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All Kids' knit garment suppliers from South Korea

Сеул, South Korea
USD 4.0/pcs 4.0
Olomimi - High quality, unique prints and thoughtful design for your beloved child! The house is the most expensive place for us where we learn and learn the basic life values and principles, which then form the character and personality of the Child. A child who appreciates quality, convenience and style is a 100% confident and successful person in the future. We create our brand Olomimi with care and love, so that memories of childhood and home are always the brightest and most joyful. Following the high traditions of Korean quality, we carefully develop unique designs and prints that children love to wear and delight loving parents! 100% made in Korea brand 100% Natural Pure Cotton and South Korean Fabric Management Certificate ISO 9001, Management Certificate ISO 14001, Safety certificate KC , KATRI certificate of absence of fluorescents. Following the traditions of Korean quality and attention to detail, we manufacture our products in accordance with the required standards and which: a ) remains as bright even after numerous washes; b ) does not sit down and does not lose its shape; c ) is hypoallergenic, since it does not contain fluorescents; Open to suggestions and ready to cooperate! Regards Olomimi.

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