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All Hardware & Spare Parts & Supplies suppliers from Turkey

USD 48.0 - 65.0/pcs
Agricultural Vehicle Seat Systems ARDA Vehicle Seat Systems Industry. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. It was established in Bursa in 2017 with its experience in the production and wholesale of tractor spare parts for more than 40 years. It manufactures various driver and operator seats for tractors, forklifts and work machines under the brand of ARD. Our company, with its 2,000 square meter closed 4000 square meter area in Bursa, manufactures driver seats using the latest technology and makes significant contributions to the region and the national economy with its exports. SALES DEALERSHIP AND COMMERCIAL PARTNERSHIP OFFERS WILL BE GIVEN.
USD 11.01 - 220.22/pcs
steel stainless non-standard rotating pneumatic and electromechanical cylinders
USD 1.0 - 300.0/pcs
all kinds of spare parts and components, working machines for the textile industry, as well as antifreeze, industrial, lubricating, engine oils and oils for hydraulic systems
USD 1.1 - 330.34/pcs
all kinds of spare parts and components, working machines for the textile industry, as well as antifreeze, industrial, lubricating, engine oils and oils for hydraulic systems
USD 1.0 - 40.0/pcs
Proizvodstvo komplektuyushih dlya bitovoy tehniki i drugih metallicheskih izdeliy. Razrabotka i proizvodstvo obrazcov dlya pressa.

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