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All Denim clothing suppliers from Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh
USD 87.0/pcs 87.0
Shoron - Denim Women's casual summer dress   Made by Artisans from Rohingya refugee community with complete supervision support from Action Aid and WFP, these are High-quality apparel items made with the utmost care and quality supervised by Qoovee affiliate ekShop QC control. During the production process, fair-trade policies have been followed and with detailed descriptions may be provided with linkable sourcing, labor, and other practices followed    
USD 9.0/pcs 9.0
American Eagle Original Export Men's Denim pant. AE NE(X)T LEVEL AIR FLEX STRAIGHT JEAN'S ORG. Wash category: Destroyed light wash, medium tinted, dark indigo. Size category: 27/28/29/30/31/32. Quantity: Limited quantity. Condition: Premium, Full intake.

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