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All Juice suppliers from Russia

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Juices and nectars "Wild berry" is a natural product made by direct squeezing of juice from wild berries of Siberia. Tastes: Cowberry, Honeysuckle, Sea Buckthorn, Blueberry, Blueberry, and Cranberry Nectars, Pomegranate Juice. Volume: 0.2 L and 0.75 liters.
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Nectar "BioNergy" made from sea buckthorn juice direct extraction in combination with tropical fruits, which complement the original and rich taste. Tastes: sea-buckthorn nectar, mango-sea-buckthorn, orange-sea-buckthorn, banana-sea-buckthorn. shock freezing of berries allows you to maintain maximum benefit and in the future to get high-quality juice. The content of berry lobes is more than 30%.
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Nectar with pectin is indispensable for protecting the body of children and adults in environmentally disadvantaged areas and large industrial cities. These products were developed specifically for enterprises with harmful working conditions, as an alternative means of preventing the effects of exposure to harmful production factors. Tastes: Apricot-sea-buckthorn, Blackberry, Blueberry-blueberry, Apple-plum, Apple, Orange-apricot, Banana-strawberry nectars and Tomato juice.
Gifts of Armenia
Краснодар, Russia
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Gifts of Armenia
Краснодар, Russia
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Gifts of Armenia
Краснодар, Russia
USD 0.63/pcs 0.63
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Продажа соков собственного производства «Вкус Крымского лета» Соки в ассортименте, в бег-ин-боксах 3л и 10л.Цена 3 л –от 125 руб и от 350 руб за 10л.Соки прямого отжима, пастеризованные, осветленные. Пакет асептический с краном-дозатором в удобной, красочной упаковке удобен в транспортировке и употреблении. Уникальная конструкция краника препятствует попаданию воздуха с микробами в продукт после вскрытия, что обеспечивает более длительное и качественное хранение сока при продолжительном употреблении. Прайс лист по запросу. Производство и склад в г. Симферополь, Крым.

Qoovee is a platform for B2B trade and business services. Here you can discover products in any industry, including the Juice. There are wide range of wholesale products you need on Qoovee. You can find Juice in bulk from China, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Europe, Africa, Latin America and other different countries. The up to date supplier directory is constantly being expanded: now on Qoovee there are more than 20 000 suppliers from 80 countries. All product suppliers, who represent more than 600 product categories, are waiting for you to cooperate with!

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