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All Food Machinery,Equipments suppliers from Turkey

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INDUSTRIAL CONTINUOUS SYSTEM OLIVE OIL EXTRACTION FACILITIES Continuous systems known as continuous or continuous systems; On the one hand, olives enter and on the other hand, they are the processes where olive oil is ready for final consumption. Olives in this system; it is constantly in motion between sequential processing machines. Olivemax Pro + 74 is designed for olive producers who want to process the customer's olive in an industrial dimension. Olive Oil Extraction Plant; Olive conveyor auger and bunker, olive washing machine, crusher bunker and elevator, crusher, malaxer, dough pump, decanter, vibration screen, oil pump, vertical - horizontal pirina elevator, resting tank, separator, oil container with pump, water heating boiler, electricity Consists of panels and consoles. The working principle of the facility; Olives are poured into the bunker of the olive conveyor belt and transported to the washing machine. Olives that are purified from leaves are then washed in an olive washing machine without damaging the meat. Olives poured into the hopper of the Crusher Spiral are transported to the crusher. In the crusher, olives are broken and become semi-dough. The semi-dough is kneaded at the time and temperature determined by the operator in the malaxer group and made ready for oil extraction. The dough is pumped to the decanter with the help of a dough pump. Adding water to the dough takes place with a flow meter. Olive pulp is separated into phases under the effect of centrifugal forces in the decanter and olive oil, blackwater and pirina are obtained. Oil and black water are purified from small particles with the vibration sieve located in front of the decanter. The Oil Pump sends the oil to the separator rest tank. Pirina is carried out of the factory by horizontal and vertical pirina augers. Olive oil is separated from small particles in the separator and is ready for consumption. With the pumped oil container, the oil is delivered to the desired location. The facility is controlled by the Electric Control Panel. The heat requirement of the facility is provided by the Boiler Unit. APPLICATIONS Olive Oil Extraction Two Phase System (Ecological System) The olive pulp, whose kneading is completed, is fed to the decanter without water by means of a dough pump. The incoming product comes out of the decanter as oil and blackwater rice. As a result, while the moisture rate of the pirin coming out of the two-phase system is higher than the three-phase system, water is not used in the system. Karasu comes out of decanter with pomace. It does not require additional water to be given to the decanter during the tightening. The pomace from the decanter contains high humidity due to the accompanying blackwater. It is difficult to maintain. The phenol values of the extracted oil are higher than the three-phase system. Acid and peroxide values are the same. Three Phase System (Classic System) The olive dough, whose kneading is completed, is fed to the decanter with the addition of water in a certain amount and temperature. The incoming product comes out of the decanter as oil, blackwater and pomace. While the moisture content of the pirin coming out of the three-phase system is lower compared to the two-phase system, water is used in the system. Blackwater and pirina come out of the decanter separately. Water is added to the decanter at a certain temperature while squeezing. The humidity of the pina coming out of the decanter is lower than the two phase pomace. About 48 - 58%. The phenol values of the extracted oil are lower than the two-phase system. Acid and peroxide values are the same.

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