of perspiration and prevents the appearance of unpleasant odor thanks to the spray included in the composition of farnesol, the spray prevents the growth of fungi for a long time and bacteria leaves a fresh and pleasant scent on the skin active ingredients make the skin soft and moisturized Active ingredients: glycerin, farnesol, menthol, green tea extract, tea tree essential oil, essential lavender oil, extracts of hops, chamomile, horse chestnut, witch hazel, thyme, rosemary. Volume: 100 ml Best before: 24 months
USD 1.74/pcs 1.74
eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin prevents and reduces the appearance of age-related pigmentation moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin of the hands prevents fragility and flaking nails helps to restore the skin of the hands (scratches, microcracks) protects the skin of the hands from the adverse effects of sunlight Active ingredients: < / strong> soybean oil, corn oil, sorbitol, carbamide, camelina oil, lactic acid, bisabolol, vitamin E, currant extracts, coltsfoot, clover, strawberry, D-panthenol, pantohematogen. Camelina herb oil contains a powerful antioxidant complex rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, which stimulates cell metabolism, improves capillary function, restores the water-lipid mantle of the skin, strengthens its barrier properties. Currant extract increases elasticity of the skin, evens out skin color, and also normalizes the metabolism in the skin. How to use: Apply the cream to the skin of the hands with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. The cream does not leave an oily sheen and is suitable for repeated use. Volume: 75 ml Shelf life: 18 months
USD 1.09/pcs 1.09
provides long-term hydration to the skin of the hands green tea extract relieves inflammation and irritation of the skin pomegranate extract and vitamin E prevent premature skin aging Active ingredients: glycerin, urea, betaine, jojoba oil, D-panthenol, a complex of extracts: birch, apple, green tea, pomegranate, Vitamin E. Volume: 75 ml Shelf life: 24 months
USD 1.09/pcs 1.09
intensively nourishes the skin, increases its elasticity is quickly absorbed, does not leave an oily sheen stimulates the protective functions of the skin < strong> Active ingredients: glycerin, urea, camelina oil, D-panthenol, a complex of extracts: sea buckthorn, parsley, licorice, horse chestnut, Vitamin E. Volume: 75 ml Best before: 24 months
USD 1.09/pcs 1.09
the cream is quickly absorbed, forming a thin protective film with a water-repellent effect on the skin the main advantage of a protective hand cream can be considered that it does not disturb the natural water-fat balance of the skin the natural extracts that make up the cream soften the skin, retain moisture in the skin cells, reliably protect against negative external influences Active ingredients: glycerin, beeswax, extracts of licorice, bergenia, arnica, calendula, lingonberry, vitamin E. Volume: 75 ml Shelf life: 24 months
USD 1.63/pcs 1.63
protects against the negative effects of bacteria and at the same time cares for the skin of the hands does not dry the skin, suitable for repeated use has a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect < / ul> Active ingredients: ethyl alcohol, extracts of chamomile, fir, spruce and juniper. How to use: squeeze out a small amount of gel and rub on the palms of the hands. In this case, you do not need to rinse the gel with water or wipe it off with a napkin. Most importantly, it is easy to carry and maintains hand hygiene in all situations. Volume: 50 ml Best before: 24 months
USD 5.12/pcs 5.12
An innovative combination of anti-aging ingredients and reflective particles allows not only to gently care for the skin and hide aesthetic imperfections, but also to stimulate the production of its own collagen, which is responsible for the regeneration, elasticity and youth of the skin. hides aesthetic imperfections (enlarged pores, fine wrinkles, uneven skin relief) stimulates the production of its own collagen, which is responsible for the regeneration, elasticity and youth of the skin reduces the visible signs of age-related skin changes has a smoothing and mattifying effect improves the elasticity and density of the skin, reduces wrinkles, shrinks pores How to use: apply wrinkle filler pointwise on wrinkles or on the whole face after using the cream and serum or on cleansed skin. Active ingredients: betaine, pantohematogen, D-panthenol, extracts of peony, ginseng, rhodiola rosea. Volume: 25 ml

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