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All General-purpose Equipments suppliers from Russia

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USD 2397.75/pcs 2397.75
Installation "S-15" is designed for drilling water wells, geophysical, exploration, injection, horizontal wells. The rig can be equipped with a remote control panel that allows you to control drilling when the driller is in close proximity to the wellhead. It is possible to increase the mast to work with a pipe up to 3 meters. The high-quality color of the elements increases the corrosion resistance. Well drilling is carried out in a rotary way by flushing, blowing or lifting the destroyed rock to the surface with augers. The rig is designed for drilling wells in rocks of 1-9 drillability categories. When the unit is equipped with a hydraulic rotator of a geared design (maximum torque 2000, 4000 N / m), equipped with a drilling fluid supply unit for working with flushing or compressed air supply for working with a purge and with a pneumatic hammer, a swivel is not required (as in the URB). The unit can be equipped with a hydraulic auxiliary winch, hydraulic outriggers, mud pump and other equipment at the request of the customer. For ease of transportation, the "S-15" unit can be mounted on the basis of a car trailer. The installation can be placed on a category B trailer with its own OB vehicle, no re-registration with the traffic police is required. The unit is placed as a removable load. Specifications Parameter name The quantity OPERATIONAL Mach. Initial bit diameter, (mm) 300 Rock strength category nine Mach. Drilling length, (m) 100 Overall dimensions, mm: - Length - Width - Height 1000 800 3000 Installation weight, (kg) Module weight, (kg): - rotator - mast with feed mechanism - base - oil station 40 270 thirty 90
Краснодар, Russia
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Минимальное количество заказа: 14 грузовиков Предложением является инвентарь для кафе, ресторанов и столовых, посудой, столовыми приборами. Кухонный инвентарь, посуда и аксессуары высочайшего качества фарфора и гастрономическая высокая устойчивость, к известным мировым брендам - канадский, английский, испанские и итальянский. Цена по запросу.

Qoovee is a platform for B2B trade and business services. Here you can discover products in any industry, including the General-purpose Equipments. There are wide range of wholesale products you need on Qoovee. You can find General-purpose Equipments in bulk from China, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Europe, Africa, Latin America and other different countries. The up to date supplier directory is constantly being expanded: now on Qoovee there are more than 20 000 suppliers from 80 countries. All product suppliers, who represent more than 600 product categories, are waiting for you to cooperate with!

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