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All Men's T-Shirts suppliers from Uzbekistan

Next Standart Lux
Andijan, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0
T-shirts with any print to order
Next Standart Lux
Andijan, Uzbekistan
USD 2.5/pcs 2.5
Good product is not subject to advertising
Specify the price USD 0 0
Men's T-shirt with print Densities: 120-180 g / m2 Cloth: Carded suprem; Shrinking. Weave : Culinary surface Composition: Cotton-100% Dyes: Active Prints: Any custom made Features: Classic straight silhouette; Greater freedom of fit; Seamless From shoulder to shoulder tape; two-line stitches on the collar, sleeves and on the bottom; Lycra ribbed collar / suprem collar. Packing: Individual packing; Karobka - +/- 85 pcs.; Bag - +/- 120 pcs. Dimension Line : XS (44) -XXXL (56) Colors: All according to pantone.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Men's Polo Densities: 180-220 g / m2 Canvas : Pique 30/1 carded. Fabric: Song / Cardigan Composition: Cotton-100% Dyes: Active Features: Classic straight silhouette; Greater freedom of fit; Cuffs on sleeves; Button neck. Packing: Individual packing; Karobka - +/- 70 pcs.; Bag - +/- 100 pcs. Dimension Line : XS (44) -XXXL (56) Colors: All according to pantone.
Specify the price USD 0 0
Man's T-shirt Densities: 120-180 g / m2 Cloth: Carded suprem; Shrinking. Weave : Culinary surface Composition: Cotton-100% Dyes: Active Features: Classic straight silhouette; Greater freedom of fit; Seamless From shoulder to shoulder tape; two-line stitches on the collar, sleeves and on the bottom; Lycra ribbed collar / suprem collar. Packing: Individual packing; Karobka - +/- 85 pcs.; Bag - +/- 120 pcs. Dimension Line : XS (44) -XXXL (56) Colors: All according to pantone.
LLC "As-Tong"
Андижан, Uzbekistan
USD 0.9/pcs 0.9
Крупная швейная фабрика трикотажных изделий. Более 10 лет на Российском рынке. Склад в Москве. Принимаем прямые заказы на изготовление крупных партии.
USD 0.7/pcs 0.7
T-shirt. Size 48-50-52-54-56. Material over 100% cotton 130 grams.
Ташкент, Uzbekistan
Specify the price USD 0 0

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