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All Crop Production suppliers from Uzbekistan

Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
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Carrots are perhaps the most popular root vegetable after potatoes, and this is not by chance: carrots contain all the vitamins and microelements that a person needs. The bright orange carrot we used to spread in Europe only in the XVII-XVIII centuries, before the Europeans ate mostly white and purple. The red color of carrots depends on the presence of beta-carotene in it: the larger it is, the brighter and healthier the carrot is (by the way, no other vegetable or root crop is equal to the amount of beta-carotene).
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Onion - an onion of the same name plant, one of the most common vegetable crops in the world. In addition to it, the leaves of young plants are used for culinary purposes.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Leek (pearl onions) - the stem and leaves of the plant of the same name, one of the varieties of onions, cultivated in regions with temperate and cold climates. They are less intense than those of onions, spicy taste.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Lemon is the name of a plant of the citrus family and fruits of the same name. Such countries as India are considered the birthplace of this fruit, from where it spread first to China and the countries of Southeast Asia, and then to Europe and around the world. And today, this fruit is widely distributed in most countries with a subtropical and tropical climate. The fruit of a lemon is an elongated oval (length 6–9 cm, diameter 4–6 cm), tapered to both ends, and covered with a dense, tuberous skin of a light yellow color. The light yellow pulp of lemons has a characteristic sour taste and, like other citrus fruits, is divided into lobules, inside of which there are small dense bones. Lemon is widely used in the cooking, medicine and cosmetic industries.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Brussels sprouts - vegetable culture, belonging to the cruciferous family. This biennial plant (blooms and produces seeds only for the second year of life) with a thick stalk reaching a height of 60 cm or more, in the axils of its long, oblong leaves, litters form tiny walnut-sized copies of the cabbage heads. Such coaches weigh about 10 grams each, and on one stem they can grow to hundreds, although on average there are usually no more than 50.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Peking cabbage or Chinese cabbage is the name for the cruciferous vegetable of the Cruciferae family, mainly grown as an annual. Ripe Peking cabbage forms an oblong cylindrical head, at the base the leaves have a white vein, the leaves form a loose socket. The color of the leaves varies from light yellow to bright green, the leaves have wavy or jagged endings. The taste of Beijing cabbage is quite delicate, includes the taste of cabbage and salad, the closest is Beijing cabbage to Romano salad. The leaves are juicy and crunchy, elastic, but not firm.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
White, in essence, cabbage is called cauliflower, because not leaves, like ordinary cabbage, are eaten, but flowers. More precisely, shoots with buds that were tied, but did not manage to be untied. Of all the types of cabbage, cauliflower is the most nutritious: there is more protein in it than in white cabbage, one and a half times, and vitamin C in two.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Broccoli - green cabbage; according to some historians, it was her who was sent to grow Roman patricians and emperors in philosophical isolation. Mark Twain called broccoli cabbage with a university education. This is exactly in the sense of the metaphor of its properties, but not quite true in terms of biography. Broccoli has the same peasant origin and education as most cultivated vegetables originated in the Mediterranean. The main types of broccoli vary in color (different shades from green to purple), the shape of inflorescences (from thin broccolini stems to weighty emerald broccoli romanesco). Broccolini, by the way, fully justifies Mark Twain's words about university education - she was brought out at Yokohama University. Broccoli can be eaten raw, steamed, baked and stewed.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Garden cabbage (lat. Vrssica olerаcea) is a biennial plant of the cabbage family, a vegetable cultivated on an industrial scale. Nowadays, wild cabbage no longer occurs, there is an assumption that its homeland was the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The most familiar to us culture is white cabbage and red cabbage. They differ mainly in the color of the leaves, in white - the leaves are white-green, and in the red - reddish-purple.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Capers are the unblown buds of the thorny bush Capparis spinosa. In their raw form, they are inedible, they are marinated in vinegar and salt. By size, capers are divided into non-pareile, surfines, capucines, capotes and fines - the larger the buds, the more expensive, tastier and more convenient to use. In the pickled form, they acquire a decisive spicy-mustard flavor and aroma. Capers are used as seasoning and as a garnish, but in this and in another quality with them you should not overdo it. It is too strong a tool, and it pulls the whole blanket of taste upon itself.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Zucchini is the fruit of a herbaceous plant of the same name, one of the many representatives of pumpkin plants. Appearance is characterized by an oblong shape and color in various shades of green, but yellow. In addition, some varieties can be painted black or white. For culinary purposes, the tender, fleshy flesh contained under the thick, hard skin is used. Young, unripe fruits are better suited for eating.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Strawberry is a herbaceous plant and a berry of the same name. Due to its excellent taste, strawberries are cultivated in many European countries, as well as in South and North America. The fruits of strawberries are small conical bright red (less often with a pinkish tinge) berries, densely covered with small bones, with juicy red flesh, with a sweet taste and characteristic aroma.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Some time ago, the country knew figs exclusively as dried fruit. It was certainly tasty, but nevertheless its usefulness was put higher. Now fresh figs are sold in supermarkets and markets, often in the menu of restaurants and cafes. And it is deserved! Fresh figs have a characteristic taste, a peculiar texture, it is widely used in various dishes, ranging from snacks to desserts.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Celery is a tuber, petiole, greens, and seeds. Celery has a distinctive tart flavor and a spicy, sweet-bitter taste.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Radicchio salad (in another way it is also called radicio, radiccio) is a subspecies of a perennial chicory from the Astrov family, a salad chicory. It was bred in Belgium in the 15th century by an agronomist who used the blanching technique, at which at a certain stage of growth the plant is deprived of the sun color, therefore the production of green pigment in the leaves ceases. Since then, enjoys well-deserved popularity.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
For a thousand years now, mankind has been actively using Roman salad romen or romano in its life. Initially, green leaves were used as an effective drug, and only after a while people managed to discover not only the healing but also the gastronomic properties of this plant. Interestingly, according to the original recipe, the legendary Caesar salad includes fresh romano leaves. According to experts from the culinary and gourmet, this type of green salad is most harmoniously combined with other components of the dish.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Lettuce (lettuce lettuce) - in cooking, the leaves of a young plant of the same name, a popular crop grown around the world, in regions with a subtropical and temperate climate. They have a more delicate pulp structure and a less bitter taste than adult plants.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Iceberg lettuce is a vegetable crop belonging to the head of lettuce, has light green leaves, wrapped in small, not very dense cabbages, juicy and crispy in taste. Iceberg lettuce was grown in ancient Egypt, first for the sake of oil and seeds, and only then because of edible nutritious leaves.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Mangold (or leaf beet) is a plant from the Amaranth family, a subspecies of common beet. The history of chard cultivation has more than three thousand years - it was cultivated in ancient Babylon, Egypt, Greece and other countries of the Mediterranean. In ancient Rome, chard was widely known as beta or "Roman cabbage." Currently, chard as a vegetable plant is widely distributed in Central and Western Europe, Latin America, the United States, Mexico, India, Japan and other countries. Chard is especially popular in Italian cuisine.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Spinach (lat. Spinacia) is a herbaceous plant of the amaranth family. Homeland spinach - Middle East. It began to grow in Persia even before our era, and then Arab traders brought spinach to Spain. And from there the vegetable culture quickly spread throughout Europe. Particularly loved and revered spinach in France and Italy.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Green onions (also called salad onions) - the name of unripe green onion feathers. The onion was cultivated several thousand years BC. According to scientists, the birthplace of onions is located on the territory lying within the borders of modern Iran and Afghanistan. Currently, onions are grown on all continents inhabited by people.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Basil green is an annual aromatic vegetable plant, a representative of the Cluster family. Homeland plants, scientists believe the Mediterranean, distributed basil in Europe, Asia. Basil green is a stem with green leaves (see photo). The name "basil" comes from the Greek word for "king."
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Mint - in cooking, leaves and shoots of a young herbaceous plant of the same name. Among the several dozen of its varieties, cornflower mint is used for culinary purposes (garden mint, curly mint, ginger mint). This leafy green is characterized by a moderate “cooling” taste and a specific “menthol” aroma.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Sorrel is known to people from ancient times, although in Russia it was considered a weed for a long time and was afraid of it. Then everything changed - and from the weed, the sorrel turned into the main edible grass of May-June. Sorrel is very useful. It appears in early spring, when our body does not have enough vitamins, and in the market its main season becomes May.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Cilantro is a spicy aromatic annual plant of the Umbrella family. In cooking, fresh and dried herbs are used (they are called cilantro) and dried seeds, whole or ground (they are called coriander). Young leaves have a bitter taste, sharply spicy aroma. In the dried seeds there is a delicate aroma of anise and citrus.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Dill is an annual herb of the umbrella family, which has a straight stem and thin pinnate leaves of dark green color, yellow flowers, gathered in a small umbrella. Dill seeds are flat, ovoid, dry, light brown in color. Dill has a spicy, slightly aniseed aroma, fresh, specific taste, greens juicy and crispy. Central Asia is considered the birthplace of dill, from where the plant has spread almost everywhere. Dill needs sun and well-drained soil for the successful growth and ripening, otherwise greens are unpretentious.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Parsley (Latin Petroselinum) is a biennial herb of the umbrella family. Quite unpretentious, its cultural forms are grown almost worldwide. Parsley is one of the first places among cultivated plants for the content of vitamin C, various minerals and elements that are useful for the human body. Therefore, it is not only food and seasoning, but also the most important medicinal plant.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Melon (lat. Cucumis melo) - melon culture, a plant of the pumpkin family. A close relative of the cucumber; in botany it is considered a false berry. Melon's homeland is Asia, some varieties can be found in the European part of Russia, mainly in the southern regions, since this plant is light-loving and heat-loving.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Pear - a plant of the rose family. For the first time about these fruits found in China, from where they spread to other territories. The pear has the form of a bulb, as a rule, fruits are of medium size (see photo). Ripe fruit has a soft and tender pulp, which is also very sweet and fragrant.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a genus of trees and shrubs of the Derbennik family. Trees live for about a hundred years, they are grown in the Mediterranean regions, in South America, and in the Middle East. The largest supplier is currently Azerbaijan. The pomegranate fruit is a round fruit with a hard peel, under which there is a multitude of seeds with a small stone and juicy flesh of red-burgundy color, separated by a thin film.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Cherry (lat. Prúnus cérasus), a perennial plant of the family Pink, is a close relative of the plum and cherry plum. Usually a cherry is a tall shrub or tree with white flowers, dark green leaves and round, small red fruits. Cherry in everyday life is called a berry, but in scientific terminology cherry is a drupe, inside the fruit there is a small round stone of a beige color. Fruits of cherry have dense juicy flesh of sweet-sour taste with a pleasant aroma. Depending on the variety, the color of the cherry varies from scarlet to dark maroon.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
"Child of the sun and mind" - grapes - one of the most valuable berries for man. In America, there are about twenty different types of grapes growing (the most famous are Vitis rupestris, Vitis riparia and Vitis labrusca), in Europe - one (Vitis vinifera), in the East - more than ten (the most famous and common of them is Amur Grape, Vitis amurensis). Thanks to artificial selection over the past few thousand years, more than 8 thousand varieties of these magnificent berries (including interspecific hybrids) have appeared on the earth, which even led to the birth of a special science of ampelography - it is studying the varieties and types of grapes.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Eggplant (lat. Solanum meloneña) hails from India. In Europe, the eggplant appeared thanks to the Moors, who brought it to Andalusia in the Middle Ages. Now eggplants are especially loved in the Mediterranean countries. In the botanical sense, it is a berry, but in cooking eggplant is considered a vegetable. His other names are badridzhan (Bubridgean), and in the south of Russia and Ukraine eggplants are usually called blue
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Watermelon is a fruit without “weak” places: it is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its healing properties.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Quince is a fragrant fruit with a yellow peel, it is round and pear-shaped, with firm and sour pulp. The high content of pectic substances is useful for people whose activities are associated with hazardous production, living in areas of high environmental risk. Jam, preserves and jams of quince differ healing properties in inflammatory bowel disease. Quince fruits ripen in October. It is recommended to collect them before the onset of autumn frosts. With proper storage, quince fruits can be consumed before the beginning of April.
Ekofrukt Uzbekistan
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
Common apricot (lat. Prúnus armeníaca) - fruit tree, view from the Apricot (Armeniaca) section of the Plum (Prunus) family of the Rosaceae family. Apricots are also called ordinary apricot fruits as well as other types of apricots, from which several types of dried fruits are produced, first of all - Kaisu, dried apricots, and apricot.
ooo "Gex"
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
USD 6.9/Ton 6.9

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